Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1946, p. 8

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ltlg||||^M.4ilMIVpl Wednesday. August 7, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads TOR SALE â€" Quebec heater with oven- Apply at this office. FOR SALE Upright piano, good as new. â€" Harold Best. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€"Young t-alf a few days old. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. lOcl FOR SALE â€" 6 2-yc<ir-uld cattle.- Fred Ducketl, R.K. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Young pig*i, 6 weeks old. â€" John Wickens, Kimberley. FOR SALE-Two good cows, six years old, freshened in spring. Apply to C. Martin, Eugenia- FOR SALE â€" Seed fall wheat. Daw- son Golden Chaff â€" J. VV. R. Lever, Flesherton. 10c2 FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow due about Aug. 6. â€" Isaac Ottewell, £ugenia, phoe Feversham 23r88. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of 2x10x24 hemlock lumber. â€" .\ngus Avis, Flesherton. 10p2 WANTED â€" AniMAla iii*tabl« foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eu^mv, yhon« Fe*«nli»-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" 5 pig-s, six weeks old. â€" R. M. Campbell, Lot 12. Con. 14, Proton, phone Dundalk 72rl3. IX)ST â€" White face Angus yearling, tag on left ear, from S- McNevin's farm. â€" ^^Vard Harrison, phone 41i'4. FOR SALE â€" 16 young Yorkshire pigs, ready to go. â€" John Flynn, Flesherton. 8p2 WANTED â€" Young cattle for pas- ture on Lot 35 Con. 8, Arteniesia, running water. Apply to Percy Magee, Eugenia. WANTED TO BUY â€" Small, bright home, good structure but needing decorating, outside toilet, bargain for cash. Writ* giving full par- ticulars to Box 250 Tht Advance. STRAYED â€" Fn>m premises of tht im<l«rsig;ned at Portlaw, 4 ewce with lambs, red markiiic on bad;. â€" W. H. Morally, R. R. 8 Flesh- erton, phone Dundalk 71<rOS. LOST â€" In Flesherton on Saturday night, Aug. 3, tire 18x5.50, moun- ted on wire wheel. Finder please notify Mervin McFadden, Flesher- ton. phone 65J. 10p2 F>OR SALE â€" Buffet cupboard, grey with green trim, in excellent condition, and a number of use- ful dishesâ€" Mrs. A. E. Bell Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" Deckron's Deluxe fetyle English Prom-, in good con- dition. Color: dark blue, lined with cream leather. Has ttorm cover. Also 1 baby go-cart in good condition, finished in maroon col- or. Price reasonable. â€" Frank Light Feversham. Phone 17-31. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received l)y ihi' undei^igned up to and including Aug. 6th, 1946, for school Iiu.s to serve Priceville and Vandeleiu dis- tricts to Flesherton High School. For further particulars contact R. ,1. Boyd. Flesherton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" Roy W. Piper, .Secntary FARM FOR SALE 50 acres. Lot W>, Con. 3, N.E., Artemesia, with buildings, well wnl- ered, land nearly all cleared; I'.i miles from Flesherton. Apply to Cha^. McDermid. RR. 3, Flesherton, or Lome Sharp, Guelph. FARM FOR SALK Comprising Bast iH,iilf Lots 141 and 142, 2 N.K., Artemesia: 80 acres. Good buildings. About 2Vj miles from Flesherton- Apply to Ilcniy Brown Sr., R- R. No. 2, Flesherton. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General icking- Will gn anywhere for nny kind of load at reasonable ices. Your patronage solicited and sat- isfaction guaranteed. ELDKllJGE BOYCE Phone 74r21 Eugenia, Ont. 47p8 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and family of Guelph are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MoTavi'sh ano family motored to Tweed and sipent the week end visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mytles, Ruth and Joan, of Meaford spent the week end at the Wickens and McFadden homes. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKechnie and family visited la'st week with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will McKechnie, near Malton. Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Perigoe, Betty and Mary Kaye, and Mr. and Mrs. John Robertis of Listowel were week end and holiday guests of Mr- and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mr. F. H. W. Hickling underwent an operation in the Owen Sound hos- pital on Wednesday evening of last week and is making satisfactory pro- gress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates and daughter. Beverley, of Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs. J. J. Brown, who returned with them foi- a holiday. Callers at the Kaitting home Sun day included: Mr. and Mrs. McWhat ter of Red Wing, Mrs. Chris. Doug las of New Liskeard, Mrs. G. Burke of Feversham, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burke of Owen Sound. Recent visitors at the Hickling home were: Mr. and Mi^. Herman Hyland and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hyland of Toronto, Mrs. A. E. .Armstrong and Maurice of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Prentice and son, Billy, ol Toronto. THE LAST KICK Troops recently engaged in Bel- gium are said to have come acroA â-  curious meimorjal of the First Great War. In a comer of a field they found a fetone with the following in- scription: "Here lies Sophie â€" army mule- Kicked 44 officers and G20 other ranks â€" and 1 bomb." The Groom â€" What am I doing wrong now? The Bride â€" Stop putting gravy on the ice cream. Do you think you are still in the army? GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" Cafinalty Hospitalization â€" Weather in any of the best companies MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Flesherton BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vr.LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Aflfidarits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS .MORTGAGES, WIL'.S, Etc. Off ire: Toronto Street, Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARKISTI<:i{S, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE .Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Hellaniy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. WM. KNITTING L I C K N S IC D A U C r 1 N K E li for the County o<f Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp alty Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction 1» guaranteed. Dates arranged at Th< Advance office or phon« 4w. LIGHTN4NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA \UTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY PLATE GLASS AND 6ENBRAL 'NSURANCE Confederation Life Inaursnee NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Comflierclal. Split â€" Two and Three Phase, High Speed and Low Speed Electric DrilN. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rewlndJng service on •'Icctric motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON 753 - 2nd Ave. B. OWEN SOITND Phene 781 Local aod Persoudi Milsa EJva Doupe is spending this week with friends at Sarnia. Mr. Reg. Hutton of Guelph ^*>pent the week end with his family. Mr. Ben Bellamy received hig dis- charge from the Air Force last week Mrs. Reta Regan of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacDougall re- turned home after holidaying for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Nuhn are visa ing with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Coleridge, at Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs- Frank Ball and Lin- da of Toronto fepent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon ot Toronto fe.pent the week end at their cottage in the village. Mrs. Robt. Watson, Owen Sound, spent the week end with her sistei, Mrs. J. O. Dargavel. Mr. and Mrs. Tr.os Aldcorn and two children were las: week guests of Mr. and Mrs. C- J. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crosslsy of Tor- onto spent the past week w:th the latter's mother, Mrs- W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. M. McMaster of Tor- onto holidayed over the week enc. with her mother, Mrs. S. McMullcn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milligan spent the week end and holiday with former's brother near Alliston. Mr. Harold Fisher of Toronto was visitor with hfe mother. Mrs. Ed Fisher, over the holiday. Mr. and Miis. Hugh Moore and son of Detroit are vifeiting in this district at present. Mr. and Mrs. iHerb .