Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1946, p. 4

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Wednesday, August 28, 1946 THE FLBSWERTON ADVANCE CANADIAN STANDARD BRED THREE-YEAR-OLD $7,000.00 FUTURITIES (TROT AND PACE) AT DUFFERIN PARK TORONTO 2 P.M. LABOR DAY Admission (Including Tax) $1.20 GRANDSTAND FREE Excellent Restaurant Service 00 00 00 00 00 THE Flesherton Advance i^ublished oa CollingrTood Mi, Flesherton, V'«dnMday of mtdk woek. Circulation OT«r :,10ti Price in Canada 92.0d per year. when paid in advcr-^- |i;S0; ia U. 3. A. 12.60 per year, vbaa naid in adntne* «2jOO. F. J. THURSTON, Editor CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Clifford jRow1)ottoim of Durham- Mrs. Fleming of Toronto ife visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. S- ?• Hunt- Mr. E. C. Mitchell, station mast- er of Flesherton. is on two weeks vacation. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell a very pleasant holiday. Misses Nancy McWilliam and Bar- Itara Marshall are holidaying with fciends in Severn Park. Mr- and Mrs. Torry Sr., Mr. and flj^. Jack Torry and little son Fred- die of Markdale were recent visitors with Mrs. H. Piper. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Young, Not- t»wa, were recent visitors at the home of Mr- and iMrsw L. Duckett- Mr. and Mrs G- Caimis, Mr. and Urs- Wnu Cairns. Colleen and How- ard, visited on Sunday with friends •t Midhurst. Mr. Chas- McWilliam, Toronto, Bpent the week end at his parental home here. Mrte. E. Doupe, Joan and Moirray •re visiting friends at NottBwa- Mr- and Mrs- J- McWilliam vitii- •d with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sargent, Sh«Ibourne, on Sunday. Recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs- 'A- E. Goesbell were: Mr. and Mrs. iW. H. Brown of CoUingwood, and M/rs. L. Mclnnis of Barrie. Mr. end Mrs. L. Duckett, Misse« Hilda and Helene Duckett, Messrs Irvine Ward and N. Tackaberry recent visitors with Owen friends. y<lfhh. Mrs- C Irish, Miss I^ Will Messrs. Vincent A/^' Toronto, Hemphill and Joel's of Winnipeg •nd Pte. Cha ATES FOR 'COTS DUNDALK -vere visitors at the home of Mr. S- Hemphill. Mrs- Hilda Lapalme, Cookshire, Que., is visiting Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R- C Oliver. Mr. IHarry Jaynes left Monday for Medicine Hat, Alta., after vifeit- iiilT with his son. Mr- Geo. Jaynes .m\ Mrs- Jaynefe, for some time- Mr- Jack McMullen left recently r Western Canada. Miss Janet Neilson, Toronto, spent the weok end with Mr. and Mrs- Jas- McMullen and left the fii-bt of the )r Owen Sound where she has tak. en a position in the bank- Mrs. Cummings of Oshawa was a -;ent visitor with Mr. and MA- R. icr and called on old friends in the village. Mrs. Bean of Red Creek, New York, spent the past week end with her sister, Mrs- Roy Piper and Mr- Piper. Kindly remember the church 'ser- vice at 8 p.m. in Ceylon United hurch thi.s Sunday. Also keep in â- â€¢nd the Ladies Aid which meets at i.jme of Mrs- Geo- Cairns this uirsday -at 2.30 p.m. Visitors wel- me Mr- and Mrs. J. H. Collinson vis- '-â- 1 on Sunday with Dr. Sherman ;per and Mis. Piper in Clarkaburg. Mr. J. A. Knox was a recent visit- or with his mother. Mrs. J. Knox. Misses Jean Chapman and Grace Gizzie of Toronto and Pte. Ghas- Joneb ot Winnipeg were recent vis- itors with iMirs. J Whittaker and Mr. Stewart Muir- Mr. and Mrs. J. Meads, Mra Meads, Miss Marie Meads jtjdding LeRoy Mead^ attended tJ^ of Mr. on Saturday last, in^^mel Squaire. Don Me«ds and MjIfMr. and Mrs. Gongiratula^Mnt newly weds- Don IM«^(lread!s Jr. is visiting thii Mrj^rfflfrienda in Toronto" and Mrs- John Meads visited at Thornlbury on Sunday last. Mr. J. S. MidPermid is having a week's vacation. Mr. MoDermid'B duties are to help keep the railivlAy track safe for the many holiday folk who travel on this CP.R. line. We wish Mr. and Mrs. McDermid a plea- Osprey Fair Priie List CLASS 4â€" SWINE BERKSHIRE Boar Pig, 1946, not less than 3 months old .... ?1 50 fl Boar, 1 year and over 2 00 1 Sow, aged 1 60 1 Sow, 1 year 1 50 1 Sow Pig, 1946, not less than 3 months old .... 