Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1946, p. 1

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i0tm a •4 ®hje /i^sl)ttiM ^otrmicc VOL. 66; XO. 9 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1946 vV. H. Thurston & Son. PuWisherf In Memoriam HAMILTON â€" In loving memory of our dear son and brother, James Lavera.1 Hamilton, who was instant- ly killed July 31st, 1944. ' In £he bloom of life God called him, In the pride of his manhood days; Those that knew him. loved him, All spoke of him with praise- Smiling and happy^ always content. Loved and resipected wherever he went ; Tbiufhtful of others, gentle and kind, A beautiful memory he left behind. We love to think of you. dear Jim, I-n mansions bright and fair. There Jesus reigns in glory. There is no sorrow there. â€" Ever remembered by [Mother, Dad, Brother^ and -Sisters. In Memoriam DOUPE â€" In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Gnr. Edgar Doupe, kiUed in action at Caen, France, August 4th, 1S44. He has solved it life)s wonderful problem, The deepest, the stran^st, the last and into the school of the angels. With the answer forever, has passed- How strange so unworn by the strife While beside him, brimful oif hope's nectar, Untouched, fetood the goblet of life. God knew all aibout it. how noble. Bow gentle he was and how brave. How bright his possible future. Yet put him to sleep in the grave- God knew all aibout those who love Him, How bitter the trail must be, And right through it all God is lo(ving And knows ^o much better than we. â€" Lovingly rememibered by his Mother- Brother and Sisters- ♦♦♦*l»t l lll ll >»>**>>>> t* ** E. J. FISHER BUYS CORNER BLOCK The large business block, formerly occupied by the Ck)-operative store, has been gold to Mr. E- J. Fisher, who is at present operating the 5c to fl.OO Store several doors to the north- The building wafe purchased from Mr. W. G. Kennedy and was built by the late M. K- Richardson and used as a general store. Later J- & W^. Boyd operated a large store there, W. L. Wright then purchasing it, followed by Mr. Kennedy taking possession from the Wright estate- It is a choice business site and will be an asset to the village to havp it occupied. Another real estate deal was made On Monday, when Mr. Alfred Down of Owen Sound, formerly of Flesherton, purchased the property on the south edge of the village from Mrfe. E- E- Wolfe of Hamilton. The property was owned by the late John Breen, the Breen estate selling to the late Jas- Robertson. We can supply Biilova, Elco, Tissot and Tavannes Watches "BLUEBIRD" and •BRIDAL WREATH" RINGS SILVERWARE E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK, ONT. -:•+ Billings Of Want Ads. The bane^of many weekly publish- ers ife the neglect of some in paying for "want ads'' ordered by mail or telephone. Some papers are now re- fusing these ads unless they are paid for before insertion. We hesitate to take this drastic action as we realize that farmers and other living at a distance phone them in and in most cases, call and pay for them at the first- opportunity. We do afek. how- ever, that those who have not done so, helflp us clear these oifif the books. Sending out those small accounts by mail entails a considerable amount of work, time and added costs for postage, etc. R.4TI0N CUPON DUE DATES Coupons good as of Augus-t 1st. are: sugar-preserves SI to S23; but- ter RIO to R16, and meat coupons M40 to M4g- A new ration book will be distributed during the week of Septemiber 9- In Memoriam FIELD â€" In memory of Katie Leitch, beloved wife of Jos. H- Field, who passed away August 4th, 1944. â€" .Sadly misfeed and always remem- bered by her Husiband and Friends. In Memoriam COOPER â€"-In lo(ving memory of o'lr parents. Thcs- Coope*. who died July 33rd, 1931, and his wife Matilda Cooper, who died June I'st, 1933- â€" Mrs. Alibert Hanley and Mrs. Lome Tupling- I Diorama at 'Fireside' ! I TUNED TO SUMMERTIME ? ^ What? â€" Flesherton's Favourite Sundav F.veninor X X S I Where? â€" Cedarside Baptist Church. \ ^ Event â€" a "Cedarside Fireside." | I When? â€" Sunday, Aug. 4, 8:30 p.m. (Please note change in hour) v I \ Who? â€" Starring HiCapt. ,G. \V. H. Medley. Parkhill ;> I Mrs. Hazel Agnew, Mrs. M. Wilkie, Owen Sound t ? Others also in Song and Story. X Song a Diorama of the Good Shepherd. You can't afford to miss it. Evxta chairs will be provided. Please see Baptist Church Notes. ^ Feature I I .5. BEEF PRODUCERS MET IN OWEN SOUND RICHARDS FIRM OPENS Scotch Wife Of Ceylon ELECTRICAL STORE Soldier Arrives In Canada The beef producers of five counties met in Owen Sound on Thursday