Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1948, p. 1

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M 4. M $ I X «> ♦ ®()je /ksl)^rU*n ^^irtwina* *â-  VUL. 67; XU. 51 FLESHERTON, ONT., VVEDxNESDAY, MAY 19. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers, Future bents FEVERSHAM BAKING SALE Feversham Ladies' Aid are hold- ing a sale of homemade baking on Saturday, May 2-ich, in the Orange Hall, Fe^•ersham, at 2.30 p.m. ANNUAL MEETING GREY MEDICAL SERVICES The annual meeting of Grey Co- operative Medical Services will be held in the Towti Hall, Flesherton, on Thursday, .May 27th, 1948, at 1 p.m. Guest speaker: Mr. Paul Mee- han, Secretary Co-operative Medical Services Federation. DAXCE AT MAXWELL iHance in the Oiiange Hall, Max- well, , on Friday, May 21. Pedlar's oi'chestra. Admnissioin: 40c. Lunch free. SHORTHORN SALE Grey County Shorthorn Breeders' tionsignment sale in the skating rink, Chatsworth, on Wednesday, J^no 2nd â€" 412 males, 15 females. Catalogue o" request. T. Stewart Owper, Secretary, Markdale. Officers Elected For Federated Farm Women (By Priceville Reporter) The Federated Fai-m Woonen met Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Laui-a Neubaur with a good attend ance. .\fter the O'pening exercises, .Mrs. Dan Camipbell gave an excell- ent paper on "Backyard Beautiful'' that was greatly enjoyed. The elec- tion of otficers took place, with Mrs. .\lex. Duncan presiding, result- ing as follows: President, Mrs. Jas. StuiToctk, re â- â€¢ielactetl; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Cecil Fawcett; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Brady Irwin, re-eiected, and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker asst. Secty. Mrs. .\lex. I>uncan conducted a vegetable contest and the prize was won by Mrs. Donnie Whyte and .Mrs. Beatty. The hostess donated a half dozen glass tumblers for which tickets were sold and Donna Whyte drew the lucky numiber for Mrs. Joe Stauble. The president invited the executive committee to hei- home to plan the proga-am for 1948. The Na- tional Anthem closed the meeting, after which lunch was served. DANCE .\T FHVERSHAM Old time and modern danceing at Feversham, Thurs., May 20; Grove's orchestra. .Admission : .50c. PLAYS IN FLESHERTON 2 Short plays "Crazy to Reduce" and "Have You Had Your Opera- tion?" wiM be presented by Coil- intrwood Unite*} Church W..^. in the Fleshei'ton Town Hall. Friday, May 28th, at 8:30 p.m., under auspices of Sit.' John'si \V. A. Adimission: 35c and 25c. > FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN , CHURCH SERVICE Service will be held in Feversham Piesbtyerian Chucrh each Sunday at 8 p.m. daylight saving time. Mr. Taylor-Munro will be the minister for the summer months. DANCE .\T PRICEVILLE Dance in I*riceville Hall, Friday, May 21. to music by Sharp orchestra. Pixjceeds of dance and booth for new community shed roof. .Adimis- sion : 35c. FEVERSHAM FIELD DAY Fevershan^ L.O.L. 1086 is spon- soriirig a Field Day on Thursday, July 1, to include a softball tourn- ament. Full partieulai-s later. PubKc School Teachvs Meet The teachers of Markdale. Flesh- eiton and .Aj-temesia met in the Flesherton Public School tm the tvening of May 6th. .A brfnt lunch was served, aftei- which tk* teach- ers were excellently •»1(e*'tained with musical nunrbers. botk instru- mental and vteal, given by pupils of Flesherton Public School. it was decided ID hold the n«x» ijr»up meeting early in the fall at Euyrenia Public School. Miss Joyce Patter- son of Eugenia was elected presi- dent and Miss Christina Hutx;hinson of the 8th line school, secretary- tn.