Help The >vrt<t>wtaMMt>n» i^>niv>«****'i< Red Creif 4 Synopsis CHAPTER XXVIII: Valdcz en- counters a posse, hefidcdby Hask- ell in pursuit of the fafse Cabellero. After directing the cattlemen away from the outlaw, V'aldez heads for Gold Creek determined himself to find and unmask his impersonator. CHAPTER XXIX In Gold Creek's only saloon, Juan- ita de Cucvas sipped a drink she did not want and kept her eyes on the door. But her time had not been wasted while she had been waiting â- for the appearance of Mich- ael Valdez. She had already im- presjjed on the non-talkative bar- tender .the iffict that a young man {ro(^the Rio was pretty lonesome in thi^ .country so far away from, the border, and traved nothing so much ai a chance to sit down, play cards Or just talk and talk with some friendly stranger. Michael N'aldcz was such a man. when eventually he entered the sal- oon. Nosowl would ha^e imjigincd; he had ever seen the'bedi'asgled Mexican youngster before, but he hailed hint /cheerfully and ii|i th^ *pi{4 of jca<naradetJ« ;of , aijpn. incet* i ln|j oij Jli trail-Hfll^^c'i^llf J, m|l^ who had a' mutual Sp.inlsfi back- ground. • « * V f* being ^£«^j5* h*h-i+«n3iSiSJ in â- the weather, the trail, the town. The bartender winked at \"aldcz as if lie would wa*lkrf'l?^j(H^ro tji6\lie )(i{a4 in danger/Sr na^Hn^ his'^eari tiifeitd' flabby. "You play^ kW pf^ l?"<'M'J' Juu.iita fii:;il!y a .!?e.lV'^'iHnniBgiw'iae^. ly with pleasure at the ilr.uce of companionship. S!ie appeared over- joyed at V'alde^i.siy5;^i^5)«g^i^; "fii od! We sit in far corner, no? \ aldcz winked hark at the bar- temler.,-,,,! {l\]^ _ j,.>|, „,^,^. "N'othing more important to do," he drawled, and followed his pre- th â- room. They sat down, the girl iti the peon boy's clothes talking iWiftly as she shuffled t'tie' cards, apparent- ly intent only on the game to come. "There is miich news, senor/' she said, her voice almost a v/h sper. "All bad." She began to deal. "First, the killer. you would know sbout, the man .who the cross, iridef water. He kiiowa what he is s|bout. Where, he. goes, I still do not linow:. It was as if he leaves the riv|r on wings." â- ' Disappointment ' never Jrked Michael Valdez. Ldst scents ^ould always be found if a man .were patient. .;.?:'•' 1 "What else?'' he asked. f "I have not given • up hop^ of finding the. trail .he fwllowed, *hen sudd«i}ly l see, (ire in^the valley ber • low. Tjie,re, arej^hpts. 1 ridei like - the wind, hut I find only a Head man, the still red ashes of a cjying shed, and a much bitter' young hombre." . Valdez nodded. "What thenp^^ "The young hombre speak to mCi- senor, and he accuses cattle ncii )«,- tH^ north cn(i,o| ,tB« 'v^llc c By^ 11(1, o| ,tB« 'v^U f :th^ j set [of hii lii^.*^^ who' ifafsjey^s ii{d ;tnp i set |oi lusl jaw > ' kniw Ik: Ivlllii^ .*^^ whol woi^d alone, if he must â€" ^liecause I aia forced to tell him that it is l^i* brother Sam lie is looking f ir wlii" then^'y&ijMjk^ai ijfi the cros: ," ', y ' lou tninlc lie Has reason to sus.-<. pect the cattlemen?" N'aldc? askci<L ; ,"VV^«>.{i^"'fl*^3^ i talk wit othfer,^'. 1 iilet^:Hij^e*-^^ff|!e tbbacco me , some cattlemen. It is the oUl story, (sci^riiig.oiwl for one is bad or thV" ' ,(>^hpiv.^d(cacli calls the otl :r d0g.