Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 7, 1948 I'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tf <] >. A- J A > > 4t M t * â- 4, il Small Ads; FOja SALE â€" L' male cuUie pups, black and white -Jas. Morrison, li.R. 5, Mlarkdale. 43pl a.KaiEJi â€" AiMinsU iii<Ubl« foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoei Eug^niK, phoR« Pe*«n]i>-i 5r2C FOR SALE â€" Grade Durham UiU, 7 n>untli» vJd. â€" W»ii. Joliiisoii, pboiic n8.)2 Fie.*hcr*ni. 4fip2 FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire buggy in goiwl condition. â€" John Shortreed. Pricevillp, phono 92w4 Flesherton. FOR S.ALE - - 1 brood sows, due to f.in-o\\- >!«>' l.st. â€" Luther Duckett, phont- :i'2^v2 Fleshei-ton. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" lO.-W Desoto coupe in gooi condition. â€" Ted Campbell, ]Vue:«nia, phone FlesheKon 74rl. FOR SAIjE â€" .AjaK oats aii'l barley, good for 3<f«d. - - W. J. .McFadden, pTicne :{;JJ2 Markdnile. 45?2 FOR S-i^LEâ€" Road cart in first class condition. â€" G. W. Armslrong, Flesherton. 45rp2 TOR SALEâ€" Timot.hy, red clover and alsike seed, cleaned. â€" Isaac SneLl, phone Flesh.^rton 44w2. 45cl SELLING â€" Good timothy seed; also 25-20 rifle with loading tools, o' will exchanige for .22. â€" Clarence Chiiixi. j)hone S»6J3 Flesheiton. FOR SALE â€" 2 Dres.ses. sizes 15 and 16, may be seen at the home of Mrs. Frank Taylor. Fk-.sherton. â€" Lucy MacDonald. 4.3p2 POR SALEâ€" « Yearling ewes, sup- |iose<l to lamb in May. â€" H. Rich- ardson, phone 33w.3, collect, Fle- sherton. -14c2 PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer season. .Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 38 Roose- Yclt Rd., Toronto 0- 42t.f. FOR SALE - M.-H. mower, cut crops; M.-H. slifT-tootJi cultivat- or; .set 16-plate discs â€" Gerald Magee, Eugenia, Telephone Fev- ersham 30r5. 4-4p2 WANTED â€" Second-hand cook stovo â- with good fire box, write stating price; also 12-gauge short gun. â€" Bruce Young, Eugenia, P.O. 44tf FOR S.ALE â€" Several varieties of apples, gooil quality; quantity of carrots; set curtain stretchers. â€" Robt. Gorley, phone 2.'{w. 44p2 FOR SAE â€" Barley: O.A.C. No. 21, (Jalore and No-barb, also quantity seed oats, all Commercial No. 1.â€" Alex. S. Muir, Ceylr)n, phone Fle- sherton 104.J.3. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" Team of work horses, set team harness, long-straw 2.'i in. horse collar, Cockshu^t seed drill, -M.-H. cultivator, set of discs, wa- B:on, M.-H. cream separator, good as new. â€" Joe Porteous, -Maxwell. POR SALEâ€" '29 Frdson tractor, new crank.-ihaft and new main beai-iTigs, rebored, new pistons, iserts. ii<w bcarign.s in rear geai- case and fix>nt wheels. 'Must be sold iihis week, cheap. For information ap- ply at The Advance office. Local aad Personal .Miss Lois Sparks returned Sunday to her school at Monticello. Just arrived, a woiulerful selection of dra-pes and curtains. â€" F. H. \V. Hickliiig, Flesherton. Mt. John Gibson and daughter Alarguerite, of Durham visited with .Mr. and Mrs. R. J- Fisher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted PalleU of Dixie spent the week «,«! with the lattcr's pau'Us, -h u'.d Mrs. G. RlacTavi.<h Miss .\nne Akins, accompanied by Joan Akins. .spent a day in Toronto last week. Master Ai'thur Menzies of Berkeley spent sevei-al days with his g»and- pai<'nts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kailting. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McDonald and Frank .Stowait of Toronto and Ver- non Stewart of Braanpton were recent visitors with their iwrents. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. It will pay you to see cur new wall paper samples before making your choice. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and M'rs. Alf. Hill spent the pa.st we<k in Owen Sound with their daughter. Mrs. E. G. Edmunds, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Guy of Mid- land visite don Sunday with the for- land visited on Sunday with the for- nici's motlier, Mrs. Sarah Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Best have re- turned to their home in town, after spending the winter in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKechnie. Mr. and Mi'.s. Thos. Chambers (Jean Keith) and daughter. Heather, of Tol ronto vi-sitod last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. Glen Stuckey, who has been teaching at Thistletown and who was married in January, resigned from hor position and is visiting her par- ents. Ml- and Mrs. Wan. MacMillan. Modern protection for to-day' re- quirements: Health and Accident, .Auto. Fire. Casualty In.surance. Have me check your insurance needs. â€" G. D. MbcArthur. agent, Flesherton, phone 82.J. Afiss Muriel Sparks took first class honors in Grade 8 Piano at the To- ronto Conservatory of Music exams held recently at Owen Sound. Three out of 27 cantidates received first class honors and Muriel was award- ed highest marks. FOR SALE â€" 4 Pekin ducks, also circulating boater. â€" T. Ohappelle. rpylon. I5p2 VANDELEUR FOR S.ALE â€" -Brooder stovo and ho- ver, 500 chick size. â€" Alex. Duncan, i Ceylon, phone 40J4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 11-disc fertilizer drill in A! condition. $175.00. â€" Dick Car.son, phone22M3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Girl's tweed coat, 14- 16 size; girl's navy blue two-piece suit, both in good condition. May be seen at The .Advance office. FOR SALE â€" 40 cords of dry wood, maple ;in<i . Ix'ech, $4.50 per cord at bus!) at Ceylon. - Gordon Mc- Jlullen, phone 44J3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" In Eugenia, 0-room houie in good repair, hydro, huid and i^ft water; stable, new mod- ern double-deck ht-n house 20x40, also new colony house 10x12; 14 acres, 10 of which are workable. â€" Ray Genoe, Eugenia, phone 1 19 â- wl Flesherton. 43p.i FOR SALEâ€" -Ajax oats, grown from registered seed. Government Crude No 1; also Yorkshire boars and ' â- ifrws from a<lvanced registiy dams. â€" Ross Stevens, phone 32J2. 45c3 FOR SALE -Quantity good mixed hay, few bu. goose wheat; "Wasli- Well' washing machine ifced short time n-ith new wringer; summer kitchen range. â€" Fii-d Russell, R.R. 2 Flesherton, phone Markdale 30r4 WANTEDâ€" Reliable man as Dealer in Grey County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitaiWe businew where Rawleigh Pro<lucts have been sold for years. Big profits. Pro- ducts furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh Dept. ML-)-B-205-'63, Montreal, Que. 45c4 FARM FOR SALE li'M) acres. Lot 30, Con. 7, Ospi-ey Township. Fair maple bu.sh, barn 40x60. i>-oo<i stock farni, plenty of water.- ..Vpply to Mrs. Chris Thom- son. Flesherton. 45c4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (lntende<i for Last Week) The Farm Forum wound up its activities for the winter series with a fowl supper for the members in the Community llall on Thursday evening, Maixh 25th, and it was cer- tainly a Ixiuntiful repast. About 00 sat dowii to the tables, which were literally heaped with good things. There was chicken galore and all the iii-l>etnveen things were followed by pie and ice cream. The balance of the evening was speni in progressive crokimole and «ards, followed by a lirief s<iuare dance. The prize win- ners were; crokinole, Marie Johnstoji and M. Buchanan; cards. Mrs. Orms- by aiui .Alex. Gilray. It was a happ\ ending to a most successful season and the oflficers wish to thank all those w^ho contributed to the success. The March meeting of the W. I. was held' at the Community Hall, with a fairly good attendance. Mrs. Dane McGee, second vice-president, presided. The roll call was respond- ed to by a simple recipe for happi- ness that actually work. The motto "Education begins in the hon>e," was explained by Mlrs. Will Johnston. Mrs. Lundy Johnston, as Citizenship convener, was in charge of the pro- gram, consisting of several readings and a musical contest. The County Health questionaire was read and report filled in and sent to the W. I. Federation of .Agriculture