Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1948, p. 5

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:"- M. A. A. t I V 1 A A 4 1 .ix^ -« A A - *â-  5: •» ». At .« r^ Wednesday, Mky 1^, I94« tI THE FLESHERTON ADVANCIC ^• United Churah Notes Rev. A. G. MacpherMD Minister â- "The 'Handwriting on th« Wall" â- will be the Victoria Day theme on Sunday, May '23rd, at Flesherton 11 a.m., and Pi-oton Statioa 3 p.m. At Eugenia 8 p.m., the service will be in charge of Rev. Whitney Davis of Thoj-nbury. All times given are daylig'ht saving. Eugenia W.A. meets Wednesday, May 19, i2:30 pjm., at the home of Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, 8th line. ' St. John's W.M.S. meets Friday, May 21, at 3' pjm. In the Sunday School room. Choir (practice in St. John's S. S. roo«i iFrlday, May 21, at 8 p.m. Members please note change of date' Watch The Advance for details of plays being sponsored 'by the W.A. VICTORIA CORNERS VANDELEUR KIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. EUvin Moore and i The W.A. held their May meeting The W. I. decided at their last baby, Elizabeth, accompanied by ] at the homu of Mrs. W. M. Lee in meeting to engage a good play for Mrs. Bert Hodgins of Proton Sta- Markdale, with Mrs. A. G. Macpher- 1 *heir otfming celebration. Mrs. H. tion, visited Tuesday evening with ' son of Flesherton as guest speaker, | Fawcett was appointed convener. Ml. and Mrs. Jack Batchelor, Bethel, land heiard a .splendid addres.s on I â- ^'â- - SUn La%vreiice, Owen Sound, I Mr, and Mrs. Walter Acheson at- 1 •'Home Missionai-y Work in Can- spent che week end with his family tended the sale of the fai-m stock, i ada.'' The pi-esident, Mrs. Will etc., of Christie Johnston at Shel- ; Johnston, presided and the roll was burne on Tuesday. i ansrvvertd by a missionary verse. Meniibers of Lnistoge W. A. met j Mrs. Lundy Johnston conducted a in the church Thurs<Jay aiffemoon, j musical contest and Mrs. Geo. Buch- ( Intended for Last Week) Miss Reta Whyte, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother. j Mr. H Mr. Innis McLean, Toronto, spent j of Toi-oiito spent Mother's Day with a few davs last week with his i their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meads and June spent Thursday at Gueiph and accompanied honje by EJmerson, who completed his year at college. McLean and sister, Gwen, MAY 24 VICTORIA DAY HOUDAY WEEK END SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Ronnd Trip ^®: firom 12 o'clock noon, Friday, May ai, mtil 2 p.m. Mon., May 24. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight. Tues., May 25. Times shown are Standard MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 30c GcAUiJlJiaM.Qouci(^ with an attendance oif 12 ladies Mrs. Fred Linton quite capaibly out- lined the' highlights of a recent meeting held in Flesherton United Chui-ch. Mrs. A. G. Macpherson delghted her listeners with a chap- ter of the study book. Mr. and Mrs. E- A. Stinson, Don and Beth, left Saturday for Cock- burn Island, where they will spend the sumimer months in the interests of their bush lot. â- Miss Raye Smith, Elora, was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stiniwn entertained Mrs. Taylor and son, Edgar, and friend. Miss Townsend, of Toronto on Sun- day. Mrs. Albert Stinson was also a visitor in the same home. NOTICE RE CLOSING NIGHTS At MAXWELL The i»uWrc is kiiutty adrised *at. effective hiimediatety w;«4i the a*r- ages, and o(*ective May 18th wth the genera! stores ani post office, the following business places ia Maxwell will clos<^ at C p.m. Tuesdii;. and Thursday nights of each week until further notice: Cameron's Store Grummett's Store Long's Garage Sled's Gar.nge anan was the winner. It was decid- ed to send a treat to tjie Grey County Houne. The May meeting of the W.I. is being hekl oxi May 27th in the Com- munity Hall, a week later than the usual date, with Mrs. Geo. Shaw as hostess. Exchange of slips and bulbs in answer to roll call. Pro- gram in chai-ge of Singer Sewing Machine Co. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ru(th visited with Mr. and Mts. Nor- man Stewai-t at Redickville and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stewart. Victoria Comers. A groundhog hunt is being spon- sored by the FaiTn Forum and Wo- men's Inst;tute with Vernon Fawcett and Billif Johnston as captain.-^. Sides have been chijcen and hostili- ties will start immediately. The winning side w\\\ put on a program and the losers provide a strawberry festival. The family of Mr. Wes WyvSle of this place held a deliglufsl birthday party in his honor ut the home •f hi.s (iauirhter. Mrs. Fraiik Darcy of Harhead on the occasion of his birthday on -Alay 9th. .