Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1948, p. 7

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r \ -J id* J. :» â-º >- Sports-And One Thing ot Anothei By FRANK MANN HARRIS For the past couple of seasons most of the other National Hockey League clubs have been loudly lieefing about allegedly illegal tactics used by the Maple Leafs. So the other day a Toronto paper published some action- pictures taken during a Leaf s- Rangers game, clearly sliovving that the New Yorkers were using pre- cisely the same tactics lliat they, and the others, had been complaining •bout. * « * Just why the paper should have gfone to this trouble, we really cannot say. Any competent observer of hockey, as it is played today, knows right well that if ever the rules against illegal hooking and holding were strictly enforced they'd have to double the size of all the penalty- coops, and that most games would be largely played with an average of about three players a side on the ice. * m if What is really irkmg those other "Big League" teams, in our opinion, it the fact that the Leafs are con- siderably smoother in their use of tuck tactics, and don't get caught m the act as often as the clumsier ones. * « » There may be a reason for , this •tate of affairs ; or the "hook check" â€"which is simply ke^ng an oppon- tnt out of action under the guise of reaching for the puckâ€" was brought to its finest flower of perfection by •Happy" Day, now coach of the Maple Leafs. Playing on the . me team with men like Red Homer, King Clancy, Chuck Conacher and other rough-and ready operators, Day had the reputation of being an ex- ceptionally clean player. And while it is undoubtedly true that he never performed any great amount of bodily mayhem on his opponents, what he used to do to their morale !• something else again! * « * Deceivingly powerful â€" he had more strength in his arms than al: most any athlete we've ever knovv-n â€" Day could hook an enemy out of the gay, and keep him under restraint ng enough for a Leaf attack to get organized, so smoothly that, un- less you were specifically looking for It, you'd never notice what was being done. Too, the innocent expression pa his face when the maddened "hookee" took a swat at him â€" and â- 0 got himself penalized â€" was es- pecially maddening. He was a real artist at it, make no mistake about that; and while "Happy" was â€" and is â€" his generally accepted nickname, "Clarence the Clutch" was what some of his disgruntled opponents used to •all him. « * * But for all that, there's Utile doubt that there's far too much of this hooking and holding today, both in professional and amateur hockey, and tfiat it's doing a lot to spoil the game for spectators. Except in very rare instances, there's no occasion for a player to raise his slick higher than his waist; and if the officials would make the boys keep their tticks down where they belong, we'd fte a lot more hockey, and a lot less tf what resembles a "scrum" in Eng- tfsh rugger. ^ This is not a book-review culuinii, i. which is probably just as well, be- __^ tause we. generally get round to ^ reading a worth-while book any- _^ where from 3 to S years after it has gone out of print. Still, to all "^ th-iBtre fans who remember the *" great days of Montgomery and â- * Stone, we recommend â€" if you *• haven't already done so â€" reading '^ ROLLING STONE, in which Fred â- ^ Stone tells the story of his life in â- ^ a highly interesting manner. »"i-» « ♦ ♦ -»- Stone was probably one of the _... greatest natural athletes who ever I » lived. As good a judge as James w^ J. Corbett told him he was good tnough to be a champion boxer, but advised against it. He played basebajl well enough to be a big- leaguer had he so chosen; and could hold his own . li the best at trap- .