Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1946, p. 5

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>** r THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 13, 1946 4»»»»o» » »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»a>^»»^<Hfr»»^<H»»»»»»»»» % » * -♦ ♦ « r T :j V Wallpaper FIRST NEW WALLPAPER PATTERNS we have had to (offer aince 1943 will go on display the week of February 18. Over 100 combinations and patterns to choose from. Electrical Appliances We now have in stock a com- plete line of Electrical Fiztnres Let OS discuss with you the NEW FLUORESCENT UGHTING Heavy Duty Rangea, Radios. Refrfgei^atoi^, ESectropails, Grills, Hot Plates, etc. A large shipment of COLEMAN SPACE HEATERS Expected this month Your inspection of our usual cfimplete line of Home Furni- shings fe invited. IF IT IS FOR THE HOME OR HYDRO USE AND AVAILABLE, i WE HAVE IT. ] RICHARDS HOME FURNISHINGS ELECTRICAL SALES & SERVICES j Phone 78 We DeUver FLESHERTON ] J. A. RICHARDS FRED L. GORRELL R. G. RICHARDS 5 i * See lis for DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS "Bridal Wreath" and "Blue Bird" We also handle Bulova, Elco, Tissot, Tavannes anl Lady May Watches E. I. HOLLEY I DUNDALK I ^. I Co-operation Short Course IN THE PARK HOTEL, FLESHERON, FEBRUARY 19, 20 and 21 TUESDAY â€" FEDERATIONâ€" Speakw: Mrs- L. Taylor, Past Pr^Uent Wellinston Cbanty FedentioB. WBDNESDAY â€" DIRBCTORS â€" Address by Wm. Niehoiaoa â- Director ef United Farmers* ICo-operatire THURSDAY â€" EMPLOYEES' DAYâ€" Address by Ken jHaiMiaU â-¼Ie*>Pr«sident of United Farmers' Co-operatiTe TIm pablie Is cordlaly invited to wttcnd these mcctingk â- Â« 4. useofu- ^S>u&ut, U«* »»"« V»*«» »*l*' rt»V ,«»«»' i\»«» co»' r*H^«^'^' la y^-eoKuie co-op m/x cMiee^ \^^-lii^fJkll 0. & A. Co-operative JOHN MoWILLIAM. Manager FLESHERTON, Oalario 8TH LINE OSPREY This week, on Thursday, Frf). 14. we will have the oprportunity of con- gratulating Mr- and Mrs. Geo- Law- ler on the occasion of their 52Tid wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lawler are enjoying fairly good health. We hope that they may have many more years of health and hap- piness together- Mr Peter Somers has returned to his home, after spending the past few weeks with his wife at Mild-may. The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale last wee!^ This Monday the meeting is being held at the home of iMr- and Mrs- M. Davidson. Mr. James Ottewell and Mr. and M-3 Lloyd Stepliens visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Arthur White and family in CoUingwood. Mr- and Mrs. Walter Lawler en- tertained their neighbors to a euchre party Saturday evening. Miss Kay Somers and John Stephens were the lucky winners. A number from his line attended the presentation in Robinson's Hall, Feversham. in honor of five returned boys, namely: Guy Poole. Murray Lepard. Bill Burke, Wilfred and .\llen Springgay. Each was present- ed with a purse from the comiminity and a wrist watch from the rate- payers of Osprey Township- Mr. Doug- Stephens visited with his sister. Mrs. F. Bell, CoUingwood, on Sunday. Mrs. Neil Thompson and family of Singhampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lowler on Sunday. to their new house- We wish them many years if health and happiness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple spent « day recently with Mr- and Mrs. B. McConnell at Kimberley- Mr. and Mrs- Luther Reer of Dun- can spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson and family. SWINTON PARK EUGENIA .The Woman's .Association will hold the regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Campbell on Wednesday, Feb- 20th, at 2 p.m. .A.11 members are requested to bring a parcel for the "hamper-" Roll call: collection according to the "w^aist- line measure." Mr. Edridge Boyce has returned home from Toronto, after receiving his discharge. Eldridge served four years and seven months- Mr- and Mrs Clinton Magee and son, Garnet, of Maxwell visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Garnet Magee, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and MiSs Loreen of Walkerton visited with the Boyce family on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mr. Henry