\kinis and little daughter of Lansing spent the holi- day week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Messrte. Earl Ottewell of Pickering and Jack McDonald of Caledonia holidayed over the week end at tneir parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thurston of Toronto visited the Turstons in town and relatives at Eugenia during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting and son of Preston spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Field and Bruce of Toronto called on friends in town on Saturday. We were glad to see Burt the picture of health. Mr. and Mrs. H. Herbert of Tor- onto spent the week end and holiday with the latter's mother. Mrs. J Car- go- Mrs. Royden McDonald and son of Gold Pines, Ont-. are visiting in town at present, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- J. Wickens, in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs- Thos. Fenwick tmn Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Biggar ol )wen Sound spent Monday afternooti with Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams- Mr. and Mrs- Oscar Jacobs and three children of Buffalo are spend- ing « week as gue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ritchie of To- ronto ivpent a couple of days last week with their friends, Mr- and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bentham and family visited Tuesday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs, R- Bentham, a's they were returning from holidays on tile Bruce Peniiisuki, Mr. and Mrs. G, Tefekey, Mrs. Helen Lambton and Mr. Frank Pyipei'Si of Sarnia and Cpl. Ivan Hen- derson of Toronto were week end guests of Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and Mrs. R. H. Henderson. The W. I. will meet. Thursday evening. Aug. 8th, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Hawken, at 8 p.m. Roll call by handing in a question and aiiswerinjr one drawn. Vi'sitors wel- come. .Mr- and Mrs- George Williams and -on, Harold, and his frien<l, Redge iiid Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, all iif Toronto spent the week end with their pvirents, Mr- and Mrs. Jos. Williams- Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd of Toronto spent the week end and holiday In (own. Their daughter. Heather, re- turned with them after visiting for a week with her grandmother, Mrs- W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. John Thistlewaitc ob- sei-ved their 40th wedding anniver- sary on Thursday of last week. They were pleasantly surprised with a gift and best wishes from a number of the people of the village. Mr. and Mrs- Alex- Aberdein and family, Mr. .\vthur McDonald and Mr.< Royden MoDonpld attende<t thi Marshall reunion at Holstein Mon- ,Uiy- Mrs- McDonald received tin- prize for the person coming the fur thest distancp. •"' BOWL Hello Homemakers! Meals should be a challenge to your versatality Use simple concoctions â€" csol, fresh, colorful as a fiesta, full-flav- oured from the garden. One look at your attractive arrangements and the temperature drops by degrees. Sparkling glass-ware and colorful dishes will make every meal tasty and inspiring. LUNCHEON IDEAS 1. Refreshing Conswmme â€" Soften 1 tbsp. gelatine in Vi cup cold wat- er and add to 2 cups hot strained soiip stock- Pour into a wet square pan. Chill in electric rafrigerator- Cut in inch squares. Tosfe in minc- ed peppercress and s'erve in chill- ed bowls. Complete the main course with creamed chicken and peas on tea ibuscuits, 2. A ring of tomato afepic filled with a mixture of crisp vegetables: scraped raw carrot, thin sliced celery, mdishes and plenty of shredded lettuce, with salad dress- ing on the 'side. 3. Garden Mayonnaise â€" To V2 cup of mayonnaise add V2 cup finely minced parsely or watercress or finely chopped diced cucumber- 4- Consider chilled raw cauliflower pieces and fingers of raw beet dip- ped in Fremch dressing ^alad ac- companiments. 5. Modest Poached Eggs â€" Put a sealer ring for each serving in a greased baking dish. Drop an egg in each cii-cle. Pour on a table- spoon of cheefee sauce and sprink- le with crumbs. Bake in electric oven of 300 degs, for 10 minutes. 6. Hot Vegetable Plate â€" Parsley potatoes, harvard beets and wed- ges (vf boiled cabbage. 7. Moulded Spaghetti â€" Use one en- velope of gelatine soaked in V-t cup cold water then dissolve in2^ cups spiced (celery seed) tomato juice and pour into a wet mould. When partially set, stir in 1 cup of leftover tomato-spagetti. 8. Corn-on-the-Cob â€" Use a little french dressing on corn boiled for extctly 10 minute.'-. It will be tasty and tender â€" saves butter. 