Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1945, p. 3

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TINr VICTIM TELLS OF JAP BRUTES WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING "" A Jap bayonet made that ugly scar U-year-cld Rosalinda Ar.aoy displa-ys while testifying in the war crime trial of Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita in Manila. And the wound was only one of the 38 found upon her tiny body. She also told of witnessing the bayoneting to death of her father and mother. The prosecutor standing at her side is Maj. Glicerio Opinion. HAVE YOU HEARD? "Bill's going to sue the company for damages." "Why, what did they do to him?" "They blew the dinner whistle when 'e was carrying a 'eavy piece of iron, and 'e dropped it on 'is foot." "Bill, what's reconversion, anyhow?" asked Elsie. 'Well," replied the wise little sixth grader, "it's making Ar- thur's pants fit me." Automobile Dealer: "Is the new man a good salesman?" ".\sistant: "He must be right on the beam â€" he says he once sold a trouser press to a kilted Scots- man." Jack: "Let's give the bride a ihower." John: "Count me in â€" I'll bring the soap!" Husband: "That racket? Oli. that's the coal man dumping the coal in the basement." Wife: "But I thought you or- dered soft coal this year'." Arms Into Fingers i^-:AA-rare surgical operation which "converts the stump of a forearm into two large fingers is being used at Mare Island Naval Hospi- tal, Cal.. to rehabilitate men who lost their hands in combat. The surgeon splits the arm lengthwise nearly to the elbow by severing the tli-sh between the two long bones. Some of the long iruscle tissue is removed and the ksscr muscles are rearranged, to give space between the separated members and to permit the skin to cover the surgical wounds. The patient then . has two out- sipe fingers which, unlike those of an artificial hand, retain the sense of touch and move under the stim- ulus of nerve impulses. In artifi- cial hands the fingers arc moved by mechanical devices. Capt. Hejiry H. Kessler, Xa-i-y surgeo'i. of N'e'wark, X.J., who iias performed three such opera- tions in the Pacific area, permitted I reporters to see his newest patient, Marine Sgt. Robert Moore. 23, of Richmond, Calif., who underwent the operation a month ago. Sergeant Moore demonstrated that he could use the fingers like forceps, grasping and releasing bits of cloth, and that he could feel %vith them. The rearrange- ment of the muscles plus tlie nat- ural twisting power of the fore- arm causes the opening and clos- ing motion. Goes From Cottage To Indian Palace Britain's new Governor of Ben- gal will move straight from a small worker's cottage to one of the most magnificent palaces in the British Empire. Frederick John Burrows, former railroad porter and sergeant-major in the Great War, will succeed Au- stralian Richard Casey in February as governor, of the Indian province with a population oi '/0,OUO.OOO. Mrs. Burrows will leave the cot- tage at Ross-on-Wye, Hereford- shire, where she docs her own housework, to become first lady of the wealthy Indian province. She has never been outside Britain. "We sUKoft be any different, though," she told newimen. "We are working people and always will be. Til try to do everything I'm expected to do." She revealed that one of her chief concerns was gcting sufficient and appropriate clothes. "I need more coupons for drcs- ics," she said. Burrows, 56, heavily built six- footer, is known simply as "Fred" to railwaymen. His salary as Governor ot Ben- gal will be £9,000 a year. The most he ever made as a railway- man was £260 annhally. Just One Coupon Quieii tllizabetii said she could spare "just one clothing aoupon" when she visited a disabled men's exhibition of crafts not long ago in London. She boubht a scan. HDTEl METROPOLE All Beautifully With Running Rates: Furnished Water. $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION ITi'^li CHECKED -or Money BacR For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot scabies, pimples and other 'tchinj. conditions, ur* pure, coo'ing. medicated, liquid D.O. D PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless Soothe?, com'orts and ^uicUy calrii intense itching. Pon't smier. Ask vmir druKgist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Don't Suffer-- DON'TWAiTfOR HbAll-COLDS GRIPPE PERIODIC PAINS YOU CAN HAVE IT IN 7 MINUTES with tkit IraiJ Prescription Rtmcdy w Money hek BUCKLEY'S CINN^MATED CAPSULES China Buying Ships Communications Minister Vu Feing Peng said T. V. Soong had ordered 30 Liberty ships from the United States and Canada. 