Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1945, p. 8

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i«mni>iir â- .-^.. .Wednesday, June 2^, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •V # Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hannah of Mai'kdale announce the engagement of their sister, Miss Sylvia Mae Rey- nolds, to Cpl. Ted Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber of Kimberley, the marriage to take place on July 10th, in Christ Church, Markdale, at 12 o'clock, First Drunk â€" "Say, know what time it is?" Second Drunk â€" "Yeah." First Drunk â€" "Thanks." NOTICE TO CREDITORS I\ THE MATTER of the Estate of Ernest Hawton of the Township of Osprey, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ernest Hawton, late of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, deceased, who die<l on or aibout the llJth day of May, 19- 45, are hereby notified to send in to W, E. Harris, Solicitor for the Ex- ecutrix of the estate of the said de- ceased, on or before the 16th day of July, 1945, full particulars of the claims. Immediately after the said (late the Executrix of this will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceas- ed, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distribut- ed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of June, 1945. â€" W. E. Harris, Markdale, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix Mrs. J. McMeekin Passes **** * ** * * **** I ** * i* ***** < >*' V4f **** * * 1f* ***** ** * ** ** ** * * MEN'S SMART SUITS Owing to war conditions, supplies of suit- Just placed in stock an assortment of better quality worsteds in a variety of colors and patterns. Good fitting and well tailored, ing materials are difFioidt to obtain, and we were very fortunate in securing these choice patterns. The styles are suitable for young and older men. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Prices $25.00, $27.50 PIONEER POULTRY FOODS Chick Starter Growing Mash Poultry Concentrate Laying Mash Fattening Mash Pig Starter During June, July and August Store will be OPEN '. '. Wednesday Evenings and CLOSED all day Thursday. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON >***********ttt* 1 **** * ** ** *********4 iMrs. Sara Jane McMeekin, born in Glenelg Township nearly seventy years and a lifelong resident of Priceville, passed aiway Saturday af- ternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Brady Irwin, after an illness which confined her to bed for the past three months^ The deceased was married to John McMeekin some forty years ago and t'olilowing this marriage first lived on a larm on the South Line for about three years, later moving to a farm jH the Gravel Road wherethey lived for about twelve years after which she and her husband came to live in Piicc'villt'. IHer husband, who was (.mi>loytd by the C.N.U., predeceased her by some fifteen years. Abolu four years ago the late Mrs. McMeekin suffered a broken leg and did not enjoy good health ever since that injury although she was able to be up and about. Born the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stonehouse the late Mrs. McMeekin was tfie last surviv- ing member of her immediate family, four brothers and four sis'ters having all predeceased. She is now soirvived by one son, John McMeekin, of Mount Forest; and one daughter, Olive (Mrs. Brady Irwin), at whose home about three miles north of Priceville she was at the time of her death. She is also suvived by a niece, Mrs. Bert Irwin, formerly Miss Delia McPhail, who was brought up by the deceased as a child. The late Mrs, McMeekin was an active member of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Priceville, and mosit highly esteemed by a large circle of friends who will regret her passing. AUC nON SALE Unre'sei-ved Credit Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, Satur- day, June SOth, at Lot 28, Con. 3, Osiprey, 5 miles north of Dundalk. George Rowley, Prop. Geo. Dubcan, Aiuctioneer. TENDERS WANTED FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the undersigned for approxinjately 1,500 square feet of fibre board ashlar block on ceilirigs of clas» rooms in Flesherton High School. Specifica- tione may be had from the Principal or R. J. Boyd. Tenders to close July 7th at midnight; work to be finished by August 15ith, 1946. â€"ROY W. HPER, Secretary. ^♦^♦^♦^♦♦♦<M»:<^K*<<M$^:*^^^ ? J T T t t T T t t t T T T T t t ? Prepare For Warmer Days You'll find at Hill's just what you want in Summer Wear ♦!