Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1945, p. 8

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Wednesday, October 3, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Quebec style heater. â€" Mrs. Wm. Moore, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Southdown ram, 2 yrs. old. â€" Jas. Sturrock, Priceville. FOR SAUE â€" 30 young pig-s. â€" Jos. Radley, Flesherton. 18p2 FOR SALE â€" Grafonola, console model, good as new, with 24 re- cords. â€" S. W. Sloan, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good large extension! table. Apply at The Advance, office. 16p2 :;OTICE â€" My Hereford bull is not lor public service alter this dat«. â€" D. W. Adams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 8 Pigs, 6 weeks old, weaned. â€" John Shortreed, Price- ville, Ort. 17pl WANTED â€" AnunsU svitablc fo) mink and lox feed. â€" Bert Mclntou Eugenia, phon« fwnixr--\ 5i2fi FOR SALE â€" Leicester ram, 3 years old. â€" Wm. Russell, phone 76r21 Flesherton. 17p2 FOR SALE â€" Hound pups, 9 weeks old. â€" J. 0. Dargavel, Flesherton. GIRL or WOMAN to assist with the housework- in Burlington; Well equipped home and every consider- ation shown. â€" Mrs. Harold Black, Flesherton. 18p2 iOR SALE â€" Bell organ, nice in- s'rument; Beatty washing machine, B.C. water tanks 4x6, well hooped w\ painted.â€" S. W. Sloan, Flesh- .1. 15p2 STRAYED â€" 1 two-year-old Here- ford steer, about Aug. 26th. Anyone knowing of the whereabouts of same please phone Dundalk 56r5 collect, reward. â€" Wm. Hay, Proton Station. 14p3 liitle Theatre Circuit Picture Show TOWN HALL Flesherto n Monday, Oct. 8 COLUMBIA PICTURES present « Cowboy Canteen « A high class Musical Comedy highly regarded by theatre- goers. You will like this picture. TWO SHOWS â€" 7:15 and 9 p.m. Admission. 35c and 20c Baptist Church Notei FOR S.VLE â€" Democrat in good condition; wood heater, nearly new; kitchen cabinet and other furni- ture. â€" Mrs. Katherine Morrison, Maxwell, phone Feversham lrl5. FOR SALE â€" Several young pure- bred Scotch Shorthorn bulls from 6 to 12 months old, sired by the prize winning "Merry Sensation" by the twice Grand Champion "Rigfoot Sensation". Allso a number of young purebred fe- males, some bred to the above sire. All good colours and priced to sell. A few purebred Oxford Ram lambs. Howard I Graham, Mark- dale. R. R. 4. LIGHTI«(.\G AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, A«ent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'MSURANGE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CARi DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned" Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONEEl for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp --altj Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction it guaranteed. Dates arranged at "Hx Advance office or phone 4w. C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS, Etc. Office: Toronto Street, Fleaherton THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving services will be held this Sunday in both churches. Efvfcryone is urged to attend, thus evidencing gratitude to God "for His goouness and His wonderful works to the children ol men." RALLY A Baptist Young People's Union Rally will be held in First Baptist Church, Mount Forest, on Monday afternoon and evening. All young people are invited. A lime of social fellowship was enjoyed Monday evening in the basement of the church with group games, songs and re(fre&bments. The prograoj was highlighted by instru- mental "duets provided by Mr. Grant Helnikay and his son. Earl. Local aod 1 ersm.. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture WM. McLBOD will sell by public auction Lot 43, Concession 2, Glenelg Twp. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 the lolLowing namely: HORSES â€" Bay Team, 3 and 4 years old; Grey Team, 5 and 14 years old. CATTLE â€" 10 milking cows, sup- posed in calf; 2 Hereford Bulls, 2 years old, and 10 months old; 30 young cattle up to 2 years old. PIGS, SHEEP, FOWL â€" 15 Ox- ford Down Ewes; Suffolk Ram, 2 years old; Brood Sow Bred; 8 Pigs, 6 weeks old; 35 Barred Rock Hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Deering Binder; Hay Rake; Peter Hamilton Mower; Hay Rack; International Hay Loader, nearly new; Set 12- Bull Harrows; Wagon; Manure Spreader; Walking Plow; Steel Land Roller; Gang Plow; Double Riding Plow; Cultivator; McCormick Seed Drill; Set Scales; Frost & Wood Seed Drill, nearly new; Fanning Mill; Bag Holder; Grain Bags and Sacks; Set