Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1945, p. 3

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% ^ OF BUSY HOUSEWIVES •a* 4%. For meals-ln-a-hurry at any timeof dayâ€" breakfast, lunch, between-meal snacks â€" clever housewives rely on Kellogft's ready-to-eat cereals. They're ready to serve in 30 seconds . . . need no mixing or cooking. Easy to digest. Economical, too ! » < V ^ Ik 4 â- Â« ^ s • Nazi Atom Bomb - l^ljrly Completed Ger0 ^r was within five months of com-, _^dng her own atom bomb when t?ie European war ended. A British task force four montlis Sjo discovered tliat German scien- tts almost had completed work on the bomb in a two-room labora- tory in the heart of a small silk fectorv nrrth of Hannover. The bomb, it was calculated would wipe out everything within a radius of six miles. A famous Germaa research •scientist in charge of the experi- ments was flown immediately to Britain it the time. He estimated his work would have been com- pleted by October. He saij tlie German Govern- ment had given him unlimited funds ind equipment and had not demanded any immediate results. THE ONE MAN JAPS ASKED BE SPARED HIROHITO. EMPEROR OF JAPAN Food and Clothing Arrive In Norway Supplirs of food and clothing «r« arriving in Norway each week according to "News of Norway." On .luly 6, a dusty caravan of 3'.' Swiss, trucks, heavily loaded with food, medicine, shoes, and clothing, rumbled through Oslo's .streets. Nine da> s out of Basel, the trucks carried :!iiO tons of supplies valued at three million Swiss francs, and had pii-sed through Cierniany. Denmark, and Sweden on their way to Xcrway. Trucks and driv- «rs of the Swiss Relief Convoy re- ceived K iovous welcome in O.slo. In 50 B.C., the firing of damp •ttaw to smoke out enemy posi- tions vi;s common. KILL FLIES Infantile Paralysis, ty- phoid and other dangerous diseases can tw carried by the common fly. Fly-Tox kills filthy flies instantly Get a large bottle today. THERE IS ONLY ONE FLYTOX KILLS INSECT Ptsrs Public interest in the post-war possil)ilities of the Trans-.\tlantic service operated by T'rans-Canada .\ir Lines continues to grow The number of requests for passage has increased to over 1.000. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It you ma troubUd with Itching piled ur ttciul soreiiebS. liu uot delay LreulnK-rit and run ihe risk of lettfnu this condition become chronic. Any id'hiny ur surenesy or painTul pasa- age or slool 13 nalure's wnrninB and proper KtMiment shuu d bo aeciired at oncft. Pot' this purpose ^et a parkage of Hem-iloid Troin ;uiy druggist and use as directed. I'hi:* foi naula which t:j used internally is a stnall. easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching; and uorencss and aid In liL-aliM^; Ihu sore tendei MputH. Meni-i;-jid IS plvasanl to use. \s hli;h!y leuuni me tided and II saeoi3 the helyht of folly for any one to risk a painful und chronic pile cofuJitiun when such a rme remedy m.iy t>e hnd at such a sm.-ill cost. If you try Hem-Roid and are Dot entitely plf.-isiMi with jUv result*. yotir driii:Kisi will ui..rjl.v tfluiu \ ntir in<*no\- Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydia E. Pinkham's VegotnbleCompwund not only helps relieve nionllily pain but also acconipanyinR nervous, tired, high- strung fcelinss â€" when duo to functional periodic disturbances, it's one ol the most elTectivc medicines lor (Ins purpose. Pinkham's Compound /«•//>.-.â-  nnlnr't Follow lalyl directions. Try H! JAP TERRITORY UNDER POTSDAM TERMS •"X/V KAMCHATKA f », ATTU I 5,721 Allied Airmen Rescued from Seas Japanese holdings will be reduced to four islands indicated in black, under terms of the Potldam Conference, which Japan ha* agreed to accept. Dotted lince Indicate greatest extent of Jap conquests. The Potsdam declaration con- tains the following terms: 1. Elimination "for all tioM" of the authority and influence ol those who led Japan into her career of conquest. 