15 from each country. He said Soong also was planning to order 500.000 crossties from Canada for railway repair. 56th Atlantic Crossing When the hospital ship Lady N'elson docked in Halifax last week, the former flagship of the Canadian National Steamships West Indies fleet completed her 56th Atlantic crossing. She has made 28 voyages as a mercy ship. D e s t o r a d a Mines Limited BOUGHT - SOLD - QUOTED MAP SHOWING STBATaOiC LOCATION Of= PESTOBADA MINE.S LI" P." AND ITS E&LATION TO OTM£a, DEV&L.OPM6NTS IKJ TH£ P5ATTIE.- DUQUESfslE. (SOLD MINING ABEA BAIN, NEWLING & CO. Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 80 Richmond St. W. T0RO^^^O 1 ADelaide 4271 BAUy CHICKS CHICKS. D.WOLJJS, FOR I.MME- diate shipment and we've a few 2-3 week old. Write for list. And order chicks for December-Janu- ary delivery. Such breeds as Lig-ht Sus»e.\, New Hampshire Barred Rocks, Wyandottes. Australops, etc. and crosses. lir.Ty Hatchery, 13U John .\. Hamilton Ont. \S\if SWAttOWfC At I fASffV HOW TO M.\KE BIGGER POL-L- try profits the Tweddle way: A good start is vitally important In any business but particularly in poultry raisins:. Tweddle Gov'ern- ment Approved chick.^j are real starters. Th.> blood-tested highly productive Tweddle breeding sto- ck produces the finest chicks whe- ther they are pure breeds, hy- brids, sexed or straight run. And the Tweddle system of pre.=hip- ment inspection assures you of a lOO';;, live delivery. Remember a large European market awaits your produce. Cash in tlie I'wed- dle way. iSend immediately for our 194<; pricelist and drder your chicks now to be .«ure of the breed you want and the date you desire them on, Ask for our in- terestins' oatalog^ue â€" it costs yoj nothinsr and tells you a lot. Also free range pullets for im- mediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hnf-heries I.ir>i!ted. Ferirus', Or.t. BABY CHICK BUYERS Onr>ER YOl"R GOVER.VMENT -SlP- proved chicks now and obtain an e.irly order discount. Each breed- er is Government banded .ind blood-te.= ted. Write for our i;'4(; nricc list and catnloErue. M"inkton I'oultry Farms. Monkton, Ont.-irio THIS FREE TOP NOTCH POl'LTRY catalogrue c.-.n make you money. Write for Top Notch Poultrv cat- alo.suo to-day. It will tell you all about the popular breeds and cross breeds, developed from Top Notch blood-tested hisrhly pro- ductive breedins: flocks. Top Not- ch chicks a.'isure you of increased profits because they are healthy. Iiusky. safe g:uarded by science from .-i hich mortality rate. Pom- estic and foreign ei^j;r and poultry meat markets ."re Larsre and hi.ch iiuality produce is brinirins' i" hiph priv>es. Ca^ih in with Top Notoh chickn â€" quality bred and nrepar"d for ouality grrowth. Send in your order now and be sure of th.? chicTSs when you w.anf them. Also fre» ranse nu'lets for immediile delivery. Ton Notch Chickcrfe.--. rtuelph. Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OLI'. B.VBV CHICKS AKt; THE proceny of Foundation and Re- Kislered Pirds. All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from Sc to 25c. .-Vll guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. OUPEl: SO.ME OUR 14, 16 .\.ND 18 week old free range pullets be- fore they are all sold. We have White l.e^horns. Barred Rocks and .New Hampshire.s at rock bot- tom prices. .\l.-*o laj'iniT and ready to lay pullets in the above breeds. Free cata'oirue. .Vlso da.v old chicks for December delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited. FerKU.". Ontario. Ei!Gt« ARE HIGH ANP IF TOF haven't sufficient pullets to fill ^ .^'our pens we have them. Can ship ' linmediate'y 14 week old up to l.iying: pullets In White Leshorns, Barred Rocks and New H.amp- shlres. Free catalogue. .