Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1946, p. 5

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U i A r X X THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 31. 1946 N •^ A. Take notice that by powers invested in my, I declare Civic Holiday in the Village of Flesherton MondVi Aug. 5 Citizens will please gfovern themselves accordingly. â€" K. G. BETTS, Raeve. HONEY I will be at my premises in Flesherton on the following- dates to till customers" containers with honev: FRIDAY, AUG. 9 FRIDAY, AUG. 16 P. R. HOWELL, Flesherton The heart of democracy is unity of heart- Be sure your aim is right beffore you shoot the works- CHOPPING MILL WILL CLOSE Flesherton chop • imp n:;'! \ri!l h^ closed from August 12th to 17th, inclusive, for repairs. ^H. A. MteCAULEY. NOTICE TO TRUCK PATRONS The local livestock trucking oper- ators debire to have the farmers in- form them early in the week of stock to be shipped that week, so that better arrangements may be made In filling their load-s for the market. A Georgia man broke his leg while swinging at a golf ball- A driving hazard. DEMONSTRATION OF WEED KILLING IN GREY COUNTY CEYLON B ATES FOR COTS DUNDALK A brush killing demo-n'stration will be conducted on the farm of Mr.s, R, C. Robinson starting at 9:30 D.S-T. the forenoon of Aug. 15, 194<5 with the use of Atlacide, a chemical weed killer. On the afternoon of Aug 15. a Weed killing demonstration will be conducted at the Priceville Cemet- ery on the highway. I On the forenoon of Aug. 16 a bine weed erradication demonstration will be held on the farm of Mr. James MoLoughry, R.R. 4, Markdale. The demonstration will be put on by Mt. K. Murphy of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, of the De- partment of Agriculture sponsored by Grey County Crop Imiprovement Assoc. Farmers are urged to attend. R. C. Robinson. T. S. Cooper President Secretary CREAM On account of the shortage of food generally, a higher production of dairy products is very es- sential. Therefore, during the summer months when grass becomes short from lack of rain, or the cows slack down in production because of being disturbed by flies, it is advisable to feed the milk cows a bit extra grain. {.^M>.;«.>.:*<**X**X'> POULTRY The poultry market is now exceptionally keen, particularly for young chickens. We advise you to market your chickens now. You there- by save feed and relieve the extremely heavy flow of poultry in the fall. For your convenience we are open Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creomery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario Mr. A. E- Goessel is attending the British-American sales meeting held at Windosr this week. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Connell and Mioses Marjorie and Maxine of Hol- land Centre vifeited Sunday with Mr- andi Mirs- Wm, Cairns- Mrs- L. Ed/wardis and Muri«ay are visiting friends in Toronto - Mr, Melville Hunt of Preston is holidaying at his parental home here this week. Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Brunelle of Sudbury were recent visitors with Mr. and Mi-s, Jas- Sinclair, Mr- Irwin Ward returaed to To- ronto after two weeks holidaying at the home of L. Duckett- Gwen «nd Mary Pattinson have returned to their home in Owen Sound, after a two-week visit with their grandparents Mr- and Mrs. W. T. Genoe. Mr. N- Tackaberry, who has been a patient for some time in Orange- ville hosipital, i's visiting at the home of Luther Duckett. The many friends of Edgeley Haz- ard of this village are sorry to learn of his recent accident while assist- ing Ken Stewart With the haying. Miss Jean McMullen of Toronto wa's a week end visitor at her home. Mr- Chas. BlcWilliam of Toronto spent the week end at his home. iMrs. Melville Hogarth and daugh- ter, Mary, and Miss Catherine Stew- art, Reg-N,. left Saturday evening on a month's trip to McLeod, Ed- lonton and Banff, Alta- Miss Mary McMuUen of Toronto is 'spending this week with her par- ents Mr. and Mi's. J. W- McMullen. Masters Ivan and Ian McWilliam are holidayino- with their aunt. Mrs- R. Can^pbell. Hopeville. Mr. Wm- Hemphill. Toronto. w«as a recent visitor at the home of Mr- S. IHemphill. Mr, and IMrs, Edwin Guentzler of Cleveland. Ohio, were recent visitoi'^ with Mrs, Anna ^McMillan and Mr- Fred Chislett, Mt, and Mrs. M. Reany and daughter. .lean- of Palmerston visit- ed on Sunday with Miss Agnes Macphail- Mrs. Mary Irwin i's visiting with friends in Toronto this week. Mrs. .A.. White of Priceville is visiting this week with Mrs- Wm. Burnett. Mrs. Don Porter and two childrj.^n, Bryan and Karen, are visiting with friend^ in Toronto and attended the wedding Saturday of Mrs- Porter's sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs- Doug, Bullock, Mr, and Mrs, R. E- Oliver and little daughter, Dianne. of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs, Jos. Oliver and R, C- Oliver, Mr, and Mt^. Samson of Edge- water, NJ.. were recent visitors with her sister, Mrs- John Meads, The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs, Will Gibson Thursday with the president. Mrs. M. Irwin, in charge of the meeting. Miss Agnes Macphail. the guest speaker, gave an intere'=;t!ng address on hcr recent trip to Mexico- There were a good- ly numiber of ladies present. A dainty lunch was served by the host- ess and her -assistants. Mr. and Mrs- .