Wednesday. January 7, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE A laocUng hycM ttcKfi from a rirew wiaUr qouten. We'd M«fMt loekjng for it in movie houses. Giis;.. Small Ads FOR SAL£ â€" Boy's skstei, tubes, ais« 2.â€" Reg. Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 9 chunks of pigs. â€" Nerval Betts, Eugenia. 31cl FOR SALE â€" Boy's skates, size 6 like new. Apply at The Advanc« office. 30p2 FOR SALE - Quebec heiiter, fair condition, |15. â€" E. J. Thomson, phone 75J12 Flesherton. SZpB Local aid Personal FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn bull, 12 months old. â€" Ohas. McDer- mid, Flesherton, phone 43w2 p JTANTEC â€" Amnukla mi^table for mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eucenia, phoo« Fev«r8li*-i 6rSS FOR SALE â€" Number of cbunks of pigs. â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, tel- ephone Flesherton 40J4 31c2 FOR SALE â€" Hand washing machine enamel tub and good wringer. â€" Geo. Swanton, R.R. 5, Markdale, phone Markdale 33w2. 32ip2 FOR SALE â€" Durham cow, 8 years old, due to freshen in January. â€" Jas. McKenzie, Feversham, phone Feversham 10rl4. 30p2 FOR SALE â€" 136 International H ton truck, complete with heater and stock racks, in good i-unning con- dition. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41 J3, Flesherton. 32p2 IX)ST â€" 2 male hounds, black and white speckled, the other tan head, black body, white breast and white tail. Finder notify Luther Love, pjjone Dundalk 71J2. 29p3 FOR SALE â€" Men's speed skates, size 8 boot, |3.60; pair ladies' hig*h heel suede pumps, size 6, narrow width, hardly worn, |2 â€" phone 96w Flesherton. 31c2 LOST â€" On Dee. 26th, foxhound, female, black, white and tan, had collar and my name. Rr ward for information leading to recovery of this hound. Phone 9.'> â€" D. H. Palmer, Dundalk. 3?p2 FARMS WANTED We have some people inquiring for farms for spring possession, if you •re wanting to sell write giving full particulars. WATSON & WATSON Dundalk, Ontario HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dnnlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Ctsduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton C J. BELLAMY Vl:,LACB CLERK A Câ€" ttoaer far UUng Affldavtta Iwwr of Marrtec* Utmam CONVEYANCINO DEEDC MORTGAGES. WU .8, Su. OfflM: Tonmte Strcvt. Mr. Harry Fellow of Toronto was a recent visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher and two children spent New Year's in Owen Sound. Miss Lillian Stensrud, Reg.N., of Vancouver is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ken Kellar. Mr. Jas. Stewart has purchaserl the school bus from Mr. \Vm. Hysii]. and is now operating the route. The teachers have all returned to their schools for the winter term, which opened on Monday. Miss Marion Caeser of Newmarket visited at the home of Mr. and Mtrs. F. H. W. Hicklin,p for New Year's Mr. and Mrs. Af. Hill were New Year's guests of their daughter, Mrs. E. G. Ekimunds, Owen Sound. Mrs. R. Benbham is spending a few weeks with members of her family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will McKechnie of Malton and Earl McKechnie of Brampton spent the week end vvith Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McKeohnie. Mr. and Mts. Angus Turney and dauR-hter of Toronto spent New- Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney. Mrs. P. S. MacDougal underwent an operation in the Orangeville h^s pital last week and is improving- nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and two children of Chatsworth attended the funeral of the late Miss Kate Bellamy on Monday. Miss Lavina Stevens has returned to Collingwood, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mi-s. Rsos Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart and family of Brampton were callers on New Year's %vith the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Messrs. John Shutt and Grant Bickerstaff of Toronto spent tn. week f^nd at the homp of F. W Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pattinson and daugbters, Owen, Mary and Betty Ann, of Owen Sound were visitors over •he week end at the home of W. T. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Akins and daughter, Claudia, of Lansing spent New Year's and the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker, Shel- bume, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ceiioe and Mrs. Jas. Jamieson of Flesher- ton were New Year's gue.5ts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chambers and 'i daughter. Heather, and Misi Ruby JAikenhead of Toronto visited at the week end at the Hickling home. M's.s Aikenihoad remained for an extend- ed visit. The January meeting of tlie W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. S. MacTavish Tuessday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. Lunchâ€" cake, Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. J. Pedlar, Mrs. B. Phillips; Sandwich, Mrs. G. S. MacTavish, Mrs. Ho<Wc,- and Mrs. Haas. FlMliMieB S, Markdd* 3 Central Ontario Leagv* hockey waa introduced in Flesherton for this year on New Year's Day, with Mark- dale as visitors, and Flesherton were the winners when th« last period was finished. Markdale scored in tihe first period, wthen Fitzsimmons took a pass at centre ice and went in to beat Andrews at the eight minute mark, and that ended the scoring with both teams having chances to score. The second period saw Flesh- erton pressing rig-ht from the start and their efforts were rewar«l«d with a goal at the two-minute niaa-k !by G. Chard, on assists by Boyd and Ban- non to tie the score. Cairns put the locals ahead on a pass from Turney ten minutes later. Markdale tied it up when A. Wodehouse scored on a long shot fi'om centre ice and three minutes after Fitzsimmons shot his secood goal of the afternoon, on a pass from McCulloaigh on a face-off in the corner, and Markdale was again in the lead by one goal. The last period was all Flesherton and K. Chard tied the game up in the first minute of play. Hartley was banished for tripping Boyd and H. Best .soon followed him to the cooler for a trip. Ken Chard then added another four minutes later from G. Chard and Boyd, and then put the jnime on ice from a face-off just be- fore the period eided. Cairns and Ken Chard notched two goals, with Boyd and G. Chard one each. It was a diffei-ent aggregation on New Year's Day that allowed Dun- dalk to walk over them 8-1, although the roster of players was about ihe same. "Pete" Dargavel was out for this game, and when he get-j into condition should be a real centre ico star, although he always played a wing prior co this year. Markdale â€" goal, McRae; defence, Lawrence, Mayne; centre. Hartley; wings, Fitzsimmons, Alton; alter- nates, A. Wodehouse, H. Wodehouse, Proctor, G. Cherry, McCullough, Brooks. Falls. Flesherton â€" goal, Andrews; de- fence, H. Best, Bannon; centre, D. Cairns, wings, R. Best, R. Turney; alternates, Teeter, Dargavel, Piper, Boyd, G. Chard. K. Chard, E. Mac- Tavish. Referee: Jack Magee, Markdale. Praton S, FlMlierUNi 1 Proton won tdie first arame in the Semi-Pro. Lea<arue game with Flesh- ei-ton on (Friday night by a score of 6-1, with two g«al8 by Ken Bates, one each by Ken Allen, G. Lyons, R. Lyons and O. White. Teeter scored Flesherton's goal with one minute to go in the first period. Flesherton â€" g««l, Scarrow; de- fence, Bruce Thurston, Johnson; centre, Milne; wings, Teeter and Aberdein; alternates, Bari-y Thurs- ton, Wilson, Plester, Hamilton, Stod- dart. Banks, Talbot and Taylor. Proton â€" goal, J. Haw; defence, Acheson, G. Marshall; centre, White; wings. Bates, R. Lyons; alternates, G. Lyons, Allen, Shaw, French and F. Marshall. Referee â€" M. Piper. Proton 14, Feversham 7 Proton won their second straight game in the Semi-Pro. League, when they defeated Feversham Monday evening 14-7. The score by periods was 2-1, 9-5 and 14 to 7. Proton â€" goal, E. Blackburn; de- fence, Acheson, Batchelor; centre, C. White; wings, R. Lyons, Bates; alternates, G. Lyons, French, Shaw, Allen, Marshall and Haiw. Feversham â€" goal, M. Sled; de- fence, G. Sled, L. Hudson; centre. E. Lockhart; wings, E. Mullin, D. Gra- ham; alternates, G. Essland. D. Davidson, J. Hawton, J. McKee, W. McKee, M. Hawton, K. Hawkins T Stephens, B. Douglas, H. Hockley and I. Shortt. Shelbume 9, Flesherton 2 SEMI-PRO. LEAGUE Games Played Last Week Dundalk 9, Markdale 4 Proton 14, Feversham 7 Proton 6 Flesherton 1 Future Gaines Wednesday: Feversham at Dundalk Thursday; Proton at Flesherton Monday: Rock Mills at Feversham Tuesday: Markdale at FleshertOT ^ KSBPIIfC CONTBRSATIOMS BRIEF k just one of the ways POI BIST KiaULTt nOM YOUR ntlPHONIt of practicing the master rule I Kmi* colb biM. for the best telephone ser- 2. Spoca your cah. vice . . ."Do uDto others u 3. Avoid "Ibtwiiitfl 1^. you would like them to d* to youâ€" and do it first*** 4. 