Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1948, p. 4

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Wediiescjay, February 4, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE if* Who's Who in Owen Sound Short Storie Recommending Business Firms in Our Neighboring City ^>--'- DODD'S MOVING SERVICE M-9th St. K. I'hone 324 TkfU progressive Owen Sound I tm. locati>(i :it 80 - i^th St. £.. phone 1 t&i, is most reliable and can always he countwi on to give si;i-vicc, expert worfcnxanahip and (general care to |Dur merchandise or furniture or Mjr*-iMng else you wish Uinspoi-ted l«r you. They have storage facilities. Crat- Img and packinK expertly done. All Bodern steel vans. The fimi of Dodd's Moving Servke haa grown to its present size by firing the public the most for Its money. All loads are insured and •vary precaution is used by the workers to see that vour property is handled and transported with the nreat<>.st care. Owen Sound and suvroundine dift- teict is richly treated by having such t progreseiTe ftrm onerate from ktre. The public can feel assured «f tb« best service and rest with the knowledge that their property will reach its destination in the liest of •ondition possible. In this special review of the pro- ffessive business firms of Owen Owen Sound, try Dodd's Moving iervice. 80 - iith St. E.. the next time you want anythinK in this line. We are sure you will be more than satisfied. CITY LAUNDRY 1025 - 3rd Ave. E. Phone 362 This reliable laundry established â- Htny years ago, now has regular Mnes of service that meet with any Individual or home condition. Giv- ing laundry and dry cleaoing serv- ice tiutt represents that same care and attention that would be given articles done at borne and witli s degree of efficiency that is a dis- tinct economy to the housewife, this irm specializes in Soft Water Waahinjf and best dry cleaning. Their store is conveniently located •t 1025 - 3rd Ave. B., for the people of this district, where regular week- ly pick-up and delivery service is offered oar readers. T*« laondry is up-to-date in every 4etaiL Modem facilities guarantee •Bt ooly ^t your laundry will be â- potlessly dean, but also for the afety of it. The charges for their flrst-class wnrice are very reasonable. Once |ou have used the City Laundry nrvice you will not be satisfied with any other. PARKER & CO. REX ALL DRUG STORE Established 18fiG 838 -2d Ave. E. Phone 140 This popular Rexall Drug Store in 0\ven Sound carries a coanplete line of Imported Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Colognes, Cosmetics, a wide variety of Veterinary Medicines, Medical Supplies, and they are spec- i.^lists in tilling prescriptions. The fact that the managemetit lias had a thorough training in the professioi;, niakes them very care- ful in the filling of all prescriptions to see that the compounding is cor- rectly doni'. proper directions are ittachi'd and everything is exact Candies and specialties as well a« the long line of druggists' sundries are here, furnishing the public wiBb the ni().~L accomTOodatinfT service. For over i)0 years they have served the public satisfactorily. We are Klad to compliment this modem store as a business and pro- fessional concern which is right abreast of the time, and to those who desire anything in an up-to- the-minute Druggist, it is suggested you visit Parker & Co. the next time you are 'n Owen Sound. TOM'S GARAGE 345 - 8th St. E. Phone 22J»0 ieatui'iag a convplete body, fender painting Georgian Bay Motors, Ltd 330 - 10th St. K. Phone 1000 In our review of a few of the better business of Owen Sound, this fii-m at .l.-iO-lQrth St. E.. deserves favorable mention. Your next new car may be your first in five long years, so choose wisely. Visit this Ford - Monarch establisbiment and learn what they are doing to provide outstandiiur facilities and inspect the new Ford- Mtonarch models on display. Due to recenit auto xestirictions and lack of materials, they cannot guarantee early delivery on a new car. But be wise â€" place your order now. It is to your advanta^re to be On record as to the model and kind of Ford r Monarch you would like to have. We are sure you will receive a sincere welcome, with no obligation other than to inspect and see what is available to Ford - Monarch own- ers in Owen Sotmd and vicinity. MITCHELL'S SERVICE STATION B.-A. PRODUCTS 1060 • 4th Ave. W. phone 1852 This popular B.