Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1945, p. 5

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> »â-  • THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, Ocober 10. 1945 ♦ f t r m V â- r â- r r • â- A # Portable Silos Are easily set up, give good results and are very economical to purchase. Corn yields you more per acre than almost any other feed. This is one good way to solve your feed problem in a profitable economical manner, a few acres of corn with a Portable Silo for storage. We have them in stock at, per unit $8.10 Fox and Mink Ranchers W« kaT« aoae 1 iBch Eleetrie WeU Fabric, also â- .ae \Vi in* Chain Link Fabric on hand. Team Harness and Harness Parts We har* a good stock on hand, along with Horse Collars and Blanketa, both jute and duck, each |3.95 and $5.95 Bushman's Supi^ies Saws, Axes, Wedges, Longging Chain, Canthoosk, Splitting Axes, Lunch Boxes with Thermos. Call in and look around. We aim at haviug what you need. J. M. STAFFORD MODERN FARM MACHINERY ROOFING Phone 4 r 22 FEED HARDWARE CEMENT FEVERSHAM, OnL CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers of Tor- -onto, were Thanksgiving visitors -with the latter's sister, Mrs. Thos. 'Geooe and Mr. Genoe and family. Mr. Mac Duncan, Flesherton, Mrs. Mae Duncan, Toronto, Miss Marian Collinson, Guelph, were week end vi- citors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ck>llinson. Mr. and Mrs. Les Jamieson and son, Ralph, Mrs. Grace Blackburn sod Miss Ruth Blackburn of Toron- to, Mr. Hartley Blackburn and son, Cieorge of Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Bverette Blackburn and family of Portl*w were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. We are very glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Mould, student minister and wife, taking over the services in the Ceylon United Church, every Sunday evening at 8 p.m., also glad to know tiiere was a goodly numiber present last Sunday. Kindly remember the ohurch service and encourage your minister by being present at each •errice. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haw and son, Billy, of Swinton Park visited tast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns. Mr. Keith Goessell of Gait spent the Thanksgiving holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goes- tell. Mr. Peter Muir returned last week end after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. P. Oas For Farmers Farmers! Have our trucks call and supply you with Imperial Oil Products that give satisfac- tion to all. Deliveries made to farmers only. Prompt service. Reverse the charges when calling ns. Prompt Service. J. Langdon & Son Distributors of Imperial ' 1 Products Phone 78 DUNDALK | Muir and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston, Ruth and Peter, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod and daugther, Marian, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baxter of Toronto; Mr. Mervin Baxter of Collingwood; Mrs. R. W. Patton and son of Beth- any, Miss Marion Muir of Hamilton. Mr. and lirs. Roy Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Toronto visited Mrs. John Gibson over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Al Seymour of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty, Beth and Frankin of Owen Sound, apent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Holiday visitors with Mr. A. S. Muir were: Misses Mary Muir, R.N., Lottie Muir, R.N., Piper Grant Muir and Messrs. James and Lloyd Suth- erland of Toronto. Piper Muir has just returned from overseas. Mr. J. P. Stewart and Miss Irene Gray, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, Ceylon, Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Toronto, were holiday visitors with friends in Durham and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caims, Colleen and Howard were recent visitors with the latter's parents, at Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright, of Feversham, Mr. Bruce Irish. Toron- to, were holiday visitors with Miss M. Hemphill and Mr. S. Hemphill. Holiday vistors with Mrs. C. Arch- ibald were: Mrs. Will Maycock, Mr. Willard McWhinney and Mr. Robt. Pat Black. Gravenhurst. Mr. adn Mrs. Isaac Snell and Mrs. G. Snell visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander, Flesher- ton. Mrs. J. Knox is holidaying with friends at Swinton Park and Hope- viUe. Miss Ethel Irwin, Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. M. Irwin and Mrs. W. Burnett. Miss Hilda Duckett is visiting friends at Eugenia. The many friends of Miss Lois 9T)arks, Flesherton. are glad to ':now she is making satisfactory pro- :ress in Markdale