0»v» right-of-way ID MiorflMicy calk This year aloitb we are ^S\ spending $3,500,000 so that m<»:e farms may have tele* ^S^ phones with fewer people cm each line. THE lElL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA NOTICE ACTIVITIES AT FLESHERTN SKATING RINK WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONKKK for the County of Grey Fsrm and Stock Mlea our sp alty Terms: rMsonable. Satisfaction u gnaranteed. Dates arranged at th* AdrsDce office or phoB« 4w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims agtainst the Estate of Frederick William Nicholson, late of the Village of Flesherton. In the County of Grey, who died on the 3rd day of March, 1947, are required to send particulars of tb« same to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of January, 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard to the elalnri of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this Mth day of Decemlter, 1947 McMASTI5R A McMASTKH, 2869.Dutida3 St. Weal United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, B.A. Minister .Service.s of Worshiip on Sunday, ton at :} p.m., Flesherton at 7:30 Jan. 11th â€" - Eugenia at 11 a.m.- P>o' p.m. Rev. H. L. Troyer will speak at all thret- places. Annual meetings: Eugenia. Tues- day, Jan. Kith, at 8 p.m.; St. John's, Thursdsiy, Jan. 16th. All members and adhfrcnts urged to attend. Future Events KI.VIHKKLKY BOX SOCIAL Box 80<-i'!l :;'id card party will be helj in K ' iil .iKy ('oninumity Hall on Friday. .Ian. 9th, at 8 p.m., spon- soix'd by the L-O.B.A. Admission- 25 cents. Shelburne lind the Indian sign on the Flesherton tearm Monday even- injr when they ronaped home with !i 9-2 score. The first period was sll Shelbume, with Paget scoring three goals and J. Woods and Brooks one each. The second period Shelburne made the score 6-0 when Grainger counted and K. Chard notched the first tally for Flesherton from Boyd's pass. Paget and Grainger each counted for Shelbume. At 4:33 in the third period Turney took a pass from H. Best at the Flesherton blue line, wove througih the defence and ftayburn stopped his shot and then Bob slaimmed home the rebound. l! was the nicest try of the evening:. Four minutes later Grainger added the ninth for Shelbume to end " scoring. Three penalties were handed on H. Best, Brooks and Rolston taking the counts. Referee â€" Springgay; linesniT' Scllley. Shelbume â€" goal, Raybum; de- fence, Firth, McConnell; centre, Grainger; wings, Banks, Paget; al- Thursday 8:30 â€" Semi-Pro. Proton at Flesherton. Friday 8 to â€" Sr. hockey practice. Saturday â€" Midget hockey practice 1 to 2; Free Skating 2 to 4, children 14 and under; 8 to 10, public skating. Monday â€" 9 to 10, Proton practice. Tuesday â€" Public Skating. Watch for the date of our big offi- cial openjng. The members of Holdfast Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Percy Hunt on Wed., January 14th, at 2.a0 p.m. â€" Olive H. Irwin, Secty. Penny (nine years old): "Mother, that horrid Jones boy called me a tomboy." Mother (noting her torn dress and tear streaked face, and i-ememibering the Jones boy was twice her size) : "And what did you do?" Little Girl: "I made him take it back. I kicked him in the shins and tripped him and sat on his chest and pounded' his head agamst tb« ground until he yelled: "You're a perfect lady!" Snow Plowing And The Rural Mail Courier A negro minister discovered two men playing cards on Sunday and for money. "Rastus," said the minister, "dCii't you know it's wrong to play cards on the Sabbath." "Yes, passon," answered Rastus ruerfully, '^but believe me, I's payin' for mah sins." "Does your