-A. Service Sta- tion is located in Owen Sound. Gen- eral Tire Repairs areu,expertly done at reasonable cost. ' There is no endless delay when you drive into this reliable service sta,tion. \n eA'icient attendant Is always on the job to give you serv- ice, and real service at thiat. if yon boy only on* iraUon of gas you are accorded the same courteous servide as if .vou were having them fill your tank. Your radiator is fill- ed, oil checked, and it is done so quickly that before you realize it, once more you are on your way. The produrts sold at Mitchell's Service Station are the very best obtainable. You can rest assured that when you fill up with gas her?, you will be more than pleased with the results. They sell Fisk Tires and Batteries. Wo suggest that you give them a trial th<' next time vou are ii; Owen Sound. The proprietor welcomes all our readers and %'«u can be assured that here you will get satisfaction. IRELAND BOOK STORE 981 •2nd Ave. E. Phone 460 This Owen Sound store is held in esteem by its patrons. Here one can obtain the best in stationery, a. large varied stock c^ books, offlee and school sopplies and a splendid and complete line of Gifts, Novel- ties and Souvenirs. The service at this store is very modem. Goods are well displayed and the clerks are always ready to aid customers. It is with this in mind tliat we recommend Ireland's Book SUffa to anyone interested in the purchase of fine quality goods at the best prices, and feel that a purchase here will more than satisfy your desires. »to painting and mechanical re- irs to all uiakes of cars, this firm ^^^^ IS located at a46 - blh St. K. I>uco aoid L>elur reiiaisbing) simoniunc;; saqpert workmanship make their ser- vice comiplete in every department. Ibis firm has a staff of 30 employ- ees for quick, prompt service. They have installed the latest of equipment for a complete repair sarvioe. No matter what kind of â- aiadh you may have been in. you win find that they will b« able to take yowc car or truck and put it in NCh condition that you would never tmnif it bad been in a collision. if in moi4jring over the highways you have been bumped, and the body of your car is dented, or fenders bent, lantps crushed, etc., drive ar- oond to Tom's Garage and they will fix up your car or truck so that it will look like new, at very little ooat. DOfI BROWNE RADIO SALES & SERVICE 246 - 10th St K Phone 1331 This firm has the latest and most efficient equipment for conducting a compete service for the repairing of all radios, regardless of the model or make. Their work is done by radio experts. Don Browne sells parts and used radios at prices that will save you They have a most compete line of supplies for your radio, so no mat- ter what part you may reauire, it will pay to get in touch with them. They sell Stewart-Warner, Philco and Stromberg-<CarlsoD Radios. In many instances the trouble is just some minor defect which can be remedied in a very short time when taken to a reliable shop such as this, and may we suggest that for your radio trotible â€" see Don Brown. Terms can he arranged here most conveniently. ERASER TIRE SERVICE 236 -8th St. E. Phone 331 Now is the time to save! when preparing your auto today for this season's driving, it is necessary to worry about tire trouble. At Fraser T^re Stervuce at 286 8tb St. E.. Owen Sound, you have two choices â€" you can buy new tires and tubes, as they are sales and service dealers â€" or you can have your old ifres retreaded and vulcan- ized, and we can readily say that this job w«n make you tires as good as new, and is done vrith a predston and thoroughness tMt will more than satisfj-. Farm Tractor service work done at this shop. All size tractor tires can be vulcanized here. Filling with calcium cWoride. Dealers for Dom- inion Tires. Fraser Tire Service specialize in Farm Tractor and ImplemeBt Tires and they welcome the people of this distict, and so with these points in mind, we refer Fraser Tire Service to all for tire trouble. Owen Sound Canvas Co. 817 -3rd Ave E. Phone 1991 Located at 517-;ird Ave, E., this firm features a complelf sei-vice for the reipairs of all truck tarpaulins, Installing and .specializing on •wnings, trimiminigs and expert workmanship, their service is com- plete in every department.. Owen Sound Canvas (/o. have ha<l difficulty in keeping up a complete stock, but us these materials be eome available you can be sure this reliable firm will have the widest variety and best quality. They feature service on any and all kinds of awning work, and we would suggest that you consult this progressivr business firm and iii the way of canvas work of any kind, one caTinot do better than by seeing the ()w<!n Sound Canvas