Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1948, p. 7

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M tit. A. 1^ J. V t: 4 t â- r 4 Spqrts-And One Thing or Another By PRANK ViANN HARRIS •"he Winter Olympic Games hav« brought to light several highly in- teresting facts, a few which might be mentioned being â€" (a) that a boy brought up in Canada is quite liable to be a better hockey player than one who has grown to man- hood in Ital (b) that countries â- ucb as Norway and Finland in â- ome mysterious manner manage to develop more skilled skiers than bnds situated in the tr ")ics; and (c) that while it ir-' net be abso- lutely essenti-1 for .i diampion fig- ure skater (feminine) to have an eye-filling face and "built", still it doesn't seem to hinder any. * • • Now all these may be very amas- ing pieces of information â€" the sort of things nobody would havj fig- ured out by the light of pure reason, or without the proof of actual ex- perience. Still, we doubt if they are worth all the money the Gamea c t, to say nothing of the back- biting, childish squabbles and ill- feeling they caused. The Swiss gentleman, who opened the pro- ceedings by saying what wonderful things the Olympics are for "furth- ering Ititernational goodwill" cer- tainly must have lid a cloisJered existence up to now. What a shock he's going to get when somebody tells him about tl.e birds and bees and flowers, and other basic facts of life! * • * The English girl â€" a recent arrival to Canada â€" xvho put the blast on Toronto by calling it a "dead tozvn" and several other unpleasant things â€"has been properly reproved and put in her place by the Press of that fair city, many columns of supposedly valuable newspaper space being de- voted to telling her where to head in. How taken back and abashed the poor girl must have felt after read- ing it! Still, now we come to think of it, probably not nearly so much as the might had nobody paid her the tUightest attention. As one of the greatest publicity-getters of all time used to put tt, "1 don't care what you say about me so long as YOU SAY 'SOMETWNG, and get my name spelled right."* * • * T' e theory that "the customer is always r ht can be carried too far in any line of business â€" and no- where is this truer than in the busi- ness of Sport. Too much rowdyism can sicken or even kill a g^reat sport more quickly than anything else â€" a shining example is Field Lacrosse â€" and the hockey moguls, by plac- ing too great emphasis on the fisht- ing qualities of their hired help, may be setting off a chain reaction that they'll someday wish they'd brought under control ere it was too late. 41 * * "A wild brawl broke out on the ke and overflo 'ed into the rail aeats as the spectators struck out at the players." "Close by a dozen players surged around shoving el- bows and fists into each other's faces." "It was during this final brawl of the evening that a live bullet was flung on the ice by a apectator." These are quoted from the account of a single game taking place in Detroit not so long ago. * * * Now we realize that the fights which take place on the ice among hoc' y players are about 95% phony â€" a lot of grabbing, tugging and hauling that doesn't mean a thing, so far as actual damage ia concerned. It's the effect, not on one anolhcr, but on the c;isli cus- tomers, that's important. For there's • type of sports fan who positively ahouHn't be allowed to witness any- thing more nerve-agitating than tiddlywinks â€" and generally he'a the type of guy with money or in- fluence enough to wangle seats right down in front. •> ♦ » Spectators who' take punches at enemy players have no business be- fat, at any sort of game. .