Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1948, p. 7

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-A, m A. ♦. A. A Ik â- * %â-  4, is V r * \ < <â-º ♦ 4^- -< I What Goes On In The World By NORMAN BLAIR Italy Late this month Italy's voters- tome 27 milHon are eligihleâ€" will go to the polls and elect the first Parliament under the Italian Re- public. A fierce propaganda fight is in progress, for on the result of this election may hinge the whole mat- ter of at least a temporary peace, or the outbreak of a conflict which may very well flare into World War Three. Of recent years Communism in that country has been growing greatly in strength, principally among the impoverished and land- hungry peasants, who eagerly swal- low the glowing promises of the farms and prosperity that will be theirs â€" after the Russian pattern â€" made by Communist workers. With The Pope as spokesman, the Vatican has thrown its full au- thority behind the anti-Communist drive â€" and the recent proposals by Britain, France and the United States that Trieste would be re- stored to litaly has been a bitter blow to the Reds. But the situation is still highly critical, and no mattpr which side ultimately wins the elec- tion there is almost certain to be rioting and bloodshed before the voting is over, and possibly after- wards as well. Palestine Palestine still remains â€" and is likely to do so for some time â€" a definite danger spot. The British are adamant in their resolve to withdraw entirely from that un- happy country, and who can really blame them? The Jews have ex- pressed determination of proclaim- ing a sovereign Jewish state â€" pro- bably to be called Judea â€" on ilay 16th. President Truman has asked for a postponement â€" not, he explains, an abandonment â€" of the partition plan; but this doesn't seem to offer much hope, seeing that there are plenty of fanatics among both the Arabs and the Jews who would prefer to see the whole world in flames rather than yield an inch from the stand they have taken. The President also called on the Arabs and Jews to arrange an im- mediate truce in order to "avert tragedy"; but Arab representatives would agree to this only if partition is "completely abandoned". So it goes! Should the United States send troops to enforce the terms of partition, there would be nothing to stop the Russians claim- ing the right to take similar action â€" and Red forces in Palestine would be a grave threat to Arabia and all the rich oil territory in that region. Meanwhile, the guerrilla warfare between Arabs and Jews continues without sign of abatement. Scandinavia If the Russians intend to expand still futher into Western Europe, their action will probably take place during the coming Summer and Fall. A year from now tlie nations of "the Atlantic community" should be, because of the Marshall plan, much stronger and better able to offer resistance to such a move, and with the United States likely to be chiefly occujiied with election affairs, it looks like now or never for the Reds. Although communism is by no means strong in either country, peo- ple in Norway and Sweden are jit- tery. With both countries bordered by Finland â€" already in effect a part of the Soviet military system â€" they would appear to be in real danger of Russian aggression, for in diplo- matic circles two fears are being expressed. The first is that Russia may be willing to risk even war in order to gain a quick advantage; the second, that while the Kremlin may not actually want war, the Soviets are liable to make some terrible mistake which will cause one in spite of them. Great Britain In Britain they are still talking about the Communist "purge" â€" for although the newspapers refrained from using so drastic a word, that is â- what it really amounts to. Prime Minister Atlee told the House of Commons that all Communists and "fellow-travellers" engaged in vital security work in the British civil service are to be either transferred â€"or sacked. "I have not forgotten their atti- tude in 1939, 1940 and 1941," said Mr. Atlce, "and the workers of this country are well aware what , the Communist party stands for." Those affected by the purge will range all the way from telephone operators who have Communist boy friends to men like Professor Hal- dane, engaged in important naval research work but also on the Edi- torial Board of "The Daily Work- er". Estimates of the number likely to lose their jobs, or be shifted to other ones, go as high as 10 thou- sand, but will probably be consid- erably less than that. Most of them â- will likely be among those connect- •d with the Ministry of Supply, which deals with atomic and other top-secret weapons. That Extra Day British woman shopper: "And this year We've got to spin the rations out to cover three hundred ai>d sixty-six days." Putting A Spring In Spring spring's here and they know it. So to keep from getting; too large a dose of that lazy spring fever, Diane Van Dusen and Jean Strickland limber up with a game of leap frog on the warm wliite sands of a Sarasota, Fla., beach. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS == ("A Sixbit Critic"^ = Elmer Lach of the Montreal Canadicns won this year's high- scoring title, but his record seems just a tiny bit tainted because of his having been credited with three assists in the final game, these giving him just the margin needed to nose out his closest rival. This brings up, once again, the old problem as to whether or not it wouldn't be belter to do away with assists altogether, and have goals only count in this matter of scor- ing awards. * * It Those in favor of the present system say that with assists done away with, players would show a tendency to ''hog the puck" rather than pass it to a team-mate in a more favorable scoring position. The other side claims that friendly scorers â€" and all the scorers are "home-town" men, not travelling around as do the referees â€" can make a joke of the whole thing, giving assists to players who didn't do more than wave at the puck on its jounicy goalward. * * * Our own idea would be to allow no more than one assist per goal, that going to the last man who touched the puck before the actual scorer; and perhaps there would be something in the notion of crediting two points for a goal, one for the assist. Or possibly it would be better still to do away with those individual awards altogether â€" or to make them purely honorary, with no money attached. Hockey is getting so cluttered up with them that we more than half expect to see a trophy for the player getting the most requests for autographs over a season's play. >(< % * There have been many "long counts" in boxing, the most famous of all being the one in the Diempscy- Tunney affair at Chicago. For years Dempsey claimed that he got all the worst of that one, and that Tunney should have been counted out while outside the ropes. Actu- ally, Jack had no one to blame but himself, the referee on that occa- sion very properly refusing to start tffe count till Dempsey had retired to a corner, instead of standing at the edge of the ring eager to take a crack at Gene as soon as he ap- peared. « * 4i Whether or not Tunney would have been able to scramble back in time â€" if Diempsey hadn't blown his top â€" is still a matter of hot de- bate in fistic circles, and something which can never be definitely set- tled, not that it matters much. Our own guess, for what it is worth, is that Gene could have made it, and would have won anyway. Anyway, Tunney is the man they finally paid off on, which is the most important thing. « * * But now the boys are talking about what seems to have been the long count to end all long counts. It came during the Madison Square Garden fight between Marcel