2. Occupation of points ia Japanese territory to be desig- nated by the .\Ilies until a "new order ot peace and security" in the world is assured. 3. Limitation o f Japanese sovereignty to the main Japanese islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and s few minor islands. 4. Carrying out tli« terms vi the Cairo Declaration which would strip Japan of all its conquest*. 5. Complete disarmament of Japanese armed forces. «. No enslavement of the Japa- nese nation. T. Stern justice for war crim- inals. 8. Removal by the Japanese Government of all obstacles to a reWval of democracy, freedom of speech, religion, and thought. 9. Permission for Japan to re- tain such industries as will »ui- tain its economy and permit reparations in kind. 10. -Access for Japan to raw materials and world trade. 11. A promise to withdraw occupying Allied farces when Japan has established a peace- fully inclined government "in accordance with the freely ex- pressed will of the Japanese people." A total oi 5,721 Allied airmen owe their lives to the gallant crews of the launches and planes of the British Air-Sea Rescue Service who picked them ol>C.;Df tlj^^fatcr near Britain ofteo^ntler tUf^ioscs' of the Germans, the Air Ministry announced last week. Overseas units of the service rescued at least 3,200 airmen and in areas other than the seas around Great Britain, 4,8«5 sol- diers, sailors and civilians were saved. .At tilie t'me of the Battle of Bri- tain the Air-Sea Rescue Service was a sinall, improvised and im- provising body, but in time it de- veloped into the highly specialized organization which sent out 138 R..-\.F. craft, 90 United States coastal cutters and a large num- ber of naval craft to play their part when the great D-Day fleet sailed for France. One of its pilots touching down on the blind of Lampedusa in the Mediterranean during a heavy air raid, wis just in time to receive the surrender of the Italian gar- rison in the invasion of 194S. Hove Yon Heord? Britain Had No Civilian Population It is ;tn error to refer to the ci- vilian population of Great Britain, says the Windsor Star Everyone in the United King- dom and Northern Ireland was en- g.Tge.i .n st.ine war work, war task or in uniform. None was a civilian in the true sense of the word. All were fighting or working for vic- tory. ' Insects have killed more , men than all the wars in history put together. Alexander the Great died at the heiyht of his career from a iiiiisTiiro bite. Dutch Royal Family Reunited In Holland Princess Julianua of the Nether- lands and her tiiree daughters, ar- rived in Holland recently arid were met by Prince Bernhard for the first reunion of the royal family on native soil in five ycarj. Princess Julianna has rgported at the food distribution office at Ba'arn. adjacent to Soestdijk where she will make her home with her family, to obtain new identity cards â€" neces'sary for the issuance of food cards â€" for all members of her family, according to the Ne- therlands Government Information Bureau. "I want to live with ray husband and my children under the food ra- tioning system as all other DutcU- men Ao," the Princess told food officials. "We want to live under normal rations as they are distri- buted by the food distributing ser- vice." Husband: "You don't seem (• care for that sport jacket I or- dered (or your birthday. Remem- ber, 1 asked if you preferred small or large checks." Witt: "Ves, but how did I know you were talking about clothes?* "Is this the pugilist who was run into by a motorist?" asked the house surgeon. "No; he's the motorist who ran into the pugilist.'* â€" o â€" Housewife: Just look at the duat on the piano, Beulah. It's at lea* six wee'.is old. Maid: Then it don't have nothia* to do with me, ma'am â€" I've only been here four weeks. Mrs. Newlywed : "Guesa what I've cooked for your dinner." Mr. Newlywed: I'll try. Let me see it." Smith: "So you're setting your boy up in the bakery business?