- But this I knowâ€" that the idcr at'- ' the cross who hung the hor ther^:, ombre who was a^;., and set fit : to | jt â- > aad^killd^M^v this sign |l have~ retci'<iiW*hi-l.ctrays far." 1'"^' "And'-'tfiat^'^'ler in the r d sapft and red neckerchief mask i-e s^wl^-: out on the range?" Valdez a: ked. •T^iT'ggF'liW'ifHir'fWTirffitttlenipii.., who - pursue- himrâ€" He,- too- rit^ea^.j â- watMifiiiJiHtiiMiftt ..liltfcitho inlheitti fol- lowed last night. This ma|i in Spanish clothe*!. I follow t{>day,j'' • 'senor. To tj'iiti . br<>wn house ncair'' 'ttl£ |Mi»Be4^''4ryinB'''Shed of] last V.night.^V .^>. '•„, ,1 ' â- < â- eves narroWed as helnod- e^ci-^i'iMl^lii-^.' nun elf â€" tiO'. , c A whirl skirt like Sister'j for little Mc Tool Make Pattern 4880 as a simulated juniper with puffed sleeves, round collar, for now. The angelic sunfrock is for •snmmerl Pattern 4820: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. W p, frock,' i?^ yds. 3.')-1h-. iM^c;'H yd! ; contre^, $Mt)(rofk* «»( Hif MrJiit'. fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (15c) in coins (^aHUi-SI raiipo^ bp- accepted) for this ualtern'io rooni 4*1, 7:i A.lelaidc' St.\Vbs«,'tor6ntA.' ifiOWnt plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- â- 'â- .|>RESS, STYLE J^UMPER. Oi.l atm i '. I ,',ir,, =st 'i }r ISSUE '9^1 94« Valdez' ded. r ' "Starling to^ fight back at the (,â- cittl«B«.i)-%igid8J|.. my hrand.T he' "Who can''t^me him, senor?-'. . Juanita dcfendeo. "Death ilriken- twici at him in one "night,. ^li- kdpsiJl that^ou arc'her*, for jl tofd,'. him so. He takes adyatjlage idf the 'fiiifFlfiSrtihi? Rair also jsVcd df t^' ^M^i^'^H^'^A iiVjtoud of yquf' â- ifrSPiwhfth Vie >ilV.use;to fpight- "eii^TTccftiVtir to leave -thpsc lalley fannrr.s iii jicacc. piiicn;''sal)(*" •;. , S'aUlez rolled.a cfearettc, aayejl, all. ace inhttentivcljf, -when efen a sevea7spot \\'iMil(|;.-'-l»ty>e''; takea the trick' in.Tth^'' iart*i^ '; â- '_; v, "tio rriaii caii'*^^ 'jfty 'hraiu ," he said mildly. ';yi\':"«' Juanita took thiSfpoilf'She lia: I note won. â- '•â- . "The youug one will not trad^e •- lailig ou your brand, senor," she ' assured. "When I look iiM th^ , window of his home, I see that he l»lef<ls top imtch^ . I m^ke to go id ' house at^ llefp (l^tti^ ' But i girt coit)es, a girl I hear hint ^^i"!' Ifar^i and who has much grricf' th!|t his l)rothet<;Satn'is' tWere dead. { * * • ; "She tries hard to stop the blood of the young one who is brither. 1 think maybe it is not gooc thit I be at house twice when bad \ lin^s Awaiting a Celestial Vision â€" In Luxemliourg, aiiiazing cures have been claimed by pilgrims visiting a fdrest area where three school-children are reported to have .seeit a vision of the Blessed Virgin. Here two of the three are seen lying on the ground wliere, after sabring the Rosary, they await the recur- rence of the miracle. Authorities have examined the children and report tliein perfectly normal. Sunday School Lesson By Rev R Barclay Warren The World Mission of The, Church Romans 10:6-15; Ephesians 3:8 12 Golden Text â€" How beautiful upon the mountains arc the feet of him; that bringeth good -tidings, that publishepi. peace; that, bringeth goo,d ticiings, of good that publish- eth salvatifln; that saith.unto Zion, Thy God Reigijpt'h!