Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1946, p. 8

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â- y''''mmmim^^mmimm^ mm^mmm THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE '^, ^ Small Ads MAN WANTED â€" At once to do some plowing.â€" Claude C Akins, FOK SALK â€" iM-H. stt«d drill. 13- disc Lloyd Tuibot, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Spring wheat. â€" B- McKenzie, phone 22x5 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of oat chop- â€" A- S. Muir. phone 49rl4. 44 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of potatoes. â€" Geo. Armstrong. Flesherton. FOR S.ALEâ€" 10 pigs ready to wean. John Shortreed, R R- 1 Priceville. <y>R SALE â€" About 8 tons timothy hay. can be seen at Erne McMul- len's barn.â€" G. Calms, phone 44rl3. WANTED â€" AjuomIs ttiitable fo- mink and fox ie«d. â€" Bert MdntoBt FOR SALE â€" 4 Bushels good clean red clover seed, cheap. â€" Clarence Chard, phone 75rl4. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity small seed peas- â€" Walter Lawler, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9rl4. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt fertilizer drill, 13-disc. â€" Earl BeSt, phone Flesherton 32rl5. 45p2 FOR SALE â€" Oat's, and mi.\ed bar- ley and oats, good for seed. â€" Roy McMullen, Maxwell. 44p2 FORO SALE â€" Model A Ford Tudor sedan, 3 new tires, in good condi- tion â€" Fred Shier, R. R. 3 Flesh- erton. 46p2 llou.st)wife to tramp: "you seem to be an able-bodied man. You ougiht to he strong enouKh for work." Tramp: "I know, mum, and you .ml to bt beautiful enough to go on the stage, but, evidently you prefer the simple life-" Hou'sewife: "Step into the kitchen and I'll see if I can stir up a meal for you." FOR SAliE K Male calf, 6 weeks old. â€" Cecil Magee. Eugenia. 46cl FOR SALE â€" Kitchen stove, cheap. Miifet be seen to be appreciated. Apply at Post Office, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" 3-year-old Colt, brok- en in. â€" Phillip Harrison, R. R- 2, Priceville. 46cl FOR SALE â€" Reg. Durham Bull, e2 months old; Polled Angus Bull, grade. 18 months old. â€" Stanley Campbell, R.R.4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Ice refrigerator in 1st clasfe condition, price reasonable. â€" Mrs. Z. Randall, Flesherton, phone No. 43rll. 46c2 FOR SALE â€" Vanguard seed oats, power cleaned; also quantity of hay, alfalfa and timothy mixed â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon- 44p2 NOTICEâ€" The public ils hereby noti- fied that my Durham bull is not availaibe for service- â€" ^Wes Smith, R. R- 1, Flesherton. 46p2 LOST â€" Blue steer. 2 years old, Saturday evening. April 6th Fin- der notify Dick Carson, Priceville, phone Flesherton 2r . 45p3 GIRL WANTEDâ€" For domestic work at Grej- County Home, Markdale. For information apply to Mrs. M. Gould, Markdale, or phone 5. FOR SALE â€" Hereford cow, 7 years old, due April 20. â€" Lawson White- head, Ceylon. 45i>2 FOR SALE â€" 4 butehels red clover seed. â€" Clarence Chard, phone 76rl4 Flesherton. 45c2 ! Local aitu t'trHiit;, FOR SALE â€" Cream separator B3 Vega, good as new; metal churn. 12-14 quarts, butter bowl, butter print- ladel, all good as new. â€" Wal- ter Russell, Rock Millte. 45p2 FOR SALE â€" M-H- out-throw Disc 12 20-inch plates; 13 tooth Culti- vator; single furro-w riding plow- â€" Edgar Patterson, PriceT^ille. phone Flesherton 22t41. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Hand or power wash- ing machine, good condition, com- plete with wringer; heavy farm wagon and a 2-furrow plow. â€" Frank Eagles, R.R. 3 Proton Sta-, phone 41r3 Flesherton. 46p2 CEMENT BLOCKS â€" We man.- facture cement bricks and blocl-;.~ supply any amount, rock fac plain, any size from 4 to 12 in.. power made- â€" Orval MacDonald. Box 20S, Durham, Ont. 42,pfi FOR SALE â€" Now Prima separator good for three cows; McCormick- Deering single plow; Oak dining room suite, including china cabin- ctt, tafcle, huflfet and 6 chairs. â€" Lewis Pedlar. Flesherton- 46p2 HOUSE FOR SALEâ€" 7-room frame house in Fle'sherton. good water, 20x30 barn, about 1 1-B acres of ground. Make offer. â€" Albert Colgan, Strathroy. Ont. HELP WANTED â€" Clerk for gen- eral store- State experience and give refoTonces, wages expected; must be capable of taking respon- sibility. Application received up to April 19tih. â€" J. W- Robinson. Feversham. 4Bc2 LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSURANCE Confedaration Lif« Iiunrane* FARMS FOR SALE Lots 35 and 36, Con. 8, Artemesia containing 180 acres; brick houfee, large bank bam and drive shed; Hydro in all buildings, water piped to barn, also telephone and rural mail- Lot 36 includes brick cottage and bank bam. Both lots are well watered. All buildings are in good fetate of repair. â€" Mrs- Edith Cam- eron, 67 Latimer Ave., Toronto. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins Dis- trict available. If you are aggres- sive, and between the ages of 26 and 56, have or can secure travelling out- fit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R- Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-1, 2177 Mafeson St,. Montreal, Que. SEED POTATOES Foundation A Katahddnb Foundation A Chippewas Certified Sebagoes Also Table Potatoes ALEX. S. MUIR phone 49r41. Ceylon, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I havfi taken over the insurance Tusiness of Mr. Wm. Myers and am prepar d to give the public first cla^s -ervice on their fire, accident and au- •omobile insurance policies. Consult •ne before you renew. I can place â- 'ou in any of the better known com- oanies, at the lowest rates obtain- able. C. J. BELLAMY VI :, LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidarlta Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WII/.S, Etc. Oflfire: Toronto Street. Flesherton Send or phone in the names of your I'^asttr visitors. iMr- and Mrs- J- C- Miller and John spent a day in Toronto last week. i Mas. R. G- iHolland returned to hei- home on Sunday, after spending the past five weeks in Toronto. Mr- and Mrs. Ofecar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton visited Sunday with Mrs. R. Bentham. Mrs. Albert Stewart attended the funeral of the late Rev. F- G. Fowler which took place at Bolton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Welton moved last week to an apartment in the Mitchell residence. Miss Jean McCraoken of Toronto i's spending three weeks with her par- ents, Mrs. and Mrs. L. McOracken. jMr- and Mrs. Percy Wright, Roy and Donald, of Whitiby returned to their home, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter- Mr. Angus MacMillan has taken a position wSth the Hydro surveyors at Bannockburn- Angus was engag- ed at 'surveying when overseas. We wish him the best of luck- Mr- Harold Befet has opened his restaurant on Toronto Street, taken over from Raymond Sit Sup. and the improvements are a credit to his progressivenes's- Mr. and Mrs. Harold MoCutcheon and family of Toronto, Mrs. Alex- Mc.Cutcheon and Sadie of Markdale vifeited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs- Frank Teeter and family. A silver-blue fox escaped from *he Eagle fur farm, south of town on Wednesday of last week, but its free, dom was 'short-lived as it came to « sad ending on Saturday when it was killed when run over by a light de- livery truck on the highway near Dundalk- Miss Inez Nickles of Markdale and Mr- Burton Roberts of Feversiham conducted the services in the Baptist churches laist Sunday in the absence of the minister. Mr. F. B. Keysi Mr. and Mrs. Keys went to Toronto to meet Mrs- Rusfeell Keys, who arrived in Canad'a on the Aquitania from II- ford, Sussex. England. Flight Lieut- A- G- McPherson of Camp Borden had charge of the service in St. John's United Church on iSunday morning, in the albsence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Thomson, who was meeting hife daughter in Montreal- Dr. Thomson intendled to be in the pastorate at Flesherton for this year only, is leavinig the end of June- Rev- McPherson is one of three who have been asked to preach for B call- The otherfe will appear at future services. Rev. McPherson is well-known here, as he preached at Honeywood for a term- He has been a padre in the Air Force in Canada for the past five years- Factory cl.eese production for 1944 has been placed finally at 184,451,- 829 pound's. Skeptic Missi; "Can this coat be worn in the niin without hurting it?" Fur Salesman; "Lady, did you ever see a skunk wearing an umbrella?" ROCK MILLS JVIr. Mannie Dobson held a 'success- ful auction sale of farm stock, im- plement's, etc. on Friday last ami good prices were realized. Mr. Jim Pedlar sold his farm, 'stock and im7)Iements last week to Mr- Bob Clark, who has taken pos- session- Bo(b spent 'several years with the Air Force and recently he received his di'scharge after overseas soi-vice- Mr. Fred Partridge spent the past week in Toronto, when he received his discharcre from the Army, arriv- ing home Saturday night- Mr W- Young spent the week end at his home near Owen Sound. iMr- Sam Fisher of Toronto l^pent a few days here on business- He in- tends to sell his property here, hav- ing purchased a home in Toronto. Mr- Both Oroift vifeited the past week in Toronto. Mr- and Mrs- John Newell of Dur- ham were visitors over iSundlay with his brother, Mr. Chas. Newell, and wife. "Say, Doc. do you remember last vear when you cured my rheumatism ? You told nip to avoid dampness-" "That's right- What's wi'ong?" Well, can I take a bath now?" KIMBERLEY Visitors over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs- Ar^ Wardman of To- ronto and' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alex- ander, with Mr. and