Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1946, p. 4

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ah-*Vfl.: AVednesday, August 7, 1946 *' 'II !S THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Fleshorton Advance i*ubIiiihaU on ColUoffvirood M« Fleaherton, V *diM«Uy 9t Mik week. Circaiftt-")!! oT«r ',101. Price in Canada $2.00 per yMft when paid in advcr- fl^; to U. S. A. 9ZM per year, wfe -aid in adTmiiM nM. F J. THURSTON. Editor Melville Rutledge (From the Lethbridge Herald) Funeral services for the late Mel- ville "Mel" Rutledire, railwaynvm. who died unexpectedly in hospital at Cranbrook July 31st, were held i>!. TTiursday from Trinity United Cburcli. Macleod- Rev. Wm. J. Hus- ton coMducted the services. A full choir was in attendance and Mrs. A. K, McLean presided at the orgah. Beautiful flowiTg graced the casket and church, received from the fam- ily, various organizations and friends. In addition to the relatives present. Mrs. Rutledge; Miss Shirley Rutledge of Mucleod and MLsfe Geor- gia of Claresholm, daughters; Roy Lethbridge and Robert ocf Ceylon. Ont., brotherji of deceased, and two brothers of Mrs. Rutledge, E. and H. Walker of Spring Point. Supt. Lamb of Lethbridire and Assistant Supt. A. L. Lowe of Macleod, with railwaymen from Cranbrook, the I*asfe towns, towns on the north line and area northea.st were present in large numbers. The MacLeod yards of the C.P.R. were well lepreseiited and included .Agent L. C. McBride •nd others, one at least, James Iron- fteld, having started railroading with decea.sed 35 yeai^ ago at Macleou The BP.O.E. Lodge 29, the Macleod branch of the Canadian Legion and Orange Lodge of Lethbridge, of which the deceased was a member â- were all represented. Burial followed the service in tlie Union cemetery. Pallbearers were: Joseph Grier and Peter Parker of the Legion, H. Hamilton and Edward Thom/pson of the Elks Lodge and Conductor Jack McGregor of Mac- leod and T- H. Dixon of Cranbrook of the C.P.R Deceased, who was a veteran of •the flrSt world war. w^as born 53 years ago at Flesherton, Ont-, and 85 years ago commenced as a check- er in the Macleod railway yards and worked hia way up to conductor. In 1024 he married Miss Irma Walker Spring Point, and their two daujih- fers, Shirley and Georgie. were rai.s- ed in Macleod, from which the fam- ily moved to NeLson. B.C., in Nov ember, 1045, after Conductor Rut- ledge wa^ transferred to that point. Deceased was a member of the Brctherboodi of Railway Trainmen of Lethbridge. He was a very popu- lar and wed known among railway- men over a large area and al.-^o with the general public, and his untimely passing came as a shock to his fam- Clarksburg Annual Camp Meeting Gospel Workers' Church AUGUST 17 to 25, 1946 Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman World Tnaveller, Authoress & co-founder of the Oriental Missionary Society Johnny Richardson Song Leader. Paris, Ont. with us again De Verne Mullen Baritone Soloist of St. John, N.B. Rev. E. J. Wilson Guest Speaker of London, Ont. Hear Mrs. Cowman and Ur. R. H. Pearson, fresh from South America with moving pictures Great Missionary week end, August 17 to 20 Old-Time Preaching; Inspirational Singing Ruth Bergert from Taylor Univei-sity. soloist and versatile muisician. Rev. R. H. Hamilton Guelst Speaker, President of the Canadian Holiness Federation. PORTLAW 8TH LINE OSPREY R. E. Le Toumeau Great Christian Businessman of Peoria, 111. YOUTH CONFERENCE MORE A SPECIAUTy THAN EVER Write Miss Bess Dirtsmore, Supervisor, Clarksburg, Ont., at once Order of Service.s: 6:30 9:00 10:30 a-m. 2:30 7;45 p.m. Good accommodation for boarders, also those bringing food and bedding. â-  • ily and numerous friend's. Probably the largest funeral held at this point, some fifty cars accom- panied the remains to their last rest- ing place and the church was filled to overflowing with sympathetic friends and a'ssociates. paying their last respects to one they held in high esteem. Baptist Church Notes Service Hour Changed Rock Mills afternoon services are both cancelled in favor of the con'se- cration of the Legion colors in Flesh- erton. However, an evening service will be held at 8 p.m. The Diorama of the Good Shepherd will be shown at the conclusion of the service. Please see Future Events notice. Cedarside Services in Fleaherton at the reg- ular hours. The Rock Mills Mission Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Alex. English on Tuesday, Aug. 13. Please note the change of date. Priceville Presbyterian Notes Sunday next. Aug. 11th, service ot worship at 11 a.m., Sunday School following the morning service. Choir practice every Thursday at 9 p.m. Sunday. Aug. 18th, Communion ser- vice at 11 am. >Sf ODAY, many more Long EMHtance calls are being put t>in)iigh than our facilities were originally designed to handle. Until our current const ruction program is com- pleted, the operator will at times be slow in answering t . . often be unable to put your Long Distance call through while you hold the line. But you may b« sure she will call you back as soon as she can. She will always be grateful for your patience and onderstanding. John C. 