represent- ative. Group one reported sending a box of food to the adopted overseas fainiily. Grouip two reported they were to send a box early in April. There was discussion re the garden brigade and special W. 1. mcelinga a£ FleshertoH and Rocklyn en .April 14th and 15th. EGGS FOR BRITAIN The 1948 contrsict with the British Ministry of Food calls for the ship- ment of 80 million dozens of eggs. In 1947 80 niillion dozens were ship- ped. Details as to the quantities to be stored frozen oi' dried are to be worked out and announced to the trade in time to enable those con- cerned to make the necessary ar- rangements for storing or processing. Spring must be tryinj; to partition sumimer. AyCTION SALE HOl'SE FURNITURE, ETC. auys 'Laziness mcvtz 50 s/ow/y that poverty, /of/owing iast, soon overtakes him' An accident hapnonr. fHSt. too; so fiist tliat you ca:.nol jjicvent it. But you ran prcvfnt the exjicnsc that follovs fast upon an accident â€" by liaving one of Mutual Bcneiit's many Sickness and Accident plans. Fill in the attached coupon and mail to addre':- below. I.earn how you may be assured oi this ample protection for a few cent^ n day. ASSOCIATION 1 I ' Nom« i I 1 Street â-  I Ci*y or Town i I Age Occupation j M-B-V-H /ilttrfd"ji:HyNTEit 34 KING ST. EAST TORONTO The Estate of the Late WILLI A. VI E. -MYERS will sell by public auction at P^'LESHBRTON SATURDAY, APRIL lOTH, 1948 at 2 p.m., the folloAving: Renfrew "Cook-Rite" Stove; Stove Pipes; 3 Small Taibles; 8 Kitchen Chairs; Bureau ;Congoleum Rug 9x12 Coal Oil Stove, 3-burner; 2 Couches; 2 Dressers; Kituhen Table; 4 Rocking Chairs; Sideboard; Electric Radio; 2. Trunks; 2 Washstands; Potatoes; He^iler; 2 Double Beds, complete; Single Bed, completl; Robe; Lawn Chair; Toilet Set; "Laundry Maid" Washer; Horse Blanket; Number of Sealers; Electric Iron; Boiler; Wash Tub; Wringer; Wash Board; Tub; Pots and Pans; Quilts; Bake Board; Lawn Mower; Other articles too nu- merous to mention. TERMS: Cash. Mrs Cora Grieve, Administratrix. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer CREDIT AUCTION !iAU S'lOCK. IMPLE.MENTS, ETC. BERT MAGEK will sell by public auction on LOT :M, CON. 11 AKTE.MESIA THURSDAY, APRIL LjTH, 1948 at 1 p.an., the following: HORSES Black Percheron Horse, 7 yeais old; (irey Percheron Mare, years old; Liuhi Mare, 10 years old. CATTLE n .j'isli.rffl Sh-^nh-rn Bull, 2 years old; Hereford Cow, 7 years old. sup. due April 6; Black Cow, 4 years old, sup. due April 19; Aued Durhain Cow. milking; Here- ford Cow, 7 years old, sup. due June H: Black Cow, milking, 10 years old, sup. due June 21; Hereford Cow, '5 years old. Ctilf at i'or.t; Holstein Cow, at'ed. niilikiiig; Hereford Cow. 3 yrs. old. supposed due July 5; 4 Heifers, rising C years, sup. ilue this fall; 2 Steers, i-is'ng 2; (i Calves. SHEEP, PIGS â€" Yorkshire Sow, line tinu' of sale; Yorkshire Hog; .^'.orc Pigs; 20 Ewe* I.MPLEMEiNTS. Etc.â€" "Big 0" Mc- Ciuniiek Mower. foot cut; M.-H. .Vlainire Spreader; McCorinick Drill l"'-disc; Cutter; Cockshutt Disc Plow 2 furrow; M.H. Rake 12 feet; Land Roller, 'i-druim; 2 Barrels; Fleury Walking Plow, No. 21, new; Wagon; M.-H. Cultivator; Root Pulper; Set of Sleighs; Set of Discs; Counter S",ale; StewaTt Horse Clipper, with sheep shearing attachment; Plow Harness; Set Single Haines.s; Horse Collars; Pig Crate; Set of Chatham Scales, 2000 lbs.; Quantity of Soift Lumber, 1 inch and 2x4; Sugar 'Kettle; iNumerous other articles. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. TERMS â€" .\.1I sums of ,$10.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 6 moiTtihs' credit will be given on loint notes satisfactory to Canadian Bank of Comiimerce, Flesherton, bearing 6 percent interest. â€" GF:0. a DUNCAN. Auctioneer HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OfBduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY V I L A f. E CLERK A OmralnHfotier for fakfr.fr Affidav^ti baarr ul Marriaffe Llcenim CONVEYANCING DBEDf MORTOAOES, WII ' S. Etc. OMee: Toroiit« Street, FIfl«h«rt«a In the matter of th« estate ol William Ernest Myers of the Village of Flesherton, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Ernest Myers, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Insurance .