Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1946, p. 8

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/? '3k Wednesday, February 6, 1946 THE FL£i>HKRTON ADVANCE Small Ads GIRL WANTED â€" Part time house work and part in store. â€" Norman Scarrow, Flesherton. -» »_ WANTED â€" Anunmls iultable fo mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclnto!;' Eug«ni)>, phon« Pcvergjir i 6r2fi WANTED â€" Qnantity of sap buck- ets and spiles â€" J. D. MocDonald. Eugenia, phone Feversham 5r41. FOR SALE â€" y pigs, average weight about 126 lbs., also black heifer with calf at foot. â€" Joe Porteous, Maxwell, R.R. 1. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow out of advanced registry stock- Kendal Hawkins. R-R. 1, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r42- Fanner^ â€" Agent for Agrico Fertil- izers. Order early. Make sure oi delivery. â€" Dick Carson, Price- ville, Ontario, phone 2r6 32p8 FOR SALE â€" 1 good piano organ Eoctave; 2 metal bedsteads, full- size; bet of springs, full size. â€" (Mrs. Wm. Sayers, Priceville. LOST â€" Between Flesherton and To" ronto on Monday, Feb- 4th, 32x6 Goodyear truck tire and wheel for 1941 Chevrolet. â€" Harold Richard- son, Flesherton, phone 33rl3. LOST â€" In Flesherton on Wednes- day, Jan. 23rid, Ronson lighter in case. Finder please leave with F. Harrison, c.o. W. G. Kennedy, in Flesherton. 35p2 WANTED â€" Pair of hoitees, 3000 lbs. or better, good workers, al- so team around 2800 lbs. Com- municate with Gordon Stuart or Blm«r Ellis. WANTED â€" Man for profitable Rawleigh Route nearby. Must be batisfled with good living at start- Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-206- 101-B, Montreal, Que- I/>ST â€" In Flesiheron Friday, Jan, 26, Parker fountain pen. p^robably on main street. Finder pleabe notify Ken McKechnie at the Hig<h School or phone 49<rl3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Frame house, about 48 by 22 with 14 foot siddng. Will â- ell in t-wo eections, good sound hiunlock Sheeting and lumber. House on lot 161, i S.W. â€" Apply to E. J, Parker, phone 32r2, Flesh- erton. 32pS AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District •v«ilaible- If you are aggreseive, and between the ages of 26 and 55 â€" have or can becure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to «et established in a profitable business of your cwn- For full particulars write today to: The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. OtF-1, 2177 JVfasson St., Montreal. JACK W. TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County R. R. 1, MARKDALE When planning for your sale, my services mean satisfactory returns for you. Phone 5H r 2 .Markdale RECEITION FOR FOUR SOLDIERS THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT A reception is being held tonight. February 6thi for the following boys who have returned home: Spr. JaU- McFadden. Pte. Bob Uargavel. Gnr. Angus McMillan and'l'te. Reginald Hutton- The Golden West Mount- aineers will supply music. At His Own Expense Allan Larden, Bell Telephone Com- pany employee in the Sault. who was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal a& an RCAF sergeant for a 1943 feat front paged all over the Empire. A bombardier who never had piloted a Lancaster, he brought one of the big four motored bomibers back to base and landed it safely, bullet riddled, after the pilot had been incapacitated. Just recently, civilian Larden re- ceived word to report to Government House in Toronto, January 27th, for investiture (with the OGM, at his own expense- He must reflect rather bitterly on the fact that if he had been decorat- ed at a Buckingham Palace investi- ture thousands of miles from home and family, he'd have been entitled without question to transportation from wherever he happened to be, hotel for a week end all other ex- pensed paid- His nejct of kin. if in the United Kingdom, would have re- ceived similar consideration- But not so in grateful Ontario, his home province. â€" Sault St. Marie Daily Star. VANDLLEUR Sister's Suitor â€" "Johnny, I dftlike to tell you, but last night at the party your sister promised to become my wife. Can you forgive me for taking her away?" Johnny â€" ".Shucks, that's what tlie party wab for." SEND IN TOUR RENEWAL. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Take notice that the sale of lands for taxes in the Township of Arte- raesia will be held on Monday, Feb. nth, in place of Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1946. Thobe interested will pleese make note of the date. â€" Aubrey Foster, Treasurer. ERASER M. RAMAGE LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County My Motto: "A Fair Deal to the Buyer as Well o^ the Seller." CORBKITON, ONT. Phono 47r24 Dundalk. LOGS WANTED We are in the market for logs ami standing timber, and have raised the price paid for No. 1 logfs. â€"DURHAM FURNITURE CO. M. Dobson, Manager Rock Mills FARMS FOR SALE In Township of Osprey, Lots, 11, 12, Con. 12, 2O0 acres, 90 acres under cultivation, 10 acres of good bush, balance good pasture, never failinR creek, bank barn 54x40 with steel roof, garage, good dwelling, hard and soft w«ter inside. Also for sale is farm Lot 12, Con. 18, Osprey, 99 acres, school on comer, 35 acrete un- der cultivation, 40 acres of good tim- ber, remaider pasture, 42x60 barn with pood roof, drive shed, pond (Kvollinp, with hard water inside. For full information comrnunicnte with Jn.«. McKenzie, Fevoii-sham, Ont.. ohone 10rl4 Feversham. 35p4. WM. KNITTING LICENSED A II C I I O N h K H for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our s|' ally Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction U ffuarante'id. Dates arranged at Th< Advance office or phon« 4w. BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton Announcement We wish to aiuiiiuiKH' tliiil tile firm of I SKELKY BROS. & ARNILL i comprising the followinn members, D. E. Seeley, J. W. Seeley, Sclhy .Scely aiid W- U. .\rnill, have pur- chased a NEW COMI'LETE CRUSH- ING PLANT, inciudinff (>(\i\r Rapid's cru.sher mounted on single chassis on rul>ber, and a caterpillar D-4 bull- dozer with overhead shovel. We aro prepared to tender on township gravel contracts. Inquiries invite<l. SEELEY BROS. & ARNILL Dundalk P.O. Box 19.1 WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. C. J. BELLAMY VI'.LACR CLERK A CommlMloner for taklnR Affidavits IsHuer of Mnrrlage License* CONVEY A NCI NO DEEDf MnRTGAGR.S. WIL'.S. Etc. Offke: Toronto Street, Fleaherton LIGHTI«iNG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agenl E U G E N 1 A \UTOMORILE. FIRR, BURGLARY I'LATE GLASS AND GKNERAl. 'VSII^ANCF Confederation Life Insurance The Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and discussed the question, "can we maintain our pre- sent consumption of farm produc- tion''" F. R- Boland presided aiiU a good discuiision took place. The Forum w^is sympathetic with indus- trial workers in their struggle for good wages and stability of employ- ment, and unaminousiy approved the Federal Governmenf^ policy with respect to unemployment insurance; family allowances; and pensions of $3000 per month for everybody over 70 years- Mrs. Angus Bowles con- ducted a couple of contests and read- ings were given by Mrs- W. Rat- cliff e; Mrs- A- Fawcett; Mrs- H. Graham and Mrs. A- Bowles- Crokin- ole and checkers were played and lunch was served. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Will Rat- cliffe with Geo- Shaw and Mi^- Ormsby in charge. Pte. John Boland, recently return ed from overseas, and his wife are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mor- rison and other friends- A number from here attended the short course in Agriculture in Fleteh- erton on Monday end Tuesday. An enjoyable social evening and dance were held in the Community Hall one evening recently- The January meeting of the WI- met at the home Mrs. Wm- iSwanton in Markdale on Thursday afternoon, January 24th with a good atten- dance of members and visitors. Suspended Sentence There ife nothing like a suspended sentence to encourage a life of crime. If a man commits a crime of violence and gets off with suspended sentence, he can thumb his nose at he police and give them the Bronx cheer when- ever he sees them- It i's discouraging to alert police- men to go to the trouble of (arresting a man and registering a coniviction. only to have their work nullified by suspending the sentence on the con- victed person. People do no like prison. A life of confinement under police supervision is enough to maike a man or woman think twice before committing crime. If a thug knows he stands a good chance to get away with suspended sentence, then he can go right ehead and laugh at the constables- â€" Wind- sor Star. "She was only the optician's daugh-ter â€" two glasses, and she made a spectacle of h rself." MILK PRODUCERS It will pay you to ship your milk to Toronto if it tests 45 or better. We are prepared to pay top prices, especially for Jersey and Guernsey milk- Write R. Guest, 20 Maple Ave-, Port Credit, Ont- 36p8 FOR CLEANER ENGINES AND LOWER REPAIR COSTS, CHANGE NOW TO... I Local aod Fersoudi I â€" j Mr- Norman Scarrow spent the fii'st of the week in Toronto- I Mr. Ray Richards of Toronto was a week end visitor with his brother Mr- and Mi-^. F. J- Thurston spent a couple of days in Toronto last week- Mr. and Mrs- Wallace Hamilton and family visited at Guelph recently- Mrs. Thos. Crowe of Toronto is with her father. Mr. Jos- William^, while her mother is in l^ospital. Mr- and Mrs. Harold Fawcett of Kimberley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Cornfield. Miss Pansy Thompson and friend of Toronto spent tJie week end with Mr. and Mi^. F. Brack?nbury, Mr. Jim Wilson and son, Mark, of Owen Sound spent the week end in town- Rev- Dr. Thomson and Mrs. Thom- son are spending a few days in Toronto- Miss Elsie Caswell of Toronto was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stauffer on Saturday. Misfe Jean McTavish of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, -Ir. end Mrs. G. \. McTavish. Mr. Edgar Fawcett of Toronto was a week end visitor with his feister, Mrs. Geo. Cornifield. Mr. Geo- Boyd had his tonsils re- moved in a Toronto hospital Thurs- day lest and is on the job again at the garage- Mr- and Mrs. Wallace McDermid of Toronto spent the week end with the former's si'ster. Mrs. Don Porter, and Mr. Porter- Mr- Clarence Alexander, Mr- Will Hyslop and Mrs. Jean Rennick of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mrs. Alexander- Mrs- Jos- Williams was taken to Marlcdale hospital on Tuesday, where it is expected that "she will undergo a serious operation. Ma-. F. B- Keys is in Toronto this Wednesday meeting hife brother, Cfm- Russell E- Keyjs, wlio arrived on Monday on the Aquitania- Miss Ollie McDonald and Mr- Robt- Reilley of Toronto spent the week end with the former^ parents, Mr. and Mrs- John McDonald. This past week end 28 young ladies from the main office of the Bell Tel- ephone in Toronto, invaded the vill- age and enjoyed a week end of ski- ing down the hills in the vairey- They arrived in a flurry of snow, but Sunday was bright and the Ski- ing was very enjoyable. A heavy snowfall arrived Saturday, accompanied by high winds and over 12 inches of snow fell in the day. The highways, however, were kept open and the mails came through as usual- The thermometer reached 2S below zero Saturday night. Monday the weather moderated and Tueteday afternoon was quite mild. Mrs. J. 1. Fawcett of Kimberley. mother of Mrs. Geo. Cornfield of town, suffered a feroken hip bone when she fell in her home at Kim- berley one day last week. She is at present in the Markdale hospital- We hope that this highly regarded lady of S3 years will make a complete recovery. nuM-v mx MAlUi^ Aak your dealer to ezpUln wliyl It do9a