Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1945, p. 3

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'''^^. ^'* MEET MAESTRO MICKEY -^ â- 1 I â- \ Navy bandsmen get a laugh as Mickey, who comes from a long line of doga of doubtful ancestry, "conducts" the band as it plays on a San Diego. Calif., pierhead to welcome returning servicemen. OTTAWA REPORTS That Barn Sprays Of Wonder Insecticide, DDT, Are Now Available To Farmers Because oi the vital need of in- creased dairy production, Canadian f«rmers are to be tlie first civilians in the world to get DDT. Barn •prays are now being made avail- able containing the wonder in- secticide witli the thirty-letter name, "dichloro-diphenl-trichlor- ©ethaiie." Dr. C. R. Tvvinn of the entomology division, Federal De- partment of Agriculture, has pre- pared a memorandum outlining formulations and methods of appli- cation of the insect-killing chemical for use against household and in- dustrial pests and certain parasites common to men and animals when DDT becomes generally available. Up to now it has been reserved for mihtary use and experimental pur- poses. * « * Kroni the R.C.A.F. comes a story of a little patch of Canada 7000 fset up in the Himalayas, which attract.s hundreds of Canadian air- men on leave from Burma and eastern Irdia. It is the home of Major and Mrs. John Brebner of Toronto. Major Brebner joined the Indian Medical Service in 1935. In the three years he and Mrs. Breb- ner have been stationed at Darjeel- Ing they have provided hospitality for many Canadian boys on leave. .Waffles with honey, real hot dogs and hamburgers, even pumpkin pl«, bring the boys a real taste t»f home. * * * A big warship has brought a little baby to Canada. He is ll-montli's-old Robert Fraser, son Of motor mechanic E. Fraser, To- ronto.. Robert's mother was killed by one of the last V-bombs to fall on England. His father, who was on active service, asked a Canadian Wren if his little son could be sent home to his grandparents at Pictou, N. S. .-\. request to send him by troopship was refused. But the Canadian destroyer, H.M.C.S. Ot- tawa, ofieied to take the little fel- low aboard The shipwrights made a crib which was placed in the captain's cabin. Nearby was a tub and small clothes' horse. So Baby Robert sailed in style with the entire ship's complement at his service. His father was given special leave to accompany him. * * * The Canadian Federation ot Agriculture has made an urgent request tc the federal government for a complete weather information service for farmers in all paits of Canada. They point out that the new techniques of weather fore- casting developed for use in aeriak warfare and the trained personnel in such service might well be utilized to provide this important se.rvice foi the farming industry. Consideraton of such a service is promised. â- A HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers .Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harne.«s Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The good.' are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, lnsi.1t on Staco Bra no Yrade Marked Goods, and you zet sati'faction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Vi^* Wellington St. E., Toronto U. S. Lost 5,000 Tanks The United States lost an es- timated 5,000 tanks in the German war, according to Major General Henry B. Sayler, chief army ord- nance officer in the European theatrp. WAR WORKER The wartime photo of Mrs. Clement R. Attlee, wife o£ Great Britain's new Prime Minister, shows her while working at t IfMCA club for British troops. John Bull Stole Hitler's 'Intuition' Among all the secret weapons li.sted as "now it can bs told," none enlivens the imagination more than hard-headed John Bull's use of astrology. The story is that, aware of Hitler's faith In such readings, the British had the Fuehrer's horoscope cast every day, just as he did. Thus they knew as soon as he what hints he would get from the stars and regu- larly stole his famous intuition. The plan worked, too, according to the report. They were able to forestall several of his moves. MwKhohH ^:?fi5* • lOc packoge'of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more fliea than $5.00 worth of any other fly killerlll Grocery, Drug, Hardware and General Stores sell anl recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. oftnse\.i NeatRash Ouicki S(op Itching ,11 ,n.»