^gent, deceased, who died on or about the I'Sth day of March, 1948, at the Village of Markdale, are re- quired and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors to the Admini.stratrix, on or before the 12lh day of April, 1948, full par- ticulars verefie<-l by statutory de- clai-ation. Immediately after the said 12th day of April, 1048, the Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having i-ojfard only to the claims of which the solicltoi's â- â- ^hall then have had notioe. I>ated at Markdnle this 22nd day Of March- .VD, 1948. â€"HARRIS & nuNrnp. Markdale, Ont. Solicitors to the Administratrix As a Man Sows That Shall He Also Reap Yes, Folk, Good Seed is a sound investment. We have a Complete Stock of Seed on hand TOP QUALITY .\T MONEY- SAVING PRICES MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY 1 PONY TRACTOR â€" This tractor gives you more weight per dolla- and more pulling power at a saving in the initial cost, as well as all the days you operate it afterward. Zi-Furrow Tractor Plow 2-Furrow Horse Drawn Plow Tractor Disc Manure Spreader Smoothing Harrows. 2 Oil-bath Mowers. ' 2 Enclosed Gear Binders IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL ON US. PEDLAR STEEL ROOFING AND EVETROUGH A limited quantity now available. LfTTER CARRIERS BARN TRACK CARRIERS ROPE and HAY PORKS We instal if desired. J. M. STAFFORD Dealet in Modern Farm Machincrv Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM YOUR HARDWARE CAN PROVIDE HELP FOR YOUR SPRING WORK By supplying you with the necessities for Syrup Making Buckets, Spouts, Tapping Bits, Syrup Cans Bush Work Crosscut Saws, Axes, Swede Saws and Blades We have a good selection of these tools Baby Chicks Oil, Electric and Coal Brooders; Chick Founts and Troughs Thermometers, Royal Purple Remedies. "Our OH Brooders operate economically o.n coal oil" House Qeaning Was, Polish, Floor Cleaners, Linseed Soap, Floor Mops Mop Sticks and Clothes Painting Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish, Paints, Enamels Varnishes, Stains, Brushes and Rollers TRY THE NEW MIRACLE WALL VARNISH.â€" KEM-TONE One coat covers like magic â€" dries in one hour â€" Washable Papering See our new 1948 Paper Samples BEATTY and EASY WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM CLEANERS Duncan's Hardware COAL â€" ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES â€" STOVES Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. t * FARM FOR SALE Lot 178. 2 S.W., .\rtemesia, near Saugeen Jet., 76 acres more or loss, cement house, large L-shaped barn, drilled well, well watered. Good price for quick sale. Apply to MRS. ETHEL BLACKBURN. Flesherton. Ont. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres. Lots 10-11, Con. 4, Art- emesia, V.k miles from village, well vv-atered, 20 acres of bush, large solid brick house and bam with L and stone foundation. Apply to Mrs. Laura A. Neubauer, .Ceylon, phone 4(irl Flesherton. 445c4 EMPLOYERS MUST OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS All 1947-48 Unemployment Insurance Books expired on March 31st, 1948. New books will be issued by the National Employment Office to employers, but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office. Employers are urged to exchange Unem« ployment Insurance Books immediately. Penalties are provided for failure to comply. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION â-  4 G.A.L.MURCHISON. Commistioner.. J. G. BISSON, Chief Commissioner, R. J. TALLON, Commhsiontr* F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited SUMMER STORE HOURS We will close all day Mondays, starting April 12th We will open Wednesday Night, all day â- Thursday and Saturday Nights as usual. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ^ « T ♦

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