* Jones: "Yes; he's so keen oa dough ind such a swell loafer that I'm sure he'll rise in the business." Lesson In Democracy \ lesson to the whole world ia tiie blessings, practices and free- doms of democracy was to be sec» m the fact Uiat Prime Miiiis^ Cliurcliill took the leader of tne Opposition Labor party, Clement Attlee. with him to the PQt3lam (ionl'ere'li:4s, sS that he ffOllid b« better fitted to take over if the election went as it did. It wa» democracy working at its excellent best. EXTRA FUSSY coffee lovers go wild about Max- well House. Available at your grocer's in an AH Pur* pose Grind that suits anj; type of coffee maker. It's superb coffee. \i\a\ cutcKS B.vrwtE.N STRAIN LEGHORN Pullets, tj weeka and up. Sussex X Barred Rock pullets, ti to 10 weeks. Johnson Hatchery, Fer- gu.s. Ont. FREE RA.NGE PULLETS VI WEEKS up to -ti weeks. Day old chicks h:ilciied tu order for Fall deliv- ery. Top -Notch Chickeries, Guolph. Untarlo. WE VVILl, HAVE CHICKS FOR Septembur-Uutober delivery. if ordered now. For immedi:ita de- livery we have limited supply light breed pullets, 2-3-4 weeks old. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., H:imilt.iii. Ont. III si.\i)!<s oi'i'oKTi .M rifc:.>» CLEA.V EASY .MILKERS NOW available. We want dealers in your territory. S. S. Deuiiis Co., jl'S Ridoui St.. London, Ontario. WILL TKADE'FINE WOOD TIMB- er 175 acres tor good truck or lioiise or sell. Walter Covyeow, V.iiiKniii,-hiiel, Ont. OVt;i.Mi .\\i> CLI:;-V.\l>ti HAVE VOL' A.NiTHlNG .NEEDS dyeing or cleaning'.' Write to us for information. We are glad to an.swer your uuestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye W'orka Limiied, 7'Jl ionga Street, To- rutit o. lODlCA'flOX.Iil, -Vr-PE.ND UL'SI.NESS i.'OLLE'.GE this Fall. EiiiiUire about iJrcgg Shorthand, choice of highly-paid stt'nograpers, secretaries and re- porters, "iiraduato with Cregg.*' K.*UM MACHINKKY l.'Oll S.*l,Hl CHOPPING .MILL IN GOOD LOC.\L- ity. Diesel power. .\Iways good crops. Write C. J. Co.\, .Vuburn. Ont. 6D H.P. 1NTER.\.\T10NAL STA- tionary Diesel, used very little. Write or phone Lowville Feed Mill. Route :.'. Milton, Ont. FUR SALB KUR SALE CHICK HATCHERY JS300. FOl; L'lilClC H.VTCHERY near London. Capacity :;uu.U0O chicks. Six J.amesway Incubators, 2 Uuckeye setting units and all necessary equipment. Price in- cludes exceptionally good build- ings. Jiusiness h.'vs grown too large for owner to handle. BERT WEIR &. SON Dundas Street. London. ELECTRIC .MOTORS. NEW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- ley.s. brushes. Allen Electric Com- oanv Ltd.. 2.t2B Dufferin St., To- torito. BOILER H l:.T.. GOLHIF Mci'l'LLOCH. G5 HI'.. 11(1 LI!S. STK.VM. IN E.X- chJLLEN'l' CONDITION: IRON MIUO.MAN STOKER, RECEIVING 1 \NK, CAN.\D.\ L.M'NDKy, 1123 IMNI.i.VS VV,. TORONTO. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOLND AND REI'AI UKD. Ex- pert worltinanship. Moderate pri. e.s. I.lovd >f. nett^or. Monk- 'on. O!i(:u-io. AN66RAS PAY: Kon. riMci.; cjioT ation<? on tjjoroughbrd stnrU wri'e Whttf* Cloud Kihhilrv. H Purdv St., lielL-ville. Ont. M N-I>.\CH'S KICNNKI..*!. RKCIS- tered, fur Dnch.*thiind piinniea. Write U'l Riverside Dr.. \\'est- mount. Weston. Oiit.qrio. MAl^K AT HOME Till-: FINEST nrani^f.uliv leinon.ide. rfl.'*ph«rrv. fie., s.nvi'le Wrile TRADERS, f 1 .'.â-  sinuile Wrile Rox l.'.l. Oltnwa. Ont. 35 DLSCIOUS DARK RED FAIRFAX or 25 heavy bearing Catskill or 2i) Gem Everbearing Plants that bear until late Fall. Are hardy plants for Northern growers. All new, thrifty, sprayed plants. Or- der now. Mention this paper. .