«t bilci. licit rash, eczema hi â- es unni.ies. scales, scabies, atlilcles cH)t Hiid other externally caused .skin trouljles. p«i'r'mDT'i'ii'i.^"'".'''"K' ""liscptic D O. O. riCESCRIPTION. t.reaseless, slainlefs llch .M.!,,^ or y..ur iiimioy back. Vour druoitist â- luck! O, O O PRESCRIPTION. "'^"'''"" Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSiOK with \\i week, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless - at such timesâ€" try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. l'"ollow label direction.s Buy todavl ISSUE 32â€"1945 =;\ PRESS VOICE OF THE d) > - • RUBBING IT IN "The "news now flies around the corner ''stores that women have spent $:!00,00O,OOO a year on cold cream during wartime. That's cer- tainly ruhhin!? it in. â€"Peterborough Examiner. â€" o â€" BEATING THEMSELVES Then those planes to fly at 2 000 miles an hour could leave Halifax at noon and arrive lu Vancouver In the same morning two hours before they started. â€" Brandon Sun. â€" o â€" NEW NAME FOR 'EM Mouldy cheese contains penicil- lin, scientists tell us. So that's wliat they call those little wiggly white things. â€" Windsor Star. â€" o â€" THEY DON'T Wliat we haven't been able to figure out is how Hon. Jap. hitting head-first in the suicide dive, saves fare. â€" Ottawa Citizen. â€" o â€" NO HOPE Hay fever is one ot the worst diseases. You can't cure It and It won't kill you. â€" Kitchener Record. HEADQUARTERS, BERLIN BATTALION Sermons Not Meant To Be Enjoyed "I enjoyed your sermon very much." Countless beamingly po- lite churchgoers so inform their preachers every Sunday, says "Time" Magazine. I^ast week the Rev. Robert E. Woods, veteran preacher ot Manhattan's St. Pat- rick's Cathedral, took the wind out ot their sails. Said he. from <the pulpit: "Sermons are not in- tended to be enjoyed (but) to in- struct, to inspire ... to make you uneasy about yourself. Any ser- mon that doesn't do that has mis- fired.' Man courts happiness in a thou- sand shapes; and the faster he fol- lows it the swifter It flies from him. â€" Tillotson. DESTROY ftlES The hairy bodyand legs of the fly are carriers of disease. Fly- Tox kills these filthy pests instant- ly. Get a large bottle of Fly-Tox today. Comprising part of the Canadian Army Occupation Force, the Canadian Berlin Battalion aids British forces occupying a portion of Berlin, while American and Russian troops control the rest of the city. Here, Pte. Lloyd Roth, of Vegreville, Alta., guards the entrance to the Canadian Headquarters. THERE ISOHILVONE FLYTOXi KILLS iwSECT PESTS Hit 12 Times Big N. Y. Building Stands Up To It The way the Empire State Build- ing in New York stood up to the blow it received last week is a tri- bute to modern construction and engineering design, comments the Windsor Star. When a fast-moving bomber ibn smack into the upper floors of the 1,250-foot high build- ing, the structure stood fast. The bomber was smashed to stnitli- erccns, but the building held. The fireproof nature of the Em- pire State Building was also illus- trated. The bomber exploded and its load of gasoline turned the upper floors of the building into a furnace. But, once the gasoline had been consumed by the flames, there wa.