\11 the family W';re present and a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Wyville re- ceived many (fine [presents and it w^as an occasion he will remember. 8TH LINE, OSPREY ♦ <• <• 5: 5: % I * * ♦ •> 5: % I t I I I % ♦ % t V •f I S. i I I t I t X I Y Y i To The Electors of South Grey During- an election canipaig-n. many promises are made and many irrelevant issues are introduc- ed to divert the attention of the electors from the main issue, which should ever be. the record of the Government in office: its Honesty of puri)ose, its appreciation of the welfare and needs of the people and its business-like efl'icicncy in discharging its great responsibilities. Briefly, we are interested ill Good Govermnent. 1 am sure we are in agreement when 1 sav that the Drew Government's record has been such as to inspire respect and conlkleuce. and ii.> effi- cient record oxer the past five years has never been surpassed in the history of Ontario. During the nine years immediately [)receding the Drew Administratijin. the Goxernnient to which Mr. Oliver gave his support added nearly 140 million dollars to the Provincial debt. Since the Drew (.iovernmem assumed ottice in 1^,43. not one cent has been added to the debt of this pro- vince, despite the increased obligations assumed in respect of Education. Highways, Hydro, Agri- culture and Social Services. iThis^record' can best be appreciated w'hen we give thought to the assist- ance given to Municipalities by the Drew Govern- ment, as compared to that given by previous administrations, and the savings which this rep- resents to all of us in our property taxes. (Intended for Last Week) Mis. J. Crawford and Billy and Mr. Roy Fcnwick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Park wx. Ranks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie. called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saijeons and faiHily at Hanover on Thursday. Mrs. Alice White. ".Jim. Ruth and Ru))v of Collingwaod were Sunday visitor? with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. We are sorry to report Mr. J. Crawford suffering from a severe case of lum)bugo. We hope that he will soon be ajble to be around ag:iTn. Mrs. Pete Somet-s of Brantford Avas home on the week end. We had quite a nice fall of snow- on Saturday. We hope now th«t winter is eve,- with for this veai'. iMr. W. Annstrung of Meafoixi' one of the creamery truckers, moved his family to KLmberley, occupying the Tesidence part of the Russell Ellis store. Mir. Stan Hutchinson of Camp Borden spent the week end at hia parental home. Rev. R. Cornish exchanged wcwk with Mr. K. Cairns, who is going to Xapanee. Rev. Cornish formerly had charge of the Baptist church here, and the people were glad tj welcome him again. A number of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis of Rocklyn vis- ited Valley friends on Sunday. Ml-, and Mrs. Ted Myles of Heath- cote visited Mr. and Mrs. Eliis We- ber on Sunday. j father, C. A. McLean. i .Miss Isobel Karstedt of Toronto j was a week end visitor at her home. \ Messrs. Vincent Archer and Stuart Carson of Bowmajiville and lady friend, Miss Irene Middleton, To- ronto, .spent the week end at the home of Dick Carson. We extend congratulations to Mrs. Shortroed. who obscfrved her 84th birthday Monday, M'ay 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Knox, Swin- ton Park, visited Sunday at the home of W. R. Meads. EUGENIA Mrs. Evans of Owen Souad is vis- iting her cfeiughter, Mrs. A. Mac- Cuaig. Beautful flowers, music and aer- r««on oomrnfemorated Mother's Day on Sundav. In St. Celumba, Miaa Dobbs and Mrs. Foxton rendered a duet. along with an anthem, and in St. -Andrew's, an amifiem was also rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent Sunday at Swinton Park with her jBiother. Other members of the faj-niiy vs-ere also present. In 1943. the Liberal Government contributed only some S millions h\ way of school grants, whereas the Drew Government assumes over 33 millions of the school costs. In 1943 the Liberal (u)vermnent paid less than 5 millions k^{ the Muni- cipal expeiuliture on roads, whereas in 194^. the Drew Government will lift o\er b> millions of this burden frcmi the shoulders of municipal tax payers. Highway costs ii: 1947 amoiuucd to nearly (il millions of dollars, a sum twice as great as that expended previ<.)usly in any one year, yet by efTicient management, every cent of all increas- ed obligations has been paid for in CASH. In addition to this pay-as-_\ ou-go policy, the Drew Government