Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1948, p. 4

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Wcthu-sday, April 7, 1948 Jf^m. ByesHERTON advance EUGENIA Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Sam I\»ul ami family in the 1«M tli'^y Iwive susUintxt in the pass- laf •f i.hoii- hiuAaBd and fallier in lf«rk«la!e Hospital ('n Sunday, after It j«^««»)?<'<l iUnoris, Ho hns been an ilivaiid '"or some yt»ars and was tend- e»*y o«i>d t"r *>y his wife, and was taken !<) At' hospital last weok. Miss Marge Martin i-«tunied irom Torwilo 'J« S^rKfay, after sjionding • tmr days l«st week with her sister U4 tifcer f«ciu(s. She also attomied the O.E.A. gne day. Monday morn- ing she resmncd her teaching duties nt the McKoan Mill aehool. Mr. a'ld Mrs. Geo. Meyers and son and «-ife of Owen Sound were Sun- dttyl visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Re- vculy Spfiicer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. BreaJner spent the week emi in Toronto wibh thoir daughter. Their grandchildren, Joan and George MacDonald, who spent Blaster week here, r»tur»ed to their Wonie witk them. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee and Georgic of the vil'eige, Mr. and Mrs. 1H£ fiesherton Advance :'ubUih«d on Colliiurwood St., FlaaBerton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Price 12.00 a year in Canada, paid in aavaoce; f2.60 per year in the United States. J. THUR3T0N. Editor HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS 'THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN ONTARIO" IN qms nu report h. 12 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1948 CFRB at 8 p.ni. CPOS at 7:45 p.m. Â¥i)f Joe Little and girls of Dund^ik, Mrs. L.iiwsoH White of Flealherton and E*rl Magee of fclington wcie Sunday visitors with Mr. and M»s. Bert Magee aid Jim, 10th line. We are soriy to report Mrs. Robt. Haney on the sick list again. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spanhouse and little son visited on SuTiday with ftiends iii Dundalk. Walter Stewai't I'eturned to St. Catharine*, after spending his Easter vacation at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and family spent Sunday with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John- son, south of Fl-eshorton. Mr. Robt. Purvis has returned to his home, after spending the winter in Toronto with his son, Edwin, We arc pleased to know that Mr. Jake Williams is progressing favor- ably after his illness and hopes to be home when the weathw warms. Mrs. G. C. Richter (nee Shirley Purvis) left Toronto by train Friday, Mareh 2Gih, to join her husband in Oakland, Calif. Good l«ck, Shirley! ' The members of the Red Cross Branch here met one evening recent- ly at the home of Mlrs. J. Cairns to consider dispositien of the funds - on kand. It was finally decided to pay the balance on the church piano and turn the balance over to the Red Cross Society. TALKING ! I Keeping convkrsation.s BRIEF is just one of Uie ways of practicing the maoler rule for the best telephone ser- vice . . ."Do unto others as you would like them to do to you â€" and do it first". • • • This tear alone we arc â- pending $4,000,000 so that more farms may have tele- phones with fewer people on each line. FOR BEST RESULTS FROM YOUR TELEPHONtt 1. Keep coHs brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Avoid "listening In". 4. Give right-of-way to emergency caMs. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA CEYLON Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. McWilliam of Toronto and Mr- Geo. Matbewson of Hamilton sipent the week end at the McWilliam home. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Cairns, Flesherton, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. .Mrs. Mel Hogarth had charge of the meeting and -Miss Kate Macmillan, president of St. John's W.M.S., gave a splendid talk on missions. The hostess and her assistants sei-ved lunch. Ml-, and Mrs. Geo. Ja}.'nes and Mr. mill .Mi-s. A. E. Goesscl were hosts ut the final euchre party of the sea- son on Friday night. Miss Ruby Campbell ttx^k high score for ladies an<l Mr. Wylie of Priceville for the men. A presentation of a lovely set of dishes was made to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams, now residing at An- caster. Mr. Murray Marshall of Toronto spent the week end at his home. I'loss' were sung by the choir, with Mrs. .Vii. Hogarth as organist, and were greatly enjoyed by those in attendance at the .service. We are glad to know that Mr. S. Hennphill is steadily improving in health, and we hope, when our warm weather aPl>ears, that he will be able to enjoy it. Mr. and Mrs. J. McWilliam were recent holiday visitors with their son Mr. Chas. McWiUiam, in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Snell, Islington, aad h«r mother, Mrs. Geo. Snell, Ml', and Mrs. Cecil Alexander and family oi Springhill visited on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Mrs. Ghaa. Irish was called to h«r home in Toronto eariy last week, owing to the illness of her husJfc>and. We are glad to know that Mr. Irish is much better and hope that he will soon be in his u.sual good health. Miss Hilda Duokett and Mr. Ii-win Ward of Toronto and Mr. J. Magee of Eugenia were holiday visitors with Mr. f>nd Mrs. Luther Duckett. Master Stanley Wright and sister, Shirley, of Feversham are holidaying at the home of Mr. S. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Mlaurice Wrig-ht flew from South America on Friday to visit his sister, Mrs. Jas. MoM*llen. They left for California for a six weeks stay and will return to visit later with Mr. and Mrs. McMnllen. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Genoe visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dixon, Markdale. Mies Mary MpMullen of Toronto, acconipanietl by Mias Janet Neilson of Toronto and Miiss Jean McMullen of Owen Sound, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen. Mrs. Grace Blackburn, Mr. and Mis. Harold Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and Ralph, all of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mr. Thos. Chappelle of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mrs. J. Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Magee and Mr. and Mrs. El- wood BelleAy of Eugenia visited recently with Mr. and M!rs. D. Cairns. Master Glen and Joan Copeland of Victoria Comers are boliday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell of Flesh- erton visited on Easter Sunday with Mrs. C. .Archibald. The many friends of Mrs. Cecil Fawcett are very sorry to learn of her recent illness and hope for ii quick recovery to Rood health. (Intended for Last Week) We were very glad to learn Rov. (Jandier was able to have charge of the Easter soi-vice in Ceylon United church Sunday (.venin,g. Two anthoms "IL' .-Vrose" and "The Old Rugged Born HAMIILTO'Nâ€" At Dr. Grove's Mem- orial Hospital, Fergus, on Friday, April -Znd, VMS, to Mr. and Mi-s. Bert Hamilton (Lorene Johnson) twin daughters. HUTCHINSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's N'Lirsing Home, Flesherton, on Fi'i.. April 2nd, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin Hutchinson (nee Betty Corbett) of Priceville, a daughter. Linda Jane. /^^ THE income of many Canadians will be increased this spring byâ€" • The refund of the Compulsory Savings portion of their 1942 Income Tax. • The falling due each month of War Savings Certi- ficates. Invest in Canada Savings Bonds KEEP these funds on deposit with us until you have accumulated enough to purchase one or more Canada Savings Bonds in $50 or higher denominations. You can buy them through any branch of this Bank. DIED I'AUiLâ€" At Markdale Hospital on Sunday, April 4th. 1948, Samuel .Tames Paul, in his Tlth year. Re.stinu: at his late residence at Eugenia. Service in Eugenia United Chinch On Wednesday, AprH 7th, at 2.;i0 o'clock p.m. Interment in Flesh orton Cemetery, under Masonic aus- pices. STEPHEN'S CORNERS THE CANADIAN BA^K OF COMMERCE Fleshetron Branch : R. B. Heard, Manager I Our coiiLniunity has again been saddened when news spread that Mrs. Tels. Allison had passed away Sunday night. Mrs. Allison had not been well for some time and Satur- day had sulVered a stroke from which she failed to rally. Our deepest sym- pathy goes out to the bereaved hus- band and family, and other relatives. We are sorry to report that Mr. David Winters had the misfoi'tune to fall a week ago and break his right arm, and also that Mr. Barl Croft is beilfast. We wish both a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart and family of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and M'rs. Clarence Winters and Mr. David Winters. Misses Hazel Fenwick and Ethel Fenwick, Reg-N., of Peterboi-o enjoy- ed a trip to New York during the holidiiys. Mr. Wildon Lougheed of Richmond Hill, accompanied by his mother. Mrs. Mary Loughee<l of Brampton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Loug'heed. Mr. and Mrs. Eimerson Wright visit- ed recently with Shelburne fiienls. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Timson and Mis. Redge Londry apent the week end in Toronto. Visitors oil' Sunday at the .Allison home were: Mr. and Mrs. K. Wright of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke of Shelburne and Mrs. .las. Stewart of F"leshi'iton. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Allison and Mr. UctlKf .-Mlisdii of Toronto arrived home on Sunday. Hypocrites What is a Hypocrite? W«riihi|» with us this Sunday, and hear this subject discussed. SUNDAY APRIL 11th, 1948 11.16 a.m. â€" Worship at St. John's (Sunday School 10 a.m.) 3M p.m. â€" Worship at Inistioge (Sunday School at 3 p.ni.) 7.3« p.m. â€" Worship at Eugenia (Sunday School at 11 a.n>.) A. €. Macpherson, Minister G. A. Cairns, Sec. Official Board UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA * 40, A- â- < A 4 "^ V.>* THE NEW ^Ferguson System* Grain Drill LARGE CAPACITY SEED BOX DRILLS THREE TO 13 ROWS CONCAVE DISC OPENERS RIGID. ONE PIECE FRAME PITOTING ACTION OF AXLE AIDS PENETRATION POSITIVE CHAIN DRIVE GRASS SEED ATTACHMENT FBRTILIZER ATTACHMENT MOUNTED ON RUBBER TIRES For the first tinae in many years, a basic improvement f«r more accurate seed drBling has been developed. It is the adjastdble internal run feed of the new Dempster lSx7 in. Single Disc Grain"- Drill ior the Ferguson System. The new feed eHniinates obanginig of sprockets or shifting of gear ratios when you want to change seeding rate. With it, you can adjust seeding rate to meter any size of seed, from clover or alfalfa to soybeans, with amazing accuracy and convenience. Tke H&w adjustable interaal nm feed prevides easier change of seeding rate than with a fluted feed. It provides even greater greater accuracy than the double internal run feed. "FERGUSON SYSTEM" Grain Drills can be delivered to you immediately, from stock â€" NO WAITING. MOTOR SALES & APPLIANCE DIVISION BE.AVER VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg, Ont. .jS^ II I rz I , c-v I PORCH FI.OORI ;.:^tll c. V. PORCH and FLOOR Gives good hard wearing- surface $1.65 qt. C. \'. Paint .... $5.50 gal., $1.50 qt. Sun.set Knamel $1.65 quart We also have on hand Bicycle Enamel Aluminum Paint Varnishes Wagon amd Implement Enamel Varnish Stains Paint Brushes Brush Cleaner Paint Oil Turpentine Dry Cleaning Solvent Good Seelction if SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS We invite you to look over our samples H. C. EBY Phone 16 FEVERSHAM, Ont. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN â€" YOUR SPRING SUIT Yttt can make no misake in placing your order now. During the past few days a lot of very smart cloth samples have been receired, which will be picked up quickly. TIP TOP TAILOR â€" 3-piece Suits for Men $42.50 TIP TOP TAILORS â€" 2.piece Suits (coat, skirt) ftor Ladies $42.50 W. R. JOHNSTON CO. 3-piece Suits for Men $37.50, $43.59. $49.50 W. R. JOHNSTON CO. 2-piece Suits for Ladies $38.50, $44.50. $49.50 These garments are aU cut and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Scarce goods. 36 in. wide, good weight, w>ft and well napped. New patterns: all sizes â€" 9x6, 9x7 '/j, 9x9, 9x10^1., 9x12. 9x15, "PIONEER" CHICK STARTER IN STOCK Order now and be assured of your supply. THE NEW 1948 WALLPAPERS ARE HERE THE LARGEST AND FINEST SELECTION WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER FOR YEARS. DRAPERY MATERIALS An exceptionally good assortment of Drapery Materials in stock. Cretonnes, MonkBcloths, Plain and Colored Dotted Scrims, Celanese Voile, Frlled Curtains, Tailored Curtains, Lace Curtains, Celanese Curtains. F. H. W. Hicklins .'eneral Merchant FLESHERTON, «nt. Â¥ M > M * %> I -« *â-  w T r *

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