Co. the next time in Owen Sound. They have equipment to handle ma.ss produc- tion iif jiny and all canvan ai'ticles. NEWTDnT JEWELLERS 892 - 2nd Ave. E. Phone 357w Whether selecting jewellery or a gift for a wedding, birthday, or for any other occasion, you will find that when you make you choice from the stodk offered at this popular up-to- date Jewellery store in Owen Sound, yon vvill not only be choosing in aood taste but will Ih- selecting •omcthing tha/t will give pleasure for years to come. Of course every- one knows that Nowton Jewellers is headiiiiartcrs for watdhes. diamonds, Aalra and everything else that per- pttB to s modem complete stock of MCllery. Parking facillitfes are ivVoralUe In this district. Ip fact, in tMs review, we feel Ifeal Nowton Jerwellers Is worthv of yame fnllttt oonsidemtion for any- gkk* In the lewellert line. Newton MtmUen haw anothir fine Mtore ni §n - 2nd Ave. East "The Avenue tkot>" w*iflre they offer yon « most Moiplete display of flne Knsrilsh BORLAND'S MACHINE SHOP 1024 - Ist Ave. W. Phone 19S3M Located at 1024 -Ist Ave. W., phone Ifl.'J.iM,, this well-known firm specializes in converting any mach- inery and ropair of any machine, and high quality pquinmont; repairs tfl anything and everything, and features a complete Miaohine Shoji Service. They also specialize in custom built l)Ody work, elec.trie and acetylene welding with portable out- fit, capable of going anywhere. They are equipped to overhaul auxiliary engines and boiler work for marine craft. There are few enterprisos more important in the development of the modern Canadian eommimity than a progressive eatablishmcnt such as this, r«pl(^te aS it is with a complete line of eqiiipnK-iit to take care of all clas.ses of gencMal machine work. This firm is fully equipped to do this work scientifically and correct- ly. The management are experts, enjoying a reputation for orompl- ness and efficiency. They will re- spond without delay to a suimmnn.^ by telephone, letter o,. personal call, lihifl firm r.iso reconverts farm machinery to your specifications. MASON'S BREAD 10.-t3-3rd Ave. E. Phone 218 This iwpular bakery cordially in- vites the people of this section to visit this store. Manufacturers of all fine, homc-lbaked pastries, you may lest assured you will find their service is ideal. If you shop at this store, you will understand why more and more people, every day, speak of tiieir produicts aa "every briite a de1l<ht." They have a large patronaRe all over t^ls section and because of the (popularity of ttielr products tbey are continually adding new and m<A' em equipment to supply the demand. This bnikery pays paitlouiarat- tation to sanltaition i^ul «••â-  orery precaution in th« makior of their products to see that they are pure and fresh at all times. In this review of the leading firms of Owen Sound, we are god to refer Mason's Bread to all thosj !n senrrh of better baking. Owen Sound Dairy Co., Ltd. 11 2.5 -.3d Ave. W. Phone 285 Located at 1125 -3rd Ave. W., Otweii Sound, this prominemt firm handles a complete line of high- grade dair>' products. Their supply of milk and cream conie.s from the healthiest and best fed cows in this section. Tlieir plant is positively as sani- tary as long experience and the ex- penditure of a great deal of money can make it. The management is thorouihly conversant with every feature of this business. There is no reason why the Owen Sound Dairj' srtv>uld not occupy a prominent place in the beter class of dairy markets and the aibove are some of the reasons why this con- cern is well and favorably thought of by so many. It is our pleasure to vocommend this reliable fii-m to our readers. AUDRIE'S BEAUTY PARLOR 154 -9th St. E. Phone 26« Located mst conveniently for tfce people of this section, this popular Hairdressing Shop in Owen Sound at lS4-9th St. E„ features every- thing in the line of a Pei-manent Wave. The management has made a study of the permanent wave from a scientific standpoint and has sup- plemented this with actual work wbich makes this service both tried and modern. Permanent waving has advanced and Audrie's Beauty Par- lor have kept abreast of the tims. Here licensed operators will out a wave in for you in the shortest tame possible consistent with the high quality of work which they will do. Phone 260 for your appointment They are deserving of your patron- age and are anjrious to serve you. BOYLE'S FURNITURE STORE 310- 8th St. £. Phone 216 The stock of this popular store is composed of tasteful and practical, yet artistic and inesjpensive, furni- ture, from