Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1948, p. 1

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f.' < i * * « 4 4 4 « « •r ^ VOL; 67; NO. 34 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY, JAN'UARY 21. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers., Artemecia Council Appoints Officials For This Year CpL And Mrs. Mc William ^ Inaugural Meeting Osprey Receive Gifts From Ceylon Council Held Jan. 12 The inaugui-al meeting of Arte. Dvesia Township Council was held in Fleshei-ton on Saturday, Jan. 12th, -with ail members present, the de- claration of office being signed by Beeve John A. Davia, Councillors F. Bettss. Geo. Cairns, Herery Tucker and Jas. McLougbry. Mrs. Jessie M. Koeritz, newly ap- IMinted chairman of the Police Vill- *ge of Priceville Trustees, waited on the Council regarding Priceville Police Village business. Mr. Garnet iMagee was present for the purpose of renewing Township insiiranee for 1948. Ccmsnunications were read from County Clerk, advising of the ap- pointment of Howard McCauley as a Trustee of the Flesherton High iSchool by Grey County Council, for tb<? ensuing term of three years, effective January 1st, 1948; from the Ontario Good Roads Assoc., regard- ing annual convention in Toronto on Feb. 24th ad 2Sth; from County of Grey, asking that each municipality within the County arrange, through their Medical Officer of Health, for a joint meeting of Medical Officers of Health in Grey County to discuss some uniform method of handling immunization and general health cai'p in Grey County. The following accounts were pass- ed and ordered paid: Clifford Allen, sheep claim $15; Robt. Thompson, sheep <;laim .flo; Stanley Pattor. valuator fl..50; County of Grey, 50'~'f of County Rate $6,269.26; Thos. Whillier Equipment Co., supplies fox Treasurer |17.46; Road Supt., pay ' mert Voucher No. 1, amounting tn f 41 3.04, and L. A. SIO. By-Laws Xos. 1 and 2, 194S, were read the required number of times, passed, signed and sealed with the Corporation Seal â€" By-Law No. i to confirm the appointment of cer- tain officers: Assessor, Harry Scott; Auditor, Geo. Buchanan; H. S. Trus- tee. Mrs. Dora Hogarth 194S-l'i4 . Local Board of Health, M. S. Mc- Leod: Sanitary Inspector, Thos. Ge- noe; Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Thos. D. Park; Stock Valuators, Elford Watters. Wm. Hi neks. Geo. Buchanan, Clare Foster, Luther Love. Jos. Watson, John Campbell and Stanley Patton; FeT:eviewars. John Ritchie, Bert Trwin. Albert O'Dell. Wm. G. Bowlej. Norman Burritt. L<.uis Teeter, J. W. Gall- son and Earl Gordon; Weed Inspec- augher. Porter Beard, Kendal Stew- art., John W. McKee, Lome Atkin- son and Earl Gordon; Weed Inspec- tor, Elwood Bowles; School Attend- ance Officer. Stanley Campbell; Pound Keepers, A. S. Muir, W. J. McFadden. Harold Quigley, Wilfred Lever, Porter Beard, Cecil Meldriim and A. F. Pedlar. By-Law No. 2, was to authorize the bonx)wing of $30,000.00 from tlie Canadian Rank of Comimerce. (By Ceylon Reporter) Last Wednesday evening C«ylon friends and neighbors assembled in the school to sfpend a social hour with Cpl. Joe McWilliam and Mn. McWUliam, who were recently mar- riedl^ Mr. Fred ChiMett read an, address of good wishes, on behalf of the community, while the presenta- tion of a lovely set of dishes and tea pod; was made by Mrs. M. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stauble. Joe replied in a very grateful manner for the kindness displayed to M^s. McWilliaim aid himself. In his reply Joe mentioned the boxes and treats sent to the Ceylon boys while over- seas and how much they were ap- preciated. The song "For They Are Jolly Good FeDows" was heartily rendered. The evening was spent in eucbre, with serven tables being played. The hi^h score for the fadies was won by Margot Ann Goessell, while George Banks won the high score for the men. Cpl. and Mrs. McWilliaan left Thursday to visit in Toronto on their way to their n^w home in Winnipeg. SHELBURNE PLAY HERE ON MONDAY NIGHT Don't forget your hockey game Monday. Jan. 26th, with Shelbume as opposition â€" one of the best of the season. Always a tough team, Shelburne is leading the League at the present time and have not been beaten tbis year. The Majors are iroing to attemipt to change this little matter Monday night and feel that they can. So be sure and be on hand to give vocal support to the efforts of the team. You'll see a good game. ACTIVITIES Al FLESHERTON SK.