Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1945, p. 3

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# WHATSOEVER YE SOW . . Absence of Gum Puzzles Servicemen Germans like the two, above, who search for food in a GI garbage heap near BerUri are learning the torture and tragedy of the starva- tion they forced upon untold millions of helpless people. People often walk five mUes and farther to pick over the kitchen scraps dumped from U. S. Army trucks. The Other Side Of D.D.T. Story In the realm of rcseach science, â- we have a warning as to the pos- sibly serious effects of wholesale â- use of DDT, the new poisonous insecticide created to kill tropical insect life and being used widely now in Ontario, says the London Free Press. From Chicago, Dr. Clarence Cottani, chief of the di- vision of wild life of the Interior Department of Fish and wild Life Service, asserts: "DDT is effective against most types of insects. It Is highly effective against flies and mosquitoes. But it will kill a lot of things we don't want killed. Our studies show that five pounds per acre in a forest will either kill birds or drive them out. More than one-half pound per acre is damag- ing to fish, turtles and frogs. DDT is effective against pollinating in- sects essential in fruit production. It is highly effective against bees." KID COBBLER Cobbling is serious business with aj^-year-old Jerry Roger . Nicharot, chaUengier for the title of the na- tion's youngest shoemaker. Mis dad has a shoe repair shop in Cleve- land, Ohio, and ever smce the boy was a year old, according to the elder Nicharot, he has been a real help, specializing in nailing on heels, as pictured, above. What, No D.D.T,? Scientists tell us that a 140- pound man contains enough fat lor seven cakes oC soap, carbon for 9,000 pencils, phosphorous to make 200 match heads, magnesi- uoi for one dose ot salts, Iron to make one medium-sized nail, suf- ficient lime to â- fthitewash a chic- ken coop, enough sulphur to rid one dog of fleas, and water to till a 10-gallon barrel. â€" St. Thomas Times-Journal aamm You Will Knjoy Stnyinit \t The St. Regis Hotel â- r«>uo>To ^ K>ery Kutiin with llalii, Sllo\vor iinil 'I'eleiklione. a .sInKle, $1>,»0 ui> â€" lluiiltlp. !il.'<..%0 ii|i. ^ Good rood, Dirins iind Uiiar- iuK Mielilly. Slicrlioiirne nl I'lirlton •• Tel. H\. 41:K5 Usually brings quick, sure relief >n coughs, bronchitis and throat irrita- tions. ATALLDRUaOIST* ISc BRONCHIAL EASE - COUGH SYRUP WHCMATOIISOF LYMOIDS It Happened In. . . In New Jersey Mrs. Evelyn Schlagel flew 30 feet when her car skidded. Police are pondering whether to give her a ticket for, 1: Flying too low; 2, Flying with- out a pilot's license. MUSCUUR PAIN THIS WAY- 7 Insfantine Tablet brings FAST REUEfi If you suffer from muscular aches or pains, and have been relying on slow- acting, sometimes ineffective remedies to bring you a measure of reUef, leam all about the Instantine 1-tabUl-way to fast relief from simple pain. You see, fast-acting Instantine tablets are a skillful combination of three proven medicinal ingredients, scientifically com- pounded to relieve pain promptly. Chances are you may be surprised at the speed with which 1 Instantine tablet can bring you teelcom* relief! You can count on Instantine'* triple-actio0 to work in these ways to give you fast relief from pain: 1. Speedil'y ease pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depressed feeling." Give mild, stimulaiing "lift." Instantine never pampera pain, but works fast to bring needed comfort. Re- member Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from headache or the discomfort of a cold or SOT* throat. You can get Instantine at any drugstore. Mantine 12 Tablets 25^-dioirt 2^ a doM Fast, tifttftve t»lltf ham Slmpl* Pah TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from cougbs, soreness and congestion ot bron* chltlsâ€" this douMa-actloa way that actually , v4M$ AT ONCt,,J[^ .