\ man who would throw a live shell â€" even a .22 â€" would, if he happened to have one handy, heave a bomb or grenade. Yet seldom is anything done to these wild-eyed wombats, who can spoil an entire evening for everybody within hearing or seeing distance of them. You see them back in the very same s<;ats at the â-¼ery next game, carrying on in this aarae old way. They should, after one warning, be barred for life â€" Or else told to confine their atten- tions to wrestling, where a certain amount of lowdyism among the pew-holders is part of the game. It Wasn't Mutual The late John Barrymorc was out walking one afternoon, when k« saw a certain notorious snob approaching. He tried to avoid the â- tan, but the other aingled him out with the hearty greeting: "Good afternoon, Barrymore. You are positively the only person I've •ict today worth stopping to ipeak to." "Really?" rejoined Barrymore, "Th«n you're more fortunate than lam." Preparing For a Different Sort of World â€" The world our children are growing into is vastly different from the one our grandparents knew â€" with distances shrinking daily and Lon- don, Ontario hardly a "sleeper jump" from London, England. The National Film Board picture TOMORROW'S CITIZENS is a vivid illustration of what our educational authorities are doing toward preparing our boys and girls to understand the problems which face them. "Tomorrow's Citizens" ''Tomorrow's Citizens", a feat- ure film on the Ontario rural film programmes this winter, is in many ways an answer to the spate of questions which has been raised ever since the first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, namely, "how are we preparing ourselves for the atomic age?" For most of us, of course, life has continued in much the same taanner as it did prior to the at- omic attack on Hiroshima. But, nevertheless, we are aware that a new form of energy has been re- leased, which, combined with other scientific discoveries of the past decade, is capable of transforming the world completely â€" for better or worse. For the most part, the question concerns our children and the man- ner in which they are being edu- cated. Are they being made aware of the possibilities of the future? "Tomorrow's Citizens'' takes a look at the classrooms of fc-day, and decides that a beginning is certainly being maile. Take maps, for instance. The old public scliool geography book maps showed the countries and continents in a flat- tened out form, and you were taught to think of the distances be- tween places in terms of railway or steamship miles. The net result was that most countries seemed remote and not worth bothering about. New Kind Of Maps But a revolution in map making has been under way for some years now in a quiet sort of way. Map makers like Richard Edes Harrison are featured in "Tomorrow's Cit- izens" as showing the world in terms of airways: the airways whicli in future will be travelled by jet and rocket propelled aircraft. This reduces the distances between countries very startlingly. People we thought of as living on the other side of the world are now next door neighbors. Maps are drawn, too, from other new points of view. For instance in place of the flattened projections of tlie "Old World" and "New World", and the "Eastern Hemi- sphere" and "Western Hemis- phere", we can now look at the world from the north pole, and note a new relationship between the major countries of the world. From such a map we can get an Voice of Experience Oil a blackboard in front of a small Canadian business college thi. enterprising manager wrote in bold letters; "Short course in Accoimting for Women." A little later in the day a crowd gathered before the board to read â€"and laugh over â€" a second