Cer- dan, the French middleweight, and Lavern Roach of Texas. In the second rotmd, according to ring, aiders, Mr. Roach was do'wn on the Mfff's N E mm for pain of RHEUMATISM FOR FAST SURE f^ thstantine RELIEF canvas long enough for two or three counts to be tolled off, one estimate of the time being as high as thirty-two seconds, and even the smallest estimate running as high as sixteen. Cerdan finally managed to stop Roach for keeps in the eighth â€" but in the intervening six rounds the Frenchman must have been thinking to himself, "In America Time marches on â€" but slowly." * * * For a wl'.ilc, after J;ick Kranu-r and Bni)by RiK.«s started out on their i)rofessional tennis maralhon, it appeared almost as if the hoys were playing with one eye on the ball and the other on the liox-office. Ui;o iiiiiln KisRS would win; the next, lanky Kramer would knot it up: and so it went until there was considerable gossip that they had been taking a leaf out of the wrest- ling book, and never forgettinij the necessity of making a return bout seem called for. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Omamintal Trees, Shrubs KvcrRreiMis. linsps, I'prt'iuiials. Cilnds & f:inii:is Large k romplrle Slnrk of All Leading Y.irictieB 500 .\crcs under CuUivnlion Soc our Lcicul Agent iir Write for Free OalaliiRuo & Planling (iuide 0. H. PRTIDHOMME & SONS. LTD., BEAMSVILLE, Ontario. <^ BURNS tSCALDS Sold by all DruKgiili-aZSc, c (lube), 50c and jl.OO 7W TMENT ISSUE 15 1948 Classified Advertising 4UENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Inaectlcldea. Ele>.trlc Fence Controllera, House and Darn Paint. Boof Conllnes, etc. Deal- era wanted. Write Warco tlrcaso A OH Limi- ted. Toronto. ;' . ~ iiusiNKss orrtiimjMi'nKH BABY CHICKS AN Orl'>:R to every invenlor â€" List o£ Inven- tions! and full Information sent tree. The Ramssy Co. ReKlslered Patent, ^ttorneya. 27S Bank Street, Otttiwa BUSINESSES WANTEDâ€" ALL KINDS Wo have clients, some with all cash, who want to purchase various kinds of V»UB:rii .'ises in smaller communities througrhout Onlario: Bakerle.s. Butchers. Tobacco. Ladies' Wear, Beauty Salons. Hardware, Urutr and Gen-ral Stares. Hotels, Dairies. Garaites. Service Stations. Summer Cottnees. Summer Resortr. and many others. None tmi larp« or small. Simply write us Blving full details in strict confidence. Send a small picture If possible. You aro under no nhllKation. We will inspect your business. Call or writo Melrose Keaity. Brokers. 3217 Tonire St , Toronto. Mayfair SOOO. Memiiors of Ontario Association of Real Kwtale Board.s. 6 - 8 - X2 WEEK TO READY-TO-LAY PULLETS 8000 PULLETS available tor April lyid Mayl Book your order nowl It looks us If pullsts will be as scarce as hen's teeth by summer. L;t>8: prices are bound to he high. Keed prices aro Koing d-o-w-n. d-o-w-nl All pullets raised on free range under Ideal conditions. Book your order NOW LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT FUB HAL£ RAnV CHICKS FOUR-WEEK-OLD PULLETS Two, thi-pe. four week and old?r pullets. Start with early-hatched chicka and eel the hlffh I iirices for esKS next Summer and early Pall. Liiiee Type White Lephorns and seven oilier popular I. reeds. Send for price list. Manace- ment (Julde and catnloKue and book your order now UAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM EXETER ONTARIO BAUY Chicka trom an It-O.P Breeding Karin. It pays to buy the best. White Leghorn Pullets 'iSc Heavy Breeds Mixed 15c. Pullets L'6c. Cox r>c. Satisfaction euaranteed Blen heim Hatchery Blenheim. Ont. THIS IS I 111' yt-ar to raise iiouUry l-Jsi; and MK-ai Pliers will be hich this year. Be auie and buy your chirks from an potabllalied rnrirt. All chicks from our farm are Irom (.lovornment approved nnd pullornm tectcd breeders. Write for prices and c-italoeue. Moiikton Poultry Karm;-. Slonkion. Ont. M.