Mrs. D. L- Weber; Mr^. D. A. Graham of Fev- ersham with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker; friends from Walter's Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kitchens; Mr. and Mrfe Bob Phillips of Flesher- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Chas- Graham; Miss Gwen Ellis of Collingwood with Mr. and Mrs. Rusisell Ellis- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis and Joan visited at Singhampton on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham. Mrs. T. Soul left on Friday for Toronto to fepend a few days with her daughter. Mrs- Dalton Dorris. A pleasant party was held in the Hall Friday evening, under the aus- pices of the ball team- EASTER FLOWERS Order Easter Lillies, flowering plants and cut flowers at W. A. HAWK EN Phoe 17 Flebherton EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Flesherton - Toronto Additional train for Toronto, making al intermediate stops, will operate at^ follows: Leave Flesherton 7.00 p.m. Arrive West Toronto 10.25 p.m. Arrive Parkdale 10.35 p.m. Arrive Toronto Union 10.45 p.m. For times at intermediate stations consult Agents CANADIAN PACIFIC Egg production of Canada last year is estimated at 35 million dozen the highest on record and the second large'st in the worldi. More than 2.000 Tarmiera and their families are awaiting final arrange- ments i&r their emigration to north- western United States. Roofing Siding Building Supplies We now have in stock the following Rosco Corrugated Roofing Asphalt 3-in-l Shingle Roll Roofing Building Paper, varioufe styles ^nd widths Evetrough Fittings and Supplies Beatty Barn Track, Cars, Rope, Hay Forks, Sling Ropes Sling Chains, y»in. Galvanized Steel Cable Litter Carrier Buckets FOR THE HOME Lawn Moweils, Combination Doors, Screen Doors, Oil Stoves, Hot Plates. Electric Irons, Coleman Gas Lanterns, Stoves, Electric Radios (Stromberg-Carlson), Club Bagts, Ladies Luggage, Heaters, Circulators MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY We can still supply the following 6-Foot Binders 5-foot ^nd 6-foot ,Mowers Dump Rake Single Furrow Walking Plow 2 Furrow Gang Plow Harness Harness Parts Collars B ATES FOR 00 TS DUNDALK We have a good stodk on hand Plow Harness $30 per pet up Team Breeching Harness $54 up Our desire iU to serve oar fcome community yith your farm and home requiremenjts, with high pnality at the most "refflfconable prices WIE GIVE YOU A WARM WELCOME J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEED FEED ROOFING CEMENT Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, Ont. ♦♦M">»>«HKK'>»>«X«<~>*«Ki .>,» .&.XH.x~>.5MC»**X"t~>***'***$ Magistrate: "What induced you to strike your wife?" Hu'sband: "Well, your Honor, she i had her back to mo, the broom was handy and the iback door was open, so T thought I'd take a chance." F. T. HILL & CO., Limited WALTER E. HARRIS Rarrioter «nd Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commerdal, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship GuarantaedL Prompt rewinding Hervlce on electrir motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON 7BII - Slid Ava. B. OWEN «IOUM> Plione 782 TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1946 Full information from Agents CANADIAN PACIFIC I III iir I II II I III â-  mr ii viii II inii|i n i nnji m t Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain sacks and twine from r. W. ROBINSON, Feversham or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS IJMTT1 D 217 Bay Street, Toronto, finada Easter Dresses Colorful prints, gay plains, practical jer.sevs, neat cottons Sizes 12 to 20. 36 to 46, 18}^ to 24i^ New trims, new styles, new colors Priced $4.95 to $16.95 Easter Millinery Trims of flowers, veils, braids, feathers Straws, Felts, Braids; all head sizes Breton Sailors Turn-ups OfF-the-face Styles Priced $L95 to $5.95 Easter Toggery FOR THE CHILDREN Cute millinery, chic dresses boxy and fitted coats Practical Styles and Reasonable Prices Easter Coats . Suits Shags, Tweeds, Boucles, Navys Browns, Blacks and Pastels Boxed and fitted Coats and Shorties Tailored and Dressmaker Suits Priced $14.95 to $32.50 Easter Gloves Neat fabrics at $1.00 pair â€" rose, blue, pink, yellow Kitd Gloves in black or brown $1.85 to $2.95 Easter Neckware Jabot fronts, blousettes Collar and cuff sets, all white, sheers and crepes, lace trims and tailored styles Priced 39c to $1.25 EAStER HAND BAGS IMack or Brown Leather Strap or Underarm Styles Priced $3.95 to $6.95 each Black only in Plastic Bags, at each $6.95 I CLOSED MONDAYS â€" OPEN ALL WEEK including Wednesday Night F. T. Hill & Co, Ltd. ?h one Markdale ^ ^1 '7 * 1 â- k I m », 1 â- Â»â- â-  5 < at A. tit 4 V X V â- ..r.,% A.;.,yj,.»..y^,5MS.;.,5.fl,,>,;.,j.<k.;,,;..>.X««>'X»*4'<'<»<»<»<~X«<>C">'X»^<">'>*'><'C-^>«t~t*.>«^

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