Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1945, p. 2

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iWednesday, June 6, 1945 THE FLBSHBItTON ADVANCE ♦•• n ii m i m i Mm ii m ii m iiii n i n iiii n ii MH MEN'S SMART SUITS Just i^aced m stock an assortment of better quality worsteds in a variety of colors and patterns. Good fitting and weU tailored. Owring to war conditions, supplies of suit- ing materials are diff idult to obtain, amd we were very fortunate in securing these choice patterns. The styles are suitable for young and older men. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Prices $25.00, $27.50 PIONEER POULTRY FOODS Chick Starter Growing Mash Poultry GMicentrate Laying Mash Fattening Mash Pig Starter 2 [Hiring June, July and August Store will be OPEN Wednesday Evenings and CLOSED all day Thursday. F.tH. W. Hickling til Hi-' â-  ,' ^ PRICEVILLE CoDcrwtulatiotu to Mr. and Mrs. Sill SiU (nee Catherine McMUlsn) of Feorgius fonnerlfar ctf Price(viHe, on the arrival of a baby boy on May SI. Mrs. J. A. Knox and Mrs. Harry Pedlar and Mr. Jock Carson, Tor- onto, were recent risitors with friends here. Mr. David Hlnoks vieited friends in Arthur, on Thursday, went along with Mr. and Mrs. Bill MoKeehnie on their way to Guelph. Mrs. Art Idle and Donnie spent a few days vieiting in Hamilton. Mrs. E. Bennett, London, visited with her brother, 3. A. Nichol and sister, Mrs. D. L. McArthur, Mr. Wilfred Campbell of Toron- to visited Thursday at the home o* Mr. Edgar Patterson and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm)., MkaOoTTOHcTc and son, Jim and daughter, Jean and friend, Toronto, were giueste Sunday at the home of Mr. John Ni<*«l- „ «_t J Mr. Harry Huston, P«*er and Ruth, London, spent the week end at the home of Mr. P«^r Muir. Mrs. Huston returned with raem after spending three weeks with her father. . ,i « Mr. arid Mrs. Dan Oamipbell. Mr. Percy Sims, Mrs. H. SJ, MiaLean, spent Saturday at Guelph. 8BND IN TOUK RENVWAL. General Merchant FLESHERTON i TORONTO LINE NORTH CongrartJulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickens who celebrated the 35th anniversary' of their marriage on Friday last. Their daughter, Mrs. M. McFadden, treat- ed them to a fowl supiper. In the evening Mrs. Jas. Stewart was hostess to a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Wickens when the neigh- bors gathered in the?r honor. t)uring the evening Mr. Howard McGee in his usual jovial manner conveyed the wishes of the neighbors and Marie Stewart and Leona Richard- son presented small gifts as token of esteem to Mr. and Mrs. Wiclcens. AH joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows". After an enjoyable evening of cards and so- cial chat a dainty lunch was served. A special treat was an annivesary cake nioely decorated for the occas- sion and presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wicki-ns by Mrs. T. Slea. Mr.s. W. Lever, who has been with her (laughter, Mrs. P. Peacock in Toronto for some time has return- ed to the home of her daughter. Mrs. P. Brown. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ab St3wart. Miss Muriel Wood of Toronto vi- sited' her garndimothcr, Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. and ^frs. Howard MeGee and family of Vandeleur have moved to their farm recently purchased from T. Sled. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewnit were Mr. an'' Mrs. John Lush and fnmilv of Kocn- lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Don Conron and Mrs. W. T. L^ons of Collingwood. IMir. and Mrs. Roy Wood and friends of Markdale were recent vi- sitors with Miss G. Lever. iMrs. E. Wickens spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beecroft at Owen Sound. Miss Gertrude Lever spent Sun- day with friends in Markdale. • Eligible fcr new lirei? Then tea u* now for new Dominion Royalt .â€"built lo give more safe milet. Or we can help you get more mileage from your present tiret. We have tkillad men and modern •quipmont to serve you. MELVIN SLED Maxwell Phone Feversham 4 r 23 COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE CEYLON Mr. Harry Huston, daughter, Ruth and son Peter of London spent the week end with Mr. Peter Muir and family. Mrs. Huston returned home with them after spending some time at tbe parental home. Miss Mable Parslow, Toronto, spent the week end with her brother of the O.D.R. district. Mrs. Melville Hogarth and daugh- ter, Mary accompanied by Miss Catherino Stewart, Jl.N., of Owen Souind, visited friends in Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, CoinneLl, Holland Centre and Misses Maxine and Marjorie Connell and Mrs. Russell Thorburn of Markdale were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns. Mr. Douglas Reid leift last Wed- nesday for Northern Ontario where he has taken a position. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns were, Rnv. Keith McMillan and Mrs. Mc- Millan of Toronto, Mr. Weir, Ot- tawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ausley Milne of Dunitroon. Mrs. Roy Hcrgott and little daughter, Rosemario, vi|sitod a couple of days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritz, Dundalk. The Ladies Aid held their regu- lar meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Piper. Mrs. Diougl.as Reid had charge oif the program and the topic was health. There was a good attendance pre- sent. Mr. Wallace McDermid, Toronto, spent the week end with his wife and little daughter, Joanne, at the parental homo here. Recent callers at the home of Mrs. C. Archibald were, Mr. and Mrs. J. R'itz and son, Alvin. Dundalk. Monday, June 4 was qiiitf an ex- citing day, we hope all placed thoir X in the right place and we wonder after it is all over, will there be as much enthusiasm shoA\'Ti in those who had votes to cast as there was fhpfore^. How nice it would be if the Golden R\ilo were lived un to in Politics (lot us honp> Nex't Mi^ndav. June 11 is another imnor- tnn^ day and we hopo those who hold th(> roltrns will govern wisely. PORTL AW L.A.C. Bert Hopps has returned to camp ill Newfoundland, he spent a moiitii wilii his wife and Mr. and Mis. Jas. Hopps, tttre. Mrs. Ilojiips acfdinpanied him to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Petri and family of Toronto wore visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blakey at the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Iilarl Croft and daughters, Mrs. Lewis Fisher and Dorcen atti-nded the Music Festival in Owen S-jund on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum and Donald siicnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens. Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee of Hamilton visited last week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, here. Mr. Ijiuric Pe<llar ami Mr. Wal- lace Fisher each lost valuable horses last week. Mr and Mrs. John Grummett of Hatherton called on Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt at the first of the week. Mr. and' Mrs. Frank McArthur and Douglas r.f ColHmrwood were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Mrs. George Phillips of Port Dover is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. ST. AflDRBWa PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRICEVILLE WilUam D. HaUint^U, Hiaister aBRVICJE OF WORflHiP Sundays 11:00 ajn. Sunday School: 12:16 p.m. SUNOAY, JUNE 10 will be observed as Empire Youth Sunday. Subject: "Youth in a Troiibled Generation.'' "O COME LET US WOBSHIF" Rock Milk School Granted Entrance Standing Grade % â€" loan B«tts, L«wr«no6 Dobsoa, Irene Porteoua, Allan Betta, Don Smith. Grade 7 â€" Myrtie Betta, «©; Gor- don Helmkay, 66. Grade 6 â€" Goldde Atkinson, 73; BoWby Betts, 68: Shirley Partridge, 66. Grade S â€" Clayton Porteoua, 64; Redg* Dobson, 54; Leslie Porteoua, 41. Grade 4 â€" Murray Betts, 96; Florence Wilkinson, 86.3; Ken Smitih, 64.»; Kathleen Weatherall, 74; Ethel Betts, 73'; Jeanette Dab- son, 72; Lofs Helmkay, 57. Grade 2 â€" Bruce Benson, f^; Iran Betts, 90; Bernice Weaffierall, (alb- sent). Grade 1 â€" Patricia Dbibson, Dor- othy Wilkinson, Harvey Weatherall, (absent). The numbers are average percent- ages. Number on the roS, 26. Av- erage attendance, 23^9. â€" Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, (Teacher). THOSE B-29'S iMUST BE SOME AIRPLANE Kotitar ~ "lf<r~ bafor* joa r«t Mniotia irltb Umt 4m iiim he is al- wftyv IdadL" he toU a " horse tliat â€" *(*, ite mte k* Im ^ THE ANSWER TO YOUR 5:*JSi The giant B-eo has 256 electric motors. More than 790* watts of electric power are required to (4>erat6 its radiosâ€" enough to run 106 home cabinet sets. And, when all the lights are in operation, 2100 watts are needed â€" enough to light a house uaiog S6 60^w«tt bulibs simukaneoushr. Tie four engines of the 8-29 genr erate 8800 horseipower, which could provide enough electricity to supply a smaU city. <A11 things come to him who wait*, provided he knows what he is ivcalt- ing