Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1946, p. 1

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4 1 "» 41 ^()je /l^I)^rtA*n ^jrtrmi(^* VOL. 66; XO. 8 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1946 vV. H. Thurston & Son. PuWisheri Flesherton Won From Vandeleur In First ^Game Flesherton softbaD team took Vandeleur on Monday night to the tune of 9-5 in a herd fought gam« in the firfet game of the best 2 out of 3 semi-finals. The second game to be played on Thursday night in Flesherton should be a thriller witJi Vandeleur fighting to remain in the running and Flesherton boys determ- ined to put them out, and then go on to play the winner of the Dundalk- Rock Mills series. ; On Monday night Flesherton went to town in the first inning and tal- lied 4 runb, while Vandeleur failed to count until the 6th inning. Dar- gavel pitched a magnificent game with 8 strike outs and a home run to his credit, making himself the star of the game. H. Best and G. Boyd came next in the honor list with 2 runs and four hits each at 5 times to bat. Phillips, who generally plays sen- sational ball wa^ not up to par and was struck out in the 6th inning for the first time this year by N. Genoe who helped Buchanan on the mound for Vandeleur, both doing a fine job but their support in the field was weak. Be on hand early TJiursday even' Joe McWilliam Home (By Ceylon Reporter) The many friends of L.A.C- Joe McWilliam, second Son of Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam, are glad to know that he returned to his home here on Wednesday last, after being overseas for one year and seven months- Joe was met in Toronto by his parents, relatives and friends. and then motored to Ceylon. He is he last of the 21 Ceylon members of he Armed Forces, who took part in he recent war, to return to theit ime land. "^ Died MOORE â€" At the Mercy Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, July l&th, 1946. Alexander Moore, beloved husband of the late Sophia Louise Talbot and dear father of Evelyn (Mrs. Scott Ferguson) of Richmond Hill, Mae (Mrs. D. McCrea). Thomas and Gor- don Moore. Toronto. The funeral service was held Monday afternoon. July 22nd, at the Trull Funeral Home, 1111 Danforth Ave., Toronto- Interment was made in St. John's Cemeteiry, Norway. The late Mr. Moore was a brother of the late Mi^. Wm. Parker. Mr. Lightning Strikes Bam But Does Not Bum The barn on the farm of Mr. Grant Helmkay, five miles east of Flesher- ton, CoUingwood Gravel, the former Martin Phillips place, was struck by lightning in the electric storm Mon- day afternoon, but the only damage done was a window frame and twelve panes blown out. The bam was fill- ed with smoke and fumes and an at- tempt was made to take out the live. 'stock in the bam, not kno'ning the extent of the damage the bam sus- tained- The horses were very excit- able at that moment and Earl Helm- kay, the owner's son went to release one of the team, it struck out with its hind foot, striking Elarl and throw- him against the wall with such force that the button on his trousert was embedded in his flesh. He was lucky to escape serious injury. The barn had lightning rods installed and it is suspected that these prevented the fire which usually follows a lightning bolt- F. R. Oliver Says People Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson Should Take More Interest Observe Silver Anniversary Observe Golden Wedding In Public Affairs Ben Bellamy Returned (By Vandeleur Reporter) The Hon. P. E. Oliver, MJ.P. for South Grey, and Miss Theda Krieger of the Women's Institute, which was ^uest Speakers at the July meeting of the Womena Institute, which w«« was held in the (Community Hall on Thursday evening. July 18th. and two exceptionally interesting ad- dresses were delivered. Mr. Oliver spoke oof the general apathy of the people to public questions, as evi- denced by the Small vote at elections, and the small attendance at public meetings and tha unwillingness of many to assume responsibility and said that these things should Be cor- rected as they wera part of the cause that led to the rise of dictatorships and the loss of political and religiou" freedom. He spoke of Canada's pos- ition with regard to the British and world markets, and highly commend- ed the work of the Canadian Federa- tion of Agriculture- Miss Kreiger. who is a teacher by profession, gave a vivid description of the social, economic, educational and L.A C. Ben Bellamy, son of Mr. j ^y^^^^^^ situation in the Argentine ing to ensure 7<^^J^»f^ good seat ^^^ ^^^^ ^.^ ^.