\K10 hiKKer meat Hollywood leffhorns. most heavy breeds, oinbed beauttes and eKB protita with They iire as larffe as ThesL' Ueal big. lop- buLked by 30 years breedlTiK for every nuality you need f'>r top poultry prollts â€" Championship llvability â-  to cut chic It iind layer Ioh.u's. (Guaranteed et'C breeding for bit;, white, premium ejjKa. Really !i bi^' le.':horn for more meat. Fast Uniform tjrnwih tor quickest of all broilers. Uaise these hi I,' prollt makers once and you will raise them alw;iys. Write for nrlcel'.st and free calendar BiK Bock I-'arm. Mille Roches. Ontario. Dil) vol" receive a copy of the TwodUlo UU8 eutaloKue? If we nusscd you write ns to- day and We will send you one Inimediatplv. Kepf] price.'^ are lower now and all proypects point to lower priceir for Kail and next wmtcr. Next Fall when eee i>rices climb to their pc:ik will you 1)0 cashinp or just wlshint;? They will wil you l-.e ciishuiK or just wi:dii:i;i? Tliey will cliinl>. Vuu know supply and domand will take caiv of that. Better start your u.sual number (if chicks richt awny and yon will be u'lad that you did We can (,-ive i-rompt do- livei'V en all popular breeds and hybrid-'^ in day-old.s. two- week, three- week, ab o older pullets citrhi weeks to laying. 12 pure bre'?ds niid IJ liybrid crosses to choose from. Tivod- de <"hit k Hal cileries I^iniited, Kcnr. is. tint. HEAVY BREED COCKERELSâ€" 4c Sus.s('<, Su.'jsex X N'. Hninps, prompt delivery 4c. After April 201h, 4J^.c. May 1st to May lOih jc. Rhode Island Reda .1c. Rock x LeK- b(u*n, and .Sussex x T,.M:]inrn l!c, Ueirhorns Ic. Fast feathering Bocks and Buck x New llamp. to .May Ipt (>c. To re<eive these specials en- rlo.Te \\\\: :id with ..7-<I(-r, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. 3 - 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS Tinouil is i;o'»(i money in raisini: Capons. C.ipons sell for as ruicb or w.ovii per pound than Turkeys. All raised under ideal condi- tions. Send for price Ii:-t and full particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM W EIN BRO S . E X ETER, ONT. UL'B toi -NKVlOB-iniAXCilNt; policy of productni,' tiualily chicks and offeriut; them ut amazujsly low i>rice:j la stilt In eitect in 1948. Uii;lU now in spite of our greatly increased costs you ran order Top Notch chicks at prices nearly as low as they were 10 years .'iko. Your succe.s.s depeiida upon the way you start, Cood stock is the first important thintr. ^VIth- oiU it the whole summers work can bo wasted. A sood flock is always a profitable fUa'k. Raise iome of our sensational Black Mincrca x White Lcb'horns for bis wliito eK<a and more of them. .\lso 11 other hybrids and all popu- lar inire breeds to choose from, day old or started. Also older pullets eieht weeks to layipK. l''rce catalogue. Top .Note!) Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario . FREE! 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Large Type While Leghorn put let n $:.'S.50, New Hnmpa. $i:S.Ol). To receive this special enclose this ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON. ONT. SKND lor bargain prices on two and throe week old chicka non-sexed, pullets and cock- erels. Aho special prices ou live week old heavy breed tockerels. Free catalojine. Twed- dle Chick IJatchoriea Limitd. VV^reus. Ont. ROCK COCKERELS 4c For April, our Barred Rocks are fast-Ceather- InK and bred for Uvability and fast growth. Ilanes Poultry F.arm. .TerseyvlUe. Ontario. HURONDALE CHICKS All breeders, <louble blood-tosted and banded. bacKe<i by jiltrh pedigreed foundation atoci: Many (.UL^otncra report beat v-hUku I over had, and prices ho reasonable. "The chicks I had from you have done splendid." reports James Wrlirht, Owen Sound. Pure .Sussex mixed 14c. Sussex X New Ilamp, Rock x New Hamp. mixed m^c, pullets 24c. Rock x Ijeghorn. Sussex X Leghorn. New Hamp. x Leehorn to May 20 mixed 14c, pullets 27c, cockerela 2c. After May IdO mixed la^^c. pullets 24c. Larce Type White Leghorn pullets 24c, mixed 12%c. Fast feathering: Uouk and Rock x N. Hamp. cockerels fie to May 1st. Sussex, Sussex x N. Hamp. and Broad breasted New Hamp. cock- erels to May Ist 4c, after May Ist .5«. Assort- ed mixed chicks lie. aEsorted pullets 23c. Assorted heavy cockerels 3e when available. Ail prices subject to <!han[.'e without notice. 