«stirer. Problems were discuss- ed in a lively and helpful way, after which Inspector W. G. Rae address- ed the teachers. iHo'ward McCauley Opened I Speaking Tour Monday H. A. McCauley, Progressive Con- servative candidate in South Grey, opened his speaking tour in his home tO'wn of Flesherton Monday evening, when Hon. Thos. L. Ken- nedy, M'inister of .Agriculture, was the chief spealter. and he gave a splendid address on the work Oif the Governunent and especially his own department, in which he is regarded without a peer by friend and foe alike. Mr. .McCauley also gave a pleasing address to the crowded auditorium of the town hall. Mrs. F. D. Sawyer of Markdale presented a petition to Col. Kennedy fi-om the women's organizations of centre Grey requesting tliat the ' government give substantial assist- ance in the purchase of the private hospital owned by Eh-. Garefoot of .Markdale, which is in danger of being closed, stressing the ?ood work being done by the hospital in the district. Mrs. Sawyer was sup- ported by a large contingent of women, which gave weight to the plea advanced. Due to lack of apice we are unabfe to give an account ol Col. Kennedy's and Mr. .UcCan'ey's addresses. Shewers For Bride-To-Be South Grey Has Four Candidates In Running South Grey voters are having a choice between four candidates in the election on June 7th. Last week two new candidates were announced, one of them being Mrs. .Alice Katool, C.C.F., who was in the last election in South Grey, and -Arnold Russell of Hanover as the Social Credit candidate. Besides these two are F. R. Oliver, Liberal leader' and Howard .McCauley as Conservative represenuttive. With the entry of these two candidates it looks as if •â- here will be an interesting situa- tion developing in South Grey. If tile two new cand:<iates remain in the running on election day, it will be the first time in many years that the electors will have had such a wide choice. {Softball League Enters Ontario Rural League Mr. D. G. MacAnhur, president 01' this disrict softball league, ac- companied by Harold Best of Flesh- erton and George McMasster of Markdale, attendtnl the spring meet-. ing of the Ontario Rui-al Softball LeagTie held at Gait on We<inesday night of last week. This league was entered in the Ontai-io Rural Lea<iue and the representatives will be the winner of the league, which will e;^ter the ".A'' series, while the se- cond place team will take their place in the "B" series. Flesherton team has represented this district in the Ontario Softt>all League on two occasions, the last time losing to Princeton in the final series. Flesherton W. I. LOVE â€" MacLEAN The wedding of Irene MacLean. dau£rhter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith of Flesherton, and William Geci-ge Love of Markdale, took place at the Baptist Parsonage, Flesher- ton, on Saturday, May 15th, the ceremony being perfonned bv Rev. W. A. White. The bride wore a periwinkle blue suit with grey accessories. On their return from their wedding trip, the bride and gi-oom will i-eside in Markdale. i "« 1 Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICEBOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Two showei's were held last, week for Miss Shirley Hindle, daughyr «t' -Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Hindle »i Sau- iicen Juncton, a bride-to-be. Wed- nesday evening, -May 12th, a social ti-et-toirether was held at »lie hoime of Mr. and Mrs. Hindle, aad a short program was sponsored by the Pro- ton Station Women's Institute. -At the proper time a lovely address was read by Mrs. Milton Bannon and the presentation of a mirror and fruit dish was made by .Mrs. .\. R. -MacCannell and Mrs. Gilbert Little. Shirley made a neat reply of thanks. Friday evening, May 14th, a shower was held in the Proton Olrange Hall in honor of Shirley, the program and games being spon- sored by the Proton United Church congregation. The address was read by Mrs. Russell White and the presentatioin of a sum of money was made by .