>? not much else to burn. Firemen had the blaze under con- trol in slifirt order. In spite of be- The 'Shadow' Goes Up To 43,499 Feet A Boeing B-IY flying fortress called "The Shadow" has climbed to 43,499 feet, an altitude its makers said they believed was a new world record for four-en gined aircraft. The record ascent was made in a regular test flight over Seattle. ing splattered by blazing gasoline, the building did not catch fire. The petrol burned itself out and that was that. ' Many people have wondered what would happen if an airplane or a bomb hit a large building. They had hoped they would never find out. but they have had the answer. That bomber banged right and it was just too bad for the bomber. B >iui)s hit the houses of parlia- ment 12 times during the war. kil- ling three persons and iiiiiiriiig 15, Col. Clifton Webb, speaker of the House of Coiumous. discU)';c(l at a farewell party for air raid defen- ders. SAFES l*rotrti your ItOOliS ii.tfl ( ASH from Flltf^ nnd TIIIKV i:s. We hove a nly-e and type of Stif**, or Cnlilnvf . for iiny itiirpoiip, Wn\X n%, or trrltr for prliTM. etc. (o Oci»«. \\ J. 6f J. TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1-1.% l<'ronl SI. K.. loronlu RxlnlillHliefl IN.'..', CrONFlDK.N'l'IAL REI'OP.T.S U.\ CANADIAN GOLD Mines Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY I'^our Colhorne Street TOR(3.N'TO, ONT.VRIO Phone ELg-ln 4n8,'i YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness in Maxwell Houge Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly â€"all through ! UAIIY CHICKS FREE RAXGE PULLEl'S. EIGHT woelcs up to laying. Also day-old chickn hatched to order for Fall delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries I^imited, Fer- gu.-i, Ontario. SUMMIJR CHICKS. AND SOME light 2-3 week pullet.s available non'. September and f.all chicks .shijuld be ordered now also. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Ham- ilton. Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS up to 26 weeks. Day old chicks hatched to order for Fall deliv- nry. Top ' Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont.irio. Bl'SI.\ESS oppohtuxities Cr.EAN EAST MILKERS NOW available. We want dealers In your territory. S. S. Dennis Co., .398 Ridout St.. London, Ontario. WILL TRADE FINE WOOD TIMB- «r 175 acres for good truck or house or sell. Walter Covyeow. VanKousrhnet, Ont, OMCI.X; .*..\U CI.EAMNG HAVE YOU ANYTHING .NEEDS dyeing or cleaning'.' Write to us for information. We are Klad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FAH.M M.\CHlNfc;nY FOR SALE 60 H.P. INTERNATIONAL STA- tion.'irj* Diesel. Used very little. Write or phone Lowville Feed Jlill, Route 2, Milton, Ont. SKID ENGINE P300 .VIcCOR.MlCK, in sood condition. Variable Speed Govenors for McCormick Trac- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London Farm Kquip- ment Co., 335 King Street Lon- don, Ont. I''OH S.VI.E BARKEN ST'RAIN LEGHORN J^uIleLs, 6 weeks nnd up. Su.ssex X Barred P.oek pullets. 6 to 10 weeks. Cnrred Itock Pullets, G to 10 weeks. Johnson Hatcliery. Fergus, Onr, 12 HiilAD CATl'I^K, 7 .MlLl'H COWS iiicliulud. SHUU.IIO ciish. Allan Mnc- I'hi'e. Avoca. yue., Co. Arg. Phone -Viuridol 15r22. ::i,ECTRlC .MOTOR.S. NEW, USED liought, sold, rebuilt; belt.', pul- leys, bru.-^ho.". Allen Klectric Coin- pnnv Ltd.. 2.32i; Purferin St.. To- ir.nlc. BOILER IT.I!.'!', (KM. nil': .M^i'l I.LOCH, Cfi 111'., I 111 \.\\^. ^'x-Kxyi. IN K.\- I'KI.I.KNT CD.MM'rK.l.N; IRON Ki uio.M-w sT(iKi''.R. Rioi'i';i vi.m; TA.Mv, CANA|l.\ LAINIIRV. 112:.' lifNli.\.S W.. TDRONTt.i. TIIIS'l't.RDOVVN .\NGOR.\S. ONE of c'.'in.'ida's oulstrinding strains. Write tor free folder. Brown's Angora Ranch. 27S Courliaiid St. K'li'lienor. Ontario. KOR SALE fh;iiii;i;i': I'lll.-.M l.ynwm' Osli-iwit. i-:u l\ u 1 A.MIOl il prill .Vnaoi M.'- .\ RAI iii-in^ Box B1T.'~ sloi'k 14(1 KEI.VIN.V VV Mild riindllln •rot 11. 1 .-^iil'"!' 1 ri. ,Vt^ 1 to\ 2:!."i. iRI.NK 1 t Grinil' .Athen.x â- Odl.- 1. I"l Onl O.VCK VaV.U 7.i-I.I!. .IITI'; fOf.VTH siii'l;.^. 8',2C cai'b: 7.'i-lb. .-otinn piil.'ilo .ineUs. 7i' cn'h; ,'iii-lli. on ion .iiicks. 6c each. Write iiiinicd Ialel.