Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1945, p. 5

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ZJ» THE FXESHHRTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 8, 1945 t «TH I JNE OSPREY \,3ir. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler spent a few days the past week at Midland. Miss Joan Crawlor3 of Preston is apending the remainder of the sum- mer holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Crawtford and Billy. Miss Adeline Murphy of Toronto â- pent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mark Murphy. Mr. Eric Pallister of Georgetown spent a few days last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox, Garnet and John, of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris of To- ronto visite(^ Sunday with their son, Norman, at the home of Mr and Mrs. Cbas. Hanley, where he is spending his summer vacation. His grand mother, Mrs. Bromley of Toronto and his cousin, Bobby, of the Navy, re- cently returned from overseas, also visited him on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Watson of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee. Mr. Joe Moison of Buffalo visited on Friday at the Murphy and Haley homes. Master Jimmie Legge of St. Cath- arines is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mrs. Bill Wilson and Merna of Cornwall are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee. Mrs. Will Lawler and little daugh- ter, Shirley, of London are spending today (Monday) with Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler. Mrs. Fepg. Somers and Mary of Toronto visited a couple of days last week with Mrs. Mark Murphy and family. We are sorry to report Miss Kay Somers in the Toronto General Hos- pital, where she will undergo an operation this Tuesday. We hope Kay will be home again soon, and that her health will be improved. A number from this line attended the jiresentation in the Eugenia hall Friday night in honor oif Tpr. Mur- ray Williams, recently home from overseas. Murray reports to Toron- to on the 13th of August, after which â-  he expects to be sent to Kentucky, JJ.SJ\.., for further training. We wish Murray the best of luck. Master Desmond Burleigh of To- ronto is spending the summer vaca- tion with Mrs. Mark Murphy and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams were: Staff Sergt. Eric Reilley and Staff Sergt. Glen Pedlar of Barriefield, Mrs. Glen Ped- lar, Tpr. Wes Pedlar and Tpr. Stan Richards of Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Weir and daughter, San- dra, of Collingwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar, Eugenia. St. Mary's Anglican Guild, Max- well, will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Seeley on Thursday, Aug. 16, at 3 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Visitors welcome. iams. Murray returned home from overseas on the 12th of July and spent the most part of hi» leave visiting up north. He has been overseas about two years. Mrs. Furg. Somers and Mary are spending this week with their cous- in, Mrs. Jack Haley. We are sorry to report Mt. Hugh Fenwick had the misfortune to fall out of the bam at Mr. Harold Fen- wick's Saturday afternoon while helping with the hay, breaking his leg just above the knee. Mr. Fen- wick was taken to Markdale Hospital immediately. We hope Mr. Fenwick will have a speedy recovery, and that he will soon be home ag'ain. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and Helen Marie accomipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson, Florence and Dorothy of Rock Mills and C.F.- \. Thomas Stephens attended the \Vilkinson reunion in Harrison's Park, Owen SSund, Saturday. Mt. and Mrs. Herbert Poole spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Poole ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick to Markdale, where they spent the .ifternoon with Mr. Hugh Fenwick. Mr. Dougald Stephens and Mr Bill Stephens motored to Toronto last Tuesday, where they met C.F.- X. Thomas Stephens off the seven- _ thirty train from overseas. Tom has been overseas about three years. Jfr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary, C.F.N. Thomas Stephens, Messrs. Doug, and John Stephens visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson and family. FEVERSHAM PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clinton of Toronto are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley and Bryce. Tpr. Murray Williame is visiting with his father, Mr. Albert Will- Mrs. F. E. Foulds of Ottawa visit- ed with her cousin, Mr. Wes Plantt and Mrs. Plantt, and was accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor and Arthur of Eugenia. Miss Mable Chard visited in To- ronto the past week. Mrs. Elsie Cameron and Mrs. J. McArtfhur and son. Donald, of Dur- ham were visitors with the former's daughter, Mrs. E. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. spent Monday in Meaford. The Taylor family attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Elmer Wright in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Clinton of To- ronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mrs. Fred Turvell of Toronto is visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Miss Pauline Partridge of Toronto is visiting with Miss Isobel Croft. Little Thelma Blackburn of Coll- ingwood is spending some days with her cousin, Leona Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Keys of Flesh- erton and Miss Halliday. a mission- ary on furlough from Africa, were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Plantt. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clinton, Tor- onto, visited a couple days with their niece. Nurse Smith and called on other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Robertson, Collingwood, were visitors on Friday with Mrs. Jim Robertson and fam- ily- Adj. G. Pedlar, Supt. of Nurses in Catherine Booth Hospital, Montreal, has returned to her duties after two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stafford and Mr. E. C. Pedlar. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stafford and Mr. Pedlar were, Mr. C. T. Pedlar and grand- liaughter. Miss Ma.xine Pedlar, Nee- pawa, Man., and Mrs. Jas. Arm- strong of South Porcupine. Mt. and Mrs. T. Brown and daughters, Brantford, were Sunday visitors with the Staffords. Mts. N. Plummer, ColIing%voocI, visited Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke and other relatives in the village while holi- daying with her sister, Mrs. Fred Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and Carole, Dundalk, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Miss LaVerna Smith, Kincardine, and Miss Velma Smith, Collingwood, spent the week end with their par- ents, Mt. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. Howard McKee, Hamilton, spent the week end at his home liere. Mrs. McKee retum-ed with him on Sunday to spend a week in Hamilton. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander were, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Colquette and son, Sergt. Allan, Owen Sound, Mrs. W. G Dand, Mrs. Hibbel and two daugh- ters, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher and Sandra, Flesherton. Mrs Dand called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke and Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews and family, Colling\vood, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Light. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Brown, and Mrs. Ralph JIackman and Sandra, Clarksburg, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyler. Miss Almeda Tyler returned with them to Clarks-' burg for the week end. Mr. Wesley Hindle, Stratford, ar- rived Monday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and other rela tives. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Miss Annie Smith of Toronto is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. Allison. Mr. and Mi's. Redge Londry and son, Jim, and daughters, Mrs. Han- sing, Mrs. Capell and Mrs. Reynolds, left on Monday evening for Toronto to meet their son and brother, Pte. Ken Londry, who was to arrive in Toronto this Tuesday, after serving overseas for the past five years. Mr. Charlie Fenwick of Toronto spent the week end with his bi'Other, Mr. Roy Fenwick, and also visited their brother, Mr. Hugh Fenwick, who is a patient in Markdale hospit- al, having suffered a broken leg. Mrs. Mac Stephen of Montreal, who is on her way to join her hus- band at Perrin, Que., spent the past couple of weeks with Mrs. Jack Stephen. We extend our sympathy to the Wright family in the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Elmer Wright, of Owen Sound. Mr. Bruce Constable and sister. Miss Jean, of Maple and cousin. Miss Jean Murphy of Orangeville, were visitors over the week end at the Fenwick home. Mr. and Mrs. K. Stewart of To- ronto visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mrs. Bert Capell of Toronto, who has spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Redge Londry, returned to her home in Toronto on Monday. Mrs. B. Reynolds of Toron- to spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Londry. I 5! i I I f t t t t WELLER SECRETARIAL COLLEGE Offers an Outstanding Future to You Wartime and Peacetime provide attractive positions for Weller Graduates. Your own reasoning tells you to "Get ready NOW for the changes and opportunities ahead." Decide TOD.W to obtain through our superior secretarial training the assurance of Permanent Employment. Our personalized instruction will help you to advance to the more desirable position of prestige and high salaries. CALL AT THE SCHOOL. OR WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET â€" "BEACON WELLER SECRETARIAL COLLEGE 25 Bloor Street West TORONTO KIngsdale 3171 i *»*****«**************J************f*«********»****V****»**»*****i**«,**»* ROCK MILLS * Farmers drive cars leas than cit7 people and get low rates from pact. But farmers do drive â€" one nnin- sured accident coald wipe oat your home or your savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Iniurance now. PRICEVILLE St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Priceville. will hold a service of wor- ship at 11:00 a.m. Mr. William D. Halliwell, the minister, will preach on the subject "Back to Bethel." Sunday Schol will convene at 12:15, following the morning service. EGGS There is considerable imrovement in the qutelity of Eggs now being delivered to our plant, due to more care being given them in response to our advertising. Thanks for your efforts. Poultry We have a keen demand for large quantities of poultry. This is the tin»e to sell your non- laying hens. It will save your feed and make room for accommodating the growing chick- ens. We are paying a good price for live and dressed hens and chickens. If you cannot deliver them, phone 66 and our truck will call. ^ Hesherton Creamery & Produce Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Mr. C. A. McLean arrived home Thursday, after visiting friends at Winnipeg and other places. A numiber from here attended the memorial sei-vice at Swinton Park on Sunday last. Mr. Bill Hill, Fergus, spent the week end at the home of Mr. Hector McLean. His wife and little son re- turned home with him on Sunday, following a week's visit. Mrs. Minnie Beaton of Nobletou is visiting with Mrs. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Mar- ilyn. Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Siegner and children, Walkerton and Miss Helen Black, Swinton Park, vis- ited the first of the week at the home of A. L. Hincks. The latter remained for a week's visit, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall, To- ronto, are spending their holidays this week at H. R. McLean's. Sergt. Chas. Aldcorn returned to his duties with the Air Force in New Brunswicli, after a holiday with his mother. Mrs Archie McKechnie is a pa- tient in Durham Hospital with pneu- monia. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Hilda McKechnie of Durham spent the holiday at the home of her brother. Bill. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Har- old and Mrs, Edgar Patterson spent the first of the week at Pike Bay visiting with friends. Miss Shirley Hardy, Swinton Park, is spending a week with Miss Eileen Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Eraser and daugh- ters, Ventry, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Phillip Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Campbell of Toronto have moved into the late Mrs. McMeekin's residence. Mrs. Bert Haswell of Owen Sound visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Elwood Genoe of Toronto is holidaying with his brother, Mr. Harry Genoe, and calling on old friends while here. Miss Ruby Dobson of Markdale spent a day last week at her home. A large number from here attend- ed the Rotary frolic at Markdale on Thursday night and report a good time. Miss Ruby Akitt and friend. Miss Dorothy Prouse, of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Akitt. Recent visiteors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard were: Mr. Cecil Chard of Hamilton, Mrs. Ed. Seeley of Dundalk and Mrs. J. Hutchison of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell Of Col- ling^vood and son. Ben, of Peterboro. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Mrs. Robt. Clark, who had spent the past week with her son here, returned home with them on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pacey and son of Windsor have been on a two weeks' holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. Mr, F. B. Keys asd Mrs, Keys are on holidays for a month and Mr. Cornish, pastor of Kimberley Bi> -.r=': Church will take the services for tf month of .August, W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing fiJllilil.lilhM.Vi We wnte nuorance to cover selected riaka in Antnm nKilfi, Fire, Penonal Property Floater, Bor^ar^, Plate Glaa», and other gcaeral inannum. Binder Twine YOU WILL FIND McCOR.MICK-DEERING BINDER TWINE VERY RELIABLE Ask the man who has use it. We have a good stock and .. is priced to sell. MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS The new Massey-Harris Binders are now made with many new and modern features â€" protected enclosed gears; hydraulic system of lubrication; and more roller bearings for lighter draft. We still have a few 6-foot binders for those in need, also two very good used binders, one only 9 years old, both will be put in good condition and will harvest economically for many years. 2 Used Mowers priced at .515 and S25, both reconditioned and in good condition. 2 Nexy Dump Rakes. 1.3-tooth Cultivator $20. 2 Used Separators, guaranteed iSatisfactory. TRY US ON YOUR NEnV FAR.M MACHINERY NEEDS You will find Massey-Harris Farm Machinery with all modern new features, plus economical lasting satisfaction, known for durabilty and service. A GOOD STOCK OF P.ARTS KEPT IN HAND G.I. (on transport) â€" "They tell me our boat is out of fuel." Joe â€" "Well, why don't they burn the ship's log?" J. M. STAFFORD MODERN FARM MACHINERY ROOFING Phone 4 r 22 FEED HARDWARE CEMENT FEVERSHAM, Ont. Plougliing Oeep/^ fiihire Growth TORONTO LINE NORTH Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert Stewart were: Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoiton of Toronto and Mr. C. B. Perigpe and daughter Mary Kay. of Malton. Mr. J. Coulter and daughter. Joan, and Mr. George Hyatt of Wiarton were recent visitors with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Smith and friend of Caledonia were visitors at the home of Al^bert Stewart the first of the week. l"; "•-" '^''^';,/l our P-%t War made it more essential than ever that strategic telephone ehuiiiicU be gUiirdod from intoriuption by Sturm and oilier hazards, ami work ha,- gone steadily forward on our ^real trian)mlar imdiTiiround cable route between Toronto. Ottawa and Montreal. As the supply of men and materials inefoases. more and more open wire will be replaced by underground cable â€" between London and Windsor â€" between Montreal and Quebeo City â€" to East (loa.-t points â€" wherever increased traffie and operating prudence demand it. New areas, too. will be brought into the Long Distance network . . . Here is still anotlier major ta^k ahead of ug ab part of our post-war cun^tructiou program. 0n ^^OitAf Se^^t/iee C*ifiHf U^iHfS t^ a/^t^

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