'Miller Death came quietly to Mr. John Charles Miller of Flesherton in the Orangeville Hospital Saturday after- noon. August 2nd, following an oper- ation for appendicitis earlier in the week. Complication^ arose which were the cause of his death- He was in his 66th year. The late Mr. Miller was born near Toronto and grew to manhood with his uncle and aunt at Syracuse, N.Y He served for seven years with the United States army and saw service with the i ntelligence itaff in both Cuba and the Phillipines. Short. y after receiving his dischearge fron. the army he came to Canada and re- mained in Toronto. He was unjted ii marriage in 1913 to Estella Myrtle Blakeley, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Thos. Blakeley. formerly of Flesherton, who mourns, together with two daughtei^'s and two sons. John Ross, at home; Irene (Mrs. Joh^i Ballinger) of Belleville; Estella. of Toronto, and Dannie, 5, at home. The late Mr. Miller was a tailor by Trade and resided in Toronto for many years, moving to Wiarton three ago and came to Flesherton last December. He was of a quiet and kindly dis.poBition and highly reg<jrd- ed by all who knew him. The funeral was heJd on Monday morning, with service in St. Joseph's R. C. Church in Markdale. Requium High Mass being celebrated by Rev. Father W- J. Nolan. Interment was made in Ple^iherton cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. D. Adams, C. J. Bellamy. H. Lever, W. Lever. F. Brown and F. J. Thurston. Those from a distance wko attend- ed the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stafford, Mrs. A. O'Brien and Mr. J. L- Turner of Toronto; and Mis's Aletha Blakeley of Lawbanks- Mr. Robt. Allison of Toronto visit- ed with his »ister. Mrs. Wilbert Fisher. Mrs. S- Fisher ^nd Mr. Roy Lyons attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Robt. Marshall, Toronto. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar were; Mr. and Mrs Wm^ Arnell and son, David, Mr. and Mrs. Eld. Seeley of Dundalk and Mr and 'Mrs. W- J. Chard, Fleaherton. Mrs. Grace Blackburn, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart of Ceylon were recent visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and daughters of To- ronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John MeKee. Mr. Lionel MacPhail and son. Neil, of Ottawa spent a week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Buntz and Mrs. Fred Buntz of Toronto visited with the Meldrum family on Friday. Mr. and Mrs- Fred TurvHle of Toron- to spent the week end with the let- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Filsher of Dun- dalk and Miss Doris Fisher of To- ronto spent an evening with Mr. and iVIrs. Harry Fisher- Mrs. Thos. McKee of Eugenia, Misfees Mary and Isobel McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton, all of Toron- to were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mi'ss Edna Croft and Evelyn Sens- ibaugh of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pat- ton, 4th Line. The latter remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum, Bob and Donald, accompanied by Miss Kathleen Morrison, spent a diay with friends at Allenford. Mr. Gordon Phillpott of Toronto spent the week end with. Mr- and Mr. John McKee, and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee to the Boyce reunion held at the home of l31arenoe Londry in the Valley. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blackburn at the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and son. Ralph, and Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto. Mr. Martin McLeod of TillBonburg, Mrs. Camer- on and Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur and son. Donald, of Durham. Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Mrs. Wilbert "isher and Bob Allison of Toronto pent Friday evening with Mrs. Fish- I'l-'s mother. Mrs- Allison, who is a patient in Markdale hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford. Joan and Bill, visited with Mr- and Mrs. Jas- Thompson. 