Falconer on the sick list, but hope he will soon be well- Messrs. J. Morris, B- Bolan. Clif- ford Crotes and H- Bell of the HEPC were in Toronto over the week end. Mr- J- Connors spent the week end at his home in Mt- Forest. .A.ll€n Klimmer, Tony Cripps and Elmer Widemeyer at their respective homes in Hanover. Lloyd Randall at Niag- ara Falls and Mr- Harper at Welland. Mr. T. Stewart and ^on-in-law. Mr- Russ<^ll Johnson, were home from Samia for a few days recently- Mrs. D. Carson went to Toronto to m«t her huaband, who returned from overseas lait week. We welcome Don back atrain. Miss Lucy Haines of Kimberley is assisting at the Sewart home. Ice harvesting has commenced on th.e Hydro Lake here- The Farm Forum met Monday evening. Fei>. 4th, at the home oi itay Richardson with a large number present. After a lively discussion period the evening was spent, in euchre, followed by lunch. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 10th, at the home of Eii Ostiander- The measle epidemic has cleared u(p but several are Still on the sick list- Mr- Sam McMurdo and Mr. Peter MoDonald are under the Dr's care- Mr. and Mrs- A- L- Hincks of Priceville spent Saturday with Mr- and Mrs. Wm- Hay. Mrs- Geo. Porter is remaining in Owen Sound with her sister, Mrs- Ferris, who is a patient in the G. and M. Hospital there. Miss Jessie llcCormack of Dun- dalk high school spent the week at home with her parents- Miss Jean McCormack of Toronto enjoyed a weeks visit with her par- ents. Mr- and Mrs- Wm. McCoi^ mack- Mrs- Stanley Harrison and Miss Emma Ostrander are planning an e.xtended visit to the Queen City- Mr- Wesley Porter spent a couple of days with his parents, Mr- and Mrs. John Porter, thi^ week- The Sewing Circle held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wallace McCormack on Thurs- day afternoon- Mr. Wallace McCormack and Mr. Lome Wright have gone to North- em Ontario for the winter months- After so many stormy, cold and frosty week ands we are all enjoying this one of sunshine, milder weather and better roads- Messrs Mel and Basil Lane visited Sunday at the home of John Porter. CEYLON KIMBERLEY Mr. Fred Haiiies of Alberta is visiting his sister, M&s Mary Haines, and brother. Mr. Wm- Haines, here. Mr. Glen Jenkins of the RCAF in British Columbia, is back with the Hydro at the Eugenia plant. Mr. and Mrs- Ab- Woodfe are ex- pected back to the Eugenia plant shortly. Mr- Woods has just return- ed to his home in Niagara Falls, after some year^ overseas- Mr. Bin Bracke>n, a fornier Hydro I employee at Eugenia, has also re- turned from overseas and is at the Big Chute. Mr. Bracken was marr- ied in England and expects his wife and little datighter Shortly- The members of the W-1. are look- ing forward to their social evening in. tjommunity MIemorial Kail oti Friday, Feb- 15th. This is a get- together for the members and their families- LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts and family have the sincere sympathy nf t'.„ community in the lo.ss of thoir daughter and 'sister, the late Mrs. Ja.^. Conn, of Feversham- Mrs- Ken Eagles and three child- ren of Gibraltar spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- .<lex- Maxwell. Mr- and Mrs Vic McKensie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Chak- Turner and family at Eujrenia. y{^. and '^Tâ- â€¢= M-iywpll hnve nioved The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Thos- Genoe, on the death of her sister, (Eva) Mrs- McKenzie. who passed away in To- ronto following a serious heart at- tack- Mr- and Mrs- Genoe went to Toronto on Monday morning to be ronto on Monday morning to be present at the funeral which was hela on Tuesday- Mr- Doug. Reid, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs- Reid and two sons. Misis Jeanette McMaster €md sister Norma spent the week end with friends at Walkerton. Mr- and Mrs- Fred .Vmett and dau- ghter spent Sunday with Mrs. Ar nett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho%. Genoe - Mr- and Mrs- Maudsley and grand- son, of Toronto are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mandsley Sr- of this village. Several of our village folk have had the flu and