line some knowing passer-V had added. It read: "There is NO accounting for women." PTT UQ-Modera medical Ml- III /|^^<^"^* ha« 0T«rcom« all* menta formarly thought Impoasibla. PIlea wera conaldared ona of them. Tlgafa nonaeoaa toda7. The turn Pyltvoe treatment haa praren It- aelf In tbouaonaa ot tba most atub- born eaaas. It tela raaolta baoaaia It (oaa dlr«et to tba iBtanal eauaa. Tour Cnt kotUa (a llqald lakes ll* aoontli) ahowa you tta* MSanaeab ar tkat >rle* ratuBled at aodara Drasslata. entirely different view of the geo- graphy and world relations. What else do the children of to- day see in their classrooms? They are making the acquaintance of many new technical advances which •«re transforming the world. Of course they may not understand these all at once, but they become familiar with them. .*Mso, they are being made aware of the communi- cations which link one country or continent with another. Through pictures, films, and actual tours where these are possible, the child- ren see the great ships and rail- ways and airways which form the basis of world commerce and the interchange of ideas and customs. Shrinking World But there is more to the business of education to-day than this, af people who are worried about the future will maintain. Besides be- coming aware of new inventions and technical processes, the citi- zens of the future must be given a sense of social responsibility. This is commonsense for a world that is shrinking â€" a world which finds all nations on each others' front and back door steps. The Test The family was having com- pany for dinner. Julie, aged five, laid down her spoon, looked at her mother, and said : Mommy, there's a hair in my soup." "Hush, dear," implored the em- barrassed mother, trying to cover the situation, "it's just a crack in your plate.'' Juhe picked up her spoon, stirred dubiously a few times. "Mommy," she insisted, "can a kwack move?" Classified Advertising AGKNT8 WANTED â-²b old eatabllahed chick hatchery wlah«a «s«nta In aome dlatrlcts. Llb«r&l oommta- •Ian iwld Incteaae your Income. Write Boa Wo. 1. 71 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. ATTENTION F.^RMEBS SCNNTDALE Farmii, 128 uc. on oi>en road, •Ivfat miles West of Waterloo. 106 ac. OBder cultivation. Balance in hardwood and oedar awtimpa, cloae to achool and all ehnrcbea. bua line soln); past door, t-roomed bouae. lame bam with atruwatied, alio, chicken atablo Hecond floor. Machine ahf). <<alry houae, fluid tnllk contract so«a with farm. Second farm it7 ac. no buildinuu, Jti ao. tinder cultivation, balance pasture, trout creek running throut;h. Elum Axt. Baden. Ont. â-²14 OFFlCIt to fver> inventorâ€" i^iat of toven tlona and full intorinatinn at^ni tree Thi R a fn aay ( o. Resiatered Pnrf^ni Atiornejra *'^> Bank Sireet. Ottawa BAB\ CUlCKfr Monkton Poultry Chirka ^ You buy baby chlcka foT one reaaon To receive aivl- dende on your investment, yciu must De rer tain where your money la InveatfHi We offer Tou baby chicks from n Poultry Karni with every br»»eder DUllorura tested an-t sovemniHOi barded Tafae advantage of our parly dl«- count Wrltfl for our 1948 cataJoKue and rrtce Hat Mi.nkton Pouliry Farma. Monkion Ontario TOU can always prolU With uualKy chlcka~ Thete are unusual timea, but during our 14 yeara In the poultry busine«is we have never aeen a year when Tweddle chicka and rood manngement didn't come out on top. The world ahoriase of food la aiarminK and the hen Is a mighty Important factor In thia economic crisis. She la the must economical producer of meat as well as the producer of the cloaeat thintf to nif.il â€" the oeg. Increaa- ed production cuts feed cast. Some of you can remember when poultry feed was dirt cheap but you