*" PENETRATES / deep into bronchial ♦ tubes â- with soothing I medicinal vapors. , \ ~ STIIWULATES \chest and back sur« \ faces like a warm- **<•#, ^^^ poultice. '•''•(t/NCfORHO*'**"^ To eet all the benefits of this combtoed PENETRATING-STIMUUTINU action, iu.<;t rub throat, chest, and back "with Vlcks VapoRub at bedtime. Instantly VapoRub goes to workâ€" 2 ways at once as shown aboveâ€" to case bronchitis cough- ing, loosea coagsstion, relieve muscular soreness, and speed restful, comforthig sleep. Often by morning most of the misery Is gone. Get relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with dou- ble-action, time- Mm.^t^m tested Vlcks Vapo- V/ICKS Rub . . . Try It I y VA»oRui ITCH CHECKED At a JiYf(4 •OP Mene/ Back For quicic relief from Itching caused by ccitmt, athlete's loot, scubies, pimples and otheritchini conditions, use pure, cooling, medicltcd, llauiu D. O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greassless Md •ttainless. So<nhes. comforts and quickly calms nteost itching. Don't s utler . Askyour diuiltt today (or D. B. B. MnUHFIIQIfc The efforts of certain manufac- turers to meet overseas demands during the war resulted in severe short supply in the -domestic mar ket, and in the case of Wm. Wrig- Icy Jr. Co. Limited it'b entire stock of certain prewar quality ingredi- ents was entirely used up long be- for the war's end. However, Ca- nadian men and women received chewing gum overseas through the W'rigley Overseas Gum Plan which was most successfully oper- ated for the folks at home through their retail storekeepers, who for warded their customers' orders to the manufacturer for direct ship- ment to Canadians serving Over- seas. Returned servicemen and wom- en are looking forward to the manufacturers' promise to bring VVrigley's chewing gum back onto Wallboard Made From Wootl Waste Wood waste in the shape of sawdust, shaving and chips is to be converted into wallboard by a simple, quick and cheap method recently discovered, says Market- ing. Experiments show that a ton of sawdust will yield 2,000 square feet of board using equipment io low in cost that most sawmills and woodworking plants will be able to realize dividends from hitherto worthless material*. Present manufacture of hard wallboard in- volves reducing whole logs to fibres before processing, a method requiring a large capital outlay for equipment. Canadian retail store counters just as soon as it is practical to guar- antee top-quality ingredients and finest flavor in sufficient quanti- ties that most everyone may enjoy some. Britain Building Concrete Houses To speed up housing con- struction and to save labor a new British structure is being demon- strated at an exhibition of concrete houses near London at Eastcote, Middlesex. Wooden frames and huge moulds for the walls, with the necessary openings fo: win- dows, doors, water and gas pipes, etc., a-e erected on the site by means of cranes. The concrete is then poured into the moulds, re- sulting in 12-inch thick, weather^ proof and heat-retaining walls. The wooden frames and moulds are then removed by the cranes. The front of the house is built of bricks and the roof is pre-fabri- cated. It is estimated that the erection can be carried out, to a great extent, by unskilled labor and can be made habitable within a moiifh. Continued Food Shortage Likely British Food Minister Sir Ben Smith believe; that the world food shortage will continue one or tvio years or possibly even longer. He made his predictioh in a speech at a victory banquet of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, an organization comprising leaders of the British meat industry. Smith attributed the shortages to heavy demands of the war and droughts. DID YOU KNOW that Maxwell House Coffee is "Radiant Roasted" to cap. Inre all the extra goodness of this particularlV fine coffee blend. Try Maxwell House! BAIIY CHICKS PULLETS PURE BREEDS AND hyrid crcs-^es 14 weeks up to laying:. Fall hatched chicks booked to order. Free catalogru* and priceli.ot. Tweddle Chick Hat- cheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. "WHIl'E SUSSEX. NEW HAMP- shlre. Barred Rock. Wyandottes. Austrolorps cross breeds â€" chicks, prompt shipment. Some started. Bray Hatchery. 