\TING RINK United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, B-A. Minister -Robert Bums and the Dignity of Man" will be the theme of the ser- mon on Sunday, Jan. 26th, at Eu- genia and Flesherton. The Sacra- ment of the Loi'd's Supper will be oberved in connection with the reg- ular service of worship at Proton Station. Eugenia Young People's Union meets at 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor. All the young people of the community cordially invited. St. John's choir practices this week as follows: junior, Thursday, at 3:45 in the church school room; senior. Thursday, 8:15 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mtrs. Russell .Andrews. Future Events AUCTION SALE CUTTERS An auction saie of sloop sleighs and Portland cutters will be held in Flesherton on Saturday, Jan. 31st, I at 2:30 p.m. â€" Wm. Kaitting, Auc- tioneer. The inau^ruial meeting of Osprey Municipal Council was held Monday, Jan. 12th, all the members with the excei)tioii of Mr. 'Phonnpson (who was absent on account of illness), were present. After making and subscribing to the Statutory Declar- ation of Office. Reeve Fred Hale called upon Rev. 0. W. Holmes of the United Church to open the ses- sion with Divine worship, after which short addresses were made by the Reeve and members, all expres- sing the wish that the sam.e cordial ity and co-operation whidi existed in past years, would exist during all of the coming y»ar. At the con- clusion of the opening ceremonies, the following business was done: A delegation from the Feversham .athletic Club awaited upon the Council asking for a grant toward assisting in the making of a place available in the community for ice skating. Mr. Chas. W. Henry of the Pedlar People was also on hand to inform Council that his firm was prepared to furnish them with culverts, bridges, etc.. during the coming season. By-laws to authorize the borrow- insr of money fi-om the Bank of To- ronto at Feversluim for the year, also to appoint Mr. Hy. Thompson as a member of the Local Board of Health, and Messrs. W. Hannon. W. Kendall. W. C. McCutcheon and J. -A. Davidson as Attendance Officers for the various schools, were read the required number of times and passed. The Road Superinten<ient. Mr. J. ^^<â- Kenzie. presented hi.? voucher .amounting to Sl-'JSS.IS. which was ordered paid. General accounts ordered paid were: F. Robinson, postage and ex- cise ?7: Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. Miller for December $54.25; Muni- cipal World, supplies $18.53, sub- scriptions $12; Salvation .\rmy, grant $10; J. A. Davidson, work as Sanitar>- Officer $10; A. Buie. car hire to Mt. Forest $10. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day. Feb. 7th. at 2 p.m. St. John's Annual Meeting Hears Good Reports Givn Harold Best Appointed Village Fire Chief Fred Good Died In States Merabei-s und adherents met in St. The inaugural meeting uf Flesh- John's United Church on Thursday, erton Village Council was held at Jan. 15th, to receive the annual re- the home of Clerk. C. J. Bellamy, on ports on the work in the church for Friday evening. The Reeve and all 1947. The minister, Rev. A. G. members of the Council subscribed Macpherson, reported the total lesi- the "Declaration of Office," as fol- dent membership on December 1st lows: Reeve K, G. Betts, Councill- to be 192. Four new member.s wei-e ors J. Bi-ackenbury, F. J. Thurston, received by profession of faith dur- F. L. Gorrell and Angus Avis. Rev. ing the