>. I.ondftti I^iii^ Cofnpnii>. Uiiidon, Onl. FOR SALEâ€" BANK BARN 40x60. in good condition, .side and roof one-half metal. S800. E. J. Whaling, Moorefleld. OnL GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure. turns your food into energy instead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no e.ser- oises or drastic diet. Montli's supply Sl-'i'i pnstp.iid Dominion Herb Distributors 14aS St. Lliwrcm-e Illvd.. MonlrrnI K.1R.MS FOR SALE WB CA.N SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy â€" with or without stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Dono- hue'3 Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" FARM. HURON COUN- ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildings, good drilled well, close to good highways and markets. Hvdro available, J6,000. For par- ticulars write D. .v. Moore. 208 Doloraine Ave., Toronto. GOOD ."lO ACRE FARM. SELL OR exchange for small place near village, western Ontario. F. War- ren, Clarke, Durham County, Ont. FARM TWO HUNDRED ACRES feni-t'd. seventj' cultivated, rest wood, p.isture, sugar bush, large bank barn, cement floor, large house. stone w.ill, basement, spring water. .sink, telephone, apple trees, 214 mile.s from two towns, school bus passes door, price .?3.il(iO. Box It,"!, .Snndridge Ont. HAIHDRKSSING LEARN H.VJRDRESSINU THE Robertson method. Information on request reRardtng classes. Robertson's Hnirdressing Acnd- em.v. J37 Avenue Road. Toronto MEDICAL I'lCUI'LE ARK TALKING ABllUT the good results from taking Dixon's Reined.v for Rheumatic Puins nnd -Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store. SS.T Elgin. Ottawa. Post- paid $1,011. STO.MACH AND TIIRE.M) WUU.M.^; often are the cause of til-health in hum.nns. all a;ies. .\o one Im- mune! Wh.v not rind ont if thU is .vour trouble? Interesting pnr- tlculni's â€" Free! Write .Mulvcne.v'^ Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 3 B.VU.MEKKA FOOT BAL.M DE- stro.vs offensive odor instantl.\'. 4ric bottle, Ottawa a.i;fiit. Oennifii Drug .'-It ore. Otiaw.n. IT'S ENCKLLENT, REAL Ri:- sult.s after taking Dixon's Rein- ed.v for Rheumatic Pains and Neuriti.--. Munro's Drug Store, WW., Elgin. Olt.-Mv.'i. Postpaid Jl.flO. >ll OK \l. l\s'l'Ul MKNTS KUKIi .\. KtJDDI.VG'I'UN BUYS. srtll^. 'â- \ili.-ingf's inusicMl instru- niiiii 111 I'hui'ili. 'P.i i oiiiii 2. oi-piiii riM rii'> 1--IIU u'ome:« 13b A HAIKURLSSKR lUI.N C.AN.XD.V'S LI'l.-MllN'i SCHOIH Great tlpporiunit.v. Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thiiii-'ands suoccssful Marvel gr.idiinics, .America's greatest sys- tem. Illuslralcd cul.ilogiie free VVrllp or cnti M.MIVEI. HAIRnRRSSINO Si'HOOl^ 358 RLUOR W.. TiiRoNTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton * 74 RIdeau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FBTHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- qllpst â-  â- HO'KMatAI'll^ "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS "... and the prompt manner In which you return woric is greatly appreciated." Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED !;5c Don't â-  risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to CAN.'\D.-\'S L.'VRGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lo-,ver Cost. Prompt mail service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style .VIbum With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4o extra) is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for I'oc. Framed, on ivor.v tinted mats. 7 x "\ in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79o each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED Wa can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the CQSt is leasojiable. S£ml us your picture atid tell us whal yoU Want done and we will tell j-ou the coat before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bo.x 129, Post:il rerminal A. Toronto Print .Name and .Vddress Plainly on Oi'ders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION iiiiir films pi-uperlj- iltf\-t'lopod and lirinted. 6 OR S IC.XI'OSl.'RE ROLI.S 2Dc HIOI'RINTS 8 for J.lc FINEST KNLARGING SERVICE You ma.\- not get all the films you want this y.-.-ir. liiii you can get all the ((U.'ility and service \-ou desire by scndiriK your films In IMIMiRiVI, I'HOTO ."SKRVICE â- -'l.uiiili I. Tiiriiiila I'lOACHEHS WANTIJIJ TEACH lORS WA.