last and were in conference with govern- ment officials, J- C. McTaggart. chair- man of the Meat Board, and Mr- Pearsol, manager of the Meat Board. The purpose of the meeting was to thresh out, as far as possible- the price grievances of the farmers. A brief was presented requesting information and reasons for certain unsatisfactory conditions in the mindfe ' of beef producers, chiefly those who buy and feed for profit. A concrete statement was presented, showing how, on a l.OOO pound bullock, bought at 10^ cents, fed with a gain of 200 poundfe at 10^ cents, produced a loss to the feeder of |51.00- A lively dis- cussion ensued, Mr- Mcaggart strong' ly supporting the actions of the Board, considered is existing reasonte and its relationship to other com- modities and dealt with certain con- tracts with other countries. The pur- pose of the Board, organized in 1939. was to ensure equality of distribu- tion and sell under contract, governed by a price oversight, to see as far as possible that all received their right share of proceeds, accomplished the grading of hogs and red and blue beef. Mr. McTaggart held that prices were the highest in Canadian history and that the government never en- couraged the production of more beef - The policy of price support clearly was to prevent deflation as in 1920 and 193<). sad experiences for the farmer- Price control of feeder cattle w«s a definite concern which must be left with the feeder buyer. Something not wanted. In the evening- some 260 people met to hear Mt. McTaggart's address regarding the work of the Meat Board and its relationship to other departments of the government, its aim and general proficiency. All were fully conivinced in Mr- McTag- gart's ability to handle the depart- ment of Meat Board supei-viSion. A resolution was passed requesting a set price of $25-00 for blue and $23.00 for red beef. Chicken Market Age The oge at which chickens are markettd has a direct bearing on the quality of the carcass and on the amount of feed required to produce a pound of meat, Leonard Griesbach, Dominion Experimental Station at Frederickton, N.B., point out- Chick- ens will not fatten when they are growing rapidly, so they should be practically full grown when moved to the fattening pens- Usually this would be about six months of age for the heavy breeds- Such as Bar- red Rocks, ibut it is not protitable to sep them long after they are full grown because the amount of feed required to produce a pound of gain increases with age. and the quality of the carcass is highest shortly \fter maturity. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Howey of Mea- foi'd called on friends in town on Tuesday- Mr- and Mrs. Chas- Flynn and son. Bryan, of Brantford are holidaying at their cottage on the 8th line and called On friends in town. Visitors at the home of Mt- Robt. Thonnpteon over the week end were: Mr- and Mrs- Glen Wallace. Mr. Har- old MoMaster and Mr. and Mrs- Chas- Lepington of Palmerstan 'ind Tijr. P. J- Caron of Camp Borden. Making light of troubles will help you to see your way clear. ""*-.^^;^^5,„^^j^,, ., -^^ ST. CLAtR AVE BtMARD AV{ i I BLOOR ST. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL l24Avenue Rd. KI.4344 Vi'e aie pitdatu to be able to an- ' nounce the opening of Richard's El- ectric Sales Service in the former Post Office. Richards has operated Home Furnishings and Funerai Ser- vice for the past eleven years and has given the public service which has been to his credit. Fred C. Gor- rell and R. G- Richards who spent 5 years in the .\rmy and iVir Force re- spectively, and were formerly em- ployed by Dick, on their return were made partners of the present fii-m- Pred needs no introduction as he has lived in our fair village most of his life and holds his embalmers certifi- cate. Ray has studied electrical ser- vice with the Standard Engineering Co.. of Toronto, and received his cer- tificate for same- This firm will con- tinue the service from their original store as in the past as well as giving electrical service from their new store, which was much needed in this district. We welcome these young men as business men and citizens of our community- Has Her 90th Birthday Mrs- Donald McLeod observed her 90th birthday at her home in town on Thursday of last week. Mrs- Mc- Leod has been quite ill for the past month, but is improving nicely. We wish her a return to good health and many more* birthday^ • (By Ceylon Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. John Meacfe motored to Toronto last Thursday to meet their daughter^n-law, Mrs- Wm. Meads, and infant son, who arrived on the