year and five by certificate. A. G. Macphei-son and Rev. W. A. There were 12 baptisms, six mar- White were present and opened the riages and 12 burials. Families un- meeting with the reading of Scrip- der pastoral oversig-ht number«i 180. ture, Pi-ovei-bs 29:^-14. by Rev. Repoiting for the Sunday School Macpherson and prayer by Rev. Mr. Bert Sparks gave the average White. Rev. Macpherson congratu- attendance as 70, with 108 on the lated the members on their election, roll; 45 was contributed to the miss- and thanks were tendered by Coun- ionary work. The C.G.T.T., Ti-ail cillor Brackenbuiy. on behalf of the Rangers and Mission Band have all members. The Reeve then congrat- been active. ulated the members on their election Mrs. H. A. McCauley reported for and welcomed the two new membei-s the Woman's .Association and stated Messrs. Gorrell and .Avis, that there was a memibership of 43 1 The heads and members of the and $5*58 had been raised during the i vaiious Council committees were year. They had expended $225 to- appointeii, as follows: ward the maintenance of the church , Welfare and Finance â€" K. G. and parsonage. I Betts, J. Bracisenbury, F. Thurston. The Woman's Missionary Society, I Sti-eets and Roads â€" -F. L. Gorrell, with 14 regular members and nine J. Brackenbury. K. G. Betts. life-members, raised $221 for miss- I Hydro â€" J. Brackenbury. F. J. ionary work. | Thurston, K. G. Betts. The Missionary and Maintenance j Public Property and Buildings â€" Fund. Mrs. Wm. MacMillan treas- ' .\. .A.vis. F. J. Thui-ston, F. Gorrell. urer. received increased support dur- Fire Dept. â€" F. J. Thurston, F. 1947. In comparison with $335 in | L. Gorrell and A, Avis. Word was received last week ai the death of Fred Good at his horn* home at PeiTysburg, N.Y., on Jan. 7th, in his TOth yeai-. Mt. Good w«» born in this distriot, a son of tkm late Mr. and Mrs. S. Good and was a cousin of Mrs. Sam McMuUen of east backline. He was well kncme by niany of our older citizens sad last visited here last summer. H« was fond of fishing as a hoU>y and enjoyed Kimself every time he came back to his native home. He imd been in the States since be was a boy, having moved there with Mi parents. Mrs. Wm. R. Burnett Dies At Markdale Sam McMillan, Sarawak, New Warden Of Grey Reeve Samuel McMillan of Sara- wak Township was elected Warden of the County of Grey at the open- ing ses.sion of County Council held Tuesday evening. Followinng the election of the Warden, committees will be appointed and the work of the Council will then commence in earnest. 1946. the congregiation contributed S4T5 the past year. The total for the Pa-;toral Charge wa.' $675. which is $200 more than 1946. Mr. F. W. Duncan, church treas- urer, showed Chat the general finan- ces were in good shape. A total of .S2340.(K) had been raised for local expenses and the net balance \vith all bills paid was $118.00. A bonus of $200 had been presented to the minister at Christmas time. Rev. .\. G. Macpherson expressed his thanks for the co-operation and jjood-will he had received and ex- pressed the hope that St. John's would go forward to ever greater «nd finer service for the Kingdom. The meeting re-appointed the re- tiring Stewards, the church treas- urer and the church secretary, Mr. George Caims. It was voted to issue printed reports in conjunction with the other three congregations on the Pastoral Charge. The even- ing closed witJi a lovely lunch pro- vided by members of the W„\. The following accounts were pass- ed: Walter Akilt, wood for reliel, 5 cords §;iU; Wm. Turvey, hauling wood $ 4; W. A. Hawken, groceries, relief $y.Uy; E. McKillop, fur 3 inch gate valve and labor $39. the Clerk Funeral of Chris. Thomson Thurs., Jan. 28, 11.30 to 12.30 for the Senior Girla. Friday, Jan. 23 â€" Official Qpening of the rink. Saturday, Jan. 24 â€" 1-2 midget hockey; 2-4 free skating; 8-10 pub- lic skating. Monday, Jan. 26 â€" 2.30 to 1.30 .Junior Boys; 8:30 Hockey Shelburne Ts Flesherton. Tuesday. Jan. 27 â€" 11.80 to 12.30 Senior Boys. 8-10 Public Skating. Wednesday. Jan, 28 â€" 2.30-3.30 Senior Girls. 