Wednesday, April 14, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Adsj FOR SALaS â€" 4 Peldn ducks, also ciixjulating hi>«ter. â€" T. Ohappelle, CeyJon. 46p2 fANTED â€" AiMmals luiUble foi mink and fox {»«d. â€" Bert Mclntoafc Eufreni*, phon* F«T«nhi>-i SrSfi FOR SA1,K â€" CJraUc Durham bull, " »ionthi old. â€" \Vm. Johnson, phone uaJd I'lriiliorton. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire buggy in good c'On(Wtion. â€" John Shortroed. Pricevillo, phono ','2\v4 Flosherton. Al'l'LK.S Nrtlurn Spies and other pood cooking varieties for sale. â€" HI. Grahiuii, R.R. 4, Markdale. Local and Personal Funeral of Samuel J. Paul I Funeral Of Mr». T. Allison FOR SALE â€" 193\) Desoto coupe in good condition. â€" Ted Campbell, Sugenia, phone Flesheilon 74rl. CAR FOR S.\LE â€" 1<I26 Stai- coach in fair condition, fair tire.s. -J. S McDennid, Ctylon, phone 102\vl. FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats an-l barley, good for s€«d. â€" W. J. McFaddon, |«kone .'i-'US Markdale. 45j2 PUPS â€" -2 Collie pup.«, good h<?alers. â€" Ken McKechnie, Priccville phone »2\v2 Flesherton. 4(k2 FOR SALE- â€" Good general-purpose horse, maJces good work horse or ^â-¼er. â€" Geo. Armstrong. STACK OF H A V â€" Slack of mixed timothy and alfalfa hay.â€" Fred W. Brown, phone :i[)>J-i FUslierton. SELLING â€" -Good timothy seed; also 25-20 rifle with loading tools, oi â- will exchanige for .22. â€" Clarence Chard, jjhone 9GJ.'i Flesherton. FOR SALl!>-2 Dres.s<?s. sizes 15 and 16, may be seen at the home of Mrs. Frank Taylor, Flesherton. â€" Lucy MacDonald. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Centennial Case tractor plow,', 3-furrow, good as new. â€" Leslie Hawton, phone 2.'{r3 Fov- ersham. 4t)p2 PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer â- sea.son. Apply to L. R. Thistlelhwait.', ^S Roose- â-¼elt Rd., Tdronio 0- 42l.f. FOR S.-VLE â€" Good kitchen range, medium size; also good rubber tire buggy. â€" Laurie Genoe, phone 51 wl Flesherton. 4(>p2 WAXTEDâ€" Second-hand cook stovo with good fire box, write stating price; also 12-gauge short gun. â€" Bi-uce Yoimg, Eugenia. P.O. 44tf .Ml-, and Mrs. T. J. Parker spent the week end at Brampton. Sale oif house dresses at give-away prices to clear. â€" ^F. H. W. llicklinj;. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahun re- turned to town on Saturday, after spending t!:,- winter in ro'cnti,. Mi's. .Xoniian Scarrow and liltlf (laughter are spending this week in Durhiun. Before buying wallpaper, ice our new samples. You will be more than repaid.â€" F. H. VV. Hickliiii:. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Grunvnutl of Exeti'r sjiint the week end witli the lattev's aunt, M'rs. R. Beivtham. Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacTnvish spent a couple of days the of the week in Toronto. Mr. Stewart .MacTavish of Ushawa spent the week end witli the Mac- Tavish families in town. .\ number of pairs of work boots carrifd over at the old prices. â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Henniitg and family at Meaford on Sunday. Shipment of suits just arrived. You have to see them to appreciate them.â€" F. H. W. Hickling. The editor wmld be pleased if you would phone in the naimes of your visitors. Call 18. Mrs. Ross .Stevens has returned to her home. aft(>r undergoing an oper- ation in Oi-angeville Hospital for nose and throat trouble. If you war.t a ma<le-to-ineasure suit, let George do it. Agents for Tip Top and W. R. Johnston. â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigo of .Mal- ton and Mrs. H. Ale.