husband always live up to his pi-omise of his courtship days?" "Always. In those days he said he was not good enough for me, and he's been proving it ever since." In Culross, as elsewhere, farmers ars asked to move their mail boxes back from the roadway a sufficient distance to enalbfe snow plow oper- ators to wing back the snow. Im- mediately the request was made rural mail couriers voiced disapproval, claiming that it's difficult enough making winter delivery ordinarily â€" but with boxes moved back from the road it is an added hardship. This is quite a problem. Both par- ties have legitimate complaints, and it looks as if Mr. Farmer is going to be left to iron out the sitimtion. For successfiil snow plowing there should' be clear sailing, unhindered by too- close obstacles such as mail boxes. On the other hand, there is no occu- pation carrying more winter hard- ternates. Wood, Rolaiton, McKelvey, I ships than that of the rural mailman. .MicMullen, J. Woods. j In order to satisfy both parties, Flesherton â€" goal. Ferris; dc- tH? farmers will have to devise a fence, H. Best, McTavish; centre, system of mounting the box on a DANCE AT SING HAMPTON TXincv in Hammill's Hall, Sing- hampton, on Friday ni)jht, January 9lh, 194«. Music by Groves' Orrh- oHlni. nnnrinp !) to 1. Admission: .Wo. VOI'TH CMMC & VOl'TH RALLY All older boys and Kiri? nf the cnmmunity are invited to tiiko :ul- i v.'inta^r- of thf oxiport. ff>iins<<lliiM' offflned hy Mr. H- L. Ced- nrs'''" n">-.i;-i '^Kurch on Tlmrsdav H'l â- Me wfok f rum f"Ttr Boyd; wings, K. Chard, G. Chard; alternates. Cairns, R. Best, Turney, Dargavel, Piper, Teeter, Gorrell and Bannon. CENTRAL ONTARIO LE\GUK ! ti !';' i' l.c!.. R<'mrTrhpr nlso. thr Toronto i ^""t^'i Rally in St. .John's TTnltod Solicitors for the Executors | *^'»u»^''' Saturday, Jan. 10, at 8 p.m. Games Played Last Week Flesherton 5, Markdale 3 Shelbume 8, Dundalk 6 Grand Valley 8, Erin 8 Markdale 11, Erin 4 Shelbume 0, Flesherton 2 Future Games Wednesday: Grand Valley at Flesherton Friday: Shelburne at Markdale Mon<l«y: SMburne at Erin; Flesh- erton .Mt Grand Valley higher poTe well back from the road, to swing on j, pivot either sideway Or perpendicular by a rope handy to the roadside, or some such system. â€" Teeswater News. Two Indians had been nuicli inter- ested in the building of a lijrhthouso (in the rock coast near their western reservation. When it was pompleted, they stood watching it every night. .\ .thick fdir crime in one evening, nnd the. siren blew continuously. "Uifh,", said' -one-,- Indian i^ - other, "the I'ght she shin*, the she dinsr-doftfr. the h'lrn .she who" whoo, but the fog she come just the same." SEWING MACHINE SERVICl All makes. Work Guaranteed. Marhinea Electrlfled Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE P<hone 64 Fleshetron COLLECTIONS ...It's our long experience handling collections that makes possible the uplendid results wi eflfcct for our clients.,. That is why so many business and pro- fes.sioniil men send us their lists from year to year. ISenJl In yours/'ioo) ''" \ I K I N S 1 ,,o i â- li-!-; OR.VNGKVlLLi;. Ont. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited SAVE AT HILL'S Pre-lnventory SALE NOTE THE PRICES PURITY FLOUR Bag- $4.69 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin, 2 for 19c Diced CARROTS 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c Diced BEETS 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c Blended FRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin, 10c Cut WAX BEANS 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c ASSORTED SOUPS 3 for 25c Large Post's BRAN FLAKES 2 for 25c Post's CORN TOASTIES 2 for 19c RED PLUMS, 30':; sugar .... 20 oz. tin, 2 for 27c TOMATO JUICE 2 for 19c Freshly Groimd COFFEE 33c lb. Bulk CEYLON TEA 79c lb. Assorted Tinned BABY FOODS 5c tin BABBITT CLEANSER 5c each SALMON Any Quality, Any Quantity PREST-0-LITE BATTERIES for Cars, Tractors, Diesel Motors 20% Reduced We have just received a Large Shipment of ENGLISH FELT-BASE RUGS 2 and 3 yard-wide Lancastrum also Burlap-Back Linoleum and Inlaid in 2-yard widths F. T. Hill & Co, Ltd Phnnr* 7 Ma rkdale 3" •4 t T\ •<•, A 4v >