Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1946, p. 5

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» *» THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 14, 1946 CEYLON i ^ t J2L %. •^ X K A ^ * •I. Mr. Will Stewart returned to Tor- onto last week after assisting the past three weekis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart- Rev. Gandier will conduct service at Ceylon United Church this Sunday at the ufeual hour, 8 p.m. Mir. and iMts. La Verne Piper and family of Markdale, Mr. and Mirs. Lloyd Boland, Markdale. Dr. Sher- man Piper, Mrs. Piper and little daugrhter of CJlarkaburg visited last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper- Messrs. Albert Hopkins, Owen Sound, Irvine Ward, Toronto, Spent the wsek end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett. Miss Joyce Henry of Durham i.s visiting her cousin, Mrs. Laurie Gen- oe and Mr- Genoe- •Mr . and Mrs. P. Sims of Priceville Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto were recent vi'sitors with Mr- and Mrs. Joe Stauble. Mt- and Mrs. Thos. Genoe visited the form " a•--^t, Mrs. R. Genoe of Markdale r^cen"'.y. Misses Mary McMullen and Jean McMullen of Toronto spent the week end at the parental home. Miss Janet Neilteon, Toironto, spent a weeks holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen. returning home with her parent.s. Mr- and Mrs. Roy Neil- son, who were week end visitors at the same home. Marian Goddart and Sister Mar- leme and brother Mansell of Hamil- ton are holiday visitors with their grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. (Mr. and Mrs. Art Alexander of Durh.am were recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Jote. Stauble. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead spent the week end with Brampton and Caledon friends. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lonther, Garth and John of Toronto accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ru^el Purdy of Toronto and visited with Mr. and Mrs- Geo Fiiher. Mr. and V.^. Pur'.;.- r.re r.-- maming for a couple of weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeynes and little daughter, Sandra, are visiting: friends in Toronto. Mr. Mel. Hunt and Miss Pegrary Panaibaker returned to Preston last week after holidaying with Mr. anl' Mrs. S. P. Hunt. Mr- and Mrs- Austin Cosgrove and memlbers of the family, the Misses Mary, Annie Mantel, and Master? Dean, Donald- Gerard. Irving, Mich- ael and John have returned home to Schreiber after visiting the past two weeks with MeSsrs. Ernie and Gor- Misb Ruth Huston, London, is hol- idaying at the home of Mt. P. Muir. Mrs. E. Smillie returned to Tor- onto the first of the week after a months holiday with friends in Cey- lon vicinity. We are glad to know Marian Mc- Leod has so far recovered from her recent operation as to be able to ac- company her pairents, Mr. and Mrs. Eiarl McLeod, back to London the firtt of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns, Col- leen and How«ird visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connell, Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baxter, Col- lingwood, Mr. Walter Elliott of Lon- don, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. P. Muir. Mr. Kenr.eth Muir. accomipanied by friends, is on a trip to Cleveland, don McMullen. The sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved family of the late Mrs. Christina McDougall who passed away recently. Messrs. ChaS. McWilliams. Tor- onto and George MathewSon of Ham- ilton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jacobs and family of Buffalo vi.sited last week with Mr. and_ Mrs. Dave Adams. Mr. and Mi's. Jas. .\dams and fam- ily of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Adams, Dundalk, visited the past week end with M;r and Mrs. Dave Adams. Mrs. Daive .Adams and daughter, June, are visiting this week with relatives in Buffalo. Misses Marian Collinson and Jean Reany of Palmerston accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Duncan last week on a trip to Lake Muskoka. Mr. Robt. Meads, Toronto, spent the latter part of tast week at his parental home. VICTORIA CORNERS Tax Stays On Soft Drinks The two-cent wartime tax on a bottle of pop will Stay â€" at least for another year. That^ the verdict issued in the Com- mons by Acting Finance Minister Ab- bot, who said the Government had considered removing the two - cent soft drink levy but decided it should not be taken off this year. Speaking after Opposition members urged removal of the tax. Mr. Abbot said that even if the tax were elimin- ated it would mean no increase in the supply of pop availalble because this was governed by the sugar shortage. No Wonder He Blushed R. P. MacLean, editor of the Kel- owna (B.C.) Courier, blu!shed when this was drawn to his attention by an observant subscriber. The Cour- ier carried immediately under the list of births for the week, a two-line "filler" which read: "It Js better to have tried and made a mistake than never to have tried at all". (Intended for Last Week) We are sorry to report the condi- tion of Mr. Walter Acheson more serious. A blood test Monday re- vealed undulant fever as being the trouble, along with heart condition. We trust that an early recoverj' may be in gtore for him. Miss Lulu Cook of Toronto has been on vaca- tion for a week in the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Mrs. Milton Bannon and daughter, Doris, were hostesses Thursday, July 35th to the Preton Station W. I., in company with a number af neighbor- hood ladies. The two guest speak- ers were Mrt- Freeman and Mrs. Howard Graham of Vandeleur, who brought a highlight to the regular meeting speaking on hospitalization and thyroid. Miss Marion Hogg, who was visiting with Doris, gave a number of instrumental numbei's, which delighted her audience. Mrs. Ekiith Hall and little daugh- ter. Donna, of Owen Sound were week end and holiday guests with the former's sister, Mrs. Russell Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, daughter Raye, and son John, of Huntsville were week end guestis of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher, and their daughter and sister, Mrs. Kingsley (Gallagher. The latter and baby daughter. Anne, of Toronto have been visiting in the home for the past two weeks. Friday last they were joined by Kingsley, who will remain for the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor, Wayne and Maureen, of Preston are on holidays in the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon, Billie and Bobby, of Acton are occupying the home of Mrs. Coon's mother while or, holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brunelle, Sudbury, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. iCopeland. Mr. and Mrs- L. P. Killins, Smith- ville. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore of Toronto were week end and holi- dayfe guests at the home of George Moore. The Moore's are remaining for the coming week to assist on the farm. Our sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mrs. T. J. Stinson. a former resident of this community. who paSsed away on Friday. Aug. 2. and whose funeral was held from the Richards Funeral Home, Flesherton on Sunday afternoon. EUGENIA VANDELEUR Residents of this community were deeply grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Jas. Martin of Swinton Park. Deceased was the former Cora Hut- chinson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mi's. Cr6o. Hutchinson of this place, and w<as born, raised, and went to school here. She was a school teacher previous to her manriage and was one of Vandeleur's finest young women. Quite a number from here attend- ed, the Softball tournament on Wed- nesday, Aug. 7th. in conduction with the Old Boys and Girls Reunion at Dundalk- The local team entered m the contest and played a fast game with the Dundalk nine, losing by the score of 6-5. The boys have played a lot of good Softball this summer, and while they lost out to Fleshei-- ton in the semi-finalS in South Grey League, they led the League for most of the season. Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons was hos- tess for the .August meeting of the W. A- on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. Tth with Mrs. Lundy Johnston, the President, presiding. Messrs. Garnet and Frank Blair of Toronto spent a few day= with Mr. and Mi's. Howard Graham and with them attended rhe Old Boys and Girls Reunion at Dundalk on Wed- nesday of last week on this line o^er the week end. Miss- es Mary and Catherine Haley return- ed home with them. Mr and Mrs. Walter McMaster and Mrs. (ieo. McMaster and friend, Mrs. Janet Patrie, spent the week at the home of Mrs. McMaster's daugh- ter, Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mrs. Patrie is flying by plane to her home in Scotland. Mr Bud Harris of Toronto called on Mr and Mrs. Chas. Hanley over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Thornburj- visited with the latter's brother. Mr. Jas. Ottewell. An author entered an editor's of- fice with a manuscript. "I have here a story that every- r>ody ought to read." ; "Sorry replied the editor. "If it were a story nobody ouffht to read, I'd take a chance" The milk of human kindness should always be Grade A. A pretty army nurse, just return- ed from the South Pacific, was de- scribing an air raid in New Guinea. "When the Jap bombers came over." she said, "I jumped right into the nearest wolf hole." "You mean foxhole, don't you?" interrupted a listener. "Maybe a fox dug it," said the nurse, sweetly, "but there was a wolf in it when I got there. 