\an<ler of Fevei- S'hain spent the week end with Mi. and Mis. .'\ilbert Stewart. Mr. ancl Mi's. Garnet Teeter and children of Toronto s])ent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. 'MIi's. Geo. Hutch in.son sent in a fine large Barred Rock hen egg, measur- ing 8V4x6'2 inches. It was a Kood ex.iinple of what hens can produce. Bob Stoddart retui-ned home on Sunday, after visiting the past week with friends in Owen Sound and Kilsyth. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. aixl .Mrs. Cecil Alexander and Mrs. Alex- ander Sr. were: Mr. Joe Snell of Weston, Miss Dorothy Snell of Is- lington. Mrs. Mary Snell of Ceylon. Mr. Clarence .Ale.xander, Mrs. Irene Knox of Kilsytih and Mr. and M'rs. Earl Alexander and boys, of Cell- ingwood. FOR SALE â€" Quarter-cut oak hall seat with large lievel-edge mirror, in good conditiiin. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 10,")J1. 4(k1 FOR S.A.LE-Red Clover, Timothy, small (luantily of alfalfa, Cartiei and Ajax oats an<l No-baib barley. â€" Harold Fenwick. phone Fever- sham 9r21. I(;c2 FOR SALE - - Team uf work'horsTiT, set team harnes.s, long-straw 2:i in. horse collai-, Cockshutt seed drill. M.-H. cultivator, .xet of discs, wa- gon. M.-H. cream !ie|)arator, good as new. â€" Joe Pcrteou.s, -Maxwell. FOR .SALE â€" i;!-disc M.-H. seed drill, price $40; Cockshutt Kang- aroo 2-furrow plow, both nearly new; 2-8ection spring tooth har- rows. â€" Dick ("arson. Ceylon, phone 22M.'i Flesherton. 10t2 FOR SALE Disc seed -• Meiv.rii .Mullin, Fev'eishain. drill, 12-i"un phone lOrJ 4Gp2 FOR SALE â€" 40 cords of dry wood, maple and beech, $4.50 per cord at hush at Ceylon. â€" Gordon Mc- Mijllen, phone 44J,'l Flesherton. PUPS SALE SALEâ€" Collie pups, '• Weeks old, also one collie female, 8 months old, good watch dog awl heeb'r. â€" A. S. Whyte, Priccville. phone i)'.>J4 Flesherton. 4Gp2 FOR S.\LE-â€" Ajax oats, ^riown from registered seed. Government Grade .\o 1; also Yorkshire lioar.s .md sows from advanced rcgistiy dams. -Ross Stevens, phone ;i2J2. 45c;! FOR SALE- Quantity good mixed hay, few '>u. goose wbeal ; " Weir W|iishing machine used short time with new wringer; sunimer kitchen range. â€" Fred Russell, R.R. 2 Flesherton, phone Markdale 30r4 WANTED -Reliable man as Dealer in Grey County. Expeiiejice not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable bu.siness where Rawli'igh Pro<lucts have been .sold for years. Big profits. Pi-o- dxjcts fumi.shed on credit. Write Bawleigh Dept. ML-)-f)-206-'«l. Montreal, Que. 45c4 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Ete< Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. BelUmy's office erery Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Oiaduat* of Toronto UniTentty Offloe: Kenn«dT Block Plione 77 Plwhcrtoa CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Iiwtuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. De<Hls AgTei>mentj» A comniisslonier for taking nffidaviU Oflce, Toronto Street, Flesherton COWS FOR S.ALEâ€" Durham cow, 5 yens old, due aboilt June 1; Here- ford cow. 7 .veais old, with calf 3 mf)ntlis old; llicycle, good as new, "Royal Flier", b.nlloon tires. â€" Dor- land Campbell, Eugenia, phone 7U12 Flesiherton. 