iinwpwwKaawRSi^wiPf ntH B n mmmm J|^e4«e:>da\ , Marcli 17, 19-« THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Hesherton Advance Ppbliiliai on CoUinffwood St., FlMherton, Wednesday of each •reek. Circulation 1,100. Price $2.00 • yeer in Canada, paid in advance; (2.30 per year in the United States. J. THUR.'iTON. Editcr Mr*. Robt. Vause Passes (By Piiceville Reporter) A w^ll known and highly respect •4 resident of this community, Mrs. Eobert Vause, passed away Satur- ^hiy raoning, March 13th, at her hoa« oa the O.DJl., in her r,iM.h year. Hie tate Mrs. Vause had been in lalb>« Health since last .\uKust. mben llieir home was struck by IfefctninK and she received a shock. followins: which she was in hospital l«r tea days. She has been tender- ly cared for by Mrs. R5tz of Dun- foT the past 14 weeks. Deceased was born in London, i'^land, and came to Canada when she was eight years of age. She was married to Robert Vause 41 years ago and she and her husband fai-med succesafully on the O.D.R. sinco that time. Her husband pre- deceased her last November. She was of a kind and loving disposition, a Kood neighbor and friend. Sht- leaves to mourn her passinig one daughter Sadie, Mrs. Tho.s. Currie, and one son, Lloyd, at homo. The funeral of the late Mrs. Vause was held Monday aftermwn. with service being held at her late many beautiful floral tribates, which bore silent messages of synxpathy.l and were carried by John Oliver, John Ritchie, Lc-roy Meads, Bob| Corbett, Jas. Oliver and I. Turner. The pallbearers were; Messrs. W. R. Meads, Robt. Oliver, John Meads, Dalton Corbett, Haiiden Hutchinson and Jas. Oliver. Those fi'ojn a disitance who at- tended the funeral were: Mr. ami Mrs. Cordon Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith, Hanover: Mr. and Mrs. Robt V«use, Dundalk; Mrs. John Vause and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Vause of Cooiksville. residence, i'onducte<l by Rev. A. G Miicpherson, pastor of St. John's United Church, Flesherton, v»4k) dc- livcri'd a splended message atvi left words of comfort to tho.se bereave Despite a wet and disagreeablo day many friends and neighhors p-ather- oi to pay their kst trtbMti- f r spoet to one who was held in the hiprhest esteem by all who knew her. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery, South Line. The casket was surromnded by LADIES AND GENTLEMEN â€" YOUR SPRING SUIT I Y«a can make no misake in placing your order now. During Um paat few days a lot of very amart cloth samples have been received, which will be picked up quickly. TIP TOP TAILOR â€" 3-piece Suits for Men $42.50 TIP TOP TAILORS â€" 2-pieee Suits (coat, skirt) for Ladies $42.60 W, R. JOHNSTON CO. 3-piec« Sulta for Men $37.50, $43.30, $49.50 W. R. JOHNSTON CO. 2- piece Suits for Ladies $S8JS0, $44.50. $49.50 TiMae garments are all cut and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. i^caree goods, 36 in. wide, good weight, soft and well napped. M«w patterns: all sises â€" 9x6, 9x7</2, 9x9, 9xl0Vi^ 9x12, 9xl5f "PIONEER" CHICK STARTER IN STOCK Order now and be assured of your supply. F. H. W. Hickling Zientnl Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. Hellu Homemakers With many peo'ple lool<ing over seed catiiloguos in anticipation of succulent garden- fresh vegetables, it is difficult to settle lo^-n to the prosaic task of talkinj; about carrots and potatoes and turnips. However, we find that there are many new ways of hand- ling those stand-bys to make leaten meals interesting. Ther are other foods recojhmeaded that we often neglect