Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday. Februarv 11, 1048 THE fleshb:rton advance Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 18 Vorksliire pigs, 8 weeks old.-l'hone 41w4 Flesherton FOK SALK â€" Reg. Durham bull, 11 months old. â€" Wm. A. Beaton, Cey- lon, phone 22av2 Flesherton. pi FOR SALE â€" Used cutter, new set of botbaleiffhs (Noble) â€" Geo. Smith Durham, Ont. 36c2 FOR SALE Pail boy's skates size 6, g'ood as new, $3.25. â€" Jean Boyc« EuRenia, phone Flesherton 119J1. FOR SALE â€" A few loads of hay; 10 cords elm wood 12 in. â€" Harry Patton, R.R. 3 Flesherton. 37pl FOR SALE â€" Pair ladies' boots and skates, nearly new, size 4%. â€" phone 17, Flesherton. 3,5p2 FOR SALE â€" 14 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks o!<i. â€" John Oliver, phone 99J5 Flesherton 37cJ -VANTED â€" Ainin»:a SHltable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eogcnia, phoo« Pev«rsh»-"i 5r2£ i Aral And Pr^r^iinal I f^'*****"^*"" *^**««* Markdaie LOCai dm rcrbUlldl !„ pirst PUy-off Game 6-4 FOR SALE â€" Number of Yorkshire choinks, about 50 lbs. each. â€" Chas. McDerniid. phone 45w2. 37pl FOR SALEâ€" Pair 0';: ft. ski-is with harness, and ski boots size 7'^, all in good condition. â€" Ted Mc- Cracken, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 1931 Chevrolet coach in good shnpe, new tires, sell cheap. Can be seen at Adiam's garage. â€" Bob Croft, phone 07 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 2 Cows, due to fresh- en in February. â€" Kilbourne Haw- kins, phonl 30r42, Feversha, at noon hour. .37p2 WANTED â€" Farm from 100 to 300 acres, good land, to rent with op- tion to buy. I have for sale two farm tractors and eombinf. Phone 99w at Markdaie. 35p2 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Yorkshire sow due April 2, sec^d litter; purebred Yorkshire boar; 1 cord of 18 in. cedar â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, phone 40J4 Flesherton. Mrs. Wm. Kaitting left on Monday 10 spend a couple of weeks with her son at Detroit Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. George Smith on Sunday last Kev. A. G. Macpherson and Mr. G. Cairns attended Urey Presbrytery at Owen Sound on Tuesday. .Messrs. Gordon Ii-win and Geo. .•Vi-instrong attended the Ice Frolic ill Toronto last Thursday. Mrs. Russell Park had the misfor- tune to fall Tuesday niffiit at the rink and break her arm. Miss .•\gnes .MacMillan of Thistle- town spent the week end at her par- ental home. .Mrs. Emerson Thomson is improv- inK: nicely following her operation for appendicitis in Markdaie hospital last week. .Mrs. Norman Stoddard was rushed t(i Mark<lale Hospital early Tuesday iiuirnii'.g:. Hc'r condition Wednesday morning was somewhate improved. .Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates and Beverley .\nn of Hamilton spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Master Hoyden Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs Geo Johnson, was taken ill on Saturday afternoon and was operated upon Sunday morn- iii;r in the Markdaie hospital. Mrs. Lawson White underwent a second operation in a few weeks in the Markdaie hospital last week and we understand that she is improvinS nicely. Our congratulations are extended to Mr. Mark Wilson, who completed 55 years of residence in Flesherton nn Friday last, Feb. 6th. Mr. Wil- son came from Durham and the fol- lowing May was married. We hope th.nt Mark will have many more years of good health, which he is ejijoyinji- at the present time. He is .spending his evenings these days at the curling- rink, a game he en- joys playing. TRACTOR IMPLEMENTS â€" New 2 furrow plow; new 14-16 plat* disc faarroiw; new Timkin-bearing rub- ber tire wagon; quantity of feed oats. â€" Edgar Betts, phone 46.J Flesherton. 