4()p3 NOTICE roWNSHH* OF ARTF.MESL\ The Municipal Cmincil of the Township of Artemesiai having pass- ed the necessary By-law No. 4, liMK. heiribj- gives notice that all cattle wiihin the Township shall he treated for War'ble Fly in a manner prescrib- ed in the roMTulations. Further, anider the Wni1)le Fly iControl Art (1047), Sub-section 1 : No cattle shall ibe brotight into the nniniciipality betwe<'n the First day of April «nd the .SOth day of Juno in any year durirvg the continuance in force of the Ry-luw, iHili'ss they have been treated for W«l^We Fly during the current year. KVery person who violates any of the provisions of Ry-Juw No 4, pass- ed undi-r BUthonty of this Act, shall 1h. ijuilty of an olTence and liable to a pentilty of not less than $10.00 and nol excee.ling $,')0.00 for the first (itTeiice aiKJ to a penalty of not less thHii $.'')0.00 and not exceeding $200.00 for ;i subsequent offence. The peniil lie', pievided for hv this Art shall be recoverable under the Summary Coiwictions Act. â€"A. II. rilARD, Clerk, Township of Aitoniesln (By Eugenia Reporter) Our village was saddened on Suji., April 4th, when it became known that .Mr. .Samuel James Paul, a highly respected resident, had passed away in .Markdale Hospital. Deceas- ed, who was in his 74th year, had been an invalid for the past few years, being tenderly cared fof by a loving wife. He hud been a patient in the hosptial since the. Thursday prior to his death. The late Mr. Paul was a native of .\rteniesia Township, a son of the late Kli.iah and Elizabeth Paul, and spent his boyhood on the homestead un tiie 1.1th Concession, .Artemesia. .â- \s a young man he went West, where he engaged in fanning. There he married iMiss Clara B. Shaipe. Four yi'Uis aKO returned to Eugenia ami bought the re.sulence of the late Mr. James Shipley, where ho resided until his death. The deceased was a member of a family of three brothers and foui sisters: John and William in tht West; George at, Picton; Mrs, R. Bentham (Margaret), Flesherton; Mrs. Wm. Nixon (Gertrude), Stow- k-a, Sask., decea.sed; Mrs. R. J. Watt (Ruth) of Winnipeg, and .Mrs. Robt. Smith (Sarah), deceased. Survivin.u to mourn his passing the late -Mr. Paul la/ves his wife, one son, Jaanes, of Lang, Sask., three daiighters, Mr.^. Barmley (Elizabeth), Lang, Sask.; Mr. Jwhn Baker (FloieJice) and Mr.s. Herb Donnelly (Jean), both of To ronto. -Another son, George W., wa» killed in action overseas in the lask war. Five grandchildren also survive. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, when service was held in &it''enia United Church, conduateil by the pastor. Rev. A. G. Macpher- son. who preached a very comforting sermon. The pallbearers were memlx'rs of the .Mascmic Order: Will Walker, Earl Gordon, Bert Mcintosh, Gordon Wilson, Garnet Magee and Stanley Caniiibell. The beautiful floral tiibutes were carried by Masonic brethren. Interment was niiule in Flesherton Cemetoi-y, under the auspices of Prince Arthur Lodge, No. ;i33. A.F. &.-\.M., of which he was a member. .Sincere s.s'iiipathy is extended to the wife and family ajid other rela- tives in the loss thi.'v have sustained. FOR SALE â€" 11-disc fertilizer drill in -\1 condition. S175.00. â€" Dhek Carson, phone22M3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Gill's tweed coat, 14- 16 size; girl's navy blue two-.picce suit, both in g;ood condition. May bo seen at Th-e .Advance office. WA.XTEn TO BUY --.Number aged fat or blemish horses. Good prices for horses over 1500 lbs. â€" L. L. Thibaudeau, phone i»4 Markdale. LOST â€" Brown and tan Blue Tick hound, answers to name of Joe. one ear short; lost about April 7 Find- er please notify W. Piuk.'iton, phone Feversham Sr.'j. •1(>1)2 FARM FOR SALE l.'jO acres, Uts 10-11, Con. 4, Art- emesia, 1 'i miles from village, well watered, 20 acres of bush, large solid brick hoiise and barn with L and stone foundation. Apply to Mrs. I^aura A. .N'eubauer, Ceylon, phorfe 40rl Flesherton. 