Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1946, p. 6

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^SS^^S^SSS3mm vpimiffijk,^ ..I â- J^iiMHMwâ€" rwiBur mmmmsi^ mfgf^!^^;^^ 9M-^ OUT OF THE WILD BLUE YONDER A Seattle, Wash., boat builder has the bright idea of converting •urplus Navy ceaplanes into pleasure cruisers and is now busy re- modeling two war-weary PBY's, one of which is pictured above. The tail assembly will be replaced by a conventional transom stem, â-  keel added for ; ability and interior bulkheads removed to give cabin space and headroom. Marine engines will be installed. BIG FOUR'S PRIME HEADACHE Disposition of Trieste and its hinterland, explosive issue which blasted the Big Four peace treaty meeting in May, still smoulders. Yugoslavia demands, as seen on ethnographical map above, that her border be moved west to incorporate all of Venezia Giulia and the Istrian peninsula into the Yugoslavia Republic; that Trieste be made a free city, with >^tatus of a federal unit of the republic; and that the port of Trieste be internationalized, although under Yugoslav sovereignty. Russia stubbornly supports these demands. The U. S.. Britain and France suggest a border midway between the present one and the extreme western line sought by Yugoslavia. They agree, approximately, on this down to Portole, where their ideas diverge as shown by flags. This would leave Trieste and all the Adriatic coast in Italian hands. GOATS AND SWINE ARE ATOMIC 'GUINEA PIGS' DEFENDS TOJO Navy men turned animal herders as they loaded the U. S. S. Burleson with goats and pigs which will be aboard target ships when the atomic bomb is dropped on Bikini Atoll next July. All the test ani- mals must be healthy and free of vermin, so, at left, above, sailors run goats through a vat of sheep- dip at Hunters Point Navy Yard, Calif., before embarking them on the Burleson. At right, a seaman gives -onie of the pigs their first meal aboard the ship. Highlights of the News Italy Ruled A Republic Italy formally becaiui a republic on June 10. In briif cer.iiionies in Monte- cittorio Palar 's "Hall of the Wolf," the Court of Cassation, highest tribunal in Italy, officialy determined that the people had voted out the House of Savoy Monarchy in the plebiscite la^i week. The cmirl annonncetl the fin.u 1 tferendiiin figures as follows: For a Republic: 1^( ^767. For the Monarchy: in,688,90.S. Grand Mufti In Syria? The Kran ' nuifti of Jerusale.i.. banished in 19.37 oi anti-Britisii ;irtivities, \\;is reported back i'l IIk- .Middle I'.asl. app.iiently 'irep-rinu to take a hand in iIjC Aral) siriigg'i' against Jiwish ininiigration t'l I'alestine. The (^r.iiid niiifti, spiiitual leader of Pale- lie's 800,000 .Moslems, for >fais led the .Ara'i fislit again^i â-  â-  iblisliineiit of •â-  n.itional home for Jews in Palestine. AHer lii> lianisliMK Mt by Bri.ain during bit- ter Arab-.' ..wis'; disordcis he M.unht reinKC in Syri.i until 194i, when he fl(d to Italy and w:is warmly w-lconied by Mussolini. Hard Coal Strike Ended The United Mine Workers (AFL) announced selilenient of their weck-olu strike against antli- racite coal operators en the basi.s of an 18^-cent-an-hour wage in- crease and a health and welfare fi.nd which opcrator^ ittiniate will cost between $50,000,000 and $60, OCO.OOO a year. Appr. ;iniately 75,000 have been idle in the Pennsylvania lianl coal I'ils. Also included in llu new con- tr.ict is a provision for vacation pay ol $100, instead of the present $75 ti.r 10 days' time off. India Princes Back Plan Twenly-loiir hours after t li c Moslem I.e.yue aiiiionnied its sup port for the tlirec-nian 15-itish ca!, ii.et niis^iin's plan for Iiii:ia, the princes, rulers of 9.00(1,000 peopi came out in favo.' <•! the plan. Th oulstandinn conmiittec of the Chamber of Prii.cjsâ€" tliirii ini portant element in India in addil ion to li e