^ent parc-el post prepaid. W. Phillips. R. 0. Welland, Ont. Df.VL PLKl'OSE SHORTHOR.N F.ull. 8 months old. dark red. Sire Parfaite Winston Bates, backed by R. O. V. Breeding show type, weiiihs around liOO. One hundred. J lolc Sturd>'. Clinton. MAGIC NOVELTIES. ALL KINDS. List sent free. TR.VDERS, Box IJl. Ottawa. Ont. ONCE CSED 7o-LB. JUTE POT.A.TO iiacks, 8Vjc each; 75-lb. cotton potato sacks, 7c each: 50-lb. on- ion sacks, 6c each. Write immed- iately. London Bag Company. lA)ndon. Otit. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you ret a in Sioiuif r Figure, turns your food inlo enert^y instead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drastic diet. Month's supply Jl.nn p.i.'iip.ii.l Dominion Herb Distributon 14-.'> M. Lfiwreoee Ulvil., Muntreul F.Vn.MS FOR S.*LE FOR S.\LEâ€" F.\RM. HURON COUN- ty. 100 workable acres, e.xcellent buildings, good drilled well, close to good highways and mtirkets. Hydro available. JG.OOO. For par- ticiihirs write D. .\. Moore, 208 Peloi;;ilne .Ave.. Toronto. F.MIM TWO HUNDRED ACRES fenced, seventy cultivated, rest wood, pa.sture. sugar busli, large bank barn, cement floor, large house. stone wall. basement, spring water. sink, telephone, apple trees, 2 'i miles from two towns, school bus passes door, price S.I.OOO. Fox US, Sundridge. Ont. 130 -ACRES FOR SALE, 9 MILES « est of South River. 30(1 yards lakeshore. Leonard -Whittington, R.R. 1, South River. Ont. HlNnUED Ai^'RE TOR.ACCt) FARM for s.-ile, sixt.v acres Tobacco land. three kilns, greenhouse 27 x 100 ft., bank b.nrti with implements. .\pply to Paul I'alenkn:', U.K. 3. Thamcsville. Out. 28.'i ACUES KDl! SALE. 12 MILES stuilh of Haliburioii. :t ppi u\ ini.'ite- l.v 101) acres good worUable land, remainder ptisture and bush, pit'nt.v of wo»)d. timber for lum- ber !ind maple syrup bush, fair house and barn, well watered â- uid fenced. Railwa.v and river run through property. Hydro power available. 2 miles from station, general store, church, and schn.il. Owner retiring. I-Vice fS.'.illl. .Vpply. Melville McKnighl. H.'\ 1 I Hrllilinrton. Ont. F.\l;.\I FOR SALE. NINETY-TWO acres cl.-iy lo.am. more or less, includes twenty acres bush, about five hundred .Maples for tapping. ev.Mporat<»r and eiiuipment for making Maple Syrup, nearly new. Two gas wells for heating cot- tige roof house, bank barn. alio, garage, henhouse. JiiflOO. .^pply Ml â- . J.-tuiij; Kindy. Sclkiik, Ont. KAKM h'OK SALE. I.in ACUES. lot 2. concession Ij. Maript)sa. if not sold will be rented this fall: ^veIl liiiilt R-ro»)ni brick hotise with bathroom cimplete and fur- nace: barn 5t x 74 with steel roof and other buildings: a never fall- ing creek, good fields for tractor Work: near .st.ation. high school and church. About liO miles frim Toronto, highwiv past the pl'ice. W. F. Clarke. Woodville, Ont. F-IR.MS FOR s.iLa: FARM. ERIN TOWNSHIP. CLOSE Erin Villag» and 21 Highway Has building, spring creek, water wells, small muple bush. |50 acre. Open for offer. Interested In QMicIc sale. Lot 20. Con. 11, liirin. 150 ACRES OF GOOD LAND FOR sale on county road. ^4 mile to highway and village, with good buildings. Appl.v to Evans W^ird. i'l:femotinr. '^nr, .MEDICAL WANTED â€" EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ot'awa. Postpaid 51.00. STOMACH A.\D PHltEAD WOK.MS often are the cause of Ill-health In humnns, all ages. No one Im- mune; Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvcney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto I GAL.MEEK_\ FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly 45c bottle. Ottawa agent. Denmiin Drug Store. Ottawa. FRUIT JUICES: THE RINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains. Neuritis. Sold only Mtuiro's Drug Store. 3:^.'! Elgin. Ottawri. Postpaid tl.Ort. U.^IRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy 137 Avenue Road. Toronto MIMCAL I.VSTUUMEJITS FRIOU A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ment.s. Ill Church. Toronto J. oiM'onruNi'riEH kor w«me> BE A HAIRDRESSER JOLN CAN.