« shooting, roping, rodeo work â€" < anyljhing, in fact, he had a notion of "^ ^ taking up. Nor does he tell of such "" .,. things in any way of self-praise, ^ limpjy as happenings along the J « way. _ * ♦ * •â-  H^B skating experience is of in- > terest to Canadians. He first tried that S'port hile on a visit to Tor- onto; â€" and didn't do so well at it. ^ Years later he had the notion of -f doing a figure skating act on the ^ atage, and set out to master the art; ''' and inside a few weeks had done •* 10 to an amazing extent, in fact T t' e act was one of the hits of the -r ihow. -». * « » r You sec, 7i'hal nobody had told ♦ Um was that the skates he Uicd in J. Toronto were of the hockey variety J,â€" with the long straight blades â€" ^••(2 that even Barbara Ann Scott or ^ Sonja Hcnie would have a hard time tutting many fancy figures on them! 4 " 4. "* And Plenty f "Lovt makes the world ^ found." * ''Yes, but it takes money "^Kuare it" ffo to Young Canada Carries On! â€" ^And such carryings-on! Some o£ the older folks may say. Still, it's lots of fun for the younger folks, and probably not any sillier-looking than the square- dance, the one-step or the Charleston appeared to oldsters of bygone eras. It's a scene from CANADA DANCES, the National Film Board picture illustrating what a great part dancing has played â€" and is still playing â€" in the development of our Nation's social life. Dancing's Fun for Young and Old "Victory Day, New Year's Eve or plain high spirits, whatever the occasion, if it makes you happy, tradition will get you. You'll dance." These are the opening words of David Catton, the commentator who speaks to you from the screen as the film "Canada Dances" un- winds before your eyes. "Canada Dances," a National Film Board production which will be seen ' â-  many -ural Ontario com- munities this winter, i« the story of dancing in Canada. In many re- spects, we in Canada are lucky, for with our divergent backgrounds we have inherited almost all known forms of the dance. Listen again to the commentator: "It doesn't matter how you dance, who you dance with or where you dance. Once you're in the mood, you'll dance I You don't have to learn. It's as easy as breathing. You shake your shoul' ders, beat your feet, link hands or arms â€" and let 'er rip." "In it's most perfect form, the dance becomes art. Ballet's rich- ness of color, music and precise movement is carefully thought out in advance â€" none of this spur of the moment stuff. For ballet, like the tribal dance from which it grew, expresses not only joy and cele- bration, but man's mystical beliefs, his hopes, his fears â€" his life." Canada Has Both There you have the extremes: the happy-go-lucky, informal and spirited dance, and the serious, sym- bolic ritual dance. In Canada we have tRem both. And the "in-be- tween" dances? We have an abun' dance of these too. In Canada's early days the no- madic Indians developed elaborate ritual dances for the purpose of imploring the spirits of rain and good hunting for food, the spirit of war for victory. Their prayers were Michael, One-Time King of Romania King Mihai (or Michael) of Ro- mania, who ab'ii.ated a few weeks ago, was born twenty-six years ago, son of Carol, who is now in exile in Portugal, and of Helen, who was a Greek princess; was educated in the palace in Bucharest, along with twelve commoners picked from vari- ous walks of life to be his com' panions, first came to the tlirone when he was not quite six years old; his father, Carol, had abdicated to pursue Lis life with Magda Lu- pescu. A regency ruled, and Mihai was left to his toys and pony^. When Mihai was nine Carol came back to the throne, displacing the boy. In the early days of the recent war young Mihai became king for the second time, wlie Carol fled again; The Nazis were now in effective control of Romania. In 1941 when the victorious Russians were driv- ing into Romania, Mihai locked up the pro-Nazi Premier in a vault and switched his nation to the Al- lied side. For eight days he actually was ruler; then the Russians took over, making him a figure-head one* more. He amused himself by reck- lessly fast drivir ; of automobiles and speedboats, almost tore the w'ngs off the light training plane in which he learned to fly because he insisted on simulating dive bomb- ing. Sonja Henie won the figure skat- ing champion.ship for Norwav in the 1928, 1932 and 1936 Winter" Olym- pics. the beat of tomtom and moccasined feet. . The early pioneers, both British and French, carried in their hearts j^ the traditions of the lands they left. In their settlements, after the hardships of the day were over, they joined hands in the steps and melodies of the reel, the jig, the quadrille and the passepied. Today these dances are as much alive as they were one hundred years ago. From Overseaa Later settlers, among them the Scandinavians, Finns, Ukrainians, Chinese, Dutch and Poles, also came to till C.