which you make make your selection. Tlieir stock rooms show many lovely livinsr room, dining room and bedroom suites; many separate art- icles that will add miracles «f charm to the suites you already have. Perhaps you need Jtist a chair to complete a correct gronpinf or add to the comfort of your living room. Tliey also have Eleetrical Appliances. Boyle's Furniture Store have a wide experience in the furniture line and their knowledge of present day needs places the modem art of furniture craftjmand>ip of beautiful and comfonable furniture at your convmand. TODD'S SPORTING GOODS 132 -9th St. E. Phone SIR This reliaible firm, at 132 - 9th St. E., Owen Sound, welcomes the people from this section. They strive to please and satisfy the de- mands of their many patrons. They carry a complete line of skis, a large and splendid stock of Imots and skates, and a complete lino Of fishing equipment, and well known a aportsmon's headcinarters. You will find on duty at all times eX|)orienced men, who will help you makp your selection, and the stock is so Inrcre and varied in price that yoti will be able to find something stiitable. Todd's Spoi'ting Ooods should he comfpl'imented for the need which their business is fulfilling in this roninuinlty. We roeomimend their services tn our readers for nnythinc in the Sporting Goods line. GEO. MENZIES & SON r.ENERAL INSITR.XNCE 138 -10th St. E. Phone 349 This acency located at 1»R - 10th St. E., offers a eomiplete auto in- surance settee. Every car owner should protect himself or herself against thieves collision, property damage or liabil- ity; there is only one way that this can be done and that is bv Insur- ance In a reliable company. Dont hesiitato, now is the time to get that protection. You may consider yourself the most careful driver In the world, yet your carefulness may not protect vou from the other fellow's reck- lessness. A sudden sWd. motor stalled on a crossing, a careless ped- estrian and a thousand other poss- ible causes for an scddent makes insurance an a'bsolulte necessity. Auto HaWllty inauranee solves the problem of real protection Insuring ear owners Sigatnst fire, thrft, or accident, and at ft very low cost, T^e cost of insumncp is so low you cannot afford to be without It. r«ll up George Menr.i* s & Son and have them toll wp wKit "<vuto- mobllo Insurance means to you." You owe It to \"onrselif, your family and your pookthook. Wm. Taylor & Son, Ltd. Authorized t>ottlers of COCA - COLA under contract with Coca-<k)la 957 -4th Ave. E. Phone 21 This bottUng works, located at 957 -4th Ave. E., Owen Sound, bottles the popular Coca-Cola. Or- ange Quench and Ginger Ale, hlKb carbonated soft drinks. To be able to nuake certain of getting really pure and wholesome beverages is a boon to any commun- ity. At this plant only the most healthful ingredients are used in the process of manufacture. Analy- sis proved thenn to be free from anything injurious and consequently they are not only health protecting but health giving. The satisfying taste produced by Cora- Cola is the result of their spec- ial process. After belnjr put throujrh the process it is dra-wn off and then bottled. Thus their product has body and flavor that is distinctive. "The old and true .'Wiying is that the best is not always th-e cheapest, so demand the products of Wm. Taylor & Son. Ltd.. and assure yourself of sati.sfaction. BILL GARDHOUSE MEN'S FURNISHINGS >.. - 995 •2nd Ave. E. Phone 422w In this district, the needs, lesires and demands of the male population arc raoi'e than satisfied by BUI Gardhouse. T^is store represents the highest type of goods which the proprietor not only stands behind, but the man- ufacturers will back up in every detail. The very latest vogue and most exclusive haberdashery and fuinishings will be found at very attractive prices. Nationally adver- tised lines are featured here, which insure real value fo your purchas- ing dollar. Bill Gardhouse is prepared to serve ttds community with the latest and up-to-date stock the maricet affords. So it is with pleasure we urge oar readers to visit this popular store the next time they are in Owen Sound. COUTTS CHILDREN'S SHOP I 299 - 10th St. £. Phone S87J Conveniently located in Owea Sound at 299 - 10th St. E., this wtO- known Children's and Infanta'-wear store indeed serves a very impcnt- I ant need in keeping onr Uttle dar- lings looking pretty. At this stort one finds everything for the cbUd- ' ren and infants that can be fooad ! aj-where. The management follows the nM»- I ket closely ad anything new