\DA'S LE.ADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free Write or call .MARVEL H.MRDRESSI.NG SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches; 4-t King St. Hamilton ,*â-  "4 Ridentt Streer Ottawa IMIO'I (l<:lt AI'H> TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "sn.aps" over PROMPT MAIL SliRVlCE Any Si/.e Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c .\ customer In Cape Breton says, "1 have been tending films to you for 4 or 6 years. Would not send them anvwhere else." SPECIAL AI,-B4JM OFFER New StyM .V.Ibum CVith Prints sizes 16-2U-127 if lie (40 extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON i^RA.MING A.ND COLORING Enlargements « x 6" in beautiful eaael mounts, i for 25c. Framed on ivory tinted mats. 7 x B". In Oold: Silv-2r, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. B9c each If enlaruement colored. 79r each OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . and make any number of prints or enlargement? desired The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost IS reasonable. Send us your picture and tell \x» what you want done and wo will tell you the cost before doing the work STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box r.'l> Poslul Terminal A. Toronto Print Nama and Addiest PlalDly OD TIME TESTED QUAUTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed aod printed. « OR S EXPOSURE ROLLS tSo REI'RINTS 8 for 25c FI.NEST ENI^VRGI.NG SERVICH Vou may not get all the films yoa want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'ERIAI, VHOTO SEIiVICB .-station 1. Tnrejnto p.iTE>r» FETHERSTONH.\UGH & COMPANT Patent Solicitors. Established 189U; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on r»- nnepr I'EAt HKRS W.».>rKD WANTED â€" QUALIFIED PRO- * testant teachers for Township Sfrhool .\rea of Kennebec, dutiea to commence Sept. 3. State quali- fications and name of last in- spector: minimum salary It.SSO. -â- Vpply J. E. Hughes. Sec.-Treas., -Vrden. Ont. TOW.VSHIP SCHOOL BOARDi Drury. Denison and Graham. Dla- trict of Sudbury, requires S Pro- testant qualified teachers for schools in followinij; vill.-iges â€" Whitefi.= h. Worthington and High Falls: also one bilinpunl teacher for rnr:il school near Whitefish. Reply stating qualifications and salary expected to . Mrs. R. H. Murray. 300 Laura .\ve., Sudbury. Ont, TEACHER W.A.NTED FOR U.S.3. No. 1. Bond. Protestant, first class: s.alary J1.400. .A^pply A. Bright well, Secretary-Treasurer, Shillington P.O., Ontario. TWO QU-VLIFIED PROTESTANll Teachers for school area No. > Monteagle. -\pply stating salary; and qualifications to G. H. Wood- cox. Sec.-Treas.. R.R. No. 1. Hybla, Ontario. MADAWASK.\ PUBLIC SCHOOL â€" Protestant female teacher want- ed for Junior room, tst class cer- tificate with music preferred, but not necessary; salary $1,200 per annum: duties commence Sept 4. F. T. Chaddock. Madawaska. Ont. GOLDEN LAKEâ€" EXPERIENCSD Protestant teacher. Principal la 2-roomed school at Village of Golden Lake, Ont. Good train and bus service. Apply, stating sal- ary and e.xperience, to Wm. J. Huih. Sec.-Treas.. S.S. No. «, North .Vlg.Mia. eJoIden I.ake, Ont. WA.1TED UMBEK FOR 1!AKN FRAMING. Quote price and quantity to Ger- ald W. Spence, Brewer's Mills. Ont. W.VNTED â€" AN EXPERIENCED single dairyman, or a married man with no children for carinK for a small, but. high class hol- alein herd on R.O.P. in Peel Coan- ty District. Good living condi- tions and wages of $75.00 t* $100.00 depending on the man. Box 43. 7.3 .Adelaide W. Tnronlau WANTED â€" A THOROUGHLT trained coon hound preferably â-  female must be .^ood ut trail and at tree and broke off of JicVa, â-  fox and deer. Give full particu- lars Including price. Box 44, Tt Adelaide VV., Toronto. WANTED TO PURi'H.VSB PUt^ lets, all breeds from S weeks u# to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box 3S. 73 Adelaide W. 1*. ronto. - V>,

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