^^ ^ ^arkdale as a large crowd will be m atten- dance to see the next game. Come attended the funeral of their uncle- .-^.n aunt of Mr- Parker, Mrs. Mary Brush, passed away on July 12th. out and cheer your team to victory. Admission: 25 and 15 and 30;. per family. Cars fiee. PLEHETRTON: H-Best, c; Dargav- el, p; K. Betts, 1st.; D. Banks, 2nd.i ir^„j„ii t,^i.- 3rd.; D. Cairns, s-s; G. ^^^^r, July 20th. 1946, Kendall Jack- STEWART â€" At his home on the West Backline, Artemesia, on Satur- infant son of Mr- and Mrs. B. Phillips Boyd, rf; R. Best, zt; and J. Miln« ^^' „ „, _ . . „ . ' ' Kendall Stewart, aged 1 year m If. The well dressed gal in June and January â€" is still the same gal. The funeral wafe held on Monday afternoon, July 22nd, with service at the home of his parents, conducted by Rev. Dr- Andrew Thomson. In- terment was made in Flesherton Cemetery. We can supply Bulova, Elco, Tissot and Tavannes Watches "BLUEBIRD" and BRIDAL WREATH" RINGS SILVERWARE E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK, ONT. DOBSON- MOORE REUNION The Dobson and Moore reunion is being held at Sunset Point, CoUing- wood on Friday, August 2nd. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar^pre- ser\-es 91 to S23. butter RIO to R15. neat M40 to M47. Ration book feix will be distributed between Septem'ber 9th and the 16th. ♦ ♦ ♦â-  I I > >>♦♦** ! I >> ** H " > ' >>> â-  > Pat: "Have yez seen my coat any- .vhere?" Mike: "Are yez sure ye had it on when ye took it off?" and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy, arrived home â-  R^p^bUc. She said thet vast tract,.^ from overseas on Friday last, having j ^^ j^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ ^y the land own- reached Toronto Wednesday evening. > He wafe met at the Coliseum by his parents and Mr. and Mrs. F- W. Dun- can, and all spent a couple of days in the city before coming home. Ben was in England and Wales with the Air Force for one year and four months- Two months ago he was married to a Welsh girl, who expects to follow him within the next few months. Ben was the last remaining Flesherton boy in either England or on the continent and we are glad to know that they are all home again safe and sound. (By Ceylon Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson were pleasantly surprised Monday evening when friends and neighbors of Cey- lon and community assembled ar their home, the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. J. .A.. -Nichol read the address and Messrs. Lawson Whitehead and J. A- N'ichol presented them with a writing desk. The groom and bride of 25 years ago replied, expressing their appreciation of the lovely gift. The evening was spent with eight tables of euchre being in play. Mr^- Jos. Staubles was winner of the ladies' prize and Will Gibson of the men's. We join in wishing Mr. and Mrs- Gibson many more wedding anniversaries. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were hosts to a large number of relatives and friends to a chicken dinner and a most pleasant time was spent at the reunion. Following the dinner, Mr. Harold Tracey acted as toast- master and the health of the bride and groom of 25 years ago was pro- posed- Several interesting and en- tertaining addresses were given by several present. Those in attend- ance from a distance included: Mr. and Mrs- Roy Gibson- Oalanlle; Mr. and Mrs. C. E- Phillips, Mr. E. Phil- ^M^<»><i-x•->^•♦♦<K~>♦<K••:":•â- K•<••M••:•^•♦<-^♦*-M-^•:-><K•<~^^ t % I t I I 1 t I SEMI-FINAL SOFTBALL Vandeleur vs Flesherton AT FLESHERTON Thursday, July 25 Game called at 7:00 p.m. This is the second game in the best 2 out of 3. Flesherton won Monday night 9-5 Admission: 25 and 15; 50c per family i I i Baptist Church Notes Minister in Charge Mr. Keys will b» in the pulpit this Sunday. This will one of the four Sundays, at most, that Mr- Keys will be preaching before leaving for hft new charge at Huntsville. Rev. G. W. H. Medley Mr. Medley will preach on August 4th in both churches. Every member should be present to hear this speaker. Fireside Service The final Fireside during Mr- Keys' pastorate in Flesherton will be held .August 4th, Diorama will be fehown. More details next week. Watch for them and plan to attend- ers, and the farmers, in most cases, rent small farms and live in mud houses. Both speakers stated that ' lips- Mr- and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Mrs. cattle in the Argentine are pastured | Wm. Tracey and Harold. Mrs. Jos- all the year around and could be j Phillips. Mr- Geo. Phillips- Mrs. R- placed on the world market at 6 or 7 cents per pound- Readings were given by