in stvlo I or comfort will be found at thl» i store at most reasonable prices. Realizing the difficulty fonn d to securing many items needed Contta Children's Shop makes every effort to serve and satisfy their many var trons, and, as a result, have won tl>o confidence and respect of the pubHe. ! In this review of the progressivo I business bouses of Owen Sound, the j writer takes pleasure in tellinc ; friends and prospective patrons to : visit Coutts Children's Shop the next time you are in Owen Sonnd, ARTISTIC LADIES' WEAR 927 -Tnd Ave. E. Phne 670 This reliable firm needs no intro- duction to our women readers. It conducts a fashion centre at 927 2nd Ave. E., for ladies and misses from all over this part of the coun- try. They appreciate your patronage. In the way of seasonable coats and dresses, tfcey earn' the latest patterns from which to select. They stand back of all goods they sell and as a consequence the ladies over adjoining territory have great con- fidence in the reliability of this store. No matter whether it is moming, evening or sport garment that you desire, you will fird a very complete stock. Ladies! Take a tip from the writer â€" Make the Artistic Lndi-es' Wear your head- quarters in Owen Sound. MIDDLETON APPLIANCE STORE 833 -2nd Ave. K Phone 78. This reliable firm is located at 833 2nd Ave. £., Owen Sound, and »• well known to many of our readeis for their large stock of electrical appliances. And as these products again become available you can rest assured that the most modern and up-to-date improved stock will bo on display at this progressive elec- trical firm. They are known to have a wide variety of electrical applian- ces and supplies, and their staff are expert at repairing and servicing. A most compete tUsplay of Wasls ing Machine, Seft^iaten. BhW* es. Electric Ironers, Irooa. Toaatâ€" and Vacuum Cleaners, etc., aad tha clerks will gladly demonstrate anv of the abov« articles at any time. In this special review of the lead- ing firms of Owen Sound, the writer is pleased to r^er the Middletoa Appliance Store without hesitation, and nnre our readers to visit tWs storc! the nexit time in Owen SonndL WAINE'S FLOWER SHOPPE 957 -2nd Ave. E. Phone 117 This popular florist is located in Owen Sound and merits considera- tion and trade of anyone interested in flowers. Waine's Flower Shoppe extends a cordial welcome to the people of this section. A florist supplies a vital need in the life of any modern town and Waine's Flower Shoppe, through their experience in serving the pub- lic for over 20 years, has gained an enviable reiputation and withotit doubt have done their share to make famous the slogan "Say it vnth Flowers." This floral establishment is a member of F.T.D., which en- ables you to cable flowers to any part of the world. Waine's Flower Shoppe special- izes in artistic floral designs. Anv of OUT readers who desire designs for parties, weddings or funerals or any other occasion, should give this floral shop consideration. Mr, W. G. Watson, undertaker in Price- ville, is agent for Waine's Flower Shoppe. Orders may be placed with him and you will receive the same quality and service as in Owen Sound. W. B. PHILLIPS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 225 -9th St. E. Phone 84 This established business, located at 225 -9th St. E., Owen Sound, phone 84, are qualified optometrists prepared to give your eyes the at- tention they demand. Your eyes are your two most del- icate organs and should receive the correct attention thev deserve. You cannot be too careful â- with you eyes. Vary frequently eye trouble starts from the slightest defect. If N-ou are having any'trou- ble with your eyes it will pay yon to considt W. B. Phillips for an exam- iiuitinn which may save you future trouble and pain. Their practice exitends all over six-tion and they are glad at all times to have people from this vic- inity visit their office. E. A. FULFORD HARDWARE 874 -2nd Ave. F^ Phone 904 Now is the time to save! The complete stock of this popular hard- ware store in Owen Sound, includes big vahies in household utensils, electrical and plumbing supplies, tools, builders' hardware, paint, etc. This store is prepared for properly bnndling goods and the diaplav of stiock to the advantagre of the nat- rons. All their hardware and sun- plies' are of the latest patterns and include all of the most recentlv approved Inventions and improve- ments, '' Men are in change who are cour- teous, Rfioommodating and who will hp plea.ied to demons.tnitp to any- one who desires to drop into this favorite trading place and keen up on the highest grade of hardware. We cannot but trv to Veep a com- nMe stock. Aa condition.