9. Baked Whole Tomatoes â€" Scoop out the centres and fill with sea- soned fine crumbs, grated cheese and pieces of tomato. Bake 20 minfe. at 350 degs. 10- Quick Frozen Applesauce â€" Add a little mint to applesauce. Serve it half-frozen and you'll have a natural apple sherbet. 11. Party Bisque â€" Disolve 1 pkg- lemon flavoured gelatin in IV4 cup!s hot water; add % cup honey, % tsp- salt. 3 tbsps. lemon juice eOTUfNfCK f URGENT Bottles are badly needed. Reason â€" new bottle production slowed by shonage of materials. Remedjr â€" Return ac- cumulated empties. Put them back into circulation. Check your basement today. Bring them to nearest Brewers Retail store or telephone for pick'Up. w V Brewing and 1 tE>p. lemon rind. Mix and chill until partially set- Beat fluffy- Whip 1 cup of cold cream and fold into jelly. Spread 1 cup graham wafer crumbs in bottom of a freez- ing tray; fill with gelatine mix sprinkle with 1 cup crumbs- Freeze firm in electric refrigerator. TAKE A TIP 1. If you require only two or three ice cubefe, run water over one end of the freezing tray â€" lift or shake out these cubei; fill end with water and refreeze. 2- Put leftovers in the smallest container they'll fit. The food will not mould or sour as quickly as in a tepacious jar- 3. When you open a can of syrup or any jar with a screw top from which you will use the contents at intervals, rub a little cooking fat a- round the screw thread- The lid will open easily again. 4. Rub grass fetains with a bit of cooking fat, then scrub in hot soap- suds- If traces remain bleach with peroxide or lemon juice. 5. After each "eggy" meal â€" and don't We seem to have a lot of them in these days of meat shortagefe â€" drop the silverware into an alumin- ium pan filled with boiling water in- to which you've stirred a spoonful of salt and baking soda- 6. Never bend to any job if you can fetand up straight to do it- You use so much more energy â€" 43 per- cent, in fact. And, by the same tok- en, never take it standing if you can sit. CREDIT AUCTION SAU FARM STOCK, IMPLE.MENTS. ETC. JOHN C. McCONNELL Lots 221-222, Range 4. Proton, 2% miles north-west of Dundalk, will sell by public auction on FRIDAY. AUGUST 9th, 1946 at 1:00 o'clock, the following: HORSES â€" 3 general purpose horses- CATLE â€" 8 cows, milking well, all supposed to be in calf; 2 heifers with calf at foot; Holstein cow,2 yrs. old. freshening soon; bl«ck cow, 5 yrs. old, due in Nov-; 6 head, rising t-wo yrs. old; 5 spring calves; grade bull, rising 2 years old. PIGS â€" 10 pigte, 126 lbs.; sow with 4 pigs, four weeks old. iTMiPLEMBNlTS â€" Wagon; wagon OCX with shelving; Cockshutt seed drill; 16-plate disc harrow; Deering 5-ft- mower; Deering hay rake; Mc- Cormick-Deering drop-head hay load- If some future exrplosion of a large- size atomic bomb consumes the earth's atmosphere, a^ several scient- ists predict, what will we use to in- flate our automobile tires. er; buggy; cutter; sleigh; fanning mill; hay rack; stock rack; set 15- bull harrows; Melotte cream separat- or; Dai'sy churn; walking plow; scuff- ler; potato digger; set of double driv" ing harness; set of double heavy har- ness. Furniture â€" 2 dressers; 2 wa&hstandte; Collie dog; other articles too nunmberous to mention. TERMS OF SALE â€" All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that a- mount. six months' credit will be giv- en on approved joint notes, acceptable av the Bank of Commerce, Dundalk and bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum. Stanley Acheson, Clerk. GBO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. • Eligible for new Kret? Then see MS now for new Dominion Royals â€" built lo give mora safe mile*. Or we can help you get mors mileage from your present Hret. We hove skilled men and modern equipment lo serve you. ^<»f^fH/ou GKAY coach/ To Toronto 9-05 a.ni. b 7.40 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON (Da)-light Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only b Sun. and Hoi. g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONvS A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa M enteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 X St. Louis X â€" Via iToronto $15.85 $31.40 Tickets and lofnrmAtion at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON - Phone 63 ^> A. *' I '»

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