had a lot of hens laying an averose of only 90 eggs a year. Now. wo have the 300-eKB hen and lot:, of Tweddle ouatomera are setting- 200-.'i,'s avem«ea and remember every extra ess cuts down the cost of feed per gsk. The answer then la better poultry and hundreda of cuatomers come back year after year to ffet those huaky bred to lay and pay Tweddlu Chicks. Send for fret? i-atalotrue and iiri'-tliat. Tweddle Cbick Halcherlea Limited, Fergus. O ntario. Four-Week-Old Pullets"" Two. three, four week anJ older pullets Februan' hatched. Start with early batched cblckB and yet the bigh prices for essa next Summer and early Fall. Larse Type White Legborna and seven other popular breeds. Send for price liet. Manaeement GuMe and catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter ' Ontario 12j4c Hurondale Chicks 12j4c All Breeders blood tested, banded, and In- spected and backed by hifjh peulsreed found- ation stock. Sussex x -Vew Hamp.. Rnck X New Hamp. . Barred Rocks. New Hamps mixed 12 "4 c. pullets 25c. LlKht Susaei Mix- ed 14c. pullets 27c. Large type Leshorns mixed 124c, pullets 26n. All heavy breed cockerels 4c. Medium breed 2c. (1.00 per 100 down balance C.O.D. Order (rom snd enclose this ad. HurontJale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RING THE BELL With Schummer's Quality Chlcka. Govern- ment approved, R.O.P. Sired, Uake no mia- take. Cataloeiie Free. Schummer's Hatchery. UnwoQd. On t. • TOP production, top pricea. That's what you want from your poultry. It's the early chicks that set them. We can give prompt shipment dayoUla. started, or take order later delivery. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton. On t. Danlali Bruwn LeKhonis, Barr«d Rucka. Rhode Island Reda. All (iovomment ap- proved which means Govcrnmont Inepeclors inspect our brood flocks anj hatchery and which a:>8ure9 you high quauty chicks. Write for prices. Cochrane'a t'oiilt rv Fnrra. HUlBe- town, Ontario SUPPOSK you had never bought a chick in your lif*-. To-day you decide to go after egg profits. The number of dollars you tfike In will depend largely on how cloaely you atlck to these two sound rules. (1) don't experiment with "bargain" chicks; (2) buy only quality chicks of good breeding, such chicka as Top Notch Chicks. Wo have the folIowinK hybrids to chaosi- from: Black Minorca x White Lefihorn, White Leghorn a, Barred Rock. Barred Rock x White Leghorn. White Rock X White Leghorn. New Hamp- shire X White Leghorn, Light Sussex z White Leghorn. Auaira White. New Hainpahire x Barred Rock. Barred Rock x New Hamp* shire, New Hanii>i-hlre s Light Sussex. Light Sussex X New Jianipshire, Light Suaaex x Barred Rock. Aleo 12 pure breeds. All Gov- ernment approve*! from PuUorum tested breeders. Free catalogue and price Ust. Top Notch Chick Sales. Guelph. Ontario. RAISING CHICKS? Special price for March, April â€" heavy breed cockerels. 4c. medium weight hybrid cockerels, 2c, LcKhorn cock- erels, Ic. Seventeen years hacchlni chicks for satisfied cuttoniers. Live arrival guar- anteed. Get full information. Frank Edwards, Watford. Ont. "Oxford" .approved Chicks live, lay and pay They are the results of twenty-two years of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S. Tbey have to be uood, bcoauae we want the very beat kind of chicks for our own flocka â€" bis, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocka â€" White Leghorns â€" Hump, x Rock Crosabreds â€" Hamp X Leghorn Crossbreds â€" Rock x LeB- bom CroKsbreds. Write for fr*<» folder The Oxford Farmers' Co-Opera live Produce Com- pany. Limited. 434 Main Street. Woodstock. Ontario BABY CHICKS (THICKS THAT AHA STRONOnR. BA8IER to raise, and lay better, from 4.0O0 blsh production breeders. Lc4{horns. Rocka aad Hybrids. Miller Poultry Faiir. ('la.rkson. Ontario. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breedlntf plant, over 10,000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have bad years of continuoua auccesa with Lakeview Chicks. This year it may be even more important to buy the beat. Mr. and Mrs. .Norman lioUard ^f Parkhill, Ontario, have had lb consecu* tlve yt-ara of contlnuoua success with Lake- view Chicka. Why can't you too? Start your chicks eariy. There will be a sbortane of oeffB next r'all and pricea are bound to be hteher Send tor large iHuatrated catalogue and Poultry Management Guide with bis early order dJscnunta- Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont. BIG, Huaky. Heavy Breed Cockerels, special fur Feb IGih and Z3rd, %i.Q*i per lOU. also non-Lexed chicks and pullets at bargain prices Write today for priceliat and free calendar. Big Rock Farm. Mille Roches. Ont roB SAL.B 100 CmCKS FRKt. With every order of 100 pullet chicks we «ive 100 free heavy breed chlcka Barred Rock Fulleta J25.B5, White Rock Pullets $2!' 96 White Leghorn Pullets $1:6.95. Brown Levhom Pulleta !::!». 9&. Red-Rock Pullets S25.ftb. Les- horn-Rock Pullets $26. 9& New Hami-ahire Pulleta J2S.95 All chicka cold are from blood tested atock. backed by high pedigreed stuck. Also get our special prices on Mixed ciucka and Cockerels $1.00 books your order Balancp C.O.D. Guaranteed delivery. Kent Uatc-hery. Ch atham. Ontartu. DVEIXG AND CLE.\MyG UA Vh; vol unythiiij; titt-ii» .ijeuit or clean- mc' Write lu us Tot mturmatlon W« are glad to answer voui queationb Department H Parker'a Dye Worka Limited 7»j Tonge Street, Toronto. Ontario TANKS, 10.000 sals. Immediate deUvetF* Also other alzeb on band R St. Germala* »778 St. Ljiwrence Blvd., Montreal. Que. 70 TO.N'S baled bay. 120 per ton, r.O.B. Brlnston. B. J Saver. Iroguols. Ont. TURKEY Poults. Broad Breasted Brona* Breeders and Hatchery under Gov. refills tlona. . Write for information. Ivan ftluIlMu Addison. Ontario . ANGORA pedigreed rabbits, excellent atraia. Sell for $3 00 up. Jock Cooke, Draytoo, Ontario. Dark Roau Shorthorn bull, fourteen montli% from a heavy-milktns dam. Apply Joha Murray . New Hamburg. R.R. No. 1. Ontarla. Seeds that are dependable fur Gard«>n Loven* Market Gardeners: Write for our fr*v caW alugue Ontario Sei-ii Company W«r'»rloab Omar, a ••VIK1NG"~CK£AM 8KPAKATOB8 Whether you need spare parts, a power drtvaf or a new cream separator, they are avail* able at ynur local VIKING dealer We supply a fric'ion clutch pulley with all our elecirla drives and s low stand with our electrla machines. .Set) you; Viking dealer or writa to UH. SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO. LlMlTlCD 720-722 Noire-Darae West. ^__^_^ MONTRE.\L. QUE. FOB 8 ALE A MODli)RN and completely equipped gas and service atati'jn. very favorably aituated at the edge of a thriving town of about 2,000 population, ajid right where two heavMy tra- velled provincial highways meet. The build- ing la very attactive. well-lighted and heated with natural gas. Besides the service station. It comprises an up-to-date coffee shop with a aeparate part which handlea electrical and spurting goods, all of which goeb to make a money making business. All kinds of auto- mobile accefisories. including the famous Go(»dyear tirea. are carried in atJck. The gallonoge for the year 1947 was 73,000 gal- lons. Here la a wonderful opportunity for some one to get Into paying buainosa for himself. If you are interested, come at once and inspect it for youraelf and gel further particulars, or call or write H. E. WELLS UCB.N.SED REAL ESTATE AGBNT BO.\ 311. DRESDEN. ONT. H.