1.70 John N. Ha- milton. Ont. A ME.SSAGE TO POULTRY RAIS- ers who want to make bigger profit."! â€" your profits depend upon the quality you produce. I'hat's why it's so Important to start the riarht way â€" the Twed- dle way. Tweddle Government Approved chicks earn money for you the d.ay they arrive. Because they cnme from blood-tested breeders of known llv.-ibility and productivety thus having a de- cidedly low mortality rate. They are hardy chicks â€" he.althy chicks â€" profitable chicks. Prepare now for Europe's lars:e market in eKffs and poultr.v meat. Besrin to- d:iy â€" the Tweddle way and let us send you our Interesting cata- logue and pricelLit. Al.-iO free range pullets for Immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hntcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. SUCCESSFUL POULTRY RAISERS turn to T'op N'otch. Top Notch chicks are filling poultry houses wherever profits are being sought after. The name Top N'otch has oome to s.vmbolize increased pro- fits to enterprising poultry rais- ers because 'Top Notch chicks are profitable chicks. The Top Notch system of breeding Includes the most up to d.ate methods of pre- selection and handllnir that re- sult In high standard Govern- ment Approved chicks. When buying chicks choose the name you can trust â€" buy Top Notch. An early shipment of Top Notch chicks will get you off to a fly- ing start In the European egg and poultry meat market. Don't delay write for our free ca- talogue to-day. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries. Giiel'ph. Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BACY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundatinn and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from !c to 25c. .\11 guaranteed excellent lavers. Don't delay, order now. Ooddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. IT' WILL P.\Y YOU TO FILL YOUR pens with good laylne- or re.ady to lay pullets now. We can give Immediate delivery on many pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also dav old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Top Notch Chickeries. Guelph, Ontario. ni-'siNKss orroRTViviTiKS $7,000 CM»TIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTI CI P.\TE IN $50.0n monthly Bond draw. Other prizes Details on receipt. Shares tl.OO •ach or 6 for $5.00. Send for shares to St Catharlnss Optimist Club. Box 445-H.. SL Catharines. Ontario. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN a $10,000 Home, built to your own specifications. wherever you wish? If you prefer we will give you $10,000 In Victory 'Bonds. Op- portunity to win $10,000 monthly draw. All proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playgrounds. Draw date â€" December 31st, 194.1. Don't dela.v. Receipt^ mailed promptl.v. Send W.OO for one ticket. 6 for $.5.00. right now to Klwanls Club of Sudbury. Box 63 Sudbury. Ont. ' Monthly wlanerK â€" July â€" George Flett. Orient Bay, Ontario: August â€" Mrs. M. Ro- berts. I31S N'iplgon Ave., Fort William: September â€" N. Taylor. 22 Elm St.. Sudbury. Ont.: Octo- ber â€" Fred Prlmeau, Capreol, Ont. nVKIXt; .\ND Cl.E.*>"INO HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Infornintion. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, Tfl Yonge Street. To- ronto. Kt»U SALE Choice pure bred Yorkshire PIffs. Advance Registry and Show blood li'ne.s, both sexes, priced to sell. Geo. A, Baldwin, Inkerman, Ontario. BLACK CURLY RETRIEVERS from Ch:implons. Registered In Canadian Kennel Club. E. Brown, St. Catherines, Ont. NEW PCRO DEEPWEI.L PUMP â€" and Tank. 129 Ralnsford Road, â- Toronto. WINDMILL, GOOD CONDIMOM. STAN CUNNINGHAM, AL1J8T0M. ONTARIO. i-'oil s.iLE AMERIOAX (PITI BULL T'ERRIER puppies, registered. Palmers' strain. purple ribbon .stock, splendid companions and watch dogs. Lloyd Peel. Bexley, Ontario. HURON COU.VTY. CHOPPING MILL, good mixed farming area. Diesel engine, ball bearing grinder rol- lers with elevators, going con- cern, quick possession. Wm. Pearce, Realtor E.xeter. Ont. EXTRA SPECIAL â€" 100 DOUBLE Edge or 80 Single Edge Blades â€" $2.00 prepaid. Wholesale business invited. Ace Company 33IS 32nd Street. Union City, New Jersey, REG. SUFFOLK EARLY RAM lambs, breed twice yearly strain. E\vea up to 235 lbs. Lambs at foot and due. Sold to Experiment- al Farm. Also Reg. Herefords. McKennItt Bros. Holland Centre, Ont. ROSEMERE KENNELS PRESE.NTS German Shepherd Puppies, United States and American champion- ship blood lines. ISO Reward Avonup. T'oronto 8. BE.4UTIFUL SHOPPING BAGS Make parcel-carrying ea.sy. You will love these strong shopping bags of colorful flowered creton- ne material or solid shade leath- erette. Sturdy wooden handles, soft flannel-finished lining. Size 15 X 16 inches. Flowered creton- ne in blue, rose, natural. Solid leatherette In brown. Years of wear. $2.49 each. You will be proud to carry one even in your nicest street clothes. Send $1.00. balance collect plus postage. Ar- rowsmith's Dept. 4, Box 19, Stn. "N" Montreal. PCPS AND LONG HAIRED KIl'- tens wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's, 1821 St. Antoine, Montreal. FOR SALE, REGISTERED DOR- set ewes and rams, unrelated. V. Bartlett, . R. No. 3. Canfleld, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Led.. 5 Wiltshire Ave,, Toronto. Ont. REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS SA- ble and whits ten weeks old rea- sonable. R. Horton, Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto. FOR SALE ROLEN DUCKS PRIZE stoclc ducks $3.00, drakes $4,00. Archie Bagg, Rl, Hespeler. On- tario. , STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS, special heav.v duty tor tractors, $1.25 postpaid. Ivan Martin, St. Jacob's, Ontario. SCRI'LIS FILES A COMPLETE SET OF 50 ASSORT- ed files: from ri"-14": Including flat, half round, round. siiuare, etc; rough and smooth: at a clearing price of $8 delivered. Re- cupetools and Metals Limited, 1212 Aldred Building, Montreal. Que, STORE WINDOW PRICE TICKETS Ready for your individual prices. Write for samples. Kelly Print- in.g, 124 Wellington Street West. Toronto. F.\R.'WS FOR SALE FII'TY .VtTRES 10BACCO LAND. or other crop.'. Gas and hydro In house, b.arn anil chii:ken house. I.nts of water, .\pply Wm. Ecker, R. K. 1. Rodney. Ontario. $4,000 â€" MUSIvbK.V FARM, 100 acres, good soil, buildings, spring water. Hyiiro. telephone, etc. Ap- ply P. H. Bard, R. R. 1. Aiieastcr. Ont, ISO ACRES. GOOD MAPLE BUSH. Willi or without machinery, cheap l;o.\- 474. Smith F'llls. Ont, i:i .\CKES NE.VU UOWMANVILI.E. god bearing orchard. poultry houses for 2.000 birds, barns, silo, price $7500. Terms: more land available complete bathroom, furnace, hydro. 10 miles from Oshawa. p^s.se.^sion arrnnJied. M. T,. 'â- lemons, R.I?, R. Bowiu.inville. n \ihiiui:s,«*im; LKAKN HAIItnUKSSlNG rilK Robertson molhod. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emv. i:?7 .\venue Ruad. Toronto. tlEI.I> WANTEO COUNTRY GIRL SMALL, MODERN HOME. PUIVATE room, good wages for capable girl fond of children. Phone HI", 7494 or write ".\dvertiscr." 