1 50 1 Herd, 1 male and 3 females 1 50 1 00 YORKSHIRE Boar Pig, under 1 year $1 50 |1 00 Boar, 1 year and over 2 00 1 00 Sow, aged 1 60 1 00 Sow, 1 year 1 50 1 00 Sow Pig, 1946, not 1«b^ than 3 months old .... 1 50 1 OO Herd, 1 male and 3 females 1 60 1 00 TAMWORTH Boar Pig, 1945, not less than 3 months old .... *1 50 f 1 00 Boar, 1 year or over 2 00 1 00 Sow, aged 1 60 1 00 Sow, 1 year ., 1 SO 1 00 Sow Pig, 1946, not less than 3 months old .... 1 50 1 00 Herd, 1 male and 3 females 1 50 1 00 Best Pair Young Sows, under 1 year: 1st prize |2.00 by Woolner's Butcher Shop, CoUingwood. 2nd Prize by Wm. Miller, grocer, Dundalk, can of Royal Purple Stook Tonic, value |l.75. Best Pen Bacon Hogs, not less than 3, 160 to 220 Uw., any breed: 1st prize by Canada Packers, 1 bag 100 lbs. 41% concentrate; 2nd prize by O.&A. Co-operative, Flesher- ton, 1 bag, 100 lbs., Pig Starter. Only one prize to one person. The ladies of Inistioge United on Wednesday afternoon, Auguat U. Church were hostesses to the ladies An enjoyaible afternoon was enjoyed of Flesherton, Eugenia and Proton I by all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 12 13 ^LASS 5â€" POULTRY Plymouth Rock, Barred, male, bred-to-lay fl.OO Plymouth Rock, Barred, female, bred-to-lay 1.00 Plymouth Rock, White, male 1.00 Plymouth Rock, White, female 1.00 Wyandotte, White, male 1.00 Wyandotte, White, female 1.00 Wyandotte, Buff, male 1.00 Wyandotte, Buff, female 1.00 Rhode Island Red, male 1.00 Rhode Island Red, female 1.00 Leghorn, Brown, male 1.00 Leghorn Brown, female 1.00 Leghorn, White, male, bred-to-lay «... 1.00 Leghorn, White, female, bred-to-lay 1.00 Black Minorca, male 1.00 Black Minorca, female 1.00 Turkey, A.V., male 1.00 Turkey, A.V., female - 1.00 Toulouse Geese, male 1.00 Toulouse Geese, female - 1.00 E^nden Geese, male » 1.00 Emden Geese, female 1.00 Geese, A.O.V., male .." 1.00 Geese, A.O.V., female 1.00 Duck, Pekin, male 1.00 Duck, Pekin, female „ 1.00 Duck, Rouen, male - l.OO Duck, Rouen, female 1.00 Pair of Pigeons, A.V 1.00 Pair of Raibbits, A.V 1.00 Best pen Chinchilla Rabbits, 1 male, 1 female - 1.00 Special by J. Brackenibury, Flesherton, for best pen Leghorns, bred-to-lay 1.1 2nd prize by Geo. Ottewell, Feversham. 2 Market Cockerels, any breed, special by Geo.^' Sled, Feversham, 1 gal. motor oil, value $l-5ft(5n Best crate 6 Market Chickens, by the Fle?> ' Creamery, cash $3.00. ,- ' ,X . >^8 40 Five Talnian Swee^ -^ 40 Five Wealthy Annfs 40 Five Duchess^/ftpples 40 Five Alexajtfer Apples 40 Five WpJ'Apples !!.!!!!."!!! 40 Five Si^et Apples ."" 40 Piy/«orthern Spy Apples "" 40 fe Pewaukee Apples 40 oUection of Plums ....'.'.'.'. 40 Collection of Pears !!!!".!!!!"'.!!'.!!!! 40 Best Hamper Mcintosh Red ....."!!!.!."!!"....... 2 00 Best Hamper Spy Apples 2 00 HEELECT • N* btuiiMM can afford to bee rfaki which ihonld b« covered by iiunr- aMM. Let as inalyee your needa, explain hew liMaianee can protect your boiinaM inm lorn In many ways and arrange plan* â- ed Pilot polidea to cover all eventaaUtiea. Wa writs Pilot Inaniance to cover sel- ected riaka in Automobile, Fire, Personal hepetty Floater, Bnrtiary, Cargo, Elera- ter, Teama, Plate Class, General and Pnb- lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Honda. CAN STEAl YOUR BUSINESS H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Represenuog liJHi>il-'Lill!W< COMPANY ( .