\Ili-s. N. R. MacCannell. to which a fitting reply was made. "For They -Are Jolly Good-fellcws" was sung and a dainty lunch was sei-ved. Twenty-six ladies were present at I the May meeting of the W.I. held at the home â- >♦ Mrs. Wm. -McMillan an Tuesday evening last. After the i opening exercises the i-oU was ans- ' wered by iiayment of fees and a j verse for m»the". .A. vots was taken as to the possibility of the Institute fees being raised to 50c a year in ] pkice of Sac, which will be discuss- ed at the District anmual meeting at' Ma.xwell on June 16. Gifts were! presented to Mrs. Gordon Stuart, Mrs. Jeffwries and Mrs. Jim Pedis'- who have moved away. It was de- cided to hold the monthly meetings on the first WedTiesiiay of eaah month. The rep>»rt oi the auditors shewed a balance of |^ on hand. Mrs. C. McKechnie reported $43.50 being raised on tag day for the ' iilind. Mrs. Cornfield and Mi-s. Tee- ter had charge of the program, which consisted of readiii;gs by Mrs. Mc- Kinnon, Mrs. .McMillan and Mrs. F. Teeter. .A dour contest was held, the winner being Mrs. N. Stoddart. I BARBiER â€" McDonald ' In the old <Iays Indians prized corn for its color rather than its taste. In the modem day the white man goes by the kick. SOFTBALL STANDING Won Lost P»s. South Line 2 4 Flesherton 1 ^ - Eugenia 10 2 Dundalk 2 Feversiiam 10 Markdale 1 • Games Played This Week. South Line 7, Dundalk 6 Eugenia IT, Markdale 5 Gomes This Week Friday, â€" Feversham at Dundalk. Eugenia at South Line -May 25 â€" Flesherton at Ehigenia Feversham at Markdale Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who sent me canb, treats and floiwers, and to those wl» visited me while in the hospital aad since my return home. Their kiad- ness will always be remembered. â€"Mrs. Dick Ghck Specials This Week TROPICAL SPICE CAKE CHERRY CREAM CAKE also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares â- Cream Puffs Sugar Do-Nuts Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON Bom RAILEY â€" At Mrs. Xuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Monday, May 17th, l'J4», to -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey of Flesherton, a son- D..AVIDSON â€" -At East General Hospital, Toi-onto, on Sunday, May iHh, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson (nee Marie Chard), a son. MARSHALL â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Xursing Home, Flesherton, Tuesday, -May li8. VJriS, to Mr. and .Mrs. Gor- lioii Marshall, Dundalk, a daughter. STEWART â€" -At Mrs. Nuhn's -Vursing Home. Flesherton, on Tues- day, Ma^- IS, UI4S, to Mr, and Mrs, Kendall Stew-art, Ceylon, a sister for Gregxiry. at The man-iag« took place quietly the Parsonage of First United Church, Toronto, on Friday, .April j :iOth, of Gloria McDonald, daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs. Richard McDonald,' 151 Crai-den .Ave.. Toronto, to Ken- . neth Wlf red Barber, only son of Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Barber of Flesherton, I the ceremony bein]? performed by j Rev. Byers. i Miss Helen McDonald, sister of ' the bride, was bridesmaid and Jas. Corbett was groomsman. The recep- tion was held at the bride's home, following the ceremony. .Among those at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i Kendall and Mervyn, Singhanipton. The young couple left on a honey- uioon trip to Niagara Falls and Bntfalo. Thev will reside in TiM-onto. B.ATCHKLOR â€" HINDLE X i t I ♦ ♦ I t t It is still advisable to stack up wa-ito paper â€" but not in picnic "â- rounds. Picture Show IN THE FUArKRNAL HALL FLESHERTON TUESDAY, MAY 25th George Raft, Claire Trevoi in "1 STOLE A MILLION" "Fe^d the Kitty "Maestro of the Comics" TWO SHOWS: 7 and il P.M- Admission: .Adults jOc, Children 25i CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily •cctMiblt