36c2 WANTED â€" Man for steady travel among: consumers in Grey Couaty, Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Rawkigh Deipt. ML-B-202-U1, UootreaL FARMS WANTED We have some people ::;quiring for farms for spring possession, if you are wanting to sell write jriving full particulars. WATSON & WATSON Dundalk, OnUirio FARM FOR SALE Lots 161-162, S.W. T. & S.R., Arfc- emesia, 1 'i miles souui of Flesher- ton on No. 10 Highway, ideal past- nre lots, 60 acres workable, .35 acres recently seeded to long-term past- are. 20 acres good hardwod bush, 3 eacc/llent spring creelks; priced to •ell. â€" E. J. Parker; for rnformatten plxme S2w3 Flegherton. 3Bc3 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARBISTER8. SOLICITORS. Etc Pb*iie S8 MARKDALE Mt. Duirlop will be in C. J. BcUarajr's office crery SeV nrday from 6 ta 8:40 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Ondncte of Toronto UniTcnity Office: Kenriedv Block Plione 77 nMlMrtea C J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLBRK ACi»B>i1iiii rwtoU , ImMT 9f Marrlic* Ommmm OONVBTANCING OBBDC M0BT0AOE8, Wit ' S. Bte, (MIm: Tanate StVMt, WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUTTIONBRK f*r the CeiiBty ol Grey Vann and Stook Mklea our ep attj TMrme: reasonable. Satisfaction ii ruarante?d. Dates arranged at Tlif A&rmnet offlcf or phon* 4w, Brooder Coal We have a few tons of Brooder Coal on hand now iand would advise you making sure of your supply while it lasts. Briquettes We expect a carload of Reading .\nthracite Briquettes to arrive next week. T'hone .Miui- orders early D. MacTav sh & Sons FLF.^HF.RTON flesherton defeated the .Markdaie Lumber Kings in the iii'st of a beat in rtve series in the Central Ontario play-downs on Monday ni,i;ht by the score of 0-4. The contest was play- ed ruggedly, but not roughly, and neither side asked any quarter. The lirst period was all Markdaie with Fitzsiniiiions t'ounting first and then MtCullough from Cherry and Falls. Oidy one penalty was handed out, that to Fitzsiinmons for dumping Turney with his knee. At 2.2<i of the second period Tur- ney grabbed a loose puck and rapped it honie and iiifiiin at D.Ol took a lovely pass from Cairns at centre ice and walzed through for another one to tie the score. Following this play became more i-ugged and with G. rhai<i and Rannon off for minor penalties Markdaie failed to take advantage of the manpower short- as'e. In the effort U> keep Markdaie out Cha»Ty received a cut nose and Lawrence a smash on the foot that laid them og. At this point the .Miirkdalc manager pulled his team off the ice. claiming rough play. In I tile first period Ferris was struck over the eye by a Markdaie player ' and had to ero off for repairs. In about ten minutes Markdaie players came hack to finish the game. Two more n-o;,]s were scored by Flesher- ton before the period ended, Turney from Cairns at 18.10 and R. Best from Turney and Cairns at 18.46. Penalties were jj-iven to A. Wode- house, G. Chard. D. MacTavi.sh and Rannon 2. Thirteen seconds after the third period opened G. Chard scored from Hoyd and K. Chard and then both the Chard brothers were given pen- alties for slashing, and again Mark- dale failed to score with all their men on the ice, To make it worse rriiiii their standpoint Boyd scored frem a faceolV in th« Markdaie end. t'nllowinjr the penalty to the Chaids. This made the score <)-2. McCul- lou.gh added one for Markdaie at I.Hi and A. Wodehouse'from Hartley at •").1«. The remainder of the grame was a hard checkiup; affair, but both j^'oalies made some sensational stops and Ferris was especially good when Markdaie came in close, which was tod ofti II. Penalties were awarded to G. Chard, K. Chard. Fitzsimmons. The two teams tangle at Markdaie this Wednesday nig*t and again at I'Mesherton on Saturday night. An added attraction will be a juvenile trame between Hanover and Flesh- 1 rlon prior to the senior game which will commence at 8:30. Shelburne went through the sea- son undefeated and will play Erin, while Dundalk meets. Grand Valley in the first i-ound. The winner of th.