\lso day old chicks for Pecember delivery. Ton .Notch Chickerles. Guelph, Ontario. FHE (^NI.V Pl'ltlN.V KMBRYO-FEn r.:irred Ro.k and Hybrid approv- ed chicks produced in Chatham are blood-tested by the tube me- thod for both the reKUlnr and X Rtrain.i of pullorum. Pullets $26.0n per hundred. Mixed I15.0O and Cocknrel.' $7.0fl. Order now from Frank Price Hatchery. 11 Jahn- ke St . Chatham. Ontario. Bl SIXESS OPI'ORTI'XITIES SOMETHING NEW TRIP TO EUROPE PL.4.N YOUR 1546 V.\CATIO.V NOW. Win a trip for 3 to the Battlefields of Europe or J2,OOO.00 in Victory Bonds. See Ireland, England. Scot- land. Wales. France, Belgium, Holland. Italy and Germany â€" all- expense tour. Proceeds in aid of Canadian Lesion. Branch 234 Buildins Fund, an Imperial Vet- erau.-s' project. Tickets on s.ale at all l^adlnsr stores or available up- on request. Send money orders to Imperial Sec.-Treas., Branch 234, Canadian Legion. Guelph. Ont. Tickets :)jcâ€" 3 for SI. HO. WIN BRAND NEAV 1942 DE LL"XE Plymouth Sedan, fi other prizes in Victory Bonds. Army and Xavy Veterans Unit 257. Drawing Dec. 21. 1945. Subscription 11.00 â€" 6 for $3.00. P. O. 'Box 21, Fort Wil- liam. .\Kents Wanted. HOME FOR $!.00 {(I.5'..0.ri0 â€" ,i-ROOM HOUSE. FINI- she>l now. to be drawn soon. Fund membership SI. 00: 6 for $5.00. Rouyn-Ni'-'cnda Kin.«men Club, Pox !)<<. .V^'randa Quebc-. nVElXG AXD CI.nAXINC HAVK i"OU .-VNYl'HIN'G .NEEDS dyeins or clenninfr? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Uepart- me.Tt H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 751 Y'on.se Street. To- ronto. KOR ^\LE nrSIXES* OPPOHTl'MITIK* HOW WOULD TOr I.IKE TO OWN a Jlft.noo Home, built to your own specifications, wherever you wish? If you prefer we will fcive you $10,000 in Victory Bonds. Op- portunity to win $10,000 monthly draw. All proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playftround!". Draw date â€" December 31st. 1943. Don't delay. Receipts mailed promptly. Send $1.00 for one ticket. « for $3.00, rlRht ntw to KlwanU Club of Sudbury, Box S< Sudbury, Ont. SHOW PKiEO-Nt:. FA.\T.VIL:S IN whites, blaelis, blues, and saddles. Magptes in black, blue and dun. I*. J. yiatterie, 7 Yarwood St.. St. Thomas, Ontarirj. FOR SALE on WILL LEASE. IM- medjate po.ssesi^ion, 303 Romeo St. Strtitford. Appro.Kimately lu acres, suitable for chicken ranch or market gardening. 8-room fr.ame house, with bathroom and furn- ace, wired for stove. Hydro in barn. 2 small coops, some fruits. Paved road and cement walk to door. P. .1. .Slatterie. 7 Varwood St.. St. Thoai.is. Ontario FOR .SALI-; â€" CHOICE WHITE Lesrhorn. R. O. V. and Hatchery Approval Cockerels. D. J. Lerch, R. 1. London. Ontario. HONEY FOR SALE DELICIOUS NEW CROP HO.NEY for immediate shipment at $9.00 per case of 12 four pound cans, your nearest ration office will exchange 24 preserve or sugar coupon.'! for a special voucher good 48 pounds cf honey. Mail this to us with your cheque and we will ship at once Big Rock Farm. Mllle Roches, Ont. WATKRWHEEL â€" TWO FOOT, Little Giant with division plate. Gate, shafts, bevel gears, pulleys, controls, excellent condition. Ten foot head develops 25 H. P. Also saws, chopping mill, shingle ma- chine Reasonable. Newman. Lrfin- sinx P. O. GREYHOUNDS 4 H MO.NTHS, BEST hunting stock, mules only $13.00. C. llirdle.-^tcne. Bri.achton. Ont. FERKETS â€" .VI^O SOME GOOD breedins stock, male and female. Apply 44 West Avenue. St. Thom- as, Ontario, ,, FERRETS: l!ROW.N AND WHITE. Good hunters on rats and rabbits, $12.00 pair.Earl Mannen, R.R. 1, Pari.", Ontario. 10-20 NlcCORMlCK nEEtllNG TRA- ctor. Very i;oi.<d running order. Bernard Quemieville, St. Joachim, Ontario. FIVE TUBE, SIX VOLT BATTERY model amplifier, mike, stand. 12 Inch speaker. New. Electronic .Vppliance. 1166 Portage Ave. Winnipeg. .Vow is the lime to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION- POWER CHAIN S.WV to fell or cress-cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types ma- nuf.f^tured. Both $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd., $023 .^ylmer St, Montre&l. FOR S-tLE FOR SALE LIMITED NUMBER 6 H. P. Empire Garden Tractors available for immediate delivery. This machine is made in Canada- Orders being accepted now for Spring delivery. Write tor price and particulars. Garden Tractor and Equipment Co.. Limited, ItGO Albert Road Windsor. Ontario. H.W PRESS. ST'ATIONARY. .