Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1945, p. 8

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•y,:JH«^as^f7i. !â- '- yj^"'^ ""P^ Wednesday, Aug^ist 22, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i , â€"â€"»â€"â€"«» FOR LONG SERVICE USE THE GREAT GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER COMPLETE coodJtTear ^ TIRE SERVICE D. McTAVISH & SONS FLESHERTON * t % Ordered Clothing For Discharged Personnel Orders for Suits and Overcoats made-to- measure for members of the Armed Forces now receiving their discharge have been ac- corded priority in delivery, and allotted spec- ial ranges of patterns from which to make a selection, which are not available to civilians. On producton of Priority Certificates we shall be glad to take orders. TIP TOP TAILORS SUITS and OVERCOATS $29.75 W. R. JOHNSTON SUITS and OVERCOATS $27.50 $32.50 $36.50 Every garment made and tailored to your individual measure... Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. A good range of sizes and patterns in stock. Priced from $2|.95 F. H. W. Hi FLESHERTON General Merchant -M-*'- Business man rushing to Labor Exchange: "I- say, I'm looking for a cashier." '•But we st-nt you one last week," reiplied the clerk. Yes, that's the one I'm looking for.' ADDITIONAL LOCALS CREDIT AUCTION 8iL FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, ETC. JOHN GRAHAM will sell by public auction on LOT 38, CON. 13, ARTEMBSIA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEK 6 the following namely: HORSES â€" Aged Mare, 1400 lbs.; Percheron Mare, 6 years old, ISOOtb: Clyde Mare, 10 years old, 1400 lbs; General-Purpose' Mare, 6 years old, 1200 lbs; Mare Colt, 1 year old. CATTLE â€" Registered Hereford Bull, 2 years old ; Registered Hereford Heifer, 2 years old; 5 Hereford Heif- ers, 2 years old; 5 Hereford Steers, 2 years old; 11 Hereford Yearlings; 2 Hereford Cows, 5 years old; Here- ford Cow, 4 years old; Brindle Heifer 2 years old; Brindle Cow, 4 years old; Durham Cow, 7 years old; Hereford Cow, 4 years old; White Cow, 5 years old, (all cows suippo&ed in calf, dates given day of sale); 2 Goats; 6 Spring Calves', 40 Hens, 50 Chickens; 16 Pigs around 200 tbs; Sow, supposed due to farrow Sept. 26th. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" F. & W. Binder, 6 foot cut, new canvasses; F. & W. Mower, 5 foot cut; Wagon and Hay Rack; McCormick-Deering Horse Rake; Cultivator 13-tooth; M.- H. Disc 12-(pate; Set Harrows; M.-H. Drill 1.3-disc; Steel 'and Roller; M-- H. Manure Spreader in good condi- tion; Gang Plow; No. 21 Fleury Plow Fanning Mill; Cutting Box; 2000 lib. Platform Scales; Root Pulper; Set of Shallow Lake Sleiglv.5, good; Cutter; Set Douliie Harness and Collars; Sec Driving Harness; Tliird-horse Har- ncss; Sap Pan and 'JO Galvanized Buckets; Steel Barrel; 2 Cedar Bar- rel?; Crosscut Saw; Swede Saw; 145 feet of Cable; 155 feet Rope and Car; I 4 Sling Rope-; Stoneboat; Douible- I trees; VVhifFletrees ; Tongues, Neck I Yoke.'. Hoes, Wheelbarrow, Foi'ks I Shovels and numerous other articles. i HAY & GRAIN â€" 41 loads Good I Mixed Hay; 200 bu. Fall Wheat; 18 ' rows of Turnips, 40 rods long; about 60O bu. Mixed Oats and Barley, about IVi acres of good Corn, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES â€" High Chair; y Chairs; 2 Rocking Chairs; Writing Desk; Chest of Drawers; 2 Heater Stoves; Sideboard, Cupboard; Renfrew 'Cook-Rite" Range; Exten- sion Taible; 2 Small Tables; 2 Con- golcum Rugs 9x12 ft.; 2 Small Rugs; Davenport Couch; Kitchen Couch; Good Piano. New Guitar; Phonola Cabinet Radio, in good condition; 4 Beds, Springs and Mattres-ses; Dress- ing Table; Wash Stand; Baby's Cot and Springs; 2 Baby Carriages and Gocart; Churn; Washing Machine; Good Wringer and Stand; Sealers, Pots, Dishes, Milk Pails and many other first class articles. FARM FOR RENT The farm will be offered to rent to a re.^ponsibIe party. Po.sitively no reserve, as the owner is moving to (he West. SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP TERMS ~ All sumw of $10.00 and umler, Cash; over that amount 6 month?' credit will be given on joint notes approved by the Canadian Bank of ConVinorct', Klosherton, hearing in- terest at 15 per cent per annum. GE. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer A. Chard and C. Long, Clerks. LITTLE MAN, WHAT NOW? 6^ db///A^ff Local and Persona I Miss Ethel Taylor of Toronto is Bobbie Stoddart is visiting friends visiting at her parental home. in Owen Sound. j Mrs. C. S. McTavish spent the Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson ! ''â- ^'^^ end in Toronto visited in Islington and Toronto over the holiday last week. Miss Hazel McKillop of Toronto sipent .--overal days last week with her parents. Mrs. R. Bentham visited Mr. and Mi-s. Arnold Shaw at Ow^n Sound on Friday last. * Mrs. Norman Stoddart and son ed are visiting Mr. and, Mrs. Earl Alexanaer of Colling'wood. Mis? Jeanete Cargoe has returned to Toronto, after holidaying with her mother, Mrs. J. Cargoe. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ste-wart attended the funeral of. the late John Nixon at Caledon East on Monday. Mrs. Lougheed and daughter, Lor- na, of Clarksburg were guests the latter part of last week with Miss Elsie Caswell and Mrs. Molitor. Misses Eunice Allen and yelma Sewell have returned home, after fc.pending a -week at a summer camp near Barrie. Dr. and Mrs. Alex. Tumbijll, Helen and David, of London renewed old acquaintances here over the week end. They were on their way to spend their vacation at Red Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benson and Gwen of Dundalk visited last week at the W. Hamilton home. Donna Jean returned with them for a few holidays. Mrs. E- Wolfe Laverne and Joanne Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton are sipend- ing this week at the former's hom« in the village. Mr. and Mrs! John McDonald and Denelda of Cordova Mines, Mr. and Mrs Sam McDonald and iwo daugh- ters of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton and ihxii '-hildren of Toronto,. Mrs. Sco't Eccles and Mrs. Martha Hamilton oi Mt. Forest were recent visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Fte. Geo. Ward of Ravenna spent the first of the week at the home of Mrs. Sarah Guy. George has recent- ly returnd after three years spent overseas. Mr Messrs. Frank Duncan and Joseph Duncan are spending a week with relatives at Maynooth, N. Hastings. . Misses Evelyn and Iva Brown of Toronto are holidaying with their oarents. Mr. aifd -Mrs. Fred Brown. Mrs. Lloyd Purvis of New Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins and Anne are visiting friends in Toronto, Niagara and Buffalo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and children of Toronto are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. Albert Colgan of Strathroy was a visitor for several days last week with his sister, Mrs. C. Hindle, west backline. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina spent Sunday at the home of Stewart Nixon, Caledon East. Mr. Gaylord Kaitting of Detroit is visiting this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Kaitting, and sis- ter, Mrs. Stanley MenzieS at the Power House. Mr. Fred North of St. Thomas was a visitor at The Advance office Tues day. Mr. North was enroute by bi- cycle to attend the camp meeting at Clarksburg. Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Fresh cow and two calves. â€" Ernie Proctor, Eugenia FOR SALE â€" Pigs for sale, chunks, â€"Joe Radley, Flesherton. 10p3 FOR SALE â€" Young pigs ready to wean. â€" Robt. Thompson, R. R. 2, Flesherton. 12cl FOR SALE â€" 7 pigs, ready to wean. â€" Jim Magee, Eugenia, phone Feverab^m 5rll. 9pl FOR SALE â€"^10 Young pigs ready to go. â€" Henry Brown Jr., R. R. 2 Flesherton. 12)pl FOR SALE â€" Durham . cow, 10 years old, due August 1st. â€" ^Pred Russell, phone 30r4 Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Number of pigs juet weaned. â€" Wm. Beaton, telephone 22r32 Flesherton. 12l>l WANTED â€" AJmukla rattable for mink and fox <eed. â€" ^Bert Melntoofe Eug«nia, phone Fci«enlw-i GrSS FOR SALE â€" Electric cabinet radio in good working condition. â€" ^C. J. Kennedy, Flesherton, 12lp2 MR. HAROLD LOUGHEED TAKING MA.\WELL SERVICE Mr. Harold Lougheed of Toronto will have charge of the service in the Max^vell United Church on Sunday, -â- August 26th, commencing at 8 p.m. The pastor. Rev. O. W. Holmes, is ..way on holidays. Installed New Shoe Repairing Machinery Following a policy of first class service in the boot and shoe repaii business, 0. W. Phillips & Son have recently installed a new machine for the pegging of soles on boots. This machine replaces the old hand opera- tion and saves time in turning out the work. This shop has the most and Mrs. Jas. Smith and two | modern machinery in operation and Aerial view ihowi Manila Bay, with b â- uppliei for the invasion of Japan. ' purpose •• did England in the Bi children of Buffalo spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mrs. .Smith and children i-e- mained for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Ed. Fisher, Mrs. W. Hamil- ton, Mrs. J. .A.. Hutchison ancj, Mrs. 0. W. Phillips attended the rally of Grey County Women's Institutes held at Durham on Friday last. Mr. Mack. Duncan has received his (lii-'charge from the R.C.A.F., after four years of service and has taken his place in his father's hardware itore. We welcome Mack back to ;he village. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Manchip and two daughters, Barbara and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Thomas and daughter, Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. ,Ioie Williams, all of Toronto, called on -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, John Carrington of St. Thomas and Mr. and JIrs Harry Carrington Jr. of Sarnia were callers on friends in town on Tuesday. It is 2") years since John left Flesherton II '1(1 liis friends were pleased to see him again. Mrs. Wm. Guest of Brownsville Jet,, Maine, and her daughter, Lieut. Ravulla Guest of Washington, D.C., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson. Lieut. Guest was at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, when the Japs bombed that pert, bringing the Unit- ed States into the war. Mr. P. S. MacDougal took the ser- vice in St. John's United Church