8TH LINE OSPkEY HONEY I will be at my premises in Flesherton on the following date to fill customers' containers with honey: FRIDAY, AUG. 16 P. R. HOWELL, Flesherton Quite a number from this line at- tended the Salvation .Army service at Feversham Sunday evening Mr- and Mrs- Lloyd Stephens and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawirence Jamieson and Ronnie spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. WiU O'Brien of Mild- may were recent visitors with friends and old neighbors on this line. The people of thfs district were well pleased with a splendid rain on Friday night, even though the farm- ers had considerable crop out. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Col- lingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dray- ton and Mr. Max Orr of O^rangeviie. and Mr. and Mrs. Garden of Toronto were visitors at the Murphy home, family and Mrs. Bill Hanley and family of Wareham were visitors at the Hanley heme. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg- Somers vi'^ited • Farmer* drive emn lea thjui eitf peapie and t/tn low rale* from PikM. - But fimBor* do •nred aeeideat eoald wipe vmX yoor home or yo^v •aviac*- Boy the fall proteetlaa ti Pilot AntomoUla H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton liepresentioc l!j»iiil.'Hll!M.'!i ITe write ii m i ranc e to < Pi up u lr Floater, Biirslarx, Plate Glaa*, France has beaten England at ten- nis- That's not surprising, for the French have the reputation of being very good at the love game. A POULTRY WANTED AS A RESULT OF RATIONING OF MEAT THE POULTRY MARKET IS CONSTANT- LY KEPT CLEAR OF A SURPLUS We urge the poultry producer to take advant- age of this situation, by finishing and market- ing poultry now. You *re receiving good prices. You ^re saving a long feeding period, and also avoiding a congested market later in the fall. You may deliver your poultry or have our truck call for it. We are paying Ic per pound over regular prices for all poultry delivered to our plant. We are buying Live and Dresced Poultry, also custom-kill and buy at rail grades Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario A number from here attended the 12th of .\ugust celebration in Grand Valley on Saturday. Mr. and Mr^. Sime and children. Margaret and John who have been visiting at the Burton home for the past few weeks have returned home to Toronto. Miss Jean Boyce accom- panied them home for a few holi- days. We are sorry to report Mr. Ben Carruthers in Markdale hospital at present undergoing treatment. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent the week end with her father Mr. Dave Genoe. Mrs. LeRoy, N'ottawa, and daugh- ter, Mrs Jamieson (Betty) and hus- band of Toronto also Mr. and Mrs. McGowan of Creemore were recent visitor^ with the former's brother, Mr. Thos McKee and wife. Rev. Mr. Macpherson of the Flesh- erton circuit, who is the minister in the church here- visited some of the families in the village the past week. We welcome him to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Elliott of Seaforth visited one day recently ; with Mr. Henry Tudor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hazard of Gait were week end visitors with the lat- ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Faw- cett. Miss Jean Tudor. Kimberley. spenx. the week end at her home here. The Mis'ses Mary and Isabel Mc- Kee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the McKee home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee accom- panied by Mrs. Francis Genoe at- tended the Black Knight's celebra- tion at Grand Valley on Saturday. George Byers and Edward Libby- Toronto, are spending this week at the Purvis cottage. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Per- cy Magee is on the sick list but hoi>t he fs soon well again. Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Hutchinson of Ravenna visited at the Duckett an.l Betts homes over the week end. Mrs. C Smiley of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Stewart. Week end vi-iitors with Mr. and Mi^. Francis Genoe were Mr. John Williams. Paris, Mr. Fred Wickens. Clarksburg BJEyKCKUca uc ^(^770/i/ Small .Advertisement? bring o'lick â- stilts. OETAILERS make constant use ^'- of banking services. In some cases these are simple but essential; the bank takes cash receipts on deposit, makes change, operates cur- rent accounts, and accepts and records used ration coupons. Other retail accounts involve considerable handling of drafts, and- a very important service â€" the making of loans to enable retailers to take advantage of trade discounts. All this entails Bstnking in Action. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has among its customers many retail houses, from the small comer store to the large chain and depart- ment store. Strict attention to their particular needs is given to ail the Bank's customers. Use our services for your banking requirements, whatever they may be. Consult our local Manager. 722.A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R B. HE \RD. Manager V l Mi ' »Mi» i *-=- -- ^ ^ ' yw.AW ji.mw i ^m, 1 1 1 i l i W ^

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