-.nadian goil. They, too, brought their dances. Happy dances, rythmical, colorful and varied. All these dances flourish today in the countryside, and even in the industrial cities. But the industrial age, bringing with it the roar and speed of transportation, the whistle and shriek of factory, the chatter of machines, has produced yet another form of dancing, "jitterbugging." The dance of the cities is like life in the cities: it is tricky, nervous and fast. It is symbolic of the clat- ter of street cars, the jumping pulse of traffic lights, elevators, skyscra- pers, timeclocks, assembly lines and typewriters. They get the "city- slicker" in a grooveâ€" a groove that fits him for the dance he has come to know best. But â€" whatever the step, and wherever it is done, it is still danc- ing. And dancing, as "Canada Dances" points out, is as old a* man himself. One-Hand Driving A Serious Menace In the hue and cry after the var- ious hazards of motoring that ser- iously affect life and limb, little it said about one-hand driving. This is not meant facetiously. The haz- ard is a real one, says The Insur- ance Magazine. Modern cars steer so easily that there is a constant temptation to take one hand off the wheel, to drive with the other, perhaps even with but one or two fingers. Men- tal rela.xati^ accompanies this practice. Any sudden emergency, a blowout, a child dashing between parked cars, a sudden skid, finds the driver physically unprepared, unable to cope with the situation. Elementary, isn't it? Yet how many of us are completely free from criticism on this score? Both hands on the wheel, pleasel This Age "And what did you learn in Scripture lesson, dear?" asked mother. "Oh, all about the Ten Com- mandos," replied Tommy. Classified Advertising BD8INB88 UrPOUTDNiXIBS kN OFFBR to mer> inveiitorâ€" L,l« o( Uitmi- tlooi and full iDtormaUos sant tna. Dm fUmny Co.. Reclatcred Patent Attoraay* ITI Bank Stmt. OtUwa BABI ORICKb Uonkton Poultir Cblrka â€" Tou buy baby otalcka Cor on* rcaaott. To rseelv* dlTi- dendfl on your Investment, you muat bo cer- tain where your money la Inveated. Wa otter you baby chlcka from a Poultry Farm with erery brredar pullorum tested and roverncnent baoded. Take advantase of our early dis- count Write tor our 1948 cataloiue and rrlce Hat. Uonkton Poultry Farma. Uonkton. Ontario. Four- Week-Old Pullets Two, three, four week and older pulleta February hatched. Start with early batched chicks and »et the high pricea for eras next Summer and early Pall. L.arse Type White Leehorns and aeven other popular breeds. Send for price Hat. Monasement Guide and catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter Ontario UViC Hurondale Chicks 12j4c All Breeders blood tested, banded, and In- spected and backed by hleh pedlsreed found- ation stock. Sussex x New Hamp., Rock X New Hamp., Barred Rocks. New Hamps mixed 12Hc, pulleta 26c. Llsrht Sussex Mix- ed 14c. pullets I7e. Laree type Leghorns mixed Wic. pullets :6c. All heavy breed cockerels 4c. Medium breed Zc. JI.OO per 100 down balance C.O.D. Order from end enclose this ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RING THE BELL with Schummer'B Quality Chicks, Qovem- ment approved. R.O.P. Sired. Make no mle- take. Catalocua Free. Schummer'a Hatchery. Unwood. Ont. rOB 8AUB PIANOS SOLD â€" BUDGET PLAN 10% DOWN olitatean months to pay. AU pianos are completely factory reconditioned, reflnlsbeU, tuntd Ilka new. We have a very large selection of rarloua makea. Writs to- day for further Information on terme and planoa In stock. Furniture Salea Company, S21A King Street West. Toronto. HARL£Y"DAViDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts ard Service. Beri G Kennedy a Boo. 410 College St. Toronto CRAIGIELEA Whits Holland FoulUi We sell poulU tlial live and grow Into fine sturdy mature birds for the retailer who wants plenty ot 10 to IS lb. dress d females, and lli to 18 lb. toms. which are moat in line with prevailing weight demands.