for. A Kentucky judge met an old ne- gro (mammy dS. his acanaipteiiMk "Good morning, mamany. said lie. "Where are you going '<Laiws, Jedge," said she, 'Tae been .wah Fse gom', Cleaning Question 'aX)UBLE PROTECTION" agdnst fire, weatlier •nd WMT â€" Johns Manvifle Asbesto* Roofisig, abo light and heavy roof roofing, BuiMfaig Paper, ete. ELECTRIC FENCERS, BRACE WIRE, FROST WIRE WOVEN FENCE, BRACE WIRE and STAPLES Sherwin-Willianu Super C V. Pamti and SunMt GloM Paint Enanel Ridimond Paint, Enamels and Stain Beautiful Interiors made easy with Nu Wall Water Paint ; also Duro Lave, easy to apply and washable. MASSBY-HARRIS REPAIRS & PLOW SHARES FOR ALMOST ANY MAKE OF PLOW Giass, Naib, Putty, Lime, Plaster and Cement F. W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON HAVE YOU REGISTERED YOUR CHILDREN FOR â- â€¢Mi t9 •â- Vj Ka.. "V, , s* L. 1,200,000 FAMILIES have already registered for Family Allowances. Approximately 100,000 families who are entitled to register and who will benefit, y&<«i« wo/je/ re^/5/ere</. Family Allowances cheques will be mailed in July. If you want to receive your first cheque, register tiotv. If you delay your registra- tion any longer, it may not be possible to deal with your application in time to send you the first cheque. If you have children under 1 6 and if your income is under $ 3,000 a year, you will benefit from Family Allowances. If you have not registered, and intend to do so, please act at once! Family Allowances Registration forms have been mailed" to every family. They can be obtained at the nearest post office or by writing to the Regional Director of Family Allowances in the capital of yoiur province. 4> â- * -I ne fAMUy AUOWANCes INCOME TAX When the Family Allowances Act was passed. Parliament approved the principle that there should be no duplication of benefits by way of Family Allowances and Income Tax credits for the same child. Family Allowances cheques will be paid in full every month. But for the last six months of 1945 an adjustment will be made to avoid duplication of benefits. The table below shows the ejject of this adjustment and will enable tax- payers to determine the extent to which they will benefit from Family Allowances. TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 AMOUNT OF TAXABLE INCOME Not over $1200 Over $ 1 200 but not over 1 400 " 1400 " " Percent hy which tJixp.tycrs will bcnelii from F.iiiiil> Allow- ances in .idjition lo present income tax credits, lor li>45. 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2600 3000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% otl>ieir"IT5S The Family Allowances Aa was passed to help equalize opportunities for all children. The monthly allowances will assist in providing medical, dental and nursing services, better food, better clothing and shelter. Family Allowances are additional to dependents* allowances for servicemen's families and military pensions. Furthermore, Family Allowances are NOT taxable. You do not add these monthly payments to your total income when computing your income tax. In the column at left is an explanation of the relationship between Family Allowances and Income Tax deductions for children. From the table given you can determine quickly the extent to which you will benefit. MOiSUlf HOWi A. you intend to apply for Family Allowances but have not already done so, please act at once-in the interests of your children- Remember, the first cheques will be mailed in July, but only to to those who have registered and are eligible to receive Family NOTB.-â€" Thi»,t«ble applies to married persons and others havinx the status of married persons for income tax purposes. For the relatively small number «f single persons supporting cnildren and not having married jtatiii for income tax purposes, and for members of the Armed Forces, special tables can be obtained from the Regional Director of Family AUowances in each provincial capital. SCALE OF MONTHLY ALLOWANCES FOR THE FIRST FOUR CHILDREN For egch child Un<ler6 $5.00 From 6 to 9 (inclusive) . 6.00 From 10 to 12 (inclusive) . 7.00 From 13 to 15 (inclusive) . 8.00 *'']"* 'h«« »te more than four childreo 'i^Hl K^ V" .'^' ^â„¢'l>- '•"= """D'hly allowance i^ f*"^*" S'"''' â- 'fer the fourth will be reduc^ F°at,SJ'Xa"o"w^lac:fAc{!'* '"°""°"' »' ^ 4 4 ♦ Publishtd under tie autiarily of H.ii. IROOKE ClAXTOM, MWiftr, Otnirtmml „\ NotiMal Heohh omi Wflhr*, QnJt 4 4 4 «->^-

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