Mrs. Will Ratcliffe and Mrs. Frank Davis, and the president, Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, presided- Lunch was served by all members- Quebec WUl Not Fly Flag With Union Jack Philipe Hamel, former Union Na- tional member of the Quebec Legis- lature, and J. E. Gregoire, National Social Credit vice-ipresident and for- mer mayor of Quebec, Said at a rally at Quebec City that French-speak- ing Canadians would not hoist a j (Jnusually Long Carrot flas showing the Union Jack. The public demonfetration^ spon sored by the Quebec Flag League, C. Phillii)s and Albert, Mr. and Mrs Jerry Marshman and daughters- all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs- Frank Leavell and Mrs. Robt. Clark. CoU- ingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Stafford. Berkeley. .A.t their home at Proton Station, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G- Acheson cel- ebrated their golden wedding with their six daughter^ and tr\vo sonkk Mr. and Mrs. .Acheson were married July 14th, 1896. at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs- George Moore of Artemesia, she being the former Emily Moore, The groom is the son of the late Mi-, and Mrs. William .\cheson- For 14 years they resided on the Acheson home- stead, later moving to a farm at Proton Station. They retired to the village in 1940- On Sunday after- noon. May 14th, the entire family attended service at Inis<tioge- the family church, and the couple, life- long members, was honored with the presentation of a bouquet of golden flowers from the congregation. Dur- ing the evening friends called to extend best wishes and congratula- tions. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. W. H. Ludlow. Proton Station, and Mrs. Claude Akins. sis- ter of the bride, of Flesherton. The following day, a faimily picnic waa held at the home of Mrs. Elmo Ste- vens. Inistioge district. The family comprises the follows ing: Mrs- Elmo Stevens. Inistioge; Mrs. Oscar Patterson. Maple Grove; Mrs. G- Prosser. Chesley; Mr.s Lorn* XichoUs. St. Thomas; Mrs. Arthur Blair. Grand Valley; Mrs. Alex. Mc- Lean. Toronto; Gordon and Russell .\eheson. Proton Station. MRS. CARL TEETER ARRIVED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter were in Toronto over the week end and met Mrs. Carl Teeter and sons on their arrival from overseas. They went to and from Toronto with Mr. Harold Johnson. We welcome Mrs. Teeter to the village. In Memoriam ♦ •:• •> % t t •> % «>j<hc.<.<.*4>***<">^<><k><><kkk»*<">o<k>^ckk~m^:^<":'^<~:">^ LAUGHLIN â€" In ever loving me- mory of a dear son and brother, Pte. Hugh A. Laughlin. killed in action in France July 25th, 1944. Not dead, but pasSed beyond The mist that binds us here. Into the newer, larger life Of that unclouded sphere. â€" Mother, Brothers, Sisters, and Grandma. Mr. Gordon Kennedy of Hanover pulled an unusual carrot in his gar- and presided over by Francis Bour- â-  len this week. The vegetaible was reau. was called to protest against of large size for this time of year. a Parliamentary Committee's decis- ion to suibmit a revised Red Ensign to the House of Commons for ap- proval as Canada's national emblem- Mentioned In Honor Lists In Memoriaro Herbert Henry Hannam of Otta- wa, a native of Proton Township, brought honor to his native County of Grey when he was mentioned in Dominion Day honor litets and was made a Commander of the most Ex- cellent Order of the British Ennpire (OBE). Mr- Hannam received his public school education in Proto^ and his high school education in Dur- ham. Fcr some years now he has been president of t'ne Dominion Fed- eration of Agriculture and is an of- ficial in an international agricultur- al organization. and boasted a root 36 inches long- Mr. Kennedy brought the carrot in to the office with the unbroken root, which we measured â€" Hanover Post. Do you vote for certain candidates because you trust their personal in* tegrity. or because you hope for rsonal gain? Future Events DUNDALK REUNION Plan to take in Dundalk Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion. August 4 to 7. idway. parades, horse racefe, soft- ball, concerts- dances. See thia paper next week for full details. BIG DAY AT PRICEVILLE ON CIVIC HOLIDAY Celebrate Civic Holiday at Price- ville on Monday. -\ug. 5th. with a full aifternoon of sports. Durham Highland Band in attendance. Dance at night, music by Clarenie Adlam. See full details in next week's isteue of The Advance. GORDON â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William .A.. Gordon, who passed away July 21st. 1945. More and more each day we miss him. Friends may think the wound i..