â€" Isajah S2:7. Paul very ' definitely preached Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Book reviews or discourses on po^ litical' phiJoMphics i vVeW not his line. He prCiCUtcd the "word of faith'* ^to, the, jie.sple.- The people, in tui;n, mu^t bcHeve and confess. Salvation is' not of works but of faith.' ThV belief is not. only 'aij mt'elftctuar asseiit to' the fruths of tht Gospel but a personal approp- riation cjf its beijcfits. Jt is a belief "prttQ/.clKhtebusiies?,'!' Then .it .is the urivileg?' erf tU?.- Clir;j'Bti»u..;aji(ll his express duty, to, co.nfcss Ch,risf.-_ r-othet rfaau CK^aept Jesns Christ before rfi'en. A 4JrQfess,ed Chri^tLin..,- camp. On his return .in the spring a friend asked him, "How did you get along? Did the fellows razi you at all?" "Oh; no," he replied happily, "No one ever found out I was a Christian." How different is this sentiflient irom the words in our .lesson: "Whos'oever believ- eth on Him shall not be ashamed.". But before, men ; believe, they must hear. "And, how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?'' There is a sense in which all Christians musj confess Christ. ' Btit there are also those who are specifically and divinely called to give: all their time to proclaitniitg the GochI News. Paul was one of these. . He- was thrilled' with his .inegsagf ., Ife .was 'pften -weary in body but he iiever we^rie<l of the Message. For he, was proclaiming "the iiiisearcha'ble Hches of Christ." Thougif "Paakhair^' a' better grasp of â- . Divtiiie truth- "than " perhaps any lie he 'spent the â- ' will f.f'f in ' thq, lutjiperj. ;didti'ji'tkHovw-. -ijt,iall,\' Ind£««t»if . we â- " t -^-â- ' - - •'â- -â- -..â- ' 'â- ' '--'â- â- â- -â- *'. j 1 l-tiptv. if irlnrll a.i â- 'i-W' •i'-'l'll â- Ybuf ffaridwrjlingji:;: and: You !â- : ., -^.Byc: • â- fAlen-.r.S. /Vrnpit sffF =K5»= hap(^cn, sahe? §0 JL go and camp for yfan. Alf "wise you k lowi .;'A.|1 ?^' t y akiMi lift/^dtj^iit btjowil "Si, senor. I 'stay in town while places close up for the night, talk i,mlhy this one and that one. I leaijn points to tl|e besides cowmdn ' Violhlng." ' "Nothing tliat ( bance some(nie ! being behind all that's hap lenfld since we got here?"; 'â- ' ' (To be .Cgi^hTtted) 5.': : CTmoa.rp«rsoil- cli!t<g« theff iier- ;SD(ia|ity.-^by. changing thcirv writing ?j â- iBitfore.f. ji-clii^ngc -isan; Jjejm^die ' inj, fti^sujri^Jjah^ts i^id pcrsonalil^s.(he_^r , writ#r^.'irius^.,.mi(Jcrst^»,d all i.^the" triyts' of ch^V^'^'t'' which are. ,a fihidra'tlce to'' personal' liapnincss.^ '- The' gVap'hblofei.n '6an ' tiitccf ''the writer'''-t'6- â- 'â- flie-'-flittf 'slfbwn'ih ihtb hahdwririqg,,*-poiattrlg «t>ut atlHhcse- .-..^Icig^tRl'fiStthey.- are: shown' jin the - soqipjt sp-.tli^ thfse ,traits..-of.:?lur-(,^ actej- are, c,l,carlyi,u^;if!rstopd..|'lhc''. knpwic'd_fjp ' of .\yefi|;ties? .pf ^spme personal ''trait and " "cbnsrslcht .ef- fort tb eliifiina't'e' It Vro'ni flic 'yviit-' irg -will eventually give the writer •• cbrtfidenc'e in overcoming the act- ual weakness of charactot. There are,:- however, . spiftg. elements in ; clia|jnging the ;,.h,a,udwriting which, .mijsj b,e .clearly. un^qr?top^l. First there inust bt a' genuine desire to make a chaKgc in' 'personality for the better. • Stfc'bndly, -the wi-itcr' â- must be ftfofilit 'how "to rhake'- /Changes.