because the family were not enthused at first â€" namely i^rsnips, dried peas beans, and canned pump- kin. SPICED PUMPKIN SVi cups pumpldn (1 can) 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepiper, i/^ tsp. ginger, 1 egg, beaten. Pour pumpkin into saucepan and add beaten egg and seasonings. Heat thoroughly, stirring ft-eqently. Six servings. CARROTS IN ORANGE BUTTER 4 cups cooked diced carrots, 2 tbsps. butter, 2 tbsps. orange juice, 1 grated orange rind, 1 tbsp. com syrup. Combine all ingredients and heat PARSNIPS WITH TOMATO SAUCE 4 large parsnips, 1% cups tomato juice, 1 bay leaf, i/, onion, sliced, 2 whole cloves. FERGUSON TRACTORS The Original ^Ferguson System* Tractor FACTS OF INTEREST L BRITISH-MADE Ferguson Tractors, renowned for ^quality workmanship. 2. "RED SEAL" Continental H^vy Duty Valve-in-Head motor. 3. "REMOVEABLE Wet Cylinder Sleeves. 4. Genuine "FERGUSON SYSTEM" Hydraulic Implements. 5. "FERGUSON SYSTEM" 10 inch 2.furrow Plows^ 6. 'TERGUSON SYSTEM" Spring Tine Cultivators. 7. "FERGUSON SYSTEM" Tandem Disc Harrows, 6-foot, IB-inch discs. This 'FERGUSON SYSTEM" equipment is all immediately available wWk" present stock lasts. NO waiting list. If you are one of the many who have had their names on along waitingl ist â€" act quickly and assure yoursdf of this equipment for Spring. BEAVER VALLEY CKEAMERY Motor Sales and Appliance Division CLARKSBURG, Ont. J. I 4. â- A A. 1 4- 1 tsp. salt and Mi tsp. pepper. Wash and parboil parsnips. Drain and skin, then dice. Comibine with "ther ingredients and simmer 20 mins. Pick out cloves and bay leaf. Serves 6. TURNIP AND APPLE CASSEROLE 2 cups thimy sliced turnip strips, 1 cup sliced raw apples, li/^ tbsps. brown sugor, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. lemon rind, 3 tsps. lemon juice, 2 tbsips. butter. Alternate layers of turnip and apple in casserole. Sprinkle each loyer with salt and sugar, over top put the lemon rind and juice and dot with butter, Bake, covered in pre heated electric oven at 375 degrees until turnips are tender. Bake saus- ages or tenderloin in oven at same time to cooserve fuel. BOSTON BAKED PEANS (pressure cooked) 1 lb. pea beons, % cup salt pork,. 1 chopped onion, 2 tbsps molasses, IV2 taps, salt, % tsp.pep- per, Vfe tsp. mustard, 3V2 cups water. Pick over the beans. Cover witli 4cups boiling water, put on a lid and 'et stand 1 hour. Cut the salt pork in eubfis and lightly Ijrown in the pre- ssare cootcer. Drain the beans and put into the cooker with all the re- maininif if.g'redients. Close the cook- er, bring to 15 lb. pressure and pro- cess ^ minutes. Baked Beans Boston Style with Tomatoe.-*: Omit i/> cup water and add I oup canned tomatoes before pressuring. T^VKE A TIP 1. Burnt vegetables may be salv- aged if caught in time. Shake thean into another pan and add a little cold water. Heat or finish cooking. (Do not scrape any burned pieces into fresh pans.> 2. Sice a Sfpanisb onion into the juice left from a jar of sweet mi.\ed pisldes. Leave in pickling syrup for a weekâ€" then use as pickle . . . very good. 3. Next time you make cream sau- ce, make twice os much as you need and put half of it in the refrigerator to use in a day Or sO. This saves both time and labour. 