8.00 Rodk Mills and ] Flesherton Semi-Pro. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale of 9 Cows, 17 Cattle, 15 Hogs, Poultry and Im- plements, including Case tractor on rubber, Wednesday, Fe^b, 4, one mile north of Dundalk, Highway 10. â€" Chester Mills. Proprietor. Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. MAXWELL EUCHRE PARTY lA euchre pJtrty will bo held in Maxwell Orange Hall on Saturday, Jan. 26th, at 8:30 p.m., under the auspices of Maple Leaf L.O.B.A. .\dimission: 25c. Lunch served. Tile funeral of the late Cbris. Thomson, who died at his home Ih Flesherton on Monday of last week, was held on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. I4th, with Rev. W. A. White, pastor of Cetlarside Baptist Church, conductijig the service. Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery Chapel. The pallbearers were: Messrs. D. .\. .Mclntyre, Mervin Kendall, Fre<l Barber. .Milton Hutchinson, Gordon Irwin and Jas. Harrison. ..^mqjit; those from a distance who attendeii ih-e funeral were: Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. Bell and Jack, Basil Sorn- bergftr and Mrs. .Mort. Sayers. al! of Collingwood; Mr. Peter McFad- den and Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer. IKintroon; Dr. Glen Davis and -Mrs. Davis, and Mr. Jos. .-XmistionK. To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. .Aindrew Dand and Donald. West Hill. Official Opening Of Rink This Coming Friday Night ! The ort'icial opening of the reno- vated Flesheiton Ice Palace will be held this Friday evening, when an entertaining evening will be held, with the, pipers present, along with Houl Faixj'uhiar R. Oliver, Ontario Liberal leader. Brooniball will be featured between Proton. Eugenia. Rock MiWs, Spring'hdn. Flesherton, Ceylon. Kimberley and Toronto Line North, the winnei's of these to meet the Flesherton Caledonians (In hon- or of Robert Burns I in a irrand play- off. Commencing at 3 p.m., the teams will take the ice in the fol- lowing order: Rock Mills vs Proton, Springhill vs Toronto Line North, Flesherton vs Ceylon, Kijnberley vs FuRi.'ni.i, the winners of these then to meet the Caledonians. Official "Pen" Keeper: H. Richard- son: Official Timekeeper: P. S. Mac- Douvil: Offioi.Tl Referee: A. .Sp'trks. Following the games a big nioc- 'â- asin dance will be held with over- shoes, rubbers oi- barefeet, to music by a local orchestra. Be sure and be out for this big night, as there will bo thrills a-alori. and you will have a 'ood time. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acceisibl* by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Gates and Maddocks fUNERAL CHAPtL 124 Avenue Rd KI.4344 TORONTO OLD BOYS & GIRLS WILL HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The aimual meeting of the Toronto Branch of the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association will be heW in Carlton Street United Church on Friday, Jan. 23rd. at 8 p.m. Come and bring a friend with >-ou. We are looking forward to a good at- tendance and we hope y^u will be out to meet many old friends again Refreshments will be served. -A.. C. LeGARD, D. THUR.STON. President. Secretan- Any New Yorkers who didnt undei-ftt^nd wk>t n good old-fashioned Sledding i?; popular again â€" from ! snowstorm was, finally got the from coast to co«sft, I drift. Since the last meeting collected the sam of ^t> iimui -Vlr. Wallace Hamilton und fl4.4S from Frank Taylor, for slieep claims, wliich was tUiUeu over to the treas- urer. The assessor also met the assessor of the Township of .\rte- niesia and equaliiied the assessment of the Union School of Flesherton- Artemesia. The proportion to be paid by each is now set ai 31 9o for .