\TKU TEACHER WANT'ED FOR U.S.S. .No. 1, Bond. Protestant. first class: salary $1,400. Apply A. Bright we 11, Secretary-Treasurer, .-ihillington P.O., Ontario. TWO QUALIFIED PROTKSTANII Teachers for school art'ii .No. 1 Monteagle. Apply stating salarj; and qualifications to G. H. Wood- â-  ox. Sec.-Treus.. K.R. .\o. 1, Hybla, Ontario, .MADAWASKA PUBLIC SCHOOL â€" I'rotestant fcmaltj tcaclier want- ed for Junior room, 1st i-luss cer- tificate witli music preferred, but not necessary: salary $1,200 per annum: duties commence Sept. 4. F. T, Chaddock. Madawasko. Ont. VICTORI.V CO.: PROTESTANll teacher, S.S. .\o. 2. Fenelon, Vic- toria Co. State e.xperience, quali- fications, salary expected. Jnmei Laiuenson, Woodville, H.R. .No. t, Onl. WA.NTEDâ€" ASSISl'ANT IN GRADH B Continuation .School and prin- ciple of public school. Subjocta: Latin French. Art and education- al guidnnro or lower school Eng:- "'il'j '-'""OSUs T and 8 in piibUa School, state salary ina fVperi ience and where last taught. School is situated on Highway; 26 and has hydro Installed. A. Rtinald, Sec.-Treas., Miiiesingr. Out. , -â€" ° ;- < WHITK RIVKR CO.NTIN CATiION S( hool requires Principal Gradei 9 to 12, must teach upper school French, assistant supjilied, small .•lasses. Salary mininuun $2,000. State Salary expci-tcd with quali- fications. R. G. Me.ilcv, Sec- Ti.ns.. White- River, Oni. KL'EI. WOOIl WA-VTKU GOLDLAND.^;. SOLTH COCHRANE District; Protestant teacher for l-room, wcll-equippod rural schuiii, has basement, furnace, storm windows, inside sanitary toilets, near railway and school bus service: prompt pay: state salary and experience: minimum .inlur.v $1.2110. P. 1.1. Pignis. Gold- lands. Orii. I. .\ R C 1 1 W O I ) 11 PROTESTANT Tnnchei- wanted for S.S. No. 8 Balfour and Dowling, Larch- wood, Ont. Duties to commence Sept. 4. Salary $1350.00 per an- num. .\pply sttiting qualifications to .Mi-s, Ji'jin .Icnnings, Sec.- Treas.. Liirchwood. Ont. WANTED â€" QUALIFIED PRO- testant teachers for Township School .-Vrea of Kennebec, duties to commence Sept. 3. State quali- fications and name of last In- spector; minimum .lalnry $1,2B0. Apply .1. E. Hughes, Sec.-Treas., .â- Vrden. Ont. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD, Drury, Denison and Graham. Dis- trict of Sudbury, requires % Pro- testant qualified teachers for schools in following villages â€" Whitefish, Worthlngton and High Kails: also one bilingual teacher for rural school near Whitefish. Reply slating qualifications and .salary expected to Mrs. R. H. Murray. 3(!0 Laura Ave., Sudburv. Out COKDWOOD. .MAPLE, BIRCH AND .Mixed. Also slabs and bundled edgings. Hardwood and Soft- wood. Give full particulars and best prices on car. Walter Schiess, in Mellnda Street. Toronto. W.V.-VTEU PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL .VGES AND BREEDS 1 months lu laying ago. Our prices aie worllnvlitle. Box 40. 73 Ade- laide West. Toronto. WANTKU â€" AN EXPERIENCED single dairyman, or a married man with no children for caring for a small, but. high class hol- stcin herd on R.O.P. in Peel Coun- ty District. Good living condN tiuns and wages of 175.00 to SI nil. on depending on the man. Pox 43. 7.'! Adelaide W.. Toronto. W.\NT'ED. KUPFALO POWER .'ausnge stuffer. complete. 76- Uiu-lb. capacity: 1 5-h.p. 2r>-cycl^ 3-phase motor: pie molds and cutter for small pork pies. Writ*, Horn's Food Market, Port Col- borne. Ont. WANTED â€" A THOROUGHLY trained cihui hound preferablv a f. mall! must be good at Hall "and at tree and broke off of Jacks, fo.v and deev. Give full particu- lars including price. Box 44, 71 -\delttlde W., Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE PUL- lets. all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices pnid. Appljr to Box SS. 73 Adelaide W.. 'IHi. ronto OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Saruia General Hospital School tat nurses offers an excellent cours* In Nursing lOiiucation. Class en- ters Sept. 4lh. 1945. Applicalloi forms furnished on request. R. M Beamish, Superintendent,

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