Queen Mary. Mrs- Meads was the former Elizabeth Kelly of Dundee- Scotland, and was married to Mr- Meads while he was overseas with the Canadian .AjTny. Mr. Meads returned last August. On Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Meads, accompanied by Mr- LeRoy Meads, motored to Niag- ara Fallsj>{. Y , to visit friends. Quite a number of friends and neighbors assenrbled at the home of John Meads Thursday evening to welcome JIrs- Meaus and son- to whom, strangers to our country, may we add our welcome to Canada- Stole Car In Town Sunday Found At Mimico Later Canadian Legion To Have New Colors Consecrated The Flefeherton Branch of the Can- adian Legion is holding the service of consecration of their colors in Memorial Park on Sunday afternoon, .August 11th. The parade of mem- bers of the Legion will form at Ip-m. and led by the pipe band will parade to the cemetery for the decoration of the graves at which all citizens and orgvinizations ai-e invited to partici- pate- The parade w^ill reform at 2:30 and march to the Park for the consecration of their colors and a community service. Hon. F- R- Olive* will be the guest speaker- The following Thursday, August 15th. a field day will be held at the agricultural grounds, when the town- ship and town councils will make formal recognition of veterans of World War 11, to take place at 3 p.m. The services of both churchefe in four district ball teams have been procured for the afternoon and even ing, to be followed by a dance in the Fraternal Hall, with music Supplied by Russell Hills orchestra. Fuller details will be given in next week's tssue of The Advance. Had Reunion in Valley Kl the late Mr- and Mrs. Robt. Graham's home in the valley relat- ives from New Zealand- St. Cather- ins. Windsor- Toronto. Baurie- Liot- owell, Mt. Dennis. FleSherton. and Eugenia spent the afternoon and had tea on the lawn with Mr- and Mrs- Andrew Graham prior to leaving for theit home at Livelong. Sask. PRICEVILLE CHURCH NOTES The serviced of both churches in Priceville aie withdrawn for Sunday. .\ug. ith- The Sessions of both churches, working in eo-operatii>ii with the Citizens' Committee- desire all fitizei'.s to attt'nd the unveiling ceremony at the cenotaph, in memory of the fallen of the Second Great War The senice will commence at 2 o'clock p.m. Members "' bi'tii church c'loiiS are â- ged to attend choir practice for the urveiling ceremony on Suii;!iy. the practice to be held Thursday- .\ug- 1st. in St- .-Vmlrew's church at 8:30. The next regular service of wor* ship in St- Amli-ew's church will be held SimlKv- Auur. Uth. at 11 a.m.. he Sunday School to meet following " service- Card of llianks Words cannot express our heart- felt appreciation and giMtitude to neighbors and friends for the many sets of kindness, expressions of synrpathy and the beautiful flowers reoeive<l during our recent sad ber- eavement in the death of Kiby Jackson- â€" Lola and Ken Stewart. Shortage of nurses is serious ?ays taller gals? Early Sunday morning a car own- ed by the Ford Motor Co., and driv- en to Flesherton on Saturday by Mr. Bill Wilson of Windsor, was stolen from the siJe of C. J- Bellamy's res- idence. The theft was not noticed until nearly noon, when Provincial Constable Harold Black of Flesher- ton wafe advised. The car was re- fKirted found at Mimico at 6:30 p.m- Mr- Wilson and his brother- Ben. of St- Catharines, who wafe also visiting here. They brought the vehicle to Flesherton that night, but it was minus the radio and undamaged- It is thought that the party or parties who took the above were the ones who abandoned a reported stolen car just eafet of Flesherton when they ditched the machine- St John's W.M.S. The July meeting of the St- John's United W- M- S.. Flesherton was held on the church lawn- Those present enjoyed a most interesting meeting. Dell Thurston gave a much ap- preciated talk on St. Christopher House, where Dell lives in Toronto and is a part time worker This work is partly supported by the Un- ited Church Missions. Alice Heard read a chapter from Wm. Allan^ book "Muteings.'" which was also very much appreciateti. Everyone en- joyed a picnic lunch although it was somewhat hurried on account of a threatened storm. The .\ug. meeting will also be^a 'social one when t^vo quilts are expected to be completed in the church basement- F.\LL FAIR DATES ARE NOW .\DVERTISED Lilst of the fall fairs to be held all over tile Province thi^ year have now been compiled and printed by the v.,itrieultural and Horticultural Soc- jties Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, of which J. .