^RLEY DAVIDSON MUTORCYCLES Parts and Service Bert E K'npt^dy a Son. 419 College St Toronto 320 ACRES, going concern, three sources Income. Timber. Farm. Beaver, ail caah or part trade, balance cash, immediate poa- session. Write E. C. Coupland. Golden, B.C. HAlKl)RE.sm\G LEaHN Uafrdretttiin;^ ine Robertson method. Infurm^ition on i«-queal rt^arding classcai. Robertson s Hairdr*'8BinB Aradpmy IS7 4t» Que Road. Toronto WEIIK At IT'S~i^*ROVi;Nâ€" I:;v.-ry suiferer of 'Rheuma^O Pa-lna or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro'a Drug Store. 3S& Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. SATISFY Youi-stlf-^Every tuf ferer of~~Rhett- ./natlc Pains or Neuritis should try Dtxon'a Remt^iV. Munro*s Drug Store. 335 ElglB* Ottawa Ptati'Hid $1.0 0. tll'I'tlRTlMTItt^ F<IK IV«I.%IK> BE A HAIRDRESSER lOI.N .\.\.\U.\ - LKAI'INC, Sf*Ht>OL (Iroai I iptMirtuniiy Leart' HainlrcBsinB Pleasant dignihe*) proffssion soo«} iraiM 'bousanda sucrt-Hstui Marvel graduates America â-  greatest system IllUbt rated oata* logup free Writf ni Call MARVEL H.AIRDRESSIN'G ACH(KJL.« S6b Oloor Si \V_ Toronto Branchea 44 King St HamiltoB A "4 Rldeau SI reel Ottawa QPPO RTrMTlES FOR MEN \>D WO.MEU EARN MONEY AT HOME ^ SPARE or fuII-time money-making Learn to make candy at home and earn aa yog learn . correspondence course National In- •tituie of Confectionery Regd Delorlmlar P.O.. Box 152. Montreal, yue BECOME~TELEGR.\PHKR Commencing; saZary Ji75 monthly Big d^ mnnd Learn at nome with 9*-if- teaching machines. Very practical career Free folder dejcr-.hea. Wr'te Cass:tn Syfi','-tii(.. Toronta NEED immediate Bteady Income'' Send 25e to Green's, 115 Oxford. Toronto, for book on tested mall businessea begun cm sho» atrlng. PATENTS TAXI BUSINESS For sale In Sudbury. Ontario. One of Sud- bury's leading and most prosperous taxi business with eight new cars and all modem eoutpmen: Beat location in city with a large parage and service station. $30,000 ca0h or payments can be arranged Write George Appleby. 149 Edward Ave.. Sudbury. Ontario. PUREBRKD. extra dark. weilTfurred. " Goth- ier Standards, Sllverbluea and Half-Blooda. Progeny of prixe wlnnera. Reduced prices. Miss Elsie Johnston. R.R. No. 9. Peterbor- ousli. Ontiiriu. NEW complete concrete Block Machinery In- cluding Motors, Racks. Pallets. Conveyor, Belts. Pulleys, Lift Truck. First reasonable offer accepted. J. A, Pailon. 6CR41, Wood- b ridge. FOR S,\LE. Cass Super Market. Thedford, Ont., Ill health: groceriet?, cold atorage. butcher shop, main portion cinder block: living quarters above, good steady buainesa: wonderful louriat trade. CURLING Rocks; Finest imported Scottish «]uality; 40-4 2 lbs. each; balanced and Matched: Excellent g^uaranteed condition; $40 pair: 2B% deposit. Write Capitol Equip- ment Co.. 5*57 Besaerer St.. Ottawa Ont. ^"ETHKaSTONAUGH * Company Patent So!icitora Estaiii stieo l^90 U King West. Toronto Booklet ol mtormat;on n rtKiupst. I'ERS<»NAI â- 'ELIJAH COMI.Nt; Before Christ ". wonder- ful book free M*>efddo Mission. Rochester U, N T PIfOTOGRAPHI Muskoka Photo Service. Barlochan. Ont, Rolls developed and 8 prints 3=ic. IS-lf prints <0c. Work ku.t ran teed HELP WANTED SUPKRVISORS for ward-teaching Program In ttiberculoaia Cursing. Hospitalization and annuity plans available. Apply stating experience and salary expected to Superin- tendent of Nurses, Frceport Sanatorium. Kitchener, Ontario. 