\rtemesia and Flesherton 69'f. The Reeve. .Mr. Brackenbury and Mr. Thurston were appointed as a committee to meet the Township of .Artemesia Council and the High School Board in regard to the equal- ization of the cost of maintenance of the .Artemesia-Flesherton High School. The resignation of Bob Phillips as Fire Chief was reluctantly accepted b\ the Council and Harold Best was appointed in his place. Through tht- i.esignation of Mr. Gorrell. who i.s now a member of Council, D. G. Mc.\rthur was appointed in his place and Mr. Phillips continues as a members of the fire brigade. It was moved and seconded lh«t a i-eport from Bickle-Seagrave, Ltd., on fire equipment be filed and the Clerk show the correspondence of County Council, re health services, and pass it over to the Medical Offi- cer of Health. By-larws No. 1 of lit4S, to appoint certain otficers, ond By-law No. 2, to borrow certain sums of money, weie intr<xluced. road the required number oi times, signed, sealed and eiitered in the By-Jaw book. The officials appointed were: .Assessor. C. J. Bellamy; auditor. Geo. Buch- anan; Weed Inspector. W. Kaitting; Poundkeeper. Stanley Dnmimond; Stock Valuatoi-. Fred Bi-ackenbury; Member Board of Health. J. .\. Rich- ards; Secretary Board of Health. Howaid Milligan; Menibi'i' of Library Boaixi for three yeai-s, Airs. G. Boyd. It was moved and seconded that Reeve Betts. H. Milligan, G. B. Wel- ton and J. Brackenbury attend the O.M.E,.\. and O.M,E.U. conven- tions in Toronto on March 1, 2 and 3. The following Hydro accounts were ordered paid: Receiver-General $46.41; .\ssn. of Municipal Electric Utilities, fee $5; Out. Municipal El- ectrical .\ssn.. fee $2; Canadian General Electric, $1..36: C. B. Wel- ton. labor $10.40. It was decided to have Flesherton Hydro purchase transformers, as i-ecommended by the Hydro Engin- eer to step up voltage, and that five luminartes be ptirchased for the 'T^.^in street-". In failing health for the past years, Mrs, Wm. R. Burnett paaaed away at her home in Markdale fat her 83rd year. Daughter of pioneer residents of .\rtemesia Township, she was an esteemed resident «f the Markdale district and a pronj^ ent churchwoman. She had r?s!ded with her husband at the homa of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott at Mark- dale, following her return six months ago after spending a period .,: Markdale hospital. The late Mrs, Burnett was forat- erly Jessie Blair, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BIaif. and was bom and raised on th" Blni' homest*ad on the West Snowline, .Artemesia. She married William R. Burnett in 18P1 and they emoved the celebration of their ?o!dt-, nnr'* versary six years ago. Two children died in infancy and another Ir-ush- ter, Eva, predeceased her in 1928. Besides her husband, one b-f'ther re- mains. Robert H. Blair cf Rocan- ville, Susk. The late Mrs. Burnett wa<! a mem- ber of Annesley T'nited Chureh, where she attended regularly, and where ?he had taken an aetivf part in the W.M.S. and W..\. B-jforo church union she had attended the Presbyterian Church, where shs had served faithfully in the Sunday School. Ladies' ASA and as t choir leader. The funeral took place Tuesday ' afternoon. Jan. 2nth. with service in Oliver's funeral chapel, 'ntennent being made in Markdale Cemetery. ' Card of Thanks Mrs. Charles M. Heron and Mist Mar\- Hei-on wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and many kind a<rt> shown them during their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. Card of Thanks Mrs. Chris Thomson of Fleshertoir wishes to express to her many friends, relatives and neighbors, 'her heartfelt thanks and appreciatlwi for acts O'f kindness, messages of s\'mpatby and beautiful floral tr9>- utes extended to her in her recent sad heroavemont in the loss of s husband, and to those who sent treats to Chris and myself at flM Christmas .season. ^tMfftm NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER.... HUNDREDS OF YOUR ^ NEIGHBORS READTWS' 'NEWSPAPER REGULARLY 1 AND YOUR AD, TOO -IF IT'S IN THE PAPER.' / lS.'»( ^-' "!i*B^^^

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