- frbnl h\\t biA- halntual . I method of writing to a new Vndw ; more. ,. beixqficial. kind of script. Thirdly, .the^e , must be cq/i^istent effort on' tlie , part] of the writer to make this cfiange^and'/tUis rcqiures constant Vigiljiicc dvcr writing liabita.' This tnay Wiedfl the 'practis- ing^ of handwriting or -penmatiship^ each day fot rfSny days to get tjie' desired ;cffeAt in the- s'tfript, ...What -has the liffect b< changing the writing to do with personal habits juid beh(iviour_? In- previous article^ I have pointed .out, "At you think, so will yoii write." Tht effect then is that you change your, mental outlook as you concentrate o. changin^t yoiir writing. On an- other occasion, I. have aaid that you reveal your personality by the trail of itnic you leav^ on paper. Bjr effecting a new and different type of "trail" in your »crip^, yon achieve tflijeffrt! of changing your personality and habits of conduct and behaviour. Of course, do not expect iof*(»fci')WJu/,«w ^cljit toi night ima tC(JiiV«i 'a' dhanjwd' per- • sonallty to-morrow for. If your, hab- its are of long statitlSig, ^o^' 4itl not l^s^i them p^^nji8r^t| ^ j ' , ^, Ow*- VtaJti^ 'ma]/ ricAi4 ^M fc- '' itretHng and\-m*inu(^ff ^trfqnal ;., oMtynt .of mr .hdnAvriliuS by ' stnding an txampit of writmg with 35 etntt and a ttam{>ed,^ ttipattdhsi ' * ud tnvelobt to Box B, room 42L 73 kneW)-: enaugh' - to J«now ' ' thar . ,, . S'i- . . .. knew. ,ar_ tn.ivch as God, yi-e:;W,ou.ld | 'i\Q _ ,c(iu;d_ . .vvitli Cp^^. But +.Pjvtl Itnew the essentials'of. 'salvation. ; t-mlfr ^'iV pfca'cliiii'g' ifiany in Eur- , ope and .^sia w'ere ptersuaded to â- turn from sin to Jesus Christ asi th^r iLordj f(^ S^yioyi^* fie was I a God-s'ent niah and tliere was fruit i from his labour. He shared . the 'JGood -Ne^s -AtRf otheÂ¥s'f -too; -were . sa\eii.i;;- j .ifUVtii i-iilrrrv.-.'i «:'- Because of the Wi^ t^ o^ fiJa \ irt BritaSh iii''fhe''i7t}i-ittd'l8tli^cen- ' irierf;''mt)rert'kn'lia'ff^^^e iii ivft!^ [' Kngtend' vVaS'siiiilggled in'.'.'. ^. ti'/^! •â- • c-vT t- )â- "1.11 'â- "r-"''''- ' turierf; in How. Much Freedorfi For 14'Yiar Old? ,- i f-;«-.<if ;_i'^-:i .^:- *• THEfi'AfHER'' of' a' l-i-yearold ♦laughter is exercised about her * sociaf life. He asks me to set him and.' her I m'ofhcr, on the J right course. ] I'or his part, he is not partial to ; teen-agers hav- ing too many dates, ,but Sug- gests he may be old-fashioned. ' • 'il c writes * me" th'it his' wife thinks it all * right for the girl to go to the '' afternoon show , but only once a * ^eck. And evening dates with- *.out adult supervision are out. * "Our daughter is obedient, and * well-trained, '"e enjoy her full * confidcntt. And we do not wish * to drive her into deception * through measures that are too * harsh. * She naturally feels she should * be allowed to have show dates, * or skating dates, with the bbys. * Will you please outlne a course * to follow in thi.- perplexing proh- * leni?" '% •' * Parent's Prdl^lem It is essential to know some- thing ^'aboiitf soda! 'custom^ of the teen-agerp in • .each co^mmi- ity 'to-'M^ ibk' to' 'â- chart a safe coufrt'i-forf parehts and thehr youngsters. In some small towns, and ii. different sections of this diversified country, girls start bavin.'; dates as young as 13.