6'-s T.ARD.S of 36-lnch wide gay print rem- nants, 'if yard and up, $2.00. IflO pieces print 6 X 5 â€" $1.00. All postpaid. Colonial QulIt Co.. Brantford. Ontario. nEGlSTERED~bnchshund Female, black and tan. Choice bloodlines, Innoculated. $36. Cattle Collleg, parents true heelers, male puppies. $5.00. Laudvell Bolender. Drayton. Oiil. NO FOGtiY Eyeglasses. Windshields. In c<ild weathei with Safe-Vu. Prevents miat from froat, or steam. Guarantees clear vision. Sample 26c. Year's eiipply $1.00. Mooney'a Agencies. Box 65, Levis. Que, For constant Smoking Pleasure EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco If ALSO AVAILABLI IN ^ POUND TINS CHOPPING mill. concrete cunbTructlon, 2 storey, waterpower. S*^ acres land with good brick house. Ideal for feed buaine»a, could be eouverttHl for light manufacturing. .* b;u-gain at $7,500. Apply Box 4, 7.? Ad.'l;ii.K- W,. T.'r.iiun. 5 LBS. FINE QUILT PCS. $1.39 Colorful asLortment. Prettiest designs. Gunraniced washable cottons, prints, broad- cloth, stunning silk quilting patches, asborled sizes, making attractive qullta. Preferred GehHition. $1 iO (20 Iba. $5.29). FREE 16 quilt dealBna: Nellies: Thread. R-mittHnce with order. Delivery extra. 12 YDS. REMNANT PIECES $1.69 Washable Cotton Prints. Broadcloth. Piques. etc. About I'V to 30" width Lineal mea eun-niomtJ, I'oei.TWe 30c. MONTREAL REMNANTS station H. Dopt. 4, Montroal BOW (.'rou Tractor. Cockslmlt 7 0. Fully tMUiPPtitl. This tractor is new. 8. H-uiIey. Schoml)er(;. Out. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkey l-'oults Ktstrvu sour ordwr for ISIS. We lurneO down orOiTB for 50.000 Poults lust season. Poults all hatchoO In braiui new special tur- k»y Inoubniors, all turkeys (no chicks). Wi- expect tlieie will be more money In turkeys in 1948 than I'.UT as It ia likely feed prices wil. be chi^apcr next summer when the new crop comes alonp. Send for turkey mannoe- ment KUiJo and price list ami book youi order for 1D4.S. I.akcvicw Turkey Ranch E.xeur Ontario STUDENT NURSES APPLICATIO.N'S are now beinB received loi the SprinK Class at the Womlstock General Hospital School for Nurses. NursinK Is s« uutttandlnK career. Kleins you an assured future when other positions fall. Kdueatlon- al reuuirement. Junior .Matrlculallon stani]< ing. Xo initial cost: Kood monthly allow ance; attractive N'urses Residence. For Kp plication papers, write: Superintendent of Nurses, Woodstock Genera! Hospital Woodstock. Ontari'",. 'Hoot' Man Now that Britain's railways are nationalized, tlie public wants that extra bit of service. One oi the latest requests asks the engineer of the 0:20 a.m. Hastings- .\shford train: "Would you be so good as to hoot as you go over the iron bridge just out of Rye station, as we rely on you to get my husband up for work? "When you don't hool, we are a fix as we cannot buy an alarm clock anywhere. "P.S. : My husband says 'not too loud' but I say 'blow like blozes'.'' Railroad officials said the re- quest was being "considered.'' HewCm^Saffed BATTKKV-OPERATBD Radio Set for sale. Deforest Crosaley Corona model. 8 tubes, specially equipped with Romaeo Eliminator for us with either storage battery or dr> cells. New cost over $300. Make offer A tine and InsliUB gift Box I.l. IS Adelaide W., Toronto. CHOICK llBht amber honey, case of six 8- lb. palls, $13.20 P.O.B. Barrie. If flat station, lucludo freight chnigea to prepay shipment. Stanley R. King, Bayvlew LodEe Apiaries, B arrie, Ont. ~CHERRY LOGS BoUBlu for cash. Write Box $04. Ferffua, Ont. r â- ^ The kidneys aic \vi> *.. v Gri^an*. eAsily aKe<ied â€" especially by a cold. Their dirty is to filter impurities and excess aciJt from the blood. When you have a cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneyi clear your system of excess acids and poisons caused by colds, and gire you « chance to shake infection sooner â€" fed better faster. If vou have a cold get and ut« Dodd's Kidney Pills. 139 DoddsKMs^^Y Pills ISSL'E 7â€" M48 POPâ€" All Wet By J. MILLAR WATT -.one NEveet, o»ts nvet nii j i m rtf"T»«

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