^ healed. But they ITttle know the sorrow That lies w^ithin our hearts c cealed- â€" Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family- Engagement Mr .\rchie McLean of Singhanip- ton wishes to announce the engaire- menc of his eldest daughter. Ruth Christina, to William Alexander, only son of Mrs. W. J. Ramsay anu the late Mr- Ramsay of Owen Sound. The marriage will take place the lafer part of July. Bom H.A.WTON â€" .\t Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- ing Home, Flesherton, on Monday- July 22nd. i;>46. to Mr. and Mrs- Leslie Ha^ftton of Feversham, a daughter, Dianne Valetta. HYSLOPâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Hys- lop of Durham. Ont. (nee Ella Wint- erbum) are haippy to announce the arrival of their teon, David Paul, at the G. and M- Hospital- Owen Sound- on July 21st- McCANNELL â€" .At Mrs- Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Sun,. July 21st, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. .-\!ex- McCannell of Boothville a 30n, illordcn .Alexander. WATTERS â€" At CoUingwood on Monday. July 22, li>46. to Mr. and Mrs- Bruce Watters (nee Bernice Leavell >. a daughter. WEATHER.\LL â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home. Fles-herton- on Wed.. July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weatherall of Wareham, a son, Robert Larrv. DANCE AT -MAXWELL Grove's 5-piece Orchestra from Stayner will play for a dance in the Orange Hall, Maxwell- Thursday, July 25- Modern and old-time danc- ing from 9 sharp to 1. .\uspices of Maxwell Women's Institute. Admis- sion: 40c. Lunch booth. NORM HARTLEYS DANCES Norm Hartley's Popular Dance Orchestra will play for dances at the following places: Priceville on Thursday. July 26; Kimberley Comr munity Hal!. Friday, July 26; and at Markdale wvery Saturday night. .Admission: 35c- Come and have a jolly time. Even the slightest case of flu i.» something to worry about. Tell vour doctor and get it off your chest- CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. KI.4344 Fviceville Church Notes Sunday next, July 2S:h. strvice of worship win be held in St. .A.ndrew's Church at 11 a.m. Both congrega- tions within Priceville will share in this service. The mini'ster of St. Andrew's will preach on the subject "The Freedom No Statesman Can { OlTer." ; The Sunday School will meet at ! the close of the morning service. ' A community choir practice will be held in St. .Andrew's church in the interests of the services of worship i and the unveiling ceremony to be I held on Sunday. .August 4th. Card of Thamks Mrs- F. H- W. Hickling wishes to express Iter warmest thanks to the many friends for their kind re- membrances during her recent stay in the General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound- Card cf Thankd I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for their kind assistance with the haying during my illness- â€" .Allan .A- McLean. CONSECRATION OF COLORS Flesherton branch of the Canadian Legion is sponsoring a Celor Conse- cration Ceremony in Memorial Park, Flesherton. on Sunday, August llth» to be followed by a sports day on Thursday. Aug. 15th. Particulai* ne.xl; week. YOUR S.ATURDAY NIGBT DANCB Dancing every Saturday night In Fraternal Hall, FleaJierton, to mnils of Russell Hill^ Golden West Moth*. taineers. Dance starts at 9 o'clodi sharp. Come out and enjoy dancing on one of the best floors in tbs County of Grey. Card of Thamka Mrs. George H. Burke. Harry and Bill, witeh to convey their heartfelt appreciation of the many acts of kindness by friends and neighbors during the long illness of their hus- band and father, and for the expres- sions of syntpathy tendered to them in various wa^'^ in their bereavement. When some women start a good Hackfence argument they're right up to scratch. Just sitting and worrying about jetting ahead indicates you need one. MASS YOUTH RALLY FRIDAY. JULY 26 Still tiiey come whether the weath- er is hot or cold, wet or dry â€" young people (and older folk) continue to attend and support the Feversham Youth Riilly, held monthly in the Agricultural Hall, at 8:30 pjii. The date for July is the 26th, Having heard Baptist and Mennonite speak- ers this spring, a United Church p». presentativo will be heard. All will want to hear Rev. Dr. .Andrew Thom- 'son, formerly of St, John's United Church, Flesherton. now of Cheeloo University. China- Special music will be provided- Sixteen churches sponsor these rallies. Seven denom {nations are represented. ' *

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