Hospital after her POULTRY MARKETING WE URGE YOU TO FATTEN AND MARKET ALL POULTRY AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE By selling now you are saving weeks of feed- ing and labour, receiving good market prices and helping us to handle the great volume of poultry orderly. If you find it inconvenient to dress your poultry, let us dress it for you. You will benefit by it. FMienti Craomery & Produce Angus Avis, Manager fnoiw •• FEVERSHA^ (Intended for Last i^eak) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Staples, Ca- van, visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hannah. Mr. Ed. Powell and Mr. R. Heron, Elsinore, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E3by on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ricker, Com- manda were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitman. Mr. Orr, student minister of the Presbyterian Church for the summer months, preached his farewell aar- mon last Sunday evening and n> turned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette, of Owen Sound, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexand- er and Mrs. H. McKee. Mrs. Mc- Kee returned with them to Owen Sound to visit a few days. Cpl. Jim Robertson, who is on a six months leave and is employed at Guelph spent the week end' with his wife and family. Mrs. F. W. Hannah and son, War- ren, returned Monday evening after spending a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Heitman received' a package cA tulip bulbs last week from her son, Fus. Jim Heitman, sent while he was in Holland. VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) Quite a num'ber from here attend- ed Anniversary Services in Eben- ezer Church on Sunday, Sept. 30th. Mrs. W. G. Bowles assisted the choir and presided at the ogran. Mrs. H. F. Ready of St. Mary's is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Geo. Bu- chanan, Mrs. Lundy Johnston and Mrs. Davison and her brother, Mr. Frank Davis. Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd and Ann and Paul of Toronto visited friends here recently. Miss Frances Buchanan has gone to attend London University. Mr?. Geo. Buchanan motored to St. Marys and other points and vis- ited friends. The Young People had a social evening and dance in the Commun- ity Hall one evenin<j' recently. EUGENIA recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett, Mrs. E. Doupe, Joan and Murray and Miss Helen Duckett spent Sunday ivith friends at Eugenia. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rowbotham, (nee Eileen Stafford), who were recently married. Mrs. C. Smillie of Toronto was a recent visitor with friends in tL., ._ lage. Mr. Gordon Nichol. Toronto, was a ^^^vV ^E**^ Pedlar Thanksgiving visitor at his parental home. We extend our sympathy to the family and relatives of the late John Williams of the village, wlw passed away on Saturday, October 6, at the age of 87 years. Full obit- uary next week. OuestB at Beaver Lodg«, home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton, over the week end and Thanksgiving were their daughter, Mrs. Haas, husband and daughter, Janette of Flesherton, Mrs. Pinkerton's sisters, Mrs. Henry Daily of N«« Yoik and Mrs. F. J. Beany and niece, Mrs. Fowler and husband of Brantford. Miss Carmelle Martin of Toronto was Thanka^ving and week end vi- sitor at her home here. C^l. W. A". Martin is spending a few days with his friend', Mr. Jim Harrison, at Flesherton. The Misses Mary and Isabel Mc- Kee and Mr. McCarthy were week end and holiday visitors at tie Mc- Kee home. Visitors at the Stewart home were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston and Haxine, also Mr. Thos. Stewart and son, Gordon of Toronto. A number of Hydro men have ar- rived here and will commence'build- ing a new line from the Power Hotise to Shelbume. Mrs. Jack Patterson of Toronto spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. We are sorry to report Mr. Patter- son ill in Christie St. Hospital at present, but wisli him a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell of Toronto spent the week end at their "ottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and Bobby and Mr. Robt. Purvis of Tor- onto attended the funeral of the '.ate Mr. Williams on Monday. The Martin family, also Mr. Jim Harrison speint Thanksgiving with Mrs. T. Lever and Harold, of Flesh- erton. Prior tn their departure for their new home near Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald were entertain- "d at their home by their 8th Line 'riends and neighbors, who present- ed theim with an occasional chair a? " token of remembrance. A very "I'.easant time was spent. Onr best â- wishes go with them to their new 'â- -'ime. Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto vi- sited at her home during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ma see have moved to their new home which they purchased from Mr. John Magee some time ago. They have had the interior remodelled and decorated. Sgt. Glen Pedlar has returned to Petawawa training caanp after spending a few days with his wife sometime with her parents, ilr. and Ready for Fall With Your Hardware Needs FOR THE HOME Stoves, Heaters, Stove Pipes and Elbows, Enamel- ware, Canning Supplies, Fails, Paints, Enamels, Wax, Polish, Westinghouse Mazda Lamps, Radio and Flashlight Batteries, Aladdin Lamps and Parts, Glass. Putty. Roofing, Roof Cement. FOR THE FARM Plow Shares, Soles, Plow Lines, Sweat Pads, Halters, Harness Parts, Cattle Chains, Stall Irons, Ro}-al Purple and Dr. Bell's Stock Remedies. Fresh Cement, Lime and Plaster Fuel: Coal and Cdce Coming Soon â€" Guns, Rifles and Ammunition Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Wallace McDermid and little daughter, Joanne of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid. Little Joanne re- mained for a longer visit with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson, Tornoto and Mrs. John Pingland of McLeod, .A.lberta, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Melville T Hogarth. Mrs. Ringland is re- maining for a visit with her sister, Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. Haxton returned to her home •'*'ter visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Sargeant at Shelburne. Mrs. Forester has returned to Kincardine after sipendnig a month witl^ her daugther. Mrs. A. E. Go«^ sell and Mr. Goessell. Mrs. Geo Boyd of Flesherton took over the duties of teacher for a few liays the past week while Miss Mc- Donald was on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of London w^ere week end visitors with Mr. P. Muir and fam ily. Mr. Muir returned with them to London for a visit there. Mr^ G. Snell has returned home. after spending some time in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Brunelle. Mr. Wm. Wilton of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland and fami'T- Victoria Comers were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil .'Alexander and family of Flesherton w^re recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Connel! of Holland Centre, visited the first of the weeik with Mr- and Mrs. W. Cairns Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright of South America visited recently with t-he former's sister, Mrs. James Mc- Mullen and Mr. McMulIen. Miss Jean McMuIlen spent the week end in Toronto with friends there. Mr. and' Mrs. Levi Duckett and '.auarhter, Millie. Max\vxell, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Mi.'s Miirian Collinson left Tues- day to attend the 0..\.C. at Guplph. Mr. Gordon Nichol is in Toronto t;iking an electric mechanical course. The Ladies' .'Vid met at the home ^f Mrs. Will Gibson last Thur?i!iv -veniirgr with a g«od!y nun>ber in at t'>ndance. Mr. T. S. Cooper. Mark- 'ilo, was the guest speaker of the "vning. The next meeting will he i>-ii.) at the home of Mrs. James Mc- MuIlen. Messrs. Vernon Pawcett and Ivan Brown of Vandeleur are callers in the villajte quite often. Pte. Burtin Campbell and Miss Shirley Burnett of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Camp- bell and family. Mr. Dorland Campbell has re- turned from Baysville. where he spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. .A. B. Johnson and Mi's A?nes visited over the week end with the Jamieson and McMill- an families. Mrs. Blais is visittnrg in Brant- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hazzard and c'-jldren of Maidstone visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett and fam- ilv. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Donnelly of Toronto spent a few days with the litter's narents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam PasI Mr. aH(i jirs. .'^narews of Toron- "1 v'"<:ited recently with the Hook family. Pt?. Weslev Pedlar of Camo Bor- len spent the week end with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mis? Gladys Duckett is spending a few ia.y% with her sister. Mrs f^Tnian Sewell and husband of Van- deleur. Mrs. Kaleskv and son Herman of Port Dover visited recently at the Tamieson honi«. miss them greatly from ou^ com- munity but our best wishes go with them to their new abode. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and little daughter, Donalda, from near Brighton are moving to the farm, vacated by his brother. N'eil. We welcome them to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee spent a few days with friends at Gait. Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Gait visit- ed with her sister. Mrs. Bert Magee, husband and family. Mrs. Albert Ellis of Kimberley visited with her sisters. Mrs. Baker and Miss Mary Stafford. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holdsworth of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Mary Priestley Sr. and other relatives liere. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Welton and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. â- J. M. Heron on Sunday. Mrs. Alice XichoUs of Toronto spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Mrs. Hattie Cameron and Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer of Collingwood are visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kenon of Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton. Week end visitors in the vicinity were- Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod and Mrs. Sadie Priestley at Angus McLeod's: Mr. ana Mrs. Charlie Gr'animet of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grununett; Messrs. Mel Holmes of St. Catherines and Mer- ton Holmes of Toronto and Mrs. Hatch of Meaford with Rev. and Mrs. Holmes: Miss Kathleen Morri- son of Toronto witi Mr. and Mrs. E- Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Cameron and Wallace Long of Owen Sound with relatives here. St. Mary's Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Pinkerton on Thurs- day. Oct. 18th. AH members are re- quested to be present, arrangement* are to be made for bazaar, etc. SEND IN 70UB RENEWAL. jouHliave /ii (Intended for Las» ~o- \ -.. hW X \Ji.'- Corporal (instracting .iwkwaid ^a'Jad in rifle practice): "I told you to take a fine sight, you dope; don't voM know what a fine sight is ?" Recruit; "I sure t'o â€" a boat full of '-••'v.rals sinking.'' The town council was about to ap- Tove nay.ment for "a supply of HV- ''"""= f^r the typewriter", • when a "•^•'"cilman nrotested: "I -think she := q verv satisfactory girl, but T see -..^ r»''»on whv she should be provid- ' ••'"''' ''-"-ry at the expense of the taxpayers." onto on Saturday after a fortnight's visit with friends here and at Flesh- i erton. Her sister Marjorie aecomp- \ anied her to Toronto for a visit. I Visitors wth Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ! Soyce and Jean on Sunday were Mr. '• and Mrs. Fred Graham' and Miss . Loreen of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. i '.alph White of Collingwood and Mr. 1 ?.vA Mrs. Ed. Graham of Thornburj-. j Miss Mary McKee and Mr. Mc- I ?arthy of Toronto were week end vistors with Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee '. Miss Isabel McKee returned to Tor- ~nto with them after a fortnight's visit here. \ Mrs. Russell Johnston of Toronto : visited with her mother. Mrs. T. ' Stewart for s Taw days. Little Max- re. '.vho has been holidaying here â- 'tuFret! home with her mother. Mr. krt Proctor has returned' to ?>. â-  Si'-:'' near Wauibaushene af •.r spending a few days at his par- â-  ental home. \ Mrs. Robert Haney visited ovei \ 'â- â€¢" week end with friends in Owen j Sviind. Miss Mabel Craiir spent the week 1 end at her home in Allenford and 1 ntt'.Muled Owen Sound Fair on Mon- i day. Mr. Robt. Haney spent a few Jays last week with friends in loronto. Pte. Fred Bo\-ce of Brampt.^n spent the week end with his parents ' aijd sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and son. WesJey. visited in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and little daughter^ Donm, )|*v« gone to re- sWv at DunuBlk, wlicie Joe has ac- cepted a position in the Co-opera- tive store. We wish them success in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald and 'ittle daughter. Carol, have moved to a farm ntar Kimiberley. We will IF YOU EQUIP YOUR TRUCK WITH €OOD#YEARS YOU GET THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES WHEN YOU BUY THE GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER • Multiple Compounding . . . through this engineering principle, perfected by Goodyear, heat generated In ttie tire Is much more rapidly dissipated. • Greater resistance to bruises, due to greater body strength. • Greater resistance to tread cracking, chipping, cutting. • Greater resistance to heat fatigue, fabric fatigue. • Greater resistance to seporotion of tread and body. • Greater resistance to heat blow< out& • Less 'tire growth' SEE US FOR COMPLETE GOODFYEAR TIRE SERVICE D. McTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, OnL

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