4. Prepare vegetables to bake, roast or steam in the oven at same time and ~i> conserve electricity. week end with the latter's mother. Mrs. M. Irwin. Miss Mary Hogarth spent a <^y with her aunt. Miss Catherine Stew- art, Reg.N., in Owen Sound. f ANNOUNCING First with III ri-l<-lirdliiiii 111 llie great .SO vrars junt |la^l4â- 'll . . . ami In anticipaliuii of rveii gri'iiler years alirail . . . wc iiinv i>(T<t ibe Dyiiamir Oldhiuobilo for '4U. '"I>\iiainic" i.s nmrr llian just aiii>lli<T iiuiiir apiilied to OliUnioliili- . , . it's an iicliou word, riipiTially sulli-il to the »|iii'ileil pcrsoiiulity of iheM! action-styled, action-difriucercd cars. I'owi^riMl with an cni;in«t already fainoim . . . ili-sjgnril fur llii- iiliiio-( in ri-llaliillty and all aroiinil satl'<fu<'tioii . . . and with an ojilion of "llydr.iiiiatii' gear-rliaii^e", the intiKl amu'/.in^ in<-('lianiiMl iinpnive- incnl in tin: hi'il decade, iIicki' great SOtli Anniversary Dynamic DliUnndiiles are offered ill s|iarklin(i new eoloiiis, attractive new iiiteriorit, pleaiting appoinlinenta . . . and in a wide range of liodv atyle,-). No matter what feature or quality you seekâ€" OldHrnoliile \\a* it. Hydra-iMatic Drive optional at additional cost. DJiVlacTavish & Sons, Flesherton CEYLON Our thoughts are with Mr. Lloyd Vause and his sister, Mrs. Thos. Currie. who were bereaved by the death of their mother, Mrs. Robt. Vause, who passed away Saturday murning. We are very sorry to know thiat Mr. and Mrs. Currie have been quite ill and that Mrs, Currie is at present in Markdale Hospital. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family and hope for an improvement in the health of ths sick folk. Miss Catherine Stewart, Reg.N., of Owen Sound was a recent visitor \vit.h her sister, Mrs. M. Hogarth. We are sorry to learn of Rev Gandier's continued illness a* the home of his son in Meaford. We hope Rev. Gaudier will soon be in better hejtlth. Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Matson and son. Jimmy, of Toronto spent the United Chur«h Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister Balm Sunday, March 21st, will be observed by special services at ESu- genia, Proton and Flesherton, when everyone is invited to join in the the commemoration of the Trium- phal Entry. The junior choir will sing at St. John's. Mrs. A. G. Macpherson will be the speaker at the Easter Thankofifering meeting of St. John's W.M.S Friday evening, March 19th, in the Sunday School room. A special invitation is extended to all women of the community. Eugenia Y.P.U. meets this Friday March 19th. at the home of Mrs. J. Cairn. The tcupic is Christian Cit- izensiiip. Proton Y.P.U. meets this Sunday evening. March 21st, at 8 o'clock in ! the church. I Church membership class at the I Parsonage on Thursday, March IS, 7:15 p.m. Everybody welcome, es- pecially those making profession of faith this Easter. Wife: "Did you know that a great many accidents occur in the kitchens of our hoimes?" Husband; "Yes, and we men have to eat them and pretend we like them." LADIES: READ THIS Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. Harmiess â€" leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refPunded if hair grows hack after third application with no questions asked. Complete treatment $2 postpaid. (C.OJJ.'s â€" postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 335) Box 22, Station B, Montreal I Paint Sale CANADA PAINT and PREMIER PAINT Off colors â€" Quarts 50c Pints 25c Half Pints 15c TO CLEAR Boy's Windbreakers Men's Windbreakers Mackinaw Coats Boys' Parkas All at 20% Reduction 5-Eyelet Rubbers, Men and Boys .... to clear $1.00 GROCERIES Peas 2 for 25c Aylmer Soups 3 for 25c Robin Hood Flour 98 lb. $4.50 Robin Hood Flour 49 lb. $2.30 Robin Hood Flour 24 lb. $1.20 Bulk Shortening 27c Honey 8 lbs. $2.25 0. & A. CO-OPERATIVE Phone 8 Flesherton, Ont. I: It: â- f > t y