^ Imnro?* we will again ^>ulld un our swnplles so that wp may be able to eompifti'- Iv serve von. Tn maWng tVIs revleiw of the nro- erpss of th'R section of th.> countn'. we wijih 'o refer this pstnh'Is'Mnent to all readers as onp of the distinc- tive featnrp"! of the commercial .^fflciencv of thit part of the nrovlnce. RON'S GLASS SERVICE 280 -7th St. E. Phone 1268J Glass will be found here for near- ly every use. They provide an ex- cellent service and are well equipped to cut your fflass in any desired size and you pay for only what you buy, which is not only convenient but also economical. In making this commercial reriew of the progress of this community, we are pleased to recommend Ron's Gl.nss Service for their success, which has been founded on the solid foundation of substantial values and superior service in the glass supply business and to all our readers who I desire an>-thij\g in the Glass line we suggesrt you consult this denend- i able firm. RICKARD'S PAINTS A WALLPAPERS 229-lOth St. E. Phone 81* When it is Paints or WaUntper. one knows that this reliable firm Is headquarters and it is where yon will find one of the largest and wid- est varieties of walloaoers and paints in this section. They have been In business for years and thev strive to please their customers and will see to it that von get the wallpaper, paint and varn- ish that you desire. They carry a wide range of Son- worthy paper, C.I.L. paints and var- nishes and enamels, and their stock consists of the newest and smartest wall coverings. Thev offer the best at the most reasonable prices. Rickard's Paints and Wallpapers welcomes the people fi-om this sec- tion and are alwavs glad to have our readers drop into this up-to-the- minute Walbaper and P.tint Store any time when thev are in Owen Sound. Beaver Lumber Co., Ltd, 1224 -2nd Ave. E. Phone 2S11 For good lAimber. Doors. Ph-rwood, Trim, Insulation, and all kinds of mill work, get in touch witti this Arm in Owen Sound. You will al- ways find their imimense sock com- plete as present conditions allow, whether you requir«> a few pieces or a large order. You may depend upon what they tell vou about lum- ber and bwikHners materials, for thev ar<> abaoluteh" reliable and de- pendable, and an .Tuthoritv on the subject. I^t them give you an estimate on \'our next lumber bill and will asitlst you In securing the best at fhe most reasonable pirices. Tn mwking the buisiness review, wv desire to direct vour wwlal attention to Reaver Lumber Co., Titd., as one of tihe distinctive fac- tors of the industrial efficiencv of Jhia roglon. SCHEIE'S BAKERY 749 -2nd Ave. E. Phone 160« This popular bakery cordially in- vites the people of this section to visit this store. Manufacturers of all fine, hom*-(baked pastries, you may resit assured you will find their service is ideal. If you shop at this store, j-ou will understand why more and more people, everj- day, speak of their products as "every bite a delight." Scheib's Bakery specializes in wedd- ing and birthday cakes of the better kind. They have a large patronage all over this section anid because of the popularity of their products they are continually adding new and modern equipment to supply tha demand. _ This bakery pays particular atten- tion to sanitation and uses every precaution in the making of their products to see that they are pure and fresh at all times. In this review of the leading firms (vf Owen Sound, we are glad to refer the Scheib Bakery to all those in search of better baking. SCARROW'S SHOE STORE 910 2nd Ave. E. Phone 470 A splendid stock of shoes for Men, Women and Children will be found at the Scarrow Shoe Store. 910 -2ad Ave. E., Owen Sound, who have had the support and confidence of the people of the district for years. â- n^ staff of this store includes expert shoe fitters with years of experience and their ability to fit the foot has won the Scarrow ShM Store many satisfied twitrons in tUs section. Shoes in a variety of styles U»t play a leading role in the oorracft costume of the well dressed woman and on display at this atora. Searrow's Shoe Store Is « rahi- «ble contribuHoB t» tlie eoaiipl«ts asaunanee of satisfaction. In flMt, In regard to anytNns In footwear, we sugjrest a visit to the Scarrow Shoe Store first. Be fitted proDerly and be sure. A well satisfied cust- omer Is our best sales person. ^ « 4. r I * . V \ -r *

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