- This breed is naturally heavy lay- ers and less susceptible to leg and joint diseases. We have had our breeding flock Government insiiected. banded and blood test- ed without a single reactor. Place your order early to insure booking Craiglelea Turkey Ranch, Waterdown. Ont. 320 ACRCS, going concern, three sources income. Timber, Farm, Beaver, all cash or part trade, balance cash, immediate pos- session. Write £!. C. Coupland, Oolden. B.C. Danish Brown Leghorns. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds. All «ovcmment ap- proved which means Government inspectors Inspect our brood flocks and hatchery and which assures yon high quality chicks. Write for prices. Cochrane's Poultry Farm. Rldge- town. Ontario RAISING CHICKST Special price for March. April â€" heavy breed cockerels. 4o. medium weight hybrid cockerels, 2o, Lieghom cock- erels, lo. Seventeen years hatching chlcka for satisfied customers. Live arrival guar- anteed. Get full Information. Frank Edwards. Watford, Ont. Broad- Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults Reserve your order for 1948. We turned down orders for &0.O00 Poults last season. Poults all hatched In brand new special tur- key Incubatora, all turkeya (no chicks). We expect there will be more money In turkeya in 1948 tban 1B47 aa It la likely feed prices wlh be cheaper next summer when the new crop comes alon^. Send for turkey manage- ment guide and price list and tjook your order for 1048. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario CHICKEN crates. Range Sheltera. Colony Houses built on order. Saudera Woodwork. St. Jacobs. Ont. REGISTERED, Smooth Fox Terriers. Cock- er Spaniels. Puppies, open and bred bitch- es. Acme Kennels (Reg'd.), 81 Edith StreM. St. Catharines. Ont. Dial 2-G545. Oxford" Approved Chicks live, lay and par. They are the results of twentytfwo years ot careful selection and breeding In O.B.S. They have to be good, because ws want the very best kind of chicks tor our own flocks â€" big, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks â€" White Leghoma â€" Hamp. x Rock Crossbreda â€" Hamp X Leghorn Crossbreds â€" Rock x Leg- horn Crossbreda. Write tor free folder. The Oxford Farmers* Co-Operatlve Produce Com- pany, Limited. 484 Main Street. Woodstock. Ontario. BIG, Husky. Heavy Breed Cockerels, special for Feb 16th and 28rd. $2.00 per 100, also non-sexed chlcka and pulleta at bargain prices. Write today for prtcellat and free calendar. Big Rock Farm. Mllle Roches, Ont. Rock Cockerels FOR February and March, our Barred Rocks are fast feathering and bred for livea- ablllty and fast growth. Hanes Poultry Farm, Jerseyville, Ont. NO MATTER whether you are raising cliick- ens for the egga thoy will produce or to sell aa broilers or roasters, you can make more money if your chicks are from Quick matur- ing, heavy laying ancestrj-. Our experience has shown that the chicks making the fast- est growth and maturing earlleat are moat always the ones that make the best egg records afterwards, so even for broilers and roasters It will pay you to buy good stock of known egg bred layers. We have the follow- ing pure breeds to choose from: White Leg- horns, Ulack Minorcaa, Anconas, Brown Leg- homa, Barred Rock. White Rock. New Hnmp- i(hlro, Rhode laland Red, White Wyandotte, light Sussex, Black Australorp. Jersey Wlilte G lant also 12 hybrid crosses, all from Govern- ment Approved pullorum tested breeders. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Quelph, Ontario. BABY Chicks from an R.O.P. Breeding Farm Hatchery. It costs no more to buy the beat. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for price list. Blenheim Hatchery, Blenheim. Ont. IT'S HENS In the nests that pay the bills. Tour success In the poultry buslneaa depends on the quality of the chlcka you buy, not on the quantity. Because the sons and daughters of every family are judged by their fathers and mothers, it stands to reason that good breeding and good blood lines must be pres- ent If the chlcka are to become quality Pro- ducers. You cannot expect high egg laying quality In young pullets unless they have high producing parents. It costs no mors to buy our chicks and costs no more to feed them than It does ordinary chicks. Tet the numb- er of eggs you should receive will usually return extra profits. Tweddle chicks have always had the reputation ot steady, laying of lots of large eggs. This year you will def- initely want the best chicks available to return the greatest possible profits on your investment. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LIFT trucks low platform one ridinv type, gas powered, capacity 6000 Iba., tlTCO.OO. and one walking type electric powered oapao- ity 4O0O Iba. with charger. SISSO.OO. Box i, 78 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. SMALL Machine Shop completely equipped with email toola. electric ahop equipped tor motor work, teat beach 25 cycle, many apare motors, welding sautpment. Woodworking shop can be bought outright or In separata sections. Mrs. deo. Hall. 83 Nelson St. W., Brampton. Ont. aUNS, ammunition, expert repairing, ra- blulng, high claaa flailing tackle. Ted Uaa- orek Sporting Oooda. 220 Ottawa St. M., Hamilton. OPPORTUNITT to buy fine Jersey bull, I years old. Basil Carnation Duke (ll>St8), Sire. Brampton Succeaa Basil (104288). Sire of sire, the sensational Brampton Baallsus (01299). Dam. Crescent Carnation Actor (88402). Mature class. 10,262 lbs. milk. (.29 lbs. butterfat. testing B.16%. Fraser Fergus- on. R.R. I. Gananoque. Ont. BATTERT-OPERATBD Radio Set for sale. Deforest Crossley Corona model, 8 tubes, specially equipped with Romaco Qllminator for us with either storage battery or dry cells, ^ew cost over 8800. Make offer A fine and lasting gift. Box 151. 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. CHOICE light amber honey, case ot six 8- lb. palla. S18.20 F.O.B. Barrle. It flag station. Include frelsht charges to prepay shipment. Stanley R. King. Bayvlew Ix>dge Apiaries, Barrle, Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for cash. Write Box 304, FerglM. Ont. TURKEY Poults. Broad Breasted Bronae Breeders and Hatchery under Gov. regula- tions. Write (or Information. Ivan Mullen, Addison. Ontario. Seeds that are dei>endabLa for Garden Lovers, Market Gardeners; Write for our free cat- alogue Ontario Seed Company. Waterloo, On tario TURKEY poults for sals. Broad breasted bronze turkey poulta, Canadian Hatchery approved. New incubators. Breeders govern- ment banded and pullorum free. No reactors for two years. Poulta from eggs gathered on our own farms. We select for vigor and meat type. Send (or fotdsre. McKlnlay * MoColI, Lambton Turkey Hatchery, R.R, 5. Forest. Ont. HAIRDRKS8IN0 LEARN Halrdresaing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding ola aa e a Robertaon's Halrdresslns Academy. 18T Ave- nue Road. Toronto MEDICAL W.\NTED â€" Every suffered of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa I'oatpald 11.00. BOWMAN'S Rub, an effective remedy tor sinus trouble, flu. swollen glands, bronchitis, weak eyea. swollen throat. Address 889 Queen St. W., Toronto. Price 12.00. CHICKS THAT ARE STRONGnR. KASIER to raise, and lay better, from 4 ono high production breeders. Leghorns. Rocks and Hybrids. Miller Poultry Farm, flarkson Ontario. FRUIT JUICES; The principal IngredlenU in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro'a Drus Store, 336 Blctn, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breeding plant, over 10.000 breeders Inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have had years of continuous success with Lakeview Chicks. This year It may be even more important to buy the best, Ur. and Mrs. Norman Mollard of Parkhiil, Ontario, have had 16 consecu. tlve years of continuous success with Lake- view Chicks. Why can't you too? Start your chicks early. There will be a shortage ot eggs next Fall and prices are bound to be hisfaer. Send for large illustrated catalogue and Poultry Management Guide with big early order discounts. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. E.xeter, Ont. UVEINQ AND CLEANING HAVE VUU anything needs dyeing or clean- InB? Writs to us for information We are glad to answer rour questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Tnnge Street. Toronto. Ontario F4IR SALE BflJST quality No. 1 pasteurized honey. 12 tins 4 lb. for $1*1.76. The Henderson Apiaries. Box 36, Carleton Place, Ontario. OPPOBTONITIKg ro» WtlMEW BE A HAIRDRESSER lOlN CANADA'S LBADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslni Pleasant dignined profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest ayatem Illustrated oata- logue free Write or Call MARVEL aAIRDRDSSINO Sf:H(XJl.3 368 Bloor 8t W , roronto Branchea 44 King St., Hamilton A 74 RIdeau Street, Ottawa UPPOKTUNITLES FOB UKN AND WOl BECOMB TBUSaBAPHRB Commencing salary 8176 monthly. Bis d» mand. Learn at home with selt-tesrhln machines. Very practical career. Free foUMr describes. Write Cassan Systems. Toronto NEBD Immediate steady incomer Send lis to Green's, 116 Oxford. Toronto, tor Mall on tested mail businesses begun oo slio^ string. _^____^^_^^ PATENT8 I'biTUEUSTONAUUll * Company Patcol 8rillcitnra Eataijiisued 1880, 14 King West. roronto Booklet or Information n request. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING Before Christ", woodar. ful book free Ueglddo Mission. Roebastar 11, NY STAMPS of ail kisds bought, pay 60 cents per 100 for used Elisabeths. Barchlnab Brantford. Ont. THE book for every home, eight hundred household helps. Two dollars, post Pali. Order C.O.D. or write Zalek Vertieb, Bngts- hart. Ont. PIIOTOGRAPnif Uuskoka Photo Service. Barlochan. OttC Rolls developed and 8 prints 35c. IS-lt piints 40c. Work guaranteed. SKATBRSI I Save your dollars. Orsbota Skate-Sharpener really shari)ens skates ef- ficiently, quickly, easily. All metal. Rust- proof. Precision Adjusted. Guaranteed, Post* paid 76 cents. Mofiney's Specialties. Box if, Levis. Quebec. Free- Wheeling Smith, a reat cyclist, never rode a l.orse until he stayed with a sporting uncle, and accepted aa invitation to follow the houndi. He borrowed a young horst which at first went steadily, then, startled by a rabbit, broke into a mad jallop, and his rider wu th I'wn forward. "What on earth are you doinc with your arms round the horse's neck?" asked his uncle, mystified "I'm feeling for the brake," cam* the muffled reply. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CABB FIRB and THIEVES. We have â-  sin and type ef Safe, or Cabinet, tor aar parnose. Visit ns, or write for prleOt etc.. ts 0«pt. W. j.ficJ.TAYLDR UMITCO TORONTO SAFE WORKS 188 Front St. E.. Toronto EstsblUbed ISSB HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers AttentioD â€" Conault your neareat Harnaa Shop abont Staco Hameu SappllM. Wa mU our iroodt only throuKb your local Staeo Leather Goodi dealer. The goodf arc risrbt, and eo are oar pricee. We manafacture In our fae- toriee â€" Hameia, Bone Col- Ian, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- Icata, and Leather Travellins Goods. Insist on Staeo Brand Trade Marked Goods, and ynn "ct «Bti«fsrtinn. Mdrtp orif hv SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E.. roronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THERE'S QME THING FOR RELIEF, f^tantine /e TABLSTS POR 2Si ISSUE 8â€"1948 BKAUTIFUI* Walker foxhounds. 7 nionlliB. Write for pedlsrre« ami price. Reslstfa- tiona pending. W. T. Hanlcy. Gait. Ont. HATCHEIlY-poultry farm ot^ 10 acrea~with 2 deck henhouae for 1600 liena, HO, 000 inc- ubator. ba«ery broodera, large furnace, hot Hnd cold water, preaaure Bystein. cattle â- table, comfortable S room brick house with conveniences, adjoins tow^. Selling: equipped or without. Wm. Poarce. Realtor. Bxeter. POPâ€" Out Of This World I tHKT WOUkO Btft.\t4ft OLD JOCK. BA^OK'^r TO I-IVS ACiAIN ? K«U_EC> AUU Twe oTvun PM-fEMTS! ft By J. MILLAR WATT kmmiifmik'Kr' ^^r^=S: A

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