was able to reduce the Provincial debt by over 17 millions. Surely this is a renuuk- able evidence of efficiency, and a tangible expers- sion of the Government's understanding of our needs. In other I V-parimenis (^i (iovermnent as well, greatly increased obligations have been as- sumed in order to assist us in the further develoj)- ment of the restiurces of this great Province, and to enable us to attain the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any peoi)le in a similar area in the world to-day. If these etTorts on your be- half meet with favour, give the Drew Govern- ment a mandate to carry on. and work tor and support its representative in this riding. Howard A. McCauley, F'rogressive Conservative Candidate ITS TIMi: KOR A CH WGh! 1\ .^orril GRLY I t Y Y (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis, June and Joyce, and Mrs. Linstead of To ronto. and Mr. Bob Pages of Tona- wanda. N.V.. spent Sunday in the village. Mr. Pages and Miss June were guests at She Martin home. Mr. Clarence Williams of Toi-ento spent a few day.; with his pareHle. Mr. and Mrs Joe WJUiame. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr.*. Joe Williams Were: Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Manchip. Barbara and Lynn ilr. and Mrs. Thos. Crowe and Joey Williams of Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. Jake Will- ams who celebrated his 81st birth- day anniversary on Saturday. May Sth, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ross Lehman, Toronto. His daughter, Mrs. Davies. tf Winnipeg had the anniversary announced over the Clare Wallace program Friday. We were pleased to liear his name mentioned over thn radio and hope that he will soon be able to return to his home Mothers Day was observed in the church here on Sunday. Suitable hpnns were sung and the minister gave an inspiring message. Two children were baptized: Karen Eliz- abeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Melbourne Phillips, and Juuiith Ann. infant daughter oi M!r. and Mrs. J. Beatty of Streetsville. Mrs. T. Stewart. Patsy and Wal- ter, and Miss Norma Light, who ha^ been visiting at the Stewart home during the- past week, went to To- ronto to attend the wedding of the former's daughter, Ruth, to Mr. .\!ex. Sweda in Toronto on Monday. Congratulations are extended to the young couple. I Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Beatty, Sandra and Judith, of Streetsville spent the week end at the homo of Mrs. Bealty's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mel" bourne Phillips. HEAR THE VOICE OF nEMOCRACY CKEYâ€" Dial ,W(i Thurs.. >ray 20t.h. 8..35 p.m. Sun.. M.Ty 2:i'rd. ;t.-t5 p.m. Tues.. May "iSth, S.25 p.m. Th.us.. May 2Tth, 8.40 p.m. Sun., -May 3lHh. si.45 p.m. These broadcasts are a challenge t>i botii the Liberal and Consei-va- tivo parlies to deny or admit that they receive campai(>n funds iv^-m the liquor interests. Shingling % NOW is the time to look after your roofs and â- ? to apply asbestos siding. •:• t % Call i Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. % Local Ageut-; G. '"&>. Welton. Flesherton I + ;.<«.jM5.4j.^.;.-:..><.<ik'><.<><"X..><..:.+.><k^.>.y.><k.>.>.;.<fc^..>.X"M">'>*!'4";":"><">':"X I I i I Y x X I i I ♦ % Y Y Y I i PUBLIC MEE riNG ORANGE HALL FEVERSHAM FRI., MAY 21 LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO 12.05 p.m. g 4.0.5 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m; i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. g - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London Mid at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Ta.\ Included JL'KBHC HALIF.AX H'. TOHX S59.65 WIXXIPEG - 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALG.-\RY CHAUTKRED BUSES FOR i'RIV ATE P.VRTIES AT LOW TICKETS AND UNKORM.A.TION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone tX^ Flesherton. '^»it $50.05 6L30 81.35 RATES at S c'clnck p.m. COME AND HEAR HOWARD McCAULEY Progressive Conservative Candidate in South Grey V. Porteous Ex-.M.l'. North Grey Garfield Case M.P. for North Gny DISCUSS Hydro Hospitals Highways GOD SAVE THE KING l'r«>jiie>.-<ive Cun.Ncrvative A.sst)C. of South '•.â-  • • •..-. -, •..«..>.>.>.r..t";..:..:..:..:..t..:..>^,>.><, :,.vN.>.>.x*-t"!"><>»vX":":":":"M I I Don't Use An Old Cream Separator THAT TURNS HARD AND LOSES CREAM If you need a new Cream Separator, let me dem- onstrate in your own dairy a smooth, easy-turn- ing Renfrew that gets every last drop of cream. Increase your cream seques and help increase the butter production. Give us a call at any time.

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