\lex. McLean and Mrs, Bertha McCannell of Swinton Park visited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. John Meads. Mr- and Mrs. Rex Veness and three daughtei-'s, of Brampton, visited the first of the week at the home of J. .A.. Nichol. ROCK MILLS The warm dry weather is ripen- ing the grain v«ry paipidly and oats are now being cut. A few more days and all the grain in this locality will be cut. iMr. and Mrs. Delbert Hopkins and family of Toronto were recent visitor^ with her parents. Mr. and Mi-s- Dick Clark. Mr- and Mrs- Leslie Mills and son of Markdale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Vi'sitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will- Russell were: Mr. and Mrs- Stanley Leppard, Doris and Delbert of Wareham- and Mr- and Mrs- Ernest Aitcheson of Bethel. Mt. and Mrs. W. J. Chard of Flefeherton spent a few days witfi Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Chard- Master David Hook of Toronto is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Joe Hawkins, 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr, and Mrs, C, B, Wilson of St. Catherines visited with Mr, and Mrs. Charley Hanley and Bryce, Mr. and Mrs- Luther Pedlar of Buffalo and Miss Sarah Pedlar of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. Geo- Lawler. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Geo. Burke and family in their re- cent sad bereavement. Mr, James Ottewell had the mis- fortune to lose a horte Saturday ev- ening. GkAY COACH LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hol (Daj'light Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. j; 8.40 p.m. c Sat. onlv g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 .\ Detroit S17.55 X Chicago $20.80 xSt. Louis X â€" Via Toronto $15.85 $24. ^i $31.40 Tickets and lofnmiation at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON - Phone 63 KIMBERLEY • Eligibla for new lir«s? Then see ut no>«^ for new Oormnion Royals â€" built lo give iTMire safe miles. Or we can help you get mora mileage from yoor present tires. We have skillMt mtei and modem equipment to leme you. An intei-esting meeting of the Co- Op, Creamei-y share-holders took place Thursday evening and t'hey are going ahead strongly with the project - About 50 took in the S, S- picnic at Prospect Point and had an enjoy- able day, A number of Kimberly friends en- joyed a call on Friday from Rev, and MtTJ, Buchanan, Mr, Joe Buck- anan and Mrs. Buchanan's sister. Miss Coleman. Mrs, S, S, Burritt and Edna vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Graham the first of the week at Fevei-'sham, Mr. Billie Burritt -and friend Paul, of Niagara, are guests of Mrs. S. S- Burritt and other friend? this week Jliss Joy Ellis and Mrs, Ellis Web- er. Donna and Leith, spent a week holidays camping at Meaford. Perrnsylvania woman asked a di- vorce because her husband tried to lock her in the coal Inn- Demonstrat- ing she wasn't a woman to fuel with- Insurance salesman: "RastuS. yon better let me write you an accideni policy" Rastus: "No, sah! .\h ain't any too safe at home as it am." ? Old songs are said to be coming back, [f we could only get tiie weatherman to w«rm up over that once-popular hit "There'll be a bot time in the old town to-night!" STEPHEN'S CORNERS iMiss Ella Forsythe of Toronto spent the week end with her friend. Miss Ethel Fenwick- Mr- John Lougheed of Barrie spent a few day^ during the past week with friends, here- Little Miss May Hawton of Stay- ner is visiting with her grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Chris- Laughe«d, We are very sorry to report that Mrs, Tefe. Allison is now a patient in Markdiale Hosipitml. Our best wish- es go out to her for a quick and complete recovery. Miss Maible Fenwick, R.N. of the Markdale H-ospital staff spent the week end at her home. Mr- Bob Allison of Toronto is â- spending a few days at his parents' home. Mrs- Delbert Fis'her and little daughter, Patricia Ann. returned home on Tuesday from Mrs. Nuhnis' Nursing Home at Flesherton. Mr. and' Mrt. Russel Stewart and family odf Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs- Clarence Winters and sons. Mr- and Mrs- Joe Little and Don- na of Dundalk visited recently with Mt. and Mi-s- Joe Porteoua. '1 After you've seen the morie you \ should read the book â€" to see how far 1 Hollywood was from the author. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Richards ELECTRIC SHOP AUGUST 3rd, 1946 in the premises formerly occupied by the Post Office You are cordially invited to come fn nd inspect our complete line of Electrical Appliances, Oil Heaters, Stove Fixtures, Radios^ Washers, Electric Stoves, Vacuum Cleaners, Heaters, Refrigerators, Powers Choppers, Electric Phonographs SALES AND SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES Electrical Apparatus. Radio Repairs and Tubes. RICHARDS ELECTRIC SHOP We Deliver FLESHERTON Phone 78w â- Â«

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