Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1946, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 15, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SAIiE â€" Limited quantity of potatoes â€" Geo. Armstrong. FOR SALE â€" Number of pigs, 80 lbs- in weight. â€" Jas. Harrison, phone 4i r 11. 49c2 â-  â-  111 â- â- -â- ! â- â- - â- â-  â€" I .1 â- â- .â- â-  â-  I â-  FOR SALE â€" Frame t)arn 46x60, in good condition. â€" llalph Harbottle. Duncan. Ont- 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Toung Yorkshire sows due last of May â€" Cecil Monaghan, Maxwell, phone Feversham 4rl3. WAJOTED â€" AouMls rattable fo; Blink and fox iMd. â€" Bert Mclmtou Soceam. fhoM FwPtnhtn 6iS6 FOR SALEâ€" Purebred Polled Angus bull, 18 monthte old.â€" W. Ratcliffe, R.R. 4, Markdele. phone 60r4. FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire buggy, in good condition. $50 â€" Art Gillette, R.R. 2, Flesherton. S0p2 FOR SALE â€" Set of 2,00-lb. plat- ofnn scales, single wooden bed and Bpringe, and odd tools. â€" Mife. J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r4. NOTICE â€" Trespassing on Lots 33 and 34, Con. 12, Artemesia, strictly prohibited; offenders will be prose, ecuted. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia- 50p6tf FOR SALE â€" "M.-H. No. 9 cream feeparator, nearly new |65; number of good gftove pipes. 10c each; also Westinghouse 9-tube radio, cabinet model |36. â€" Harold Best, J)hone 13 Flesherton, Quality Refetaurant. FOR SAX£ â€" G.-E. mantle radio, battery sett, also 5 gal. oil oan in perfect condition, and new 2-bumer coal oil stove with oven. â€" Dick Jones, at Harry Genoe's rebidence, 2 miles east of Flesherton. CEMiJNT BLOCKS â€" We manu- facture cement bricks and blocks, •apply any amount, rock face <- plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., power made â€" Orval MaciDonald, Box 206, Durham, Ont. 4Zp6 FOR SALE â€" Fordson tractor, ex ceptionally good condition, newly reconditioned motor, tractor in Al condition throughout, battery igni- tion system, generator, etc.; will sell reasonable; elso two-furrow Cockshutt tractor plow. â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. 1, Pricewile. 49p2 AN OPPORTUNITY ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Guy and Mr. iind Mrs. Ro^s Guy of Midland visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Guy and Jean. Mr- and Mrs. Jos. Williams accom. panied their sons. George, Joe and Clarence, to Toronto on Sunday to spend a couple of weeks. Mr- W- A. ILawken was opeirated on in Markdale hospital on Tuesday evening for appendicitis and is mak- ing good progress toward recovery. Mrs. W. H. Thurston was taken seriously ill at her home here Tues- day morning. Messrs. W- I. Henry and W. E. Betts are also ill at their homes. Supervisor J. W. Cook arrived in Canjada on the Isle de France and ex- pects to arrive home within the next day or so. John enlisted in 1940 with the Army Signal Corps and hai been overseas for over five years. For the past three years he has been en edu- cational supervisor with tihe Legion War Services. WES SiMITH, A FORMER RESIDENT, DIES IN STATES Many of our readers will learn wrDi regrret of the passing of Wesley W. Smith at' Dunkirk, N.Y., where he has ^een residing for a nunnber of years. He wete bom in Flesherton and learned the printing trade in The Advance office, later going to North Battleiford, Sask., and then to Dun- kirk. He conducted a column in the Dimkirk paiper, which widely read for its well-written human interest angle. Interment was made in the Willbrook cemeteiry at DuiddA. SEND IN YOUR RENI!WAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 ami 66 â€" have or can becure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get esablished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J- R. Watkins Company, Dept- O-F-I. 2177 Mafeson St., Montreal. All persons having clainvs against the estate of WILLLA.M J. CAS- WELL, late of he Village of Flesh- erton, in the County of Grey, Gentle- man, deceased') who died on or about thet 24th day of December. 1945. are herdby notified to ^end to HARRIS & DUNILOP, Solicitors for the Exe- cutrices of the estate of the said deceased, on or betfore the 27th day of May, 1946, full particulars of their claims- Immediately after the said date the Executriceb of this estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claimb of which t^ey shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice for the assets feo distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 6th day of May, A.D. 1M6. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP. Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executrices Yorkshire Sows For Sale The following selected grade sowV are from registered boarg and are of good type: No. 72 â€" ^bred â€" January 31. No. 74 â€" bred â€" February 18. No. 75 â€" 'bred â€" February 26. No- 77â€" bredâ€" March 2. No 78 â€" ^brcd â€" March 4. No. 82 â€" bredâ€" March 20, No. 84 â€" ibre<iâ€" March 21- No. 90 â€" ^bredrâ€" April 7. No. 92 â€" bredâ€" April 9. The above sows are bred to Derby- dale Wonder 40 Z-305872. This boar is from stock qualified in advance registration. LLOYD ACHESON Phone 33 Dundalk Local and Persooai Mr. Jim McFadden of Hepworth sipent the week end with his mother. Mrs. E. C- Brown of Brigihton is .spending this week with her mother, Mrs. M. Thi^tlethwaite. Mrs. J. A. Kernahan of Toronto is spending u few days at the home of her son, Mr- H. W. Kernahan. Messrs. carl Teeter and Hugh Bibby received their discharge frora the Army last week. Mrs- M. Thistlethwaite returned to her home in town on Saturday, after spending the winter in Toronto- Mr. and Mrs- Gordon Kellar. Mrs. Jack McCowell and Mr. Harry Le- Gaird of Toronto Spent the week end with Mr. end Mrs- Geo. Johnson. Mrs- S. W- Sloan spent a few days in Toronto labt week and attendied the wedding of her grandson. Ronald Kimmerley, Mr. LaVeme Wood and sister, Joanne, of Hamilton, spent the week end with their grrandlmother, Mrs. R. Bentham- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell and son, Walter, and Miss E. Phillips, spent Sundby with Mr. and Mite- Alibert Blackburn at Hamilton and also went to Niagara Falls- Mr. Chas- Seinsaibaugh of Owen Sound spent tflie week end with his wife and family. They expect to move to Owen Sound in the near future. Mrs. Doug. Reid and two cbUdren moved to the McCallum residence in town, after residing in Ceylon for the past three yeai^. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Reid to town ag^iin. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and Mr. and Mrs- A. McDonald and son of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Johnn Stewart. Mrb. Mc- Donald and son remained' to visit this week with her parents. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" CaOualty Hospitalization â€" Weather in an; of the best companies MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Fleshertim BUSINESS CARDS GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General '•"luckinK- Will po anywhere for nny kind of load at reasonable •ces. Your patronage solicited and Sat- isfaction guaranteed. ELDRIDGE BOYCE Phone 74r2l Eagenia, Ont. ^ 47ip8 LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS CoMolt GARNET MAGEE, Agent BU6BNIA AUTOMOBlISLE, FIROB, BUKGIJ^RY, PLATE GLASS ANB GENERAL "NSORANOB CumiafUntkKm Ufa bnraMa DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Grarluate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A Commiasioner for taking Affidaviti Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^^S, Etc Offiee: Toronto Street. Flesherton R. J. Campbell Passes Robert John Campibell, a native of Minto Township and a resident of Chesley for nuany years, passed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. J. E. Milne, early on Thursday evening. Mr. Cam'plbell, who was in his 87th year, had been seriously ill for the past four months. Deceased was a ^n of the late Mr. and Mrs, Robert Campbell, his mother being the former Elizabeth McCuHaugh. Mr. Campbell resided in Chesley until 20 years ago- when he moved to Lioydminster. Sask-, where he residted for 10 yeaA. He had been living in Flesherton for the past 10 years. He was a faithful member of the United' Church. Fifty- nine years ago he was united in marriage to Selina Jane Tyndall, Who predeceased him by eight years. Left to mourn are three daughters: Mife. Jas. Walks of Kamloops, B.C.. Mrs. R. A. Gould of Toronto and Mrs. J. E. Milne of Flesherton; one sister, Mrs. John Stephenson, of Langdon, North Dakota, and six grandthildren. A private funeral service was held at the home of Mrfe. J. E- Milne on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The pallbearers were; Messrs. T. J. Fisher, Wm. Walker, R. B. Heard, A. S. Muir, J. A. Henderson and A. B- Ferris. Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery. Relatives and friendfe from a dist- ance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gould. Miss Leah Verle Gould, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Robinson. Whitby; Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Milne, Cargill; Mr. and Mi-s. A. C Milne. Marie and John, Elmwood; Mrs- R. S. Code, Mr. R. B. Code, Misfe Muriel Code, Toronto; Dt. and Mrs. Charles Pratt, Wood- stock, Mr. and Mas. W. B. Buckley. Chesley, Mr. S- A. Morrison of Meaford. WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBEH for th« County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp'-sHy Terms: reannaUe. Satisflaetion k Vuarant««d. Dates arrsnced at T^ A<lT«iie« office or phoas 4m. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic end CoBMserslat, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, Risk Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rewinding serviee on electric motors of all Mnds â€" J. MIDDLETON 75S • 2nd Ave. S. OWEN SOUND Phone 78S With 267.00 jobletes in Canada and about 80,000 vacant places there should be a swell job for a good li- aison official. Bom MOORE â€" At Brampton Hospital on Sunday, May 12th. 1046. to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore (nee Helen Lougheed) a son. SHAW â€" In Owen Sound Hospital on Saturday. May 11th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Shaw of Owen Sound, a daughter, Glenda Anne. Have you made your a3nation yet to aid in the war against that deadjy cancer? Donations are being receiv- ed locally at the banks. EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE ACCOUNT VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY TRAVEL OWEN SOUND - TORONTO SUNDAY, MAY 26 Leave Flesherton 7.00 p.m. . Arrive West Toronto 10.23 p.m. Arrive Parkdale lO-SS p.m. Arrive Toronto Union 10.45 p.m. STANDARD TIME For times at intermediate sitations and Holiday Week-End farefe, consult agents. CANADIAN PACIFIC VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL LOW FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points FARE AND ONE-QUARTER For the Round Trip Tickets good goinf; all day 'niursday. May 28, until 2 p.m., Sunday, May 26 RiBrrU'RN UiMIT to leave destination .. not later than midnight. Monday, .. May '27. 1M6. Standard Time MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children â€" 25c Full particulars from any agent OTICE TO ALL HOG BUYERS IN ONTARIO 'I^UE Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Scheme has been -'- approved by the Ontario Government, and Became Effective on and after May 1, 1946. Under this scheme, all buyers of hogs for processing or for resale to processors are required to comply with the following regulation i â€" "No buyer other than a processor shall buy hogs except under the authority of a huyer*s licence,** Applicants for licences to buy hogs should complete the form below and return it, with the $1.00 licence fee, to THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario To the Farm Products Marketing Board (Name of applicant) make(8) application to the Farm Products Marketing Board for a licence to engage in the busmess of a buyer of hogs under the Farm Prc^ucts Marketing Act, 1946, for the period from April let, 1946 to March 31, 1947. Dated at.. ,M.. • Ontario^ this day of. , 1946, â€" APPLICANT .. â€" ADDRESS FARM PRODUaS MARKETING BOARD, PARUAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO, ONT. >* *tH »** M t H |i *MH >! * ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦tum tll M l I m » F. T. HILL & CO., Limited SUMMER STORE HOURS CLOSED MONDAYS Open balance of the week, including Wednesday and Saturday Nighta. SPECIAL Large White Flannelette Blankets Size 70x90. Pair $2.25 See Our DRESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Rayon Prints: Floral and Geometric designs. Plain Crepes: In al^ wanted shades. Printed Jerseys: Neat floral patterns. Printed Cottons: Cool and practical. Styles for Juniors, Misses, Women's Half sizes. Priced from $3.45 to $16.95 TRIMZ Ready-Pasted Wallpaper Goes on in a jiffy. Dries in 20 minutes. Ready Trimmed See these gay new patterns in our . Wallpaper Department i We have a large range of BEACH and EMPIRE Coal, Wood Stoves White Enamel â€" B^ack Enamel Trim ; Our stock of NORGE and QUAKER Oil Space Heaters Are Selling Rapidly Get yours while they are still available Paint Up and Clean Up from on large complete stock of Paints and Varnished For Every Purpose JUST RECEIVED A New Shipment of Enamdware See Us for WIRE FENCING for Every Newl i F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ^ 4♦♦♦â- ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦^M^.^HM^4.4l»^H^.♦»Hl^l^.4.^l^l»l»^»^.»^.»»^.^l^MHMi.^.^l^MI.4â- j.,^ ^â- r-'^ttttrrriimynii

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