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .6(1 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60, jr .60 « BIG B'* y JT DOESN'T MATTER whether you are driving a brand new car or a pre-war model, you'll receive the same friendly, willing service from yotir neigh- bourhood B-A dealer when you drive in at the sign of the Big B-A. Trained to give you the best service in town, your B-A dealer knows how B-A top-quality gaso- lenes and motor oils add to your trouble-free motor- ing pleasure. Profit by his experience and buy B-A Peerless Motor Oil- 26 25 2S 26 25 25 25 26 25 26 26 00 00 y/^tm^^" THAT'S WHY PEERLESS GIVES YOU MORE OIL MILEAGE '1HE'6RITISH:AMERIDAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED VICTORIA CORNERS sant holiday. One of the guests at a iieKro wed- ding npproachod a man who \va.* very (he's.sed up. "Pnnloii suh." he said. "Inn is you de groom?" "No suh, I ain't," the ni.in replied with a sor- rowing lonk, "I was eliminated in the siMui-final?." L Special Services will bo hell! in BUCKINGHAM CHURCH Each Sunday Evening at 8 o'clock p.m. (D.S-T-) Special music from Regina. Song service and old-time preaching. Alex. Sherson, Proton Station, in charKe COME AND BRING A FRIEND Mr. Walter Aoheson, who hafe been bedfast for the past eleven weeks, and who was removed by amibulance to Markdale Hospital two weeks ago Monday, is showing feome improive- ment- A speedy recovery is hoped for- Mr. and, Mrs- Jes. Copeland were recent week end visitors with Tor- onto friends. Mi^. Walter Taylor and son, Ed- gar, and friend, Miss Townsend. Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Ed Stinson. Mrs. Wm- H. Ludlow returned to her home after being in attendance for the pa^t ten weeks, in her nurs- ing capacity at the bedside of Mrs. Rowe, Dundalk- Mir. and Mrs. Wes Dever ticcomp- aniod the Intter's sister and husiband,' Mr- and MA. Sinclair, Dundalk, on a two weeks motor vacation to Red Lake, iHnlilnu'ton- Mr. Waller, Mr. Jas- Baiinon and little son. Tommy, visited over Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mr.s. Milton liminoii and attended the Old Boys and girls reunion in Dundalk- Miste Ande Stinson of the Wellnt Business College, Toronto, spent two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr- and MrS- EM. Stinson- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sims, Whibby. Mr- and Mrs- Renn Sims, Hamilton, when on holidayg visited Mr- and Mrs- Clayton Beit's and family. Wp welcome Mr. and Mrs- R. E- Pringle and family to our midst. The Pringlcs purchased the home of Mrs. AW)ert Stinson and moved in the the first of August- Mr. and Mrs- Oha^- Cooke, Tor- onto, visited on a recent we«k end with their sister, Mrs Walter Aoh- eson in the home of their niece, Mrs. George Moore. 'i^-e^ V^-ff> RATIpN^BOOK 6 WILL BE ISSUED ^ ^r0^^ SEPTEMBER r and SEPTEMBER 16â„¢ The green Application Card No. RB. 191 at the back of R«tior, R 1 m r. must^be properly completed and present;d%o a dII^ u'inrCent^e in order to get a new book. Distributing centres will not be open on all days at all ho and hours will vary in each locality. ^ ° urs. Dates PtOFFIGIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS PAPER - NEXT WEEK giving full particulars as to HOW, WHEN OR WHERE TO GET YOUR NEW RATION BOOK Tlij first ceapou la lh« new hock wOl Income valid Septemb., lo.u ••upo.. wh«t y« ml^^^SS «Sd thJnT^ ^ temporarily without THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BdARD i 4\ ''^H^Uk^

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