445c4 (By Stephen's Corners Reporter) On Sunday night, April 4th, there entered into a highly respected resident of this comanunity, in the person of Mrs. Telse Allison, at the age of 52 years. She had been in failing health for some time, but on Saturday suffered a stroke from which she failed to rally. Mrs. Alli- son was of a very cheei-ful disposi- tion, a devoted wife and mother and a kind neighbor. Her presence in the commiunity will he greatly missed. Tile late Mrs. Allison, whose maid- en namo was Mary Winters, was a daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Winters of Hatherton district. She was married on March 2, 1021, to Telford .-Mlison, who survives with three daughters and three sons: Robert. Toronto; Nellie (Mrs. Wil- bert Fisher), Ivadel (Mrs. Delbert Fisher). Maxwell; Redge, Toronto; I>aura and Ross at home. She also leaves to moum her loss, five sisters and ene brother: Mildred (Mrs. J. A. GrumniheLt) of C^t.tawa; Louie (Mrs. Eld. Cooke), Shelburne; Alice (Mrs. Ken Wright) Berkeley; John, Toronto; Jennie ('Mrs. J. A. .Stewart)", Flesherton; and Isobel (Mrs. Laurie Pedlar) 4th line. Art erne sia. The funeral on Tuesday after- noon was largely attended by sym- pathizing friends, and took place from the home of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Stewart, at Flesherton. Rev. 0. W. Holmes of .Maxwell had charge (]f the sei-vice at the house aivd cem- etPi-y, and spoke words of comfort to the bereaved. Interment was made in Maxwell Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs Joe I'oiteous, Ray Pedlar, Vern Wright, Emerson Wright, Otto Mills and Jack Broderick. The many beautiful floral tributes n-ave ^ilent expressions of regard for ihe departed and were carried by: .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lacelle, Evelyn and Marie Stewart. Annie Smith, Eleanor Sparks and Mrs. Frank Hanimill. Friends from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gurmmett and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lacelle, Ottawa; Mr. and Mis. John Winters, Miss Bertha Winters, Mrs. Alice Graham, Mrs. George Smith and Miss Annie Smith. all of Tonmto; Mr. and Mis. R. Gra- ham and ^Ii". Jack .Allison, Cooks- ti!wn; Mr. and .Mirs. .Albert Morrison, Mr. Sam Crombie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. J. Youirge. .SheU>urne; Mr. W. Winters, Shrigley. Even death has a Wonderful mission Though it robs us of one we love. It lifts our hearts from surroundings To long for that meeting above; No matter how great the despair Heaven seems nearer and deaiei-. To know that our loved one is there. FARM FOR SALE UM) acres. Lot ;i0. Con. 7, Osprey Township. F'air maple hush, bain 40xi>o. good stock fann, plenty of water. â€" .â- \pi)ly to Mrs. Chris Thom- son', Flesherton. 45c4 FARM FOR SALE Lot 178, 2 S.W., Artemesia, near Saugeen Jet., 76 acres more or less, cement house, large L-shaped barn, drilled well, well watered. Good price for quick sale. Apply to MRS. ETHEL BLACKBURN, Flesherton, Ont. As a Man Sows That Shall He Also Reap Yes, Folk, Good Seed is a sound investment. We have a Complete Stock of Seed on hand TOP QUALITY AT MONEY- SAVING PRICES MASSEY-H ARRIS FARM MACHINERY 1 PONY TRACTOR â€" This tractor gives you more weight per dollar and more pulling power at a saving in the initial cost, as well as all the days you operate it afterward. 2-Furrow Tractor I*low 2-Furrow Horse Drawn Plow Tractor Disc Manure Spreader Smoothing Harrows. 2 Oil-bath Mowers. 