Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1948, p. 5

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•4k. A. 4. I I: - * IT » r * ^ ^ V i» r 4. â- 4. d 5 :^ * V » ^ Wednesday, March 17, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 8TH LINE. OSPREY Mrs. P«te Soanien, Mervin, Vin- cent aod Naomi of Brantford spent the week end at their ho>me here. Hhe weather haa taken another obange and is v«ry mild, with rain on Monday. It must be that Spring; ia just around the comer. Quite a number on this line at- tended the hockey g:ain« at Mark- dale P-'day night and all reportei a firood enme. On March 1st the Farm Forun met at the home tff Mervin Davirt- •on and on Mai'?b 8th at the iiome «f Pete Somers. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanley on the arrival of a baby aister for Boi>bie. Quite a numlber from this line at- tended the sale of Mra. C. Heron's household effects at Maxwell Thurs- day. Good prices were realized. fflfir. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hudson and Miss Lavema Smith spent Saturday in Owen Sound. FARM FOR SALE 100-acre farm, Lot S7. Coa. 9, Artemesia, 80 acres workaUe, 20 acres bush and pasture, good build- ings, 7-room brick bouse, cistern; frame barn on Rood stone founda- tion, cement stabling, hydro. â€" Mrs. Fred Jamieaon, Bogenla. Phone: Feversham 30r2. CREAM The tremendous demand for butter which was created during the war is still with us. As it now looks, there will be no interference with its mar- ket, as far as substitutes are concerned, Would it not, therefore, be wise on the part of the pro- ducer, to step up the production by adding to the dairy herd, and a little extra feeding and care. Good business on the part of the producer, and appreciated by the Canadian consumer. Let us again stress the fact, that by stepping up the production, you are helping to keep the mar- ket for butter only â€" not for substitutes. As usual â€" Highest Possible Price and Best Pos- sible Service â€" continues to be our motto. Extra Creamery Service On account of the highways being bare, you can phone us and our truck will meet you at the highway to pick up your cream, eggs and poultry. The creamery will be closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario Springtime Soon ALSO Cleaning WALLPAPER We have on display the most complete range of Wallpapers we have ever been priveleged t» offer you. Your inspection is invited. PAINTS "Tough Enough for Ships" Neptolac Wall and Floor Enamels; Mellow Glass; Varnishes. A Paint for your every need. FLITE Water Paint in all colors KEM-TONE. The new wonrer paint flor all types of walls, including plaster wall board or wall paper. Dries in one hour. One coiat covers practically all interior surfaces withi}ut a priming coat. No paint odor. KE-TONE TRIMS, especially designed to harmionize with Kent- TONE wall colors, are pasted and easy to apply. FOR YOUR SUNDRY NEEDS Paint and Wallpaper remove; Moth Crystals; Rug Shampoo; Floor Waxes (the famous Lin-x non-skid Wax); purnitufe Polishes; Paint Brushes and Kullers; Stair Treads, Light Bulbs; Chrome Moulding. FOR THE WINDOWS â€" Track drape Rods (with or without pulls), Curtain Rods; Valance Riods; Window Shades: Linen, Fibre and Paper; Venetian Blinds. FLOOR COVERING A limited supply of yard goods and rugs on hand AXMINSTER RUGS We have just received a few outstnding quality English Ax- VACUUM CLEANERS Treat yourself to a Vacuum Cleaner; make cleaning a pleasure. BEDDLNG Our usual complete line of Blown Cotton, Felt, Spring-filled Mattresses, Couch Pads, Springs. Beds, Couches, etc. Richards Phone 78w FLESHERTON We Deliver EUGENIA Mr. and MIrs. Joe Porteoua, Max- well, and Ml', and Mrs. Cecil Magee and George of the' village visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mtrs. Bert Magee, 10th line. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and little son, Bobbie, are spending awhile with the former's mother at Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, Donna and Darlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Bradlbury of Dundalk vijadted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ran- ald Parsons. Mrs. Tho«. Stewart, Patsy and Walter, of St. Catharines visited over the week gnd with the former's daughter, Mrs. Russell Johnson. Patsy remained for a visit. Mrs. Wilfred! Mlagee, who has been a patient in Markdale Hospital, is now recuperating at her home on the 8th line. Miss Joyce Patterson, teacher at Eugenia, had her tonsils removed in Markdale Hospital and is now at her parental home near Dundalk. We hope that she will soon be able to return to her teaching duties. Mr. .Toe Williams Jr. of Toronto spent tho wenk end with his parmit?. Mr. and JMrs. Joe Williams Sr. Misses Mary and Isiabel Mclfee and girl friend, also Mr. MacCarthy of Toronto spent the week end at the McKee home. Sunday vfaitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams were: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley, Joan and Waj-ma McMaster, Ken Part- ridge and Mass Radley, Rock Mills. Messrs. Cecil Magee, Jack McDon- ald, Russell Johnson, Bates Fawcett and Melbourne Phillips of *he H.E. P.O., Tsilin^on, were at their re- spective homes over the week end. Mrs. Calvin Boyce visited Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. EldTidfrG Boycc in C^jJlingwood. Her little crand- daughter, Karepn Boyce, accompan- ied her home. Mias Annie Tudor is spending a week or so at Heathcote. PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY Mild weather is again prevailing and a few of Uie residents of this locality have tapped the maples and report a good run of sap. Miss Jileauor EJiis uf CoUingwood spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. iCen Betts, Flesher- ton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. D, u. Vv'ei^iii'. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fawcett of CoUingwood vfisited with Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Fawcett on Friday, Mr, George Haines of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Mrs, Ted McCracken and babe of Flesherton are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hutchinson. We are sorry to report Mrs. Stan Haines ill in the Coilingwood Hos- pital, but hope she will soon be able to return home. Mrs, Jas. Kirkpatrick visited in Toronto for a few days. KOCK MILLS The heavy rain Monday has taiken the snow down considerably, and is now beginning to look more like spring. Master Don Teeter of Vandeleur and Doug Russell of Eugenia spent the week end with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, Miss Helen Betts and friend, Miss Alice Greig of Owen Sound spent the week end with Helen's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Betts. Miss Marjorie Newell was also a visitor with Helen on Sunday. iMlr. Glen Croft of Kincardine was home over the week end, returning to Kincardine on Monday. . Several around here have been laid up with sevei-e colds and 'flu Some were very ill. We hope all the sick will soon be much better. You cannot put millions of drivers with 40-1111 ilo-an-hour vision into 90 niile-an-hour vehicles without disas- trous results, says the president of an optometric associaton. Mrs. Frank Reiley of Toronto is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elford Watters, who is ill, aloiog with her two daughters. We hope they will soon be better and that all other sick folk will be greatly im- proved in health. The YJP.a. wiU be held Friday night at the home of H. Tucker. Mir. and Mrs. Wmi. Mather enter- tained their neighbors to a euchro party Friday nitfht, when .six tables wpre in pl:'.y. TThree prizes were given and were won by Neil Ald- com, Albert O'dell, while Roddie Whiteside recc^ivwi the consolation, D. K. McKinnon, who played aS a lady, won first, Miss Dobb second and Clara Hiltz the consolation. Mrs, Wm. Beaton was hostess to the Federated Farm Women, with Mrs. Jas. Sturrock presiding. The roll call was answered by griving a quick dessert. Considerable busin- ess was discussed. Mrs. Cecil Faw cett gave a very interesting paper on the procoBsingr of cheese, while 'Mr.-' Jim Surrck conducted a farm contest, the prizes beins won by Mrs. r. B. Whittaker and Mi-s. Bert Irwin, The hostess donnted an .irt- icle oil which tickets were sold and Mrs, Newibaur h<^ld the lutky ticket. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Sympathy is extende<i to Mr Lloyd Vause and sister, Mrs Thcs. Currie, on the passing o>f their mo- ther, Mrs. Robt, Vauss. Mrs, Percy Sims spen; Friday in Owen Sound visiting friends. Mr. Stuart Oarson o.i Bo-miian- ville spent the week e'ld with his brothers, Dick and Jack Carson. Mr, Wm. Wm, Meads and Wallace and Mrs, Dan Campbell spent Friday in Toronto, " ' Miss Marjorie MIcLeod, Rog.N., of Swinton Fark is nursing Mr. Thos, I&rrison at present. Mr. Gordon Nichol of London spent the week end at his parental home. PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Air. ad _Mrs. Harold Clark of To- ronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Blackburn. Mr. Stanley Taylor of Ravenna was a visitor with his father, Mr. Fred Taylor. Mr. and Mis, John Badgerow and Ih'jz spi;nt Sunday with Mr. c.r.,i Mrs, Calvin Boyce, Eugenia. Mrs. V. Young and baby daugh- ter are sipcnding awhile with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Plantt. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Fisher. Flesh- erton, spent Sunday with tlieir son, Mr. Lewis Fisher, and family. Mr. Hartley Blackburn of Port Credit visited with his brother, Ev- erette, and family at the week und. VANDELEUR (Inlendfd for Last Week) The Farm Forum held their weekly meeting at the horave of Will Rat- clifFe with about oO jn attendance. Plans are being made for a fowl supper for the members at the close of the seasooi. The Woman's .-X^ssociation held the March meeting at the home of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson on March 3. Mrs. W. G. Bowles gave a paper and ar- rangements were made for a quilt- ing. Lunch was served by the host- ess, assisted by Mrs. A. Fawcett and Mrs. H. I. Gralham. SEED FAIR and Carcass Demonsration will be held under auspices of Prey County Crop & Soil Improve- ment Association AT MEAFORD, MARCH 23, W48 Seed entries required at 11 a.m. Every Grey County farmer is a imeanber. No fee required. Cai-casses on display will be from hogs produced in Meaford district. ALL ARE WELCOME J. Alfred Lowe, T. S. Cooper, President Secretary HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW 4t DISCUSS OUR MODERN APPROACH TO REFORM" IN Queen's Park Report No. 9 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1948 CFRB at 8 p.m. CFOS at 7:45 p.m. In two short years we have added over 257,000 telephones, put in hundreds of switchboards and tramed thouEands of people to extend and improve your telephone service. We ai-e adding more telephones to meet the continuing demtind for service just as fast as equipment becomes available. All this is being done m the face of rising costs. Yet, up to now, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. For you, this means gi'eater value tlian ever before: for us, the satisfaction of providing "the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost". THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 10 -Day Clearance Sale COMMENCING FRIDAY, MARCH 12 "^^ 15% OFF Men's Mackinaw Trousers, sizes .32 to 42; Men's Navy Soft Wool Serge Trousers, sizes 32 and 34; Men's Heavp Tweeds, grey and brown, sizes 32 to 38; Men's Wool Sweaters, V-neck and button front, small and medium ; Windbreakers, sizes 24-34 Boys Breeches, mackinaw, sizes 2fi to 34: Boys' Shirts, Sweat- ers; >VinclbreaKers witn fur-trim parka. Girls' Sweaters, various pretty colors, sizes 28 to 32 Chidren's Sweaters, wool with zipper, brush wool button front, sizes 1 year and up. Grummett*s General Store MAXWELL ^S^O^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND d 12.05 p.m. g 4.0.S p.m. i 8.40p.m. To TORONTO 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. ^ â-  Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London •nd at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa auid North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included QUEBEC - $59.65 WINNIPEG $50.05 HALIFAX 29.60 REGINA - 6L30 ST. JOHN - 46.70 CALGARY - 81.35 TICKETS A>fD INFORMATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont.

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