\NN Arbor, .\rthur .\Iyea. Curries. Ont. HURO.N COUNTY. CHOPPING .MILL, good mixed farming area. Diesel engine, ball bearing grinder rol- lers with elevators, going con- cern, quick possession. Wm. Penroe. Realtor Exeter, Ont. BE.AUTIFUL SHOPPING B.\GS Make parcel-carrying easy. You will love these strong shopping bags of colorful flowered creton- ne material or solid shade leath- erette. Sturdy wooden handles, soft flannel-finished lining. Size 15 X 16 inches. Flowered creton- ne in blue, rose, natural. Solid leatherette in brown. Years of wear. 52.49 each. You will be proud to carr.v one even in your nicest street clothes. Send $1.00. balance collect plus postage. Ar- rowsmith's Dept. 4, Box 19, Stn. ".N" Montreal. PUPS -V.S'D LCING 1-/A1RED K.!!'- tens wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's, 1821 St. .\ntoine. Montreal. FOR SALE, REGISTERED DOR- set ewes and rams, unrel.ated. V. Eartlett, P.. No. 2. Canfield, Ont. ATTE.NTION. FARMERS. FUR Sale: Tractor I'lres. made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. .Vational Rubber Co. L>d., 5 Wiltshire .-V.ve.. Toronto. Ont ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- levs, brushes. .\Ilen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferln St. Tor- onto. SURI*l.l"S FILES .\ COMPLETE SET OF 50 .\SSORT- ed files: from 6"-14": Including flat, half round, round, square, etc.; rough and smooth: at a . clearing price of $8 delivered. Re- cupetools and Metals Limited, 1212 .\Idred Building, Montreal, Que. COCKERS AND PEKINGESE OF of world-famous bloodlines'. Mrs. P. .\. Margeson, Cedarerest Ken- nels. Kentville. Nova Scotia. FAH.HS l-'OU S.VLE 180 -VCRES. GOOD MAPLE BUSH, with or without machinery, cheap Box 474, Smith Falls, Ont. 100-.\CRE FARM. .VLL WOUK- able. Wilcox L»ike. mile and quar- ter from highway, 9-room brick house, hydro and barns. Box 65, 73 .\delaido W. Toronto. 100 -VCKES. CLwVV U.).\M. B.VNK barn, brick house, drilled well, windmill, about 5 acres bush, m miles l!elwood: $3,000 for quick sale. R. C. Gowland. Fergus. Ont. 2 CHOICE GR.VI.N. DAIRY FARMS, adjoining, 100 and 150 acres, soil clay loam, splendid building." on both, sacrifice. Box 23. Morgans- ton, Ont. Northumberland Co. .^ " - -'AT GUELPH. ONE HUNDRED AC- res for four thousand dollars and ^^. Fifty aroes for two thou.sand dol- lars. For particulars, .\pply I.ynr. '<. "- Lasby. Guelph. Ontario. H.*IH1>RESSIXG LE.VRN HAlRDRESSINi; THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertsoii's Hairdres.=l:!g Atnd- emv. ^'^1 Vvcf.ie P,.-ul Toronto HELI" WAXTED BOOKKEEPER WITH SAWMll.l experience preferred, capable of handling complete set of books .and payroll, accustomed to type- â- writing and gener.al office work for sni.all Northern town. Per- manent position. Salary $30 to $40 per week to commence, de- pending on ability and experience. House may be provided. Apply to The Oakville Basket Co. Ltd. OakTiIle. Ont HELP v^â- .v^TI:D MARRIED iLVN W.VNTED FOR general farm, to start soon, must be energetic, reliable and have good references. Permanent pros- pects to satisfactory party. Apply Box o9. 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. .tIEOICAL B-VUilEEK-V FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 4Jc. bottle. Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. ASTHT^IA sufferers:- GET IM- mediate relief with .-VZO a>ablets and eventually do away with that terrible gasping for breath. Taken regularly the trouble usually clears up entirely. Money back guarantee if directions followed. $1.00 postpaid. John Campbell. 131 Keewatin, Toronto 12. READ THIS â€" EVERY SUFFERER of Rhuematic Pain.- or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00. GET RE.\DV FOR WINTER Build up your resistance with Merrills System Tonic I'ablets. Canadian favorite for forty years. From your druggist or postpaid $1.00. from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Silverbirch .\ve. Toron- to, Ontario. STOMACH -INL") THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble .interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. niXliNS RE.MEDY â€" FOR .NEUR- ilis .and Rheumatic Pains. Thou- sands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00 OI'rOHTL.MTIES FOK WO.MEX BE .\ HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAN.VDA'S LEADINt; SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. .America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRPRESSINQ SCHOOLS 358 Bloor SL W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa. IMIOTOGRAI'HIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c .Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 1! prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing for 69c. The most original greetin.g cards you can get â€" the kind your friends will keep â€" card:' that men on active service at home and overseas like to get. .Order early. (2 Photographs on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Rox I'JO, Pasial TermlnnI A, Toroaio "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent." writes a cus. tomer at Peterborough, Ont, "and your service Is prompt and guaran- teed. I am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Y'our prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED .\>'D PRIXTKD »c 3 MOUNTED EXL.1HC.EMEJCT9 Mc Siie 4" X 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Tou can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed EalarKemcat* 4" x t", on Ivory tint mounts, In frames 7" \ %". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 6Sc: If enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address pl»l» ly on all ordera. I'ilo I ()(.!! M'H \ TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour dims properly developed and printed. 6 OR S EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINT'S 8 for 25u FINEST ENL.VRGING SER^^CE You may not get all the films yon w^ant this ye.ar, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sent'ing vour films to IMI>ER1.*.L PHOTO SERVICE .<: i-.S n :. Toronto ~~N0 FILM REQUIRED \VB SPECI.\XJZE IN M.VKINC: sepia enlari^ements direct from any snap or photo. 5x7 50c. 8x1* 75o. Abbey Studio, IS Rideau SL Ottawa, Ontario. .WI'SIC.*L l?rSTRlMEXTS FRED A EODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. \- \ I i;.>T» fetherstu.nh.\ui;h * compam Patsnt Solicitors. Established 189U; 14 King West, Toronta Booklet cf Information on re. â- Tlest Il.tUIO^ RADIO EXPERIME.VTEKS: CON'- struot your own 2 tube all wave set. Kit of 30 parts. Tubes, Chas- sis. Ideal Christmas gift. Order earl.v. Price; $9.95. Earphones: $3. Electronic Appliance. 1166 Port- as''. Winnipeg, Canada. T.VXIDEUMY DEEK HE.\X>S .MOUNTEE>. DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we also buy Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned tor floor rugs, liear Hides tanned and made into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed and mad* Into scarfs. 26 Elm Street. Toron- to, Oliver Sp,anner Co. Ltd. TE.VCHKH> WVNXKU I PKOTESTA.NT TEACHER. .AJ>- ply at once stating qualifications and salar.v expected to Mrs. Lest- er liraper. Sec. Treas. Gracefield, V)u<,'bec. K.R. 2. \%'.»XTED VV.VNTED. OTTAWA TR.\CTOR Drag Saw. Joseph Smith. R.R. 1, Markham. Ontario. AVANTED TO RENT. BL.;VCKSMITH shop and small dwellingr. In good farming community. Box 6« 71 Adelaide St.. W. Toronto %VANT HOUSE IN VILL-VGE, TOWN or highway Prefer xvith little land, $700 to $1700. Give descrip- tion, price *tc. George Drummond, Owen Sound. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry. Get our prices before you selL Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO PHONE JU, 9.T39 BUYER. MR. TED BOWLER HARDWARE BUSINESS WANTED. state stock, turnover, any neces- sary particulars, confidential. Box 5!". 7S .\Jelaid9 V%'. Toronto. HATCHING EGGS WA.NTED FOR 194G hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtested free of charge under Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus batch- ability premium paid. For fuB details, write Box ]!>. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. DETWEEN NOW ANr> L\TB Spring, White Birch Bolts, VT long, 7" and up top. Must be fresh cut, free of doze and large llmh knots. .\lso Interested In Poplar and Basswood Bolts, t" and up top, 4S" long. If you caa suply in carlots, write for our quotations. Keenan Woodenware Limited. Owen Sound. Ontario. ISSUE 4»-194f â-  â- *T*"-*^r''^.T** â- 

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