Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1948, p. 4

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MM** N ^vf« â- ^ yV•cel«^â- s;i;^ . ^i;ly 2h. V>-if> THE FUaSHERTON ADVANCE MlfSSHOW YOU lON^ANY HIGHWAY HAIH I THE Hesherton Advance .'aUliahed on CoUin^rwood St., Flejnenou, Wednesday of each â- vesK. Circulation 1,100- Price t^.W a year in Canada, paid in aavaac«; |2.50 per year in the United Statqa. J. THUUOTON. EdiU.r PORTLAW .u'^<<'<'<'<'-i^<-v'>'><f<f^^^,t^'^^>'>'>^^^^,f4^»<t<r^^ 12TH LINE, OSPREY D. MacTavish & Sons FLESMERTON AUTHORIZED GOODYEAR DEALER ROOFING AND SIDING Aluminum and Steel Roofing, In- ri-bric and rol-bric aiding, asphalt ngles and cement on hand at all llaiM. Some farm •quipmeoit, barn ^|»or hinges, tracks, etc., on ha*d. HAROLD RICHARDSON Phone S3w3 Flesherton The question is, will voters fall fod what candidates say they stand for ? Dogs become benfcally ill from associatinjr witk people, according to a Fort Collins doctor. They must b<? he ones that lead a -log's life. F. H. W. Hicklins DEPARTMENT STORE Thinking of a New Suit? We can fix you up to your enlire satisfaction, either in Ready-to- Wear or iMade-to-Measure garments. Ready-to-Wear Suits, from $29.50 - "Tip Top Tailors' Ordered Suits $42.50 Odd Trousers, Shirts, Pyjamas, Biltmore Hats, New Neckwear, Light Underwear, Smart Hosiery Hickox Belts, Smart Black and Brown Oxfords. New House Furnishing Items Congoleum Rugs, Congoleum, Window Shades, Cretons, Homespuns, Monkscloth. Marquisettes, Lace Curtains, Celanese Curtains, Frilled Ctirtains. The Drapery selection is particularly good this season. B-H PAINT A complete stock; all new colors. If you think of painting your house, contact usearly. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Mr. and Mr.s. Bi". Wrijjht of Ham illon were holiday visitors with Mr â- M\<d Mrs. Victor McKenzie. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas and Bruce were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull, Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Dobensky and family and .Mjss Margaret Douglas, all of Toronto. Mr. and .Mis. Xeil MicKenzie and boys of Collingwood were visitors on the line tor the holiday, Wayne romaiiiing for a few days. Visitors for the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell and sona were: Misses Kdna and Normia Max- well of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eaji'les and family, Gibraltar. Mr. Allan Tupling of Toromto was home with his parerkts, Mr. and Mrs- Lome Tupling, and Hartley. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie and little soin<, Stewart, of Markdale were visitors with Mr. adn Mrs. Earl Mia X well. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dawson and son, Wilfred, visited at Guelph over the week end. Miss lona McKenzie was holiday- ing in CoHLngwood witTi friends. Mr. and Mrs. Follett and sons oi Toronto called to see Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple and looked over the ruins of their ccttage which was burned last fall. They intend to reibuild. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wrigtht and family of Wesk)», Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fenwiok of Toronto were holiday visitore with Ear! Fenwick. Mr. Merle Roberts and Miss Vica Roberts, who halve been spfcnding the wintci- in Toronto, are jiere for awhile loiking after their interests am the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor of Portla-w visited the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomson. We understand that Short broth- ers have purchased another timber limit. Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. Stewart and daughters of Flesherton, Reg. AUi- soiii of Toronto and the Allison fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fislier. Mii and Mi-s. Bfcrt Hopps and cliildren of t'ollingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur and Douglas of N'ottawa were week end callers on All-, and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Mrs. .Mat Dangelo, Ella and Jean Stoddart of Malton called on Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts on Sunday. .Mr. imd Mi's. Fred Betts and Cheryl, and .Arthur Betts, of Toron- to spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and MVs. Herb Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Osborne and foLU' children of Owoii Sound visited at the week end with their cousins, -Mr. and Mrs. John Badgerow. Mi\ and Mrs. .John Beecioft of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Em- (•r.-^on Wickuns of Flesherton called on Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Talbot and Mr. Jas. Pedler on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and two daughters of Toronto visited here for a few days. The pupils of S. S. No. 8 and their teacher Mrs. Lyons, held a bazaar and Empire Day program Friday afternoon. A number of the ladies attended and enjoyed the entertain- ment and lunch sei"ved. We under- stand that Mrs. Lyons has been en- gaged to teach for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Russell White, Mlar- ilyn and Garry, of Saugeen Jet., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. Lewis Sheardown of Torojito was a week end visitor here. Bring in Your Cream y y t V Y I Being on the level helps you lisp in your own estvination. to The only nice thing about a flood is that it makes you feel glad that voii contriI)Uted to the Red Cross. CO-OPERATIVF. MILL WILL HAVK HAI,F HOLIDAY The O. & A. Co-operative mill in Fleshorton will observe Thursday afternoon as a half holiday, until further notice. C:OAL Please accept this as our way of thanking each and every one from Flesherton and vicinity for their past business,' whether it was a large or. small order. Please be advised that we are in a much better position than ever to take care of your valued orders. Our terms are strictly C.O.D., but we can guarantee delivery of any order you or your friends may see fit to place with us. Very truly yours, Sam Wright & Son (Intended for Last Week) -Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot and Mr. Jag. iPedlei- visited wlitlh Mir. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, CoUingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bill fatten and Mr. Ed. Patton of DuindaUc and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher of Flesherton spent a day with Mr. and Mbs. Stanley Patton. The Plantt family of Meaford were guests at the home of Wes Plantt recently. Mr. and Mirs. J. Hargrave aoid sons of Wareham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce have re- 1 turned home from Toronto. Mr. aind Mrs. Albert Blackburn,! Air. and Mrs. John Grummett and Dianne of Hamilton called on friends along the Fourth at the week end. The s>Tnpathy of this community is extended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. M. Guy, whose funeral was held Monday at -Maxwell from the home of her daughter, -Mrs. Jae. Winters. Mr. and .MVs. Harold Clark of To- ronto visited with "Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Blaekburrt. Mrs. Camoron of Dur- ham is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Blackburn. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons are s|K,rting a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .McKee and Barbara of Hamilton spent the week end with the Jackson ami McKee families. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum, Mr. and Mis. R. Meldrum, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Afeldrum and Donald. As we are approaching the time of the year when cream is at the peak of production, so deliver that can of cream to the Flesherton Creamery and receive the extra cent for deliv- ering. \\\- guarantee to give you all that is in your can of cream. Cull Your Hens Now Since egg production is falling off, it would pay to cull the flock and market those hens which are not producing. We are paying the highest possible price for fowl. The Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday nights. Fleslierton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario «K"X~:~x~X"XKK~:~:~:~x~:~:««KK~:">*<~:~:~X"><~:«**<~x«««w^^ y I i I '4 I y i Died BOWLHK â€" At