school was also closed for a day or two. as Mfes Mc- Donald, the teacher, had the flu. We hope everyone will soon be in their usual good health- Mr. and Mrs. AL Seymour of To- ronto and Donnie Oapeland of Vic- toria Comers were recent visitors w^ith Mr. and Mrs. Jafe- Sincair. The Ladies' Aid presented Mrs. S- P. Hunt with a Hymnary recently, as an a5>preciation of her duties m organist of Ceylon United Church- Mrs. Hunt gratefully replied to the kindly gesture shown her- We are very glad to know that Mr- George Cairns returned Thurs- day last, following his recent opera- tion in Toronto. We hope that h# continues to Improve in health- Happy birthday to Mrs. Joseph Oliver- who celebrated her S3rd birthday on Friday. Feb. loth- The many friends of Mrs- Oliver are glad to know that she is still able to carry on her household duties. We hope she may celebrate many more birthday^. The farm forum met at the home of Mr- and Mrs- i k Nichol last Mon- day evening when an interesting dis- cussion was held on "Marketing and the Producer to the Consumer." Euchre was held during the recreation hour There were ten members pre- sent- The next meeting will be held next Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. .\lfalfa seed supplies fror the llMo ran are only slightly more than re- luiii.l for Catia<l>.>ii utee. K <trons: export market obviates any danger of over-proiluction in Can:id,-\ in IP4(v Announcement S % I ♦ % % % t •I* L.A.C. F. McK. (Mack) Duncan, after four years in the R.C.A.F., has become a full partner in Duncan's Hardware FLESHERTON GRAIN WEIGHTS AND -MEASURES The following table shows the weights and measures used in Can- ada in connection with the principal tield crops and -or wheat floar: Pounds per Bushel Wheat 60 Oats 34 Barley 48 Rye 56 Flax Seed 56 Com 56 Buckwheat -48 Mixed Grains 60 Screenings « 48 All others 60 Soy Beans 60 Sunflower Seeds 24 Wlicat ri*/..r: 1 barrel equals 196 poundfe and approximately 4^ bushr els of wheat are used in the )roduc- tion of a barrel of flour- "I have discovered,'' writete a ode- tor, "that the 'flu is both affirmative and negative- Sometimes the Eyes have it and sometimes the No*-" fll .r. 1*11*1 1*1 1*1 i*n*n*i 1*1 1*11* --.--'--'--- II I - ^ - ^i^rtrtAd OIL BROODERS We can help you solve the coal problem with Oil Brooders or Electric Brooder^ Premier Oil Brooders 350 capacity $18.45; 50O capacity $27.30 Warner Electric Brooders â€" the finest brooder you can buy. 300 capacity $42.50 Coal Brooder â€" 350 capacity $13.95 Galvanized Fountains and Feeders â€" We have them large or small of various kinds to meet your requirements. STILL .A FEW B.ABY CHICKS AV.AILABLE FERTILATORS Preston Fertilator^ made for all makes of drills. Massey- Harris Fertilators for M.-H. drills- You will be well advised to obtain your Fertilators early and avoid disappointment- SAP PAILS Galvanized Sap Pails, short or long ; Tin Sap Pails, good feize- COMBIN.A.TION DOORS Various kinds and sizes: $6-95 and up WATER SUPPLIES â€" MOTORS â€" ENGINES Pump Jack with Electric Motor $90.00 Pump Jack with 1 h-p. Air-cooled Engine $79-75 Stock Pumps $12.25 up to $38.50 Galvanized Water Tanks $13.50 Beatty Prepare Systems for shalow or deep well $90.00 up BiMtty Clothies Baskets, Step Ladders, Bam Track Hay Track and Carriers TRY US FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEED FEED ROOFING CEMENT :: :: Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, Ont «>4...».»<.<MX.<M><MMHeN.>.>.>.»->.>4>^ POULTRY We have a good demand for Live or Dressed Chickens and Hens. Our price to you is excep- tionally good. If you have any quantity, get in touch with us and we will call where possible, or bring them in. We will buy them outright or custom kill them for you. Cream The demand for Butter is extremely heavy and will no doubt be for some time to come. So we urge the keeping up of production and, if possible increasing youf dairy herd. It WILL P.-\Y YOU. It is our concern that you get the most for your products. WE PAY HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR YOUR CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 6S FLESHERTON, Ontario

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