Sun- day morning, while Mr. W Honer of South Porcupine presided at the or- gan. Special music was given by a male quartette composed of F. W. Duncan, Geo. Cairns, Geo, Buchanan and Mel. Buchanan. Out of toi\vn visitors at the home of Jos. Sewell on Sunday were" Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and Marilyn of Durham, Mrs. Art Lawler and two children of Maxwell, Mrs. C. Phillips of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and family of Chatsworth and Lenore and Douglas Moore of Hamilton. Visitors' this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan were, Mr. Robert Mller, Charlotte Reperta, Dora, Mrs. John Calbert, Mrs. H. Simons, all of Tornoto; Mr. and Mrs. Art Peck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan of Tor- onto; Mr. and Mi-s. K. R. Kimmerly, Ronald home from overseas, Marg- aret Beverley Ellis of Toronto; Mr. Edgar from Epping; Mr, and Mrs. H. Pearson of Mt. Albert. FOR SALE â€" Dawson G<iI<Jen Chaff seed wheat. â€" Wilfred Lever, "phonfl- 33 r 14 Flesherton. Ilc2 FOR SALEâ€" 16 Young Oxford Down ewes. â€" Earl Maxwell, Feversham, phone 20r43 Feversham. 12c2 LOST â€" A heart-shaped yellow gold locket near dam at Eugenia Falls. Reward. Box 250 The Advance Office. 9p2. FOR SALE â€" 12 comb honey sup- ers; cow, five years Id, with calf three years old. â€" Minnie Graham, Markdale, R.R. 4, phone Flesherton 73r33. 9c2 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED â€" By Se.pt. 1st for home in Owen Sound, complete charge, 3 in family. Send written replies to Box 275 at The .\dvance office. "Oscar'' and "Bob" are to be con gratulated on having such a com pletely equipped shop for handling! repairs. They will now be better; e.^abled to give fast, service with an ; improvement in workmanship. St. John's W.M.S. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church on Friday, .August 17. The president, Mrs. W. I. Henry was in the chair and apened the meeting with hymn 602 followed by prayer. It was decided to hold the autumn Thankoffering in October. Mrs. Hen- ry also took charge of the devotional part of the meetinor in the absence of the gi-oup leader, Mrs.. Heard Mrs. E. Henry gave a reading fol- lowed with a duet by Mrs. Blackburn and Miss B. Thistlewaite. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Morgan read an article on habits and '-rogress of the Canadian Indian. Meeting closed wth h^-mn 255 and prayer by Mrs. Cargoe, WANTED â€" One girl's bicycle and one boy's bicycle, both small size, in good ninning order and with good tires. Phone 74 Meaford, be- tween hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 6. FARM FOR SALE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ORDER TO BE LIFTED The Federal Government's action in mainUiining daylight savinig time the year round across Canjda as a wartime measure to conserve power for war industry, wijl be relaxed fol- lowing the surrender of Japan, it was learned this week. It is expect- ed that Federal order for diiylight saving time 'will be lifted early in October and thereafter its resump- tion will revert to control of munici- pal authorities wishing to have it re- sumed during the summer jjeriod. District Fall Fair Dates Arthur Sept. 14-16 Ayton Sept. 25-26 Chats'worth Oct. 4-5 Collingwood Sept. 26-28 Dundalk Sept. 18-14 Durham Sept. 6-7 Fergus Sept. 7-8 FEVERSHAM Oct. 3-4 Grand Valley Sept. 21-21 Hanover Sept. 12-13 Holstein Sept. 20-21 Mackdale Oct. 10-11 Mt. Forest Sept. 10-11 Neustadt Sept. 21-22 Orangeville Sept. 11-12 Owen Sound Sept. 29, Oct. 1-2 Shelburne S<t>t. 18-19 Teeswater .....a Oct. 2-3 Be a subscriber to ""he Advance as well as a reader. Part Lot 33 and Lot 34, Con. 11, .Artemesia Township, beside Eugen- ia Hydro Lake, containing 120 acre? with good buildings, bank barn and frame house, hard and soft watei farm is well watered; about 20 acres of bush. .A. good buy for the right person. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. Phone: Feversham 5rll. 9p4 LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL INSURANCE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CAr >.-r DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICI.\N & SURGEON Gi-aduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBK for the County odi Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp altf. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction la guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tte Advance ofTice or phone 4w. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Matilda Pedlar, of the Village of Flesherton deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anyone having any claims against the Estate of Frederick Godfrey Karstedt, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, who died on or about the Second day of April, A.D. 1©46, mwt file siame with the undersijrned not later than the Fifteenth day of Sep- tember, 1945, after which date distri- bution of the said Estate will be made, h«ving regard only to cl|inrt then received. Dated at Durham this Ninth day of August, 1946. -~i. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. 4 â- i \. .^ •/

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