100% live delivery to your utatlon. $1.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Order irom and enclose this ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery. London, Ont. SA\*K Feed and catch up with some of our welI-.Htartcd chicks in noa-sexed, pullets or cockerels, two and three weeks of a»?e, Al.-^o cockerela five weeks. Special price list. Vop Notch Chick Sales. Guelph, Ontario. VOU LUSK valuable markets with later chicka â€"you might as well catch the ^ood ones â€" you can. especially with Bray started pullets and cockerels. We have them rea.ly to ship, tlet special prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. UVEING AND CLEANING Have VOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questiona. Department H, Parkers Dye Works Limited 791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. F<»R SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES parts .nnd .Service. [iert E. Kennedy 419 ColleKe St., Toronto. MASSKY-HAJUHS Forage Clipper Sc Corn Harvester. Attatchmento used very little. Scheifele's Massey-Harris Dealers. 53 Fredric, Kitchener. Ont. HARDY 2-ye:ir Latham Raspberry canea, $5.00 per hundred. Premier Strawberries $2.00 per hundred. A. Crowie. R.H. 1, [aUnjf- ton, Ont. IIATTKKY-Ol'ERATED Radio Set for sale Deforest Croasley Corona model. 8 tubes. specially equipped with Romaco ij^Ilmlnator for UB with either storage battery or dry cells. New cost over $300 Make offer A fine and lastjnc icift Box 151. 73 Adelaide W Toronto BOWMAN'S Rub, an effective remedy tor sinus trouble, flu. swollen glands, bronchitis, weak eyes, swollen throat. Address 2&9 CJueen St. W Toionio, Trice $1.00. PUMPS. ETC. M( Dnugall aliallow and deep well systems, electric or gasoline powered, only SllB.OO com- plete with tank. Clinton guaoUne euKiiies, 2% h.p.. only J 95. 76. Contractors pumps. Farm lighting systeina. 110 volt, only S95.00 Send for free cataloiiucs. Buy direct from factory distributors and save. TKBRY MACHINERY Company Limited. Dept. "7**. St. ItHurenl Montreal 9), tjue., or Dept. "7". 24 Indnstrial •^t roet, Leaside. Toronto. lOLN our lont; list of satli'lled customers for Fruit Trees. Shrubs, Evergreens and Roses. etc. Order early. Free catalogue. A. G. Hull & Son, Central Nurseries, St. Catherines. Ont.irio BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also SMALL WniTFS and IfKOAD- lIREAbTKU UK()NZI<^ \ HMALL WHITES and SMALL U.U.ll.'H THIS looks the year to make real money In turkeys. Send for our Turkoy Guide and let- ter to get all the details. There Is a good .\merican market and demand. The duty Is down 2 cents per lb. Feed prices are golnK down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are down $i;t.00 to $17.00 per ton. Ameri- can Breeder Mocks are down 40-50 per cent. Poult production will be away down. It la expected that (Canadian poulta will be shipiKd to U.S.A. by May or before at good prices. Plan to raise poults! This la the yearl Book your order now! Big discounts for April delivery. Send lor Turkey Management Guide and circular which tells all atiotit profits, prevention of disease, and roaring methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO MARKSMAN Thouaand-Shot Air Ullle»i ISx- pert construction. Shipped anywhere 16. 