by tht city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks l-UNERAL CHAPEL !?.lAvLMiij.: Rd Kl.4^44 On Tuesday, May 18th, 1948, at high noon, a very pretty spring wed- ! dng was held at the bride's home, 1 near Saugeent Junction, when SliirleX i lleen Hindle, eldest daughter of Mr. \ an<l Mrs. Cephas Hindle, became the; i bride of Mr, Frederick Klnici i j Batchelor. youngest son of Mr. and I .Mrs. Samuel Batchelor, also of j Saugeen Junction. Rev. .A. G. Mac- I pherson of Flesherton officiated. ! Given in marriage by her father. I the bride took her place beneath an arch of pink and white streamers, ! and wore a white nylon chilfon streot-lenarth dress, trimmed with l.i.esuones and se-,iuins, with em- hroidei^ed veil, attached to a head- dress cf orange iilossoms. She cariied a bouquet of pink and white I OSes. The Inide was attended by ' her sister, Jean, dressed in an orchid ! pink nylon chigon, trimmed with rhinestcnes and sequins, with a shcuJder veil and head-dress of pink llciweis. The grconi was attended by his brother, Krne-st Batchelor, Thp svrooni's nift t.) the bride was a cah'iet of siivei-ware (service of I'.vclve), to the bridesmaid and oig- nls; to the •azor. The -wedding music was played by Mrs- , Bartlev Farr of \Vi,>odbii<lge. sister I of the gr-ioni. j The bride's mother wilmb a mauve ! and white jersey, with a red cor \ sage, while the groom's mother wore a printed crepe dress with a red corsage. The bride's table was I centred with a three-tier wedding I cake, with silver trimmings, minia- ! ture bridle and groom and silver I candles. Mrs. Frank Teeter of I Pleshierton, Mrs. Gifbeit Little of ' Proton an<lr Mrs. J. Pattison of j Springhill served, a dttinty luncheon ] to atxviit forty-ftve guests. The bride chose a brown tailored j stiit with black accessories and pink j floweriHl hat. The jjuests were im- mediato members o-f the families, two of the eldest nieghbors and the j givi.nv's gniiuPmorhtM-. The youni? couple are etgoyinur a trip to Strat- foid, Strathroy and other points. I They will reside in Orangeville. 1 -"Wl-^f, fc--- M,-. U-«,v>...;.|ltu>v j anist, ship radio ornanien lie;t man a Gillette ra WAR SURPLUS Large Stock of Clothing, Hardware and Farm Supplies at prices yoii can not afford to miss; b.'irsjfains g"a]ore. M. & W. ENTERPRISES Ml"-«*t!;F.LMAN H. L. WINTER DUNDALK Oliver the Man â-  Twenty-odd years ago a lad of 11 was the youngest member ever elected to Ontario's Legis- lature. Me is still there, and today he is asking ing you to send him back for his seventh consec- utive term â€" this time as Premier ..l' a Liberal Government. That man i> l~ar(|uhar C)liver, who has come far from his (irey County ancestral farm â€" which he still -iticcessfully ojievates â€" to the leadershi)) â-  '.iberal Tarty dt Ontario. During I'x ".i- Otiver has widened flis vears of public t ;\\i' decades,, l-'arnuhar his horizon in public life. service have "iven him a ♦ I I I ! ♦ 5 I X thorough grasp of provincial problems. Vet iie >till has the vigom" of youth, mellowed by mature, e.xperienced wisdom. His career ha> been marked bv action â€" no wimly wijrds or empty prcmiises for him! As Minister <.\{ Public Welfare and Public Works, he helped provide medical and financial aid for the needy and the less ]irivileged. He supported Lib- eral collective bargaining for labour, and Liberal subsidies for tanners. He snccessftdly negotiated with Ottawa â€" and will do ><« again. These are his assets: hone-^ty, sincerity, re- liability, experience, capability, hard work â€" and freedom from any dictator comple.x. Such qualities are what Ontario needs. They will enable Farquhar Oliver to plan and work constructivelv for all. for a greater ( >ntario. Vote OLIVER IN SOUTH GREY, JUNE 7th

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