2 Enclo^ Gear Binders IT WILL PAY YOU TO OAIiL ON US. PFJ)LAR STEEL ROOFING AND EVETROUGH A limited quantity now available. LITTER CARRIERS BARN TRACK CAJIRIERS ROPE and HAY PORKS Wo instnl if desired. J. M. STAFFORD Ph one. Dealer in Modern Farm Machinerv 4r22 FEVERSHAM YOUR HARDWARE CAN PROVIDE HELP FOR YOUR SPRING WORK By supplying you with the necessities for Syrup Making Buckets, Spouts, Tapping Hits, Syrup Cans Bush Work Crosscut Saws, Axes, Swede Saws and Blades We have a good selection of those tools Baby Chicks Oil, Electric and Ceal Brooders; Chick Founts and Troughs Thermometers, Royal Purple Remedies. "Our Oil Brooders operate economically on coal oil" House Cleaning Wax, Polish, Floor Cleaners, Linseed Soap, Floor Mops Mop Sticks and Clothes Painting Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish, Paints, Enamels Varnishes, Stains, Brushes and Rollers TRY THE NEW MIRACLE WALL VARNISH.â€" KEM-TONE One coat covers like magic â€" dries in one hour â€" Washable Papering See our new 1948 Paper Samples BEAITY and EASY WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM CLEANERS Duncan's Hardware COAL â€" ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES â€" STOVES Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. CARDS OF THANKS Tom and I wish to express our appreciation to our friends and neighbors for the kind enquiries during our illness at home, to the men who carried me out, to Mr. Watson and Mr. McLean for the am- bulance, for the beautiful mes.'ages of sjTiipathy in the loss of my dear mother, to all those who sent cards, letters, treats and flowers during my stay in Markdale Hospital, also to the nursing staff of the Markdale Hospital. â€" Sadie Currie. I wish to thank friends and neigh- bors for treat.s, cards and â- visits dur- ing my illness in Markdale hospital; foi- the kindness of doctors and statT and to Earl nud Roy Best for driving thi> car. .-Ml deeply appreciated. â€" Joe Watson We wish to appreciation for the many acts of kindness and txpressions of sympathy extended lo us by our many friends and kind neighbors during the recent ber- eavement of our_ beolved si.<>ter, Mrs. Telae Allison. â€" Brother and Sisters. I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude for the many acts of kindness and synipathy extended t:i myself and family during the ill- ness of my husband an<l in my ber- eavement and for the beautiful floi-al offerings. â€"Mrs. S. J. Paul FARM FOR SALE Lots 101-1(52, 1 S.W.. Artemesia, I'l miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway, 65 acres cleared, 35 is sc'ded to long-term pasture. 3 goo<l si)irng creeks crossing fann, balance bush and pasture, good clay loam. For full particulars apply to Everette J. Parker, Proton Station. 46p4 it k F. T. HTf.L & CO., Limited STOCK UP with these Money-Saving Grocery Bargains Rral Pea vSoup, 28 oz. tin 2 tor iVc Pickled Beet-s, 16 oz. jais 2 for 15c Purity Flour. 98 lb, ba^- S4.39 each Cream-.stylo Corn. 20 oz. tin 19c each Choice Quality Tomatoes. 2S oz. tin 23c each Red Plums 30-'- sugar, 20 oz. tin 2 for 27c Dalton's Puddinj^s 7 for 25c Canned Pumpkin. 28 oz. tin 2 ft)r 25c Heinz, Aylmer Raby Fruts, Vegetables 5c tin Cut Green Beans, 20 oz. tin 2 for 15c Diced Beets, 20 oz. tin 2 for 15c Plain Sweet Biscujts - 25c lb. Dutch Setts , 19c lb. Blended Fruit Juice. 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Assorted Soups '. 2 for l5c Viau Soda Biscuits. 2 lb .pke: 39c each A REAL SPECIAL FOR THRIFTY SHOPPERS Boys' Long Trousers, sizes 26 to 34 values up to $2.95 Clearing $2.95 REMEMBER We arc closetl Mondays, open Thursdays F. T. Hill & Co, Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale A * -4. t «â- 4- ^4 1^ â- S 1 f