â- ^â-  Carrol is superintendent- According to the list, i-48 fairs and exhibitions re being held this year, this being an increase of 20 over last year'^' figure. Included in the list is the Royal Winter Fair, being held from November 12 to 20 and being reviv- ed after a suspension of five years owing to wartime conditions. The following is the list of district fairs-. Dundalk Sept- 4 - .5 Durham Sept. 5 - Fergus Sept. 6 - T Chesley Sept. 13 - M Grand Valley Sept. 12 - 111 Hanover Sept, |] - 12 MiUimay Sept- 10 - U Mount Forest Sept. i» - 10 Orangeville Se<pt- 10-11 Caledon Sept. 20-21 Clarksburg Sept. 17-18 Clifford Sept- 20-21 Neustadt Sept- 20-21 Shelburne Sept. 17 - lb Wiarton , Sept. 19-20 Arthur Sept- 24-25 Bolton Sept. 24-26 Collingwood Sept. 26 - 28 Holstein Sept- 26-20 Owen Sound .... Sept. 2;»-.'?0- Oct. 1 Tara Sept- 25-26 Chats-worth '- Oct. 3 - 4 Meaford Oct. 2-3 Teeswater Oct. 1 - 2 FEVERSHAM OCT- 8-9 Markdale Oct. 10-11 Rocklyn Oct- 8-0 Roval Winter Fair ..- Nov. 12-20 Flesherton Enters Finals Flesherton won the right to enter the South Grey Softball Leagn* finals when they defeated Vandeleur in a weird game Thursday evening last 39-14. The contest saw Vand»> leur start off with scoring nine runs in the fir^t inning and Flesherton 13, Then in the sixth and full-sized dis- pute arose when questionable tactics were indulged in by both teams, oiM to end the game quickly and th* other to keep it drawn out- The faaa present did not like the brand of ball presented to view, but in justice ta the pitchers we must state that tlM ball was too hard, easily hit for extra bases and hard for the pitcheis t* control. Home runs were plenty- Thife Friday evening Dundalk play» their first game of the semi-ftnal series with Rock Mills on the latter Ulaying field. The winner of thte series will meet Flesherton- Baptist Church Notes H. Capt- Kev. G. W. H MEIDLET Every member of the congregatioa is urged to hear this speaker 'w4m was recently released from the Chap" laincy services of the armed forces. Mr. Medley served overseas in Eng- land and on the Continent. Enroot* to Italy he Ictet all his personal pos- sessions when his ship was sunk by the enemy. You can attend church, twice thife Sunday- Don't miss thd- morning or afternoon service when. Mr. Medley will preach, even though there is a Fireside Service at nigM^ DIORAMA .VT FIRESIDE The final Fireside Service undor the direction of Mr- F. B- Keys will be held in Cedarside Baiptist Corak this Sunday. Aug.- 4th at 8-30 pjn. (please note the hour.) .â- V Special feature will be the showing of a Dt« orama of the Good Shepherd during the solo "The Ninety and NinV. Since coloured lights are required for the full effect of the picture, tjM hour of starting is changed frofli that usually announced- .-V short pro- gram will be packed full of intewB^ ing item?. Rev G. W. H. Medley formerly of the Chaplaincy services, now of Park Hill, Mrs. Hazel .\gnew and Mrs. Marian Wilkie of Owen Sound, will be heard in sitiry and song- Extiti seats will be provided. Car<i of Thankd We'd all profit if advice easy to take a? it is to give. wa^ as 1 sincerely wish to thank my rel- atives, friendte. and neighbors for their kindness, in assisting with talt- ing off my hay. for visits, cards treats, and reading material, while I had my leg broken- â€" Victor McKenzie Future Events MARKDALE DANCE Dance at Markduie .-\rena. Sat., .\ug. 3rd. Music by Norm Hartley and his Popular Dance Orchestra. Round and square dancing. Com* an<i have a .iolly good time. Ad- mission: 3oc. Booth. DUNDALK REUNION Plan to take in Dundalk Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion. .August 4 to 7. idway- parades, horse race^. soft- bail, concerts, dances- See thill paper next week for full details. DANCE AT MARKDALE Norm Hartley's Popular Dane* Orchestm will play in the Markdal* .-Vrena each Saturday night. '.Admis- sion: 36c- Booth- BIG DAY AT PRICEVILLE ON CIVIC HOLIDAY Celebrate Civic â- Holiday at Price- ville on Monday. .'Vug- 5th. with • full afternoon of sports. Durham Highland Band in attendance. Dance at night, music by Clarenie Adlam. See full details in next week's isteti* of The .-Advance. DANCK .VT KIMBERLEY Dance to the music of Norm Hart- ley's orchestra at Kimberley Com- munity Hall on Friday. Aug- 9th. A good time assured. .Admission: 40c. Booth. YOUR SATURDAY NIGHT DANC» Dancing every Saturday night to Fraternal Hall. Flesherton, to m«rt» of Russell HiUV Golden West Moi»> taineers. Dance starts at 9 o'clock sharp. Come out and enjoy dand«« on one o(f the best floors In tb« County of GT<?y- •I

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