12 line. Mr. and Mrs- Jim Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs- Lloyd Stephens and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs- John Foster and family at Melancthon. Mr- and MA. Will Irwin and daughter, Mrs. L- Pohgola, and babe of Windsor are visiting with Mr. and Mrs- Geo. Lawler. Mr- and Mrs- Walter Akitt of Rock Mills and Mr- John Madden, niece and nephew of Preston and Mrs. Dan McDonald and son, Winslow. visited recently with Mr. and Mrfe. George Lawler. Miss Adeline Murphy of Toronto sii)ent the week end at her home. Mr. Des«iond Burleigh of Toronto is spending^ the summer at the M'urphy home- Misses Loretta and Kay Kirby of Toronto, Mrs- Moi'sin and Miss Didge Madden of Collingwood, Mrs Jim Hayes and da'.;ghter, Estella. of Buf- falo, N.Y.. visited with friends on this line the past week. " Mrs. W. V. Orr of Orangeville waj -* a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Peter " Somers. Misa Doris Laughlin and " Estella Hayes spent the past week "* with Miss Noami Somer^. .^ We are sorry to reiport that Mr.-*- p. Somers is on th« sick li'st, but* hope that he will soon be up an(H aaround again. * Misses Mary and Catherine Haley'^ are visiting friends in Toronto. '* Mrs. T. J. Stinson The death of Mrs. Ja's. T. Stinson occurred 'suddenly in Flesherton or. Friday, August 2nd. Deceased was the widow of the late T. J. Stinson. and was formerly Araminta Radley. Her parents, the kite Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radley. were pioncei's from Lincolnshire, England, who settled in Maxwell. Ont. Mi-^. Stinson rfc sided for many years on a farm three miles south of Flesherton, now owned by Mr. John Gowanlock. She leaves to mourn her loss two stapsnis. Edward of Victoria Corners and Joseph of Dundalk, and two stop- daughters, Mrs. Lillian Brooks and Mrs. Gertrude Yule of Toronto. The funeral service was held from the Richards Funeral Home on Sun- day, Aug. 4th. at 1:15 p.m., and waS conducted by Mr. F. B. Keys of Ced- arsido Baptist Church. Interment was made in Flesherton cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. T. J. Fisher. S. Croft, R. Stevens, W. Mc- Carthy. L. Pedlar and J- PattciS»on. Flowers were carrie<l by her grand- daughter, -It'an Stin.*>nk. and gra-nd- niece, Marion Stauffer. Friends from a distance include \ Mr. and Mrs. W. McCarthy oif Nfair- ara and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ray of Fort Erie, Ont Some college boys wlU hunt vacat- ion poiiltions all svtnmer 1onf-~oth- ers will get jobs. Traffic Officer â€" Let me s«e *" your driving license, please. " The Dame â€" iMy driving license? Don't be silly. Who'd g-ive me a dnv- Z. ing license the way I drive? ATES FOR OOTS DUNDALK B ♦♦<*«>«M~:~:":'<K~x~><~x~:~:~:~:~><~:~x~X"X~:*<~>:'**H'<~:~:~:~:~x«<'««««j<««' Customer â€" Are there any addi- tional costs to this suit? Clerk â€" Well- the alternations are free, but there is a slight charge for the thread- MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS Our selection of Men's Suits has been further increased this week by the arrival of another shipment. As is generally known, clothing is difficult to obtain and we are fortunate in being able to offer you a splendid range to choose from. All sizes from 36 to 44. ^ MEN'S SUITS $25.95, $27.50, $29.50, $32.50 STUDENTS' SUITS $14.95 to $25.50 BELTS UNDERWEAR SUSPENDERS FINE SHIRTS NECKWEAR CANVAS SHOES BILTMORE FELT HATS _ ^ F. H. W. Hickling J r 'i i J ? - k General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. % ^ ^♦•XK":«*<K«<~XKKKKK~:~:~X"M«<~:~M~x~:~K~:~>-:~>'K~>**H~:~:-* »»♦ » »♦♦♦♦♦♦â-  > â-  > ^ n â- â-  ^ ♦♦^^♦^i♦^ [â- 41^4, -â-  <â- â-  »» . > I t i. H . 4 . iH i » ». f^ <.»»» » Mid-Summer Sale HOME FURNISHNGS < I .♦ . .- CHESTERFIELD SUITES piece piece $169.50 $159.50 and up and up FELT MATTRESSES 9.95 12.50 15.50 18.50 all Sizes, also Spring Filled and Springs Oil Space HEATERS We are af4sured of a limited supply for fall delivery. Place your order now and avoid disappointment STOVES Coal and Wood with Reservoir and High Shelf $87.50 . $93.15 FINE BEDROOM SUITES 3 piece $92.50 and up DINING ROOM SUITES $134.50 $184.50 $224.50 9 pieces Occasional CHAIRS Repp Covers Chairs $13.50 and up Rockers $14.50 and up RUGS & MATS Bed Spreads Cushions Hassock Card Tabtw Smekers Slipper Chairs Clothes Hampers BREAKFAST SUITES Natural and Red $72.50 and up LAMPS See our selection of fuorescent and incandescent FOR THE BABY High Chairs Cribs Carrtages Walkers Freelock Baby Minders Bassinettes Swings Bottle Warmers FOR FALL HOUSECLEANING Stair Treads Curtain Roda Widow Shades Floor Wax Furniture Polishes Sani'boys Richards Home Furnishings Phone 78w FLESHERTON We Deliver '** * tt nil II I nil iiiiiir "^

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