Congress Party and the Moslem League â€" ann'U.:ccd that gener ' opinion of its member, "seemed to he in aor ' of accept ii K the Britisli propo^als. Record Topped At a dinner in historic 10 Down- ing Street the British Governient ai.d the Dominions honore<l W. L, .Mackenzie King whc enters his 2')lli year as Prin e Minister of Canada. Only one other Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole, was longer in office. Mr. Kinn has surpassed by a few days the tenure of office <-i Sir Jolni Macdonald, the first Canad- i '. Prime .Minister after confcdcr- atiin, and has outdistai.ccd Wil- liam Pitt. 18th century Britis.i chief of ^'iivemmi-nt, hy a few weeks. Atomic-Energy Control A resolution has been launched in the House of Lonmions as a prelude to the introduction of a hi' for the lontrol of atomic ener- â- y in Canada. ^ The bill will incorporate an atomic energy control board, pro- viding for "public control and sup- ervision of dcvclupiuent, applicat- ion, and use of atom energy." As Canada, through its mines at Creat Bear Lake, is a;i iniportan: source of uraniiini, the primary material required for atomic fission, it is plactu in what Mr. Howe called "a somewhat unique posi- ti ii." It also has a plant at Chalk Kiver able .o produce the final pro- duct from which atomic energy can he rtleasi'd. China Truce Fails Field despatches reported bleody fijihting had broken out again in iiorih central China despite the current 15-day truce, while govern- inc.t and Chinese Communist leaders were preparing to lay their terms for permanent peace before U.S. General Marsl,..ll. P. I. A. C. O. Site ii, Canada The general as.oniblv of the pro- visional int rna '•' al civil air organization voted in lavor of Can- ada as the permanent site for the organizatio.'. P. I. C. A. O.'s temporary head- quarters h;.ve been in Montreal and it is unlikely any change wi!l b< made in the locati "i. Forty-oui nations took part 'n the vote with 27 supporting Can- ada, nine voting for France, four for .Switzerl:-.nd and one for China. Capt. John W. Guider USNR above, former Washington, D. C, attorney, has been selected by war- time premier Hideki Tojo to defenti him in the Japanese war crimina trials in Tokyo. DEAD KING > "% r I -^ % Ananda Mahidol, 20, "Boy King" ot Siara, was found dead of a bullet wound in his palace in Bangkok, He will be succeeded by his brother,. Prince Phumiphon Aduldet, 18. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE prefer Maxwell House Cof- fee. It's enjoyed in more homes than any other brand of coffee in the world. It's altcays "Good to the Last Drop !" MACDONALD^S (Ssuidda's ftandcJtci Smo^ V y > I 5» T , »- V â- c -lb •4 â-  » > > m •> ♦ 4 /^ \ The PAPERS were talking about PEARY [BntFOlKS were talking about this GR/^ NE\ir|LAVOR ! sJS^i^N \^.--.. w- ''A '^^ (/Hi BVH v>*». ^.♦iJaSfe, •v«»> r ////. ^\^M»^«\ uwv^^:^ X Peary would have praised .ky-high ^he „o,,r.hâ„¢en, in P„„., J,„/J ,.„„ """'^ '•"''I'ol'ydratvs for energy; proteinB for n.u»cle; ph„"' _Ptorus for teeth „„d h.,ncs; U.^Zr the Iduod; and other food essentials. ALWAYS POINTS. A. Two crains -not just one -- pve you T. thM Post's Grnpe-Nuts Flakes good- nesl 'Wheat and malted barley are specially blended, baked and toasted a Tr V "olden brown for oppet.zmg cr.sp- n". â-  ami remarkably easy d.pest.on. Get Pott's Grape-Nuts Flakes at your grocer s. Enjov them »>- in those grand recpes you'll find on the package. ^'--^ft', *^ ^' = ^^i-V*"^ «^^'*'* / Mominc |i.';per« filled h ilh ncivf of Peary's rxplornliona to llip North Pole apprnrrd at lirrnkfasl lahlen abont llic lime folks firft thrilled lo that gloriously diflerenl Crnpc-Nuts IlaTor. rRi'D'^''''""'Me',^^r '^»^''«Grape.^„,^^''^''«Well„ 1 â- *Wi NIIISI %i >r9<ttri«cl Iiodr Work Im I A rape:INuts FlakefT A Product of General Fomh â- -Jf 4

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