43 Suther- land Dr.. Toronto. UNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATOKs and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages. Wilson Publishing Co.. 7S Adelaide W.. apply nearaat Braployment and ailMtlT* S«rTlc* Otfic*. Ordei N^ L MI^UICAL B.\UMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offen.sive odor Instantly. 45c. bottle. Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. ASTHM-\ WRECKS THE NERVOUS system. Prevent It by taking one AZO Tablet a day. It gives Imme- diate relief and gradually clears up the bronchia! condition. $1.00 postpaid. Money hack guaranteed If in.structions followed. John Campbell, 131 Keewatin, Toronto. 12. DONT W.UT â€" EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro'3 Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00. GET READY FOR WINTER. Build up your resistance with Merrills System Tonic Tablets. Canadian favorite for forty years. From your druggist or postpaid $1.00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Silverblrch Ave. Toron- to. Ontario. STOM.\CH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble .Interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 3. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED â€" Ev- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. M.4.CH1NF.UY AND SIPPLIES D.\N KELLER EQUIPMENT LTD. FOR SALE 1943 Caterpillar D4 diesel-powered tractor, equipped with % yard digging bucltet and angledozer. I'his machine is in perfect con- dition. Price $5,000. Caterpillar diesel model D4 tractor with LaPlant-Choate hydraulii- angledozer. New 1942. Price $4,300 Caterpillar model DC tractor with La Tourneau angledozer. Ne-.v 1941. Price $8,200. Two caterpillar D7 tractors. New 1938. Equipped with LaPlant- Choate .angledozcrs. Price $5,200 each. Three caterpillar 15 tractors only. A-1 condition. Price $1,250 each. Caterpillar 30 equipped with I-,a- Plant-Choate bulldozer. Price $1,000. Caterpillar 30 equipped with La- Plant-Choate bulldozer. Rebuilt. Price $1,800. Cletrac model BD dlesol-powcred tractor. New 1941. Kquipped with hydraulic angledozer. A-1 condi- tion. Price $3,750. Cletrac model 30 tractor only. Re- built. Equipped with starter, gen- erator, radiator guards with rack for skid chains. $800. 1943 International TD9. wide gauge, etiuipped with Bucyrus-Erie an- gledozer. starter, generator, front and rear lights, front-pump and radiator guards. Has Just been rebuilt and ready for immediate delivery. Price $5,000. International TD14 diesel tractor with Bucyrus-Erie angledozer. Price $6.Sno. International T20 equipped with Gar Wood bulldozer. Good condi- tion. Price $2,750. Bay City '4 swing, gasoline-power- ed, mounted on crawlers, back- hoe only. Good' condition. Price. $3,500. Fordsun Universal ^ swing 318 yard gas shovel, mounted on crawlers. including trailer for same. Price $3,700. Bucyrus-Erie lOB. serial number in 22.00O's. 318 yard shovel, 28" crane boom with dragline bucket and backhoe. Recently rebuilt Price 58,000. P & H model 150. % yard shovel and dragline. Price $7,800. 35 Ton Hv.ass trailer equipped with 8 â€" 10 X 28 tires rear, 2 â€" 14 x 36 tires front. -Vli solids. Price $1,800. FOR RENT Fordson Fundom model A \ swing 3(8 y.ird gas shovel. Caterpillar 65 gasoline-powered tractor equipped with La-Plnnt- Choate bulldozer. International TD9 angledozer. 1941 model, equipped with Bucyrus- Erif .angle blade, :t:!2 Ilfonr St. W. Toronto I'hone KI. n.'^'-'fl Ol'I'OUrl MTII'.S I-tMt WOMKM BE A H.AIRDRESSER JOIN CVNADAS LE.VDING SCHOOL Great Opportunit.v. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dLgnitled profesislon. good wases. thousands successful Marvel graduates. .Vinerica's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCHOOL,^ Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 P.idcui Street. Ottawa. l>llOT<l(;llAI>HIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films properly developed and printed. $ OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLl,S 25c REPRINI'S 8 for 26c FINEST ENL^VRGING SERVICE You may not get all the dims yon want thi.s year, but you can get all the quiilit.v and servlca you desire by sending vour films to IMI*KRI.