> Fleshertnn-Maikdale series has a liye into the finals. Markdaie -â€" goal Stewart; defence Lawrence, Fitzsiminons; centre, Mc- Cullough; wings, Cherry, Falls; al- ternates: Hartley,A. Wodehouse, H. ' Wodehouse, Mayne, Proctor. Flesherton â€" goal, Ferris; defence tiannoii, H. Best; centre, Boyd; fridgs, G. Ohard, K. Chard; alter- na^'s: Turney, Cairns, R, Best, F. MacTavish, Piper, Gorrell and D. MucTavish. Referee, Springgay; Linesman, A. Grummett, both of Dundalk. FINAL C.O.H.L STANDING Won Tied Loot Pts. Shelburne 9 1 14) Dundalk 6 1 3 13 Flesherton 4 2 2 11 Markdaie 4 6 8 Grand Valley .... 3 16 7 Em 118 3 Semi- Pro. Hockey News Flesherton Semi-Pro. team lost two gannes last week, to Dundalk 17-C on Wednesday nighit and to Markdaie 7-4 on Fi'iday night. Pen- alties on both occasions were the main causes of their defeats. Rock Mills has been improving greatly in the past couple of weeks and were victors over Proton Station Friday night by a scoi'e of 5-1. The sched- ule wiTl shortly be ended. SEMI-PRO. STANDING Won Lost I*ts. Dundalk 8 16 Proton 6 3 10 Markdaie 6 3 10 Flesherton 3 4 6 Rock Mills 2 5 4 Feversham 17 2 SKATING ACTIVITIES AT THE FLESHERTON RINK Thurs., 12 â€" 11.30-12.30 Sr. Girls; ;i.30-4.3() Cook S. S. Class; 7.30-9 Markdaie and Proton; 'J Dundalk and Rock Mills. Fri., 1.3 _ ;}.30 to 4.30 Valentine Party. High School; 7.30-£) Fever- sham and Flesherton; !) Markdaie and Rock Mills. Sat., 14 â€" Midget 1-2; free skat- ing- 14 and under 2.30-4; 7.30-8.30 .Alidget Hockey Hanover-Fleshei'ton. .S.:iO Markdaie and Flesherton C.O.L. |)lay-o(r game. -Mon.. lifi â€" 2..3n-;!..S0 Jr. Boys; S.:]0 Proton and Rock Mills. Tues.. 17 â€" 11.30-12..30 Sr. Boys; Midget Hockey 3..30-4.3n; 8 p.m. public skating. W.'d., IS ~ 2.30-3.,30 Jr. Girls. Thurs., IH â€" 8 Old-time Skating I'arty with Sydenham Club Band. Don't miss this night, ages 16-98. .4 hick town is a place where neighbors are mad at Smith because the flies in their kitchen come from his cow barn. NOTICE TO CREDITORS HOCKEY will be held in the FLESHERTON ARENA Saturday/ Feb. 14 Markdaie vs Flesherton Game called at 8.30 Admission: 35c and 15c ^1 In the matter of the Estate of Charles Maxwell Heron of the Town- ship of Osprey, deceased. .All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles .Maxwell Heron, late of the Township of Os- prey. in the County of Grey, Merch- ant, decease<l, who died on or about -: ^HEAR^ 7" "dneen's Park Report k f by PREMIER GEORGE DREW '^AGRICULTURE LOOKS AHEAD y 1 FRIDAY, FEB. 13 CFRB at 8 p.m. CFOS at 7:45 p.m. 860 k.c. â€" on your dial â€" 1470 k.c. the 5th day of January, 1948, are required and hereby notified to send prepaid 'to the undersigned Solicitor of the Estate, on or before the 1st day of March, AD. 1948, full par- ticulars verefied by statutory de- claration Immediately after the said 1st da> of March. 11)48, the Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titletl thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdaie this 9th day of February, A.D. 1948. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdaie, Ont. Solicitors for the Estate. i WANTED YOUNG MEN, AGE 18-25 YEARS For light, clean work in a large textile plant. Ideal working conditions. Applicants must be willing to work shifts or steady late shift. Learners guaranteed 65c per hour. Permanent employ- ment and higher future earnings dependent on ability to do the work. Limited boarding accommodation available. Dominion Woollens & Worsteds Limited HESPELER, ONTARIO Zero Weather strikes swiftly at these 4 ^ » • Zero weather! Just when you most appre- ciate safe, comfortable u ansportation! That's whco these 7 danger spots can cause you lota of woe â€" UNLESS you have the forethought to have them checked befor* they give you trouble. Prevention is better than cure. So bring your car in to our Service I^partment today. Then - with everything from battery to windshield wiper in pcrfiect running shape â€" drive with confidence through cold and sleety days ahead. eMS-l4H Bave the GENERAL MOTORS Dealer check them ^f^ D. MacTAVISH ft SONS, flesherton, Ontario i''-" TUT ! OLET-PONTIAC-OLDSMOBILE-BUICK-CADILLACCHEVROLET'hdGMC TRUCKS

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