make a dUFerenca whatf oil you uae I Aak him aboutBtltlih I American'a amasiiic B«w Pmt-I leas Motor OH. «<It^ Alk^ed* to I prevent oxidation, cut rapalrl costs. Driva In for • Spring | change-over today! Tta Bfimii AiwitaB OM tmm IMM I YOU ALWAYS BUY WITH- COMFIDE.NCr'AT THI Si'Ghr OF THt BIG B-;A Plow Versus Disk The plow has long been considered one of the most important of all cul- tivation implements- Recent develop- ments, the Field Husluindry Division. Dominion Bxperimenal Farms Serv- ice points out. have called this con- sideration to que'stion- In many parts of AVostern Canada where soil drift- ing is prevalent in certain seasons, it has been found that plowing is not only unneceslsary. but may even be detrimental- Trash on the surface of the ground tends to retard soil drifting- k plow turns the trash under the surface, while a di'sk â€" a one-way disk â€" or cultivator will leave the trvifeh on toip- Womanâ€" "Will my false teeth look natural?" Denistâ€" "I make them so natural they ache" G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I hevc taken over the insurance business of Mr. W'm. Myers and am prepared to give the public first cla^s service on their fire, accident and au- tomobile insurance policies. Consult mo before you renew. 1 can place V -.1 in .Try o^ the Viotter known com- "nnl""!:. at the lowest rate^ oht^in- aWp. OIL BROODERS I ! f Y y y ? y t We can help you solve the coal problem with Oil Brooders or Electric Brooderli Premier Oil Brooders 350 capacity $18.45; 500 capacity $27.50 Warner Electric Brooders â€" the finest brooder you can buy. 500 capacity $42.50 Coal Brooderâ€" .350 capacity $13.95 Galvanized Fountains and Feeders â€" We have them large or small of various kinds to meet your requirements. STILL A FEW BABY CHICKS AVAILABLE FERTILATORS Preston Fertilatorts made for all makes of drills. Massey- Harris Fertilators for M.^. drills. You will be well advised to obtain your Fertilators early and avoid disappointment. SAP PAILS Gelvanized Sap Pails, short or long; Tin Sap Pails, good feize- COMBINATION DOORS Various kinds and sizes: $6.95 and np WATER SUPPLIES â€" MOTORS â€" ENGINES Pump Jack with Electric Motor $90.00 Pump Jack with 1 h-p. Air-cooled Engine $79.75 Stock Pomps $12.25 up to $38.50 Cktlvanized Water Tanks $15.5<^ Beatty Prei^nre Systems for shatow or deep well $90.00 up Beatty CIoth«8 Baskets, Step Ladders, Bam Track Hay Track and Carriers TRY US FOR SEaiVIiGE AND SAimSIFAOniON J. M. STAFFORD < â-º < > < â-º FEED ROOFING HARDWARE CBHENT FEED X MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY I Phone 4 r 22 % t FEVERSHAM, Ont "Winter drawfe on," Josh remarked aibsemtly as he tucked Maggie into his cutter for an old-fashioned sleigh ride, "Is that any of your business?" replied Maggie, icily. Girl â€" "Young fellow, why arent you in a uniform?" Young Man â€" ^"For the same rea- son that you are not in a beauty show â€" a matte' of sheer, absolute physical unfitness." F. T. HILL & CO., Limited I t I Look to Us for the followins I Early in February I 3 CARLOADS I of Oil Space I HEATERS X This Heater (in two sizes) was used by the Amerioan ^ Government in the builling of the Alaska Highway, t Operates simply and with maximum efficiency. I I I I I Y X V \ % t I I We will also have early this season : ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRIC SPACE HEATERS ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WASHERS RADIOS OF EVERY KIND TABLE MODEL RADIOS \ f ^PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION L. ECTRIC PHONOGRAPH - With Automatic Record Changers ELECTRIC IRONERS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTERS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONERS ELECTRIC AIR CONDFTIONERS "ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS If lt*s Newâ€" Well Have It F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale A s

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