\L PHOTO SBRVIOW Station X, Toroat* i'll<rio<;ii Ari4\ PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embussed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing for 69c. I'he mpst original greeting cards you can get â€" the kind your friends will keep â€" cards that tnen on active service at home and overseas like to get. .llrder early. (2 Photographs on Calendnrs for 2Sc,) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bux 1«>, Postal Teruiinul .4., I'urualo "Your quality in culi'Uring and de- veloping is excellent." writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough. Ont. "and your service is prompt and guaran- teed. I am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." .\ny Size P.oII â€" 6 or S Exposures. DEVEI.I>I"ED AND PRINTHU '.Sic 3 .MOU.VTED ENl.AHGK.MK.\"rs 'ije Size 4" X 6" in Ceautifui Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a sm.ill additional charge. Framed Enlargenieots 4" x 6". on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59c; if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and ruldress plain- ly on a!l orders. Ml SI< .*L I.M.-'IUI MK.VI". FRED A. BODDINGTON DUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. Ill Church. I'nronto 2 l'.\ I KNI * FETHERSTD.NHAUGH * ( (.i.MI'.\.VT Patent Solicitors. Eslalilished 189(1 : 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of I n ffirni-i M.'H "f> re- giipst r!:i{.><<l\,VI. WINNER OF PLYMOUTH C.\R drawn at Port Colborne October 31. Ivy Baechler. Kellogg Co., lA<niI •:â- , Oti":rio, Tv 'ft N',^. 49402. IT'S A HIT! DISCHARGED VETS: IS STAMP collecting your hobby." Get back in the grove! Send today tor our personal price list. .\ll you do is- list the numbers of those blank spots in your British colonials and we make up your individual price list. Every stamp Is priced fairly. Approvals also if desired. No obligation. Mail only. AVrite to E. Hav, 84 Corbett .Vve.. Toronto T4XIUKHMY DEER HEADS MOUNTED. DEER Hides tanned into glove le.ather, we al.so buy Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs. Hear Hides tanned and made into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and made Into scarfs. 26 Elm Street. Toron- to, Oliver Spanner Co, Ltd. WANTED WANT HOUSE I.N VILLAGE. TOWN or highway. Prefer with little land. $700 to $1700. Give descrip- tion, price etc. George nrunimond, Owen S.nmd. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry. Get our prices before you sell. Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BUJOR ST. W., TORO.NTO PHONE JU. 9:1.39 EUVEU. MR. TED HOWLER HARDWARE BUSINESS W.V.NTED, state stock, turnover, an.v neces- sar.v particulars. confidential. Box 59, 73 -Vdelaide W. Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULL- ets all ages and breeds. High prices paid Apply Box No 51. 73 .Vdclilde W.. Tnrnnto. HATCHING EGGS WANTED PCIR 194(5 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and hloodtested free of chnrga under Government Supervision. Cuarnnfced premium, plus hatch- ahlllty premium paid. For full details, write Box 39. 73 Adelnld* W . Toronto. tl'.TWEEN NOW AND L.VTE Spring, White Birch Bolts. 27" long. 7" and up top. Must b* fresh cut. free of doze and large limb knots. Also Interested in Poplar and Basswood Bolts. 6" and up top. 48~ long. If you can suply In carlots. write for our quotations, Keennn Woodenwara Limited. Owen Sound. Ontario. U>GS: BASSWOOD BEECH, Birch, Elm Maple, also Poplar and White Birch Bolts, good prices. Write to The Oakville Basket Co. Ltd.. Oakville. Ont. IS3UB ««-l»M I :

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