^ I^ others, not until they-.i^rc. twoiatid three years older. AnS-^it i* i}tfitl|, as important to give youngsters their oroper freedom^ as- it is, to curtail 'it a^^ file' cotiâ- e5t()oiâ- ^t•^ '''â- '' In smaU' < commuBilies, where ' so maujs fanulifs -Jiavei kp^^.wn, each' btfier for'af least a ^etiera- tion, early dating is safir.-tha»C«h : large cities where knowledge of the boys a girl wants to dat^ 'S apt to be limit^. jofbto^^^ih- stances, howeveh^ ft parents iiWe the habit pi inyitii^g tlieir j;ou;ig daufjIrt'tH* siRttot frJe'iids lo<th« 'â- housp,.aafl '. js^., cja^Cj-.j- \o , kup\Jj , ihem, early' dating' "csTn be more" safeWiattSWedJIJOV *!t- r.Mq oJ If a girl knows that her parents are on her side, eager for her to have gogd .times ,and o^ly pre- , scribiflsf '' â- 'SKI' ' jihe - »whch ! they ! feel her judgment is aW,ff(vfl<;,j-sh«4, , | ir usually amenable tc> that dis-" cipline. When she knows they trust her, she is far more careful of her deportment, for sheteis bouitf ai* |J5#fifclji«% |f©l^.:tlie» i-nd tteifc i^«i|^l^i|dlti^.il'ot.: Uh little problems. She knows they realize she doesn't M|E»^;ta»f^e- ,1 go the fun her pwn fricnd_s are having, Jre*'»«lj*itha(ai3^"/160(ttȣ^ they must protect her from choosing the wrong friends and 'igmfiirfi??sm'aTi(reX'fg^'^ Thank heayen for fathers who ' > /â- ' W"i itf.ii't'.ia * their (iaufetterSf ' 'If ' we foun*' ♦ more of - them, we would have ♦- far l?ss fear for tbeit girls. iVhen gtrli have tteii- ' fiistd'Wi IrusI their parcnls and respect them, they fes'pciid to disripUne aiul would scorn to infsiise what' freedom ihey J have. - //. S'^Y^ctrljf "fi^lf'd. paicnl, i perlutps Anne ffirst ran he helplul. i Write her at Box /J Room 421, 73 1 Adelaide St. Ifest, Toronto. .1 KNJOYED BY MORE families than any other I brand of coffee in the I world . . . that's Maxwell I Houses fBecanse of its i extra flavor it's altcayn : "Good to the Last Drop!" kitu iVUt Ki»iiit KOtymv t* The St. Begi; Hotel rUKONTfl * Cveci K«ow Wilk. rab BaU.; 9 mnclc. S3.S0 ud â- â- >â€" Oauhle. S4.BS m M OmU Food. Ulniai ' uid Ocnrlu .•â- .,,,- ,,r . RtJ&WrS' BEAtJTIFULLy CF«|R|I23H£Bi '- ' NIAflABA FALL8 OfP -. C'.^:||.l;ef'^TIU^ » /; t.e are subject to weak. Often the kidneys am to blame, for your kidneys, along with the liver, most filter out im- purities from the Uoodstream. So if you feel tig if 1 kkl- lana- Dr. Chase's Kidney-Idver 'PSSs for over .''baliwpgedb'. Give your system a chance to work propedjb j.Ta[J&. Chaae'e Kidii«r-Uv#fim9uSrTThe name "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. S I INEY-LIVER PILLS Z\?^}^: ,;' ltt*«1i«fSrNew tt^J?<iAJmn»» Royal Fast Rising rJl-DOii'v.Djy Yeast, the modera granule form that's always there wHea you wabt it. No need to keep it in the iceboxâ€" New Fleischmann's Royal Fast -' Rising Dry Y^ast stays irfsh in theiupboard for weeks-^ready' at' any time for speedy action. Just > dissolve accordingltodlreetiotis on the paclcage. IF YOU BAKE ATiHCW^B*-youll be atio^ at its fast rising actionâ€" delighted at the tielect' \0- ' Vi'^'^ltef'ffl" ?e^j}»??.».' gjfes,to bre^a-^- Order t month s supply ol New FleisLlimann'.s Ri)yal . tvj i V 1 nUt:>Rli<ii|jv:Di^ iYrtUrf todfcy; AV*y(S*i grocer's. ,)MKm .)? HDWOJ 3aj^.^JI!^ ,'ip.f ?V-1<' YMHIMUH 4k. I 4 : ^ T * ♦ V * \ '\ \»vj O ZL V^ «\ G < O^NCW