Sleighs; Stoneboat; Root Pulper; Melotte Cream Separator, 500 lb. capacity; Sap Pan, Pails, Spiles; Cutter Pole and Shafts; Set Sling Ropes; About 40 Tons Hay; 2 Sets Double Driving Harness: Quan- tity of Grain and Potatoes; Shovels; Forks; Wiffletrees; Sausage Ma- chine and Press; Numerous Other Articles. FURNITURE, ETC, â€" 2 Churns; White Enamel Bed; 2 Hand Washmg Machines; 2 Crocks; 2 Wringers; Coal Oil Can; Extension Mahogany Dining Room Table, Buffet and 6 Chairs; Extension Kitchen Table and 4 Chairs; Alladin Lamp; 2 Lamps; Lantern; Set Smothing Irons and Handle; Monarch 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove. The 300-acre farm is lor sale. Positively no reserve as owner is giving up farming. Sale at 1:00 p.m. TERMS OF SALE Hay, grain, sheep and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on joint notes acceptable to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Durham, with interest at 6% per an- num. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Messrs. Jos. and Wm. Field od To- ronto are spending a few days here. Mrs. W. E. Morgan left Monday to reside in Owen Sound. Mrs. Geo. Field of Brampton visit- ed in town on Saturday. Miss Margarfit Turney of Toronto Normal School was a week end visit- or at her home. Misses Dora and Reperta Miller ol Shelburne visited wdth Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Gorily recently. Miss Beatrice Hits of Georgetown is visiting her cousin, Wrs. Dave Williams. Mrs. John Ringland of McLeod, Alta., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Archie Stewart, at present. Mrs. W. D. Ebbels of Montreal is visiting her parents, Mt. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. John P«tty and Mrs. Chas. Petty of Durham visited) on Sunday wit Mrs. W. Moore. Mrs J. J. Brown is spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. H. Bates, at Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Toman ol Toronto and Mr. Stewart Foster ol Toronto were visitors last week with their sister, Mrs. C. J. Kennedy. F.O. Geoi^e C. Mitchdl returned to his home in Toronto last week, after three years overseas with the Air Force. Miss Janet Purvis, Reg.N., of To- ronto returned to her home after three weeks visiting with Miss Flor- ence J. Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bentham and Janet of Toronto called on the for- mer's mother, Mrs. R. Bentham, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haimilton and family, aocompanied by MJrs, Ross Bro-wn of Guelph, visited on Sunday at Bradford with their daughter. Alma. The High School students will hlod their track meet and field day at the agricultural grounds Thurs- day afternoon at 1:30. The hl.^li school principals of South Grey have accepted the invitation of Dtindalk to hold the district field day there on Friday, Oct. 12th. Included are the schools at Hanover, Durham. Markdale. Flesherton, Dundalk and Shelburne. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Flesherton retail stores will be closed Wednesday ndghts and open : hiir^day mornings from this date. Mrs. McLeod left the first of the week to spend the winter with her daughter, .Mrs. W. Wellwood, at Dundalk. Mrs. 0. J. Rowe and little son left on Saturday to reside at Baysville, where .Mr. Rowe intends opening a business when he receives his army riiicharge this week. The Little Theatre Circuit is showing moving pictures in Flesher- ton each Monday night and have two shows each night. They present real good pictures and the show is being well patronized. Rev. Sydney Caswell of Toronto and Rev. Wesley Caswell ol Van- couver, B.C., visited their uncle, W. J. Caswell, recently. Other visitors were his daughter, Mrs. V. Snider, ol Waterloo, Cpl. Donald Snider ol Camp Borden and Joyce Molitor ol "Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Keys repre- sented the Baptist Chuiehes at, the Owen Sound Association sessions held in Listowel last week. Mr. Keys was re-elected to the office of For- eign Missions Chairman and repre- sentative and secretary-treasurer of the Ministerial. He was responsible for the song services at the evening sessions. ~4UCTI0N SALE Clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., Monday, Oct 8tn, at Lot 31, Con. 16, Proton Twp., (Bethel) 5 miles west of Dundalk, Stella MsMillen, Proprietress. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. See posters. EMERSON THOMSON IN ttkNADA Word was received Tuesday eren- in« that Pte. Emerson Thomson h«i,. arrived in Canada and expected W^'. reach Toronto this Wednesday even- ing. He expects to arrive at th« Flesherton station on the Tbui8<ia7 night train. Mrs. Thomson went to Toronto to meet him. -^1 SEND IN YOUK RENEWAL. Auction Sale of Purebred Yorkshire (17 Sows and 2 Boars) SWINE ROCKLYN FALL FAIR GROUNDS on WedvOct. 10 at 4:00 p.m. under the auspices of the Rocklyn Boys' Swine Club Catalogues on request Elwin Boyd, Pres. Boys' Swine Club J. Clarke, Sec. Rocklyn, Out. TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS Sealed Tenders plainly marked "Tender" on the envelope and addressed to Roy Piper, Secretary, Ceylon, will be re- ceived until midnight, October 6th, lor the operation oi a school bus to Flesherton High School. The route will be Flesherton to Eugenia, and to the townline between Arte- mesia and Osprey, along the Feversham road. For further information prospective bus operators should see any of the undersigned committee. COMMITTEE H. A. McCauley, Chairman K. G. Goheen R. J. Boyd Roy Piper, Secretary t J T t T T t »t<M»^<M»^<M$^^4^^««t<H»t*^^^^^^t^^^^t^ THE CASUAL LOOK FOR FALL BRINGS YOU TO HILL'S FOR Coats, Dresses, Hats t X Outstanding and Thrilling Styles and Values % f T T t T T t t t t t t FUR TRIMMED COATS Decidedly different and outstanding is our large display of the new fur-trimmed Coats for Fall and Winter. Trimmed with lovely silver fox and other favorite fur-trim, which add to the beauty of the really fine gar- mnts and all moderately pried. LADIES' UNTRIMMED COATS Included are some of the smartest tweeds and plain cloths, one of the finest collections we have shown in years; sizes for almost everyone and priced to suit everyone's pockt bzook. CHILDREN'S COATS You'll find a complete range of lovely coats for the little ladies. Fresh new merchandise in gay colors, including tweeds and fur-trima. sizes 7 to 14x. 5* TINY TOT SETS HATS Our millinen' Department overflows with Hats that reach a new height in flattering and smart styles, all colors suitable for all your costumes. MEN'S SUITS Buy your new Fall Suit now while you have the assortment of fresh lines, as they are scarce. We have a good assortment in fancy worsteds and tweeds to choose from. BOYS' SUITS We have a good assortment in fancy tweeds. All are good fall shades and all are mod- erately priced. BOYS' BREECHES See our range of Boys' Breeches, good heavy all-wool tweeds, made to stand strong wear, size 6 to 14 years $3.50 to $3.95 Including leggings and hat, aizee up to 6 years, also chinchilla Snow Snugs in blue and pink, with white trim. priced. All moderately f T t t t t T T t t t t T T t t t RAIN MASTER RAINCOATS Mad« of fine quality silk gabardine in sizes 12 to 20 years. Priced $15.95 Mevoeriied gabardine rain coats in sizes 12 to 20 years. Price $12.95 DRESSES ^ Youll be thrilled when you see our large display of Fall Dresses, beautiful materials and new patterns feature our trowing of these choice Irocks and all are so reason- ably priced RUBBEKa FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY MEN'S TOP COATS Cooler weather now, you will need a new Fall Coat. See our range of fine tweede, also plain colors. All moderately priced. CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS Made with button front in a good assort- ment of solors, sizes 4 to 12 years. Priced at $1.29 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! MEN'S WORK BOOTS made with good str^ A leather uppers and leather sole, noade to X stand strong wear, sites from 6 to 12. Y Priced from $2.91 to $5.71 A BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS Made of ttrong durable leather to stand hard wear, sizes 1 to 6Vi $1.95 to $3.85 Thi* Store will he closed Wednesday Nights and open Thursday mornings Markdale Fair, Thursday, Oct 11, this Storewill he ^pen all day. make this Store your Headquarters. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited | PHONE 7 MARKDALE, Ontario WE DELIVER *|* THIS VERY MINUTE IF the needy and destitute of war-torn lands could stand at your side in their rags and poverty. â€" and look in your clothes closet with you . . . ...IF that could happen, and you saw the plea in their sunken, death-hounded eyes, . you would give half of your clothing to warm them. *THIS VERY MINUTE, / tvill go and look* They tvon*t be at my side, but their voice of thanks tuill be. sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) m aid of NATIONAL CL0THIN6 COLLECTION, OeL 1 to 20 t aStlM^>i^r!i^*iit> i '^'- ' ^''i'''*^*" ' " *** "

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