96. Marathon Agency, 1340 Qerrard East. Tor- onto. Dealers write for Quotations. CRAFT Supplies: Free Catalogue. We stock a full line In the following crafts: Shell- craft. Leathercraft, Feltcraft, Beadoraft. Handycraft Supply Company Peterborough. Ontario, FOR SALE, new D. John Deere Tractor, starter. lightB, power take-off on 14" rubber. Lato model 28-50 white steel mill Kboraol !''eeder, clover attachment, like new. 26-42 Goooison Mill Clover attachment, good run- ning order. Complete set steel wheels for International Tractor. Steel rear wheels for 60 and 1*0 or 99 allner Tractor. Albert Hotia- ton. GO Emma St., Chatham, Ont. I*hone 2585M. ALDAN COMPANY SPECIAL LADIES' HOUSE DUES3ESI Luckily Wft iiave been able to obtain several new lovelr jirinted cotton dresses which are lovely to look at and to wear. Styles feature buttons all down the front and other new designs. Sls«» range from 14 to 20 and 38 to 46. Large stock on hand now but they will sell out qulcldy at $2.79 each, postpaid. PRINTED DRESSES 8 to 14 Beautiful! B»* pecially styled for the growing miss In nav bright lovely prutts. sizes S to 14. Neatlr trimmed v;lth lace nnd plQue collars and at- tractively priced at $1.98 each postpaid. tJROWINa GIRLS' DRESSES! Three attrao- tive atylea, sizes 8 to 14 In four lovely new plain shades: lurtjiioi^te. roso. blue and yellow, neatly trimmed wi'h pique collars and pockets. Just what the growing rol« desires. Ontor now while the asportment la complete. Shi^ ped poatpaid at $2.29 each. Order several now from the: ALDAN COMPANY. LIMITED. Dept. &•« 403 ONTARIO STREET W., MONTREAL «. BKAGLE Pups Mtock, ready J. J, Farmer, Ottawa. Ont. from I'^leld Trial Champloa o train, also trained dogs. Suite 100, 202 Queen St., E.N'SILAGK Harvester. McCormick DeermK No. 2. Hardly used, perfect condition. RIt- iere Chaude Farm. Reg'd.. I'ont Rouge, Qua. HHltCULKS I'ord â€" Dog und t'at leashea for show Tinff or street with adjustaole neck â-  band, comfortably fits any size. Used bjr Humane Societies Canada and U.S.A. Sam- ple 25c â€" 6 for $1.00. Use for gifts. T. P. Adams Company. 58 E. Wrllington St., Toronto. FARM for Sale' l*riced for Imniediata sal* and posaeasion: 150 acrea lev.'^t. well-dralnatf clay loam land, one emarter mile from scho<rf. Frame house, Barn 112x100, ateel stalls alio, hydro, implement building, hen house, hoc l>en. 10 acres wnodlot, 10 rvcres wheat. If acres plowed. On county road, 4 miles from Highway, milk route. This Is a grade A farm. Price $11,000. Inquire for many othar types of farms listed. R. H. McNe'l, Real Estate Agent, I'hone ri4. Dulton. Ont. UEG. CAHTIErt Oats, Reg. AJax Oats. $1.78 a bu. packed in 3-liuahel bags. Canada Hybrid Corn G06 and 531 flats or rounds, open pollinated late Golden Glow Corn. Inquire for prices. Terms cash by money order P.O.B. Chatham Or>ine Faubert, RR 7. Chatham. 100 ACRES, llnest of soil, all tillable, 8 room house, barn 100'x40', electricity, steel roofed, small orchard, good well, near cheese factory and school. Situated at Marvel vllle, Ontario, Concession 10. Dsgoode. For particulars con- tact (Jerald Bruntdn, Kenmore, Ontario. unk; and two row john deerb pota- to PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F*. McKENZIF, CO.. DISTRIBUTORS SINCB 1S6C. PTIONE VC. LEAMINGTON, ONT. HAIRDRBSSINO LEARN Halrdresaing the Robertson method. In formation on request regarding classea. Robertson's Hairdressing Academj', 137 Av^ nue Road. Toronto. MlSniCAL A TRIAL â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Ne uritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store. 336 Elgin. Ottawa. Postp;iid SI.LIO. ^ONA.Cy\^]) lor Eczema, the new match- less and efficacious ointment. By mail 60e. LaTravipe, North UogersviUe. N.B. HAVE You Hejird about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good re- sults. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES* FOK WOMEN " BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL •' Great Opportunity Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant dlgnilied profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OPPOUTUMTIES FOK MUX AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money-making. Laarn to make candy at home and earn as you leai7i[ correspondence cour.se. National Institute of ('onfectionary Reg'd, Delorimler P.O.. Bo« 162, Montreal, Que. PATENTB FETHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL "ELIJAH Coming Before Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N.y. PHOrOGRAl'HV ELGIN Photos. Developing and 8 prints 80e Reprints .03c, Jumbos .05c. Write for spoo- lals ou Films, Enlargements, Mounts, Frames. Box W116. St. ThotnaH. Out. For constant Smoking Pleasure! ^ U St"'"'""'.. EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco If ALSO AVAiLAiU IN % POUNO TMS HI POWKRED Ulfies. N«wly convertod. sportingr models. Writ* for descrlittlon and prices. Scope Sales Co.. 32S Queen St., Ottawa. Ont. SWEATERS A treat for the Ladles are these Knffllsh Pure Wool Cardigans and Pullovem. They come In delightful shadea of srey, yellow, white and black. Order several at the low price of $S.I)8 postpaid. ALDAN COMPANY, LIMITBD, Dept. 19. 403 ONTARfO STREET WEST, MONTREAI. 2. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pot-type Queen OU Burnlns Brooder stoves, new $20.00 or 12). 00 delivered to your station. Act Quickly, while they last. Subject to change without notice. To receive this bargain price enclose this ad with your order. -Mso nOOM. HEATERS .is low as t.lZ.OO and New Pot-Type gUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS. $46.0.) while they last! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO SHORT-WINDED HORSES A New and Woiulerful Horse Remedy which quickly relieves heaves, cougha, and strangles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post paid $1.00. It l» important to Hpeclfy the age and the weight of the horse. Write to T. L. Qlraid, Spw:lat* 1st in all ailments of the Respiratory Organs, St. Foltclen Co.. Roberval, P.Q. YEAR-OLD Uanpberry plants, Latham and Taylor Varieties 5c each. Improved senator Dunlop strawberry plants $2.00 hunilred. Illverview Gardonn, Kitchener, Onlarlo. One Roll Film Free .Special offer during Apiil with every two nima sent to ua to be developed and printed. PILM3 DEVELOPED and printed. 360 PER ROLL of 8 exposures. AH prints made Larja. DOUBLE THE SIKE Only 30o If prints of ordinary kI«« desired. Write us for camorss and BuppUes, we carrr a complete stock. Just arrived, Flash Units for Brownie Reflex, $5.2S, for Ansco Pioneer $4.26, for Kodaks $7.95. Canada Photo Sup- ply. P.O. Box 250, Toronto, Ont. BK PAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made like new by master furrier. Free Insured atorave on. repairs and remodeU. Write for Information. Uptown Furs, B0t Yonge St. . Toronto. ST.VMPS Hitler stamps free to Enclose 4o stunp tO 5 MINT blocks of 4 approval applicants, cover i>osta«e. Star Stamps, 114T St. Andrewa Rd., Cornwall, Ont. WANTBD WANTED 5 to 60 acres, reasonable for ca^ near town or village, Rood soil, hydro. H, Lavelle. Aurora, Ont. Wanted I $15.00 paid for Winchester ISJl and Marlln 1898 (only) riflea with worn-out barrels. The Qun Shop. 7C Ward, Port Hop** Ontario. STAMPS Wajited: Your attlo or trunk ms> contain $10,000 In Old, Used or Unused Postase Stamps, Letters. Albums, etc. Send them today for Free Estimate. Cash by re- turn mail. Satisfaction guaranteed. No ol^ ligation. Jack Korlhank, 5527 Harold War, Hollyw'ood 28, California, U.S.A. Bought Ont. CHERRY LOGS for cash. Write Box 804, Fargui^ HELP U'.\NTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper to live in. permanent positloj^ 2 adults only. Apply Mrs. Bert Weir. Tft Ulchmond St.. London. Ont. STUDENT NURSES WANTED For tlie Fall L-laf.^ comnnni iiiff Soi". 1, 19il. Please apply to tlie Superintendent. Ross Memorial Hospital. Lindsay, Ont. MUTT AND JEFF â€" Here's a hint, f<^ttc8 â€" spend your lunch hour near the window. By BUD FISHER

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