♦ SUMMER DRESSES Dozens of new styles of the season. Smart- est creations in Misses and Women's sizes Dresses that will thrill you beyond words. See this lovely display of these dresses now_ WASH DRESSES Cotton Dresses in styles you will love on sight. They come in plains and lovely floral patterns, incuding spuns, ginghams, seer- suckers, etc., sizes 12 to 44, also oversizes 46 to 52. AH moderately priee<l. SPECIAL Men's Pyjamas, broadcloth or flannelette, slightly soiled, reg. to $2.25. Special .. $1.00 MILLINERY CLEARANCE Hats reduce*! to clear, including felts and straws, also whites. All smart styles, a wonderful saving. Prices are slashed to clear. Be sure you see these extra values. MEN'S SUITS Buy your now suit now, as these lines are very .scarce. We still have a good assort- ment of tweeds or fine worsteds. All good patterns and well tailored, sizes 36 to 60, Be sure and see our range. YOUTHS' and BOYS' SUITS See our wonderful assortment of Youths' and Boys' Suits in tweeds or fine worsteds. The^e lines are hard to ge, so buy now while we have the assortment, MEN'S ODD PANTS Nearly everything you want in tweeds or fancy worsted and nearly every size and all reasonably priced. BOYS' ODD PANTS A big range to chooae ffoni in Mveral dif> ferent shftdes oi fancy twe«d8 or plain eolora' full range of shea. Priced fl.69 np Spectial Showing of SUMMER SPORTS WEAR Ladies' 2-piece Slack Suits, assorted colors, also a good assortment of separate slacks and shorts, and of course bathing suits in a good vafriety of styles. BOYS' SPORT SUITS Shirt and long pants, male of strong san- forized cotton material. The shirt i> : .' with sport collar and two patch pockets. Longs have belt loop and cuff, dandy for summer. They come in sand and brown; size 10 to 18 years. Priced $4.95 BOYS' WASH SUITS Made of strong cotton material (sanforzied) sport shirt with short sleeves and two patch pockets, shorts have belts. They come in blue or sand shades, and sizes 6 to 12 yearsi. Priced at $2^9 WINDBREAKERS iSce our big range of Men's or Boys' Wind- breakers. Nearly tverything you want. Several different styles to choose from. All moderately priced. DRESS VOILES (Make your own dress with these beautiful floral voiles, some Very simart patterns and colors, ,36 inches wide. Price 59c LUNCHEON CLOTHS Some beautiful patterns for your talble. They come in 60x60 size. Price $1.96 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES It's time for summer and sport footwear. We have it for the whole family. Nearly everything you want in summer , sportwear. See our rang«e of WOMEN'S or MIiSSBS' PINE iSHOBS in black, tan or white. Near- ly every last and size. t t t t t t t t t t T T T t T T T t X T t Mrs. W. Simmon* Pastes After a lengthy and trying illness, borne cheerfully with great patience and fortitude, there passed away on Friday, June 2£nd, 1946, to her great reward the last remaining pioneei of the Fourth Line of Artemesia, Mrs. Sarah Simmons in her 82nU year. The late Mrs. Simmons was born in Laskey, King Township, July 15th, 1863, coming with her parents to this district at the age of two years She was the last remaining member of the family of fourteen of the late William and Isabella Blackburn. She was married on December 19th, 1883 to the late Walter Simmons, who predeceased her by 20 years. Since that time she has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Plantt, on the Fourth Line. _ She leaves, to mourn her loss, three daughters, Ida, (Mrs. John Mc- Kee) Fourth Line, Maggie (Mrs. Robej-t Fisher), Flesherton, and Flossie (Mrs. Wesley Plantt^, Fourth Line, also six grand children and four great grand children. In religion Mrs. Sipimons was a Presbyterian, being a menuber of the former Chalmer's Church, Flesh- erton. Since Union she has faith- fully attended the Baptist Church in Flesherton and Rock Mills until ill health prevented her going. During a short service at her late home, conducted by her ipastor, Mr. F. B. Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chard rendered a duet, "111 Go Where You Want Me To Go." This service was closed by a nephew, Mr. John Blackburn of Orillia. The re- mains were then taken to the Flesh- erton Baptist Church where Mr. F. B. Keys and Mrs. Keys sang a duet "I Want To See Jesus, Don't You". Mr. Keys conducted the service and based his sermon on the 23rd Psalm and St. Jo'hn the 10th Chapter, sett- ing her life as an example. All hymns sung were favorites of the deceased. Interment was made in the family plot in Flesherton Cemetery. The pallbearers were, Messrs. Ar- thur Chard, Charles Stafford, Joseph Shier, John Badgerow, Cecil Mel- drum and Harry Fisher. The many floral tributes received, showed the high esteem in which she was held, were carried by, Ruth and June McKee, Doreen and Thel- ma Fisher, Lewis and Mary Fisher, Isabelle and Earle Croft, Janet Lougheed, Inez Badgerow, Ruth Phillips, Chester Shier and Roy Ly- ons. Many friends attended from St. Catherines, . Hamilton, Toronto, Thornhill, Laskey, Mount Forest, Walkerton, Durham, Orillia, Stay- ner, Creemore, Nottawa, CoUing- wood, Meaford, Singhanupton, and Feversham. Thy will be done From day to day Upward with Patience until The setting sun With Life's race run. Welcome rest, her Father's will. Baptist Church Notes Services in the Baptist Churches will be at the regular hours this Sunday. Commencing this week the lesson period will be prefaced by a flannel- gf&ph picture of the character and events covered in the Scripture por- tion studied in the clasees. The Rock Mills and Cedarside Sunday Schools will hold their pic- nic at Akitt's bush. A sports pro- gram with a wide variety of prizes is scheduled for the afternoon and a ball game will fallow the supper hour. In Memoriam This Store will be open Wednesday Nights; Qosed all Day on Thursday t PHONE 7 MARKDALE, Ontario WE DELIVER Y F. T. HILL & CO., Limited MOFFAT â€" In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Margaret Mof- fat, who passed away June 30, 1941. â€" Ever remembered by daughter, Mina. Local and Persooal Miss Grace Parker of Toronto was home for the week end. IMrs. D. W, Adiams visited last week with relatives at Buffalo. Springhill Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Akins on Wednesday, July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. C. o. Crossley and John of Toronto are spending this week with Mrs. W. Boyd. Mrs. R. Bentham is visiting her son and daughter in Toronto this week. Miss Shirley McCracken left the first of the week to work at Wasaga Beach for the summer. Mrs. Geo. MoKee and granddaugh- ter, Judy Smith, sipent the week end visiting relatives in this district. Mrs. A. Howden of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts. iMiss Jean Duncan was successful in passing her second year Arts course at Toronto University. Mr and Mrs. Ted McTavis'h and Miss Jean McTavish of Toronto were home for the week end. Miss D. Thurston, acconxpanied by Misses Georgina and Joan Powell and Katheen McMurray, of Toronto spent the week end at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Appleton of Gait and John Lawrence of Queen's University, Kingston, were week end guests of Mrs. M. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. / Herb Akins and daughter, Claudia, of Lansing sipent the week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and children of Toronto sipent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Frank Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Guy of Midland sipent the week end with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Sarah Guy and Jean. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead were: Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Simpson of Bramp- ton, Mrs. Mary Callander and Mr. and Mrs. S. Camahan of Toronto. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Pinkerton Wed., July 4th, at 2:30 p.m. Roll call: Your birth sitone and its meaning. Visitors welcome. Mrs. W. A. Westcott was this week presented with a magazine rack from the members otf St. John's United Church choir, in recognition of her valuable work with the choir. Mr. LeRoy McDonald of Toronto was a pleasant visitor at The Ad- vance office after spending Monday night with his uncle, Mr. H. B. Mc- Lean, at Priceville. Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Westcott left this Wednesday for their new charge at Kleinburg. Mr. and Mrs. .West- cott made warm friends while here during the past two years. Mr. W. J. MoMasiter last week took over Frank Taylor's trucking busi ness and moved his family to town, occupying an apartment in Mrs. Mark Stewart's residence. Mr. John Nuhn last week com menced excavating for the cellar of his new house which he intends to erect just north of the Boyne bridge on the east side of the highway. The local members of "B" Company of the Grey & Simcoe Foresters (R) were at the Sarawak ranges, north of Owen Sound perfecting on their musketry work. Mrs. F. J. Stewart, Donald and Douglas Stewart, Mr. R. N. Stewart and Mr. T. A. McDonald, all of Tor- onto, spent last week end at the home of John Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thompson and two children of Mount Albert called on friend's in town on Sunday, when they attended the memorial service for the late Pte. Laurie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Deaken and Mr. and Mrs. Walden Boyle of Grand Valley, Mr. Hank Hamilton, Gueliph, and D. Haw and son of Swinton Park spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wallace Hamilton. Small Ads WANTEID â€" Any quantity of pota- toes to buy. â€" Qc". Armoitroiiy, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Barn 40 by 50 and . L 36 by 42. Apply to Ernie Little^ R.R. 2, Proton Station, 3(p2. FOR SALEâ€" Pair lady's shoes, sizs 6. Can be seen at The Advanc* Office. FOR SALE â€" Peter Hamilton mower, 5-foot cut, in good condition. â€" Joha Shortreed, R.R. 1 Priceville. 4p2 FOR SALE â€" M.-H. Binder,, 7 foot cut, good as new; also John Dere mower. â€" Geo. Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow, due to freshen in June. Delbert Haw, Proton Station, RR. 1. In Memoriam McKINNON â€" In loving memory of Mrs. Isabella McKirtnon, who died June 217, 19»9. Time may heal the broken-hearted Years may ntake the wound le&s sore. But it cannot fill the longing For the loved one gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened Thoufirb the smile may hide the tears. Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the year*. â€" Gordon, PhyUia and Tena. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, July 3rd, 1946, for the re- roofing of the Court House, Owen Sound, with two-in-one asphalt shingles in accordance with specifi- cations available at the County Clerk's office. Miss Mary Carroll of Arthur has been engaged as a teacher in Flesh- erton High School, succeeding Miss Beatty, who resigned. Miss Carroll will teach history and social studies Misei Carroll has taught for the pasit year in Parkhill High iSchool. Tpr. Howard Teeter of Simcoe was home on leave at the week end and the ring committee presented him with a signet ring on behalf of the people of vFlesherton. Howard has volunteered for Pacific service. A ring was aJso presented to T^pr. Bill Turvey, who enlisted last faH and has completed his course at the Hamilton Amvy Tr«d«si School. Among those from Flesherton who attended the Grey County night at Grey Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Joronto, on Monday evening were: C. Meldrum, T". J. MacDougall, R. Clark, G. Magee M. S. McLeod, J. A. Richards, Alf. Down, C. Carruthers. 0. Marshall, H. W. Kemahan and C. J. Bellamy. Members residing in Toronto who at- tende<l were: Clark Wyville, W. G. McBride and R. W. Bellamy. NOTICE â€" From this date on my registered bull is mot for service- â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. WANTED â€" AnimaiB raMahle for mink and fox feed. â€" ^Bert Mclntosa Eugenia, phone Fe*«nfa#~i 6r25 FOR SALE â€" 1% h.p. International gasoline engine with new magnerto â€" Jas. Allen, R.R. 3 Flesherton. 4ip2 FOR SALE â€" 3-year-old Durham, heifer, registered, just freshened^ Robt. Gorley, phone 28iw Flesher- ton. For SALE â€" F. & W. binder, 8 ft. cut; McCormick binder, 7 ft. out; Fordosn tractor; M.-H. 2 mowers 6; and 5% ft. cut; M.-iH. hay loader. â€" Chas. Stafford, Ceylon. 4p» FOR SALE â€" Frost & Wood binder, 6 foot cut, good as new, will sell for 1225.00 cash. â€" Mrs. Edith Cameron, Eugenia, phone Fever- sham 5 r 21. 3c2 FOR SALE â€" Man's suit blue strip, size 36, good as new, 2 pair trous- ers, reasonable; sharkskin wind- breaker, beige and brown, size 36, Can be seen at The Advance office^ WANTED â€" Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 14, Osprey; experience preferred. Duties to oommenica Septemiber 4, 1946. Apply to J. J. . Hislopi, Secretary Treasurer, Sin«»> bampton, FOR RE^NT â€" 4-room furnished cot- tage with cooking utensils, wood supplied, near fishing on Beaver River or Hydro Lake, rent by day, week or month. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Edith Cameron, Eu- genia, phone Feversham 6r21. FARMS FOR SALE â€" 150 acre farm in Orange Valley, No. 10 Highway, good buildings, well watered, splendid soil and: g^ooj location, easy terms. 148 acre farm at Harkaway, good buildi»g» and well watered, easy terms. J. W. Eaglee, Main St., Markdale. 4p2 FARM FOR SALE lOO acres. Lot 26, Con. 14, Arteme- sia Township, 60 acres under culti- vation, 15 acres ef crop in, 4 acres bush, balance pasture; g:ood bank barn, water in stable, windmill; good frame house, hard and soft wtiteir. Apply to Dave Genoe, R.R. 4 Flesh- erton, phone Thornbury 39r31. 3 LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBiILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL INSURANCE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto Unirersity Office: Kenned'v Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and SoUdtor Markdale, Ont. Walter B. «lania. J. Arkle Duniop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for TaUag ASidaTUs Clerk of the Village of FlMher«es laraer of Marriage Lice ne ee Convey aiidng Willa. Mortgagee and Deeds FLESHERTON, ONTARIO WM. K\nTING LICENSED AUCTIONBKR for the County of Grey Farm and Stock aales our sp-^'tHkf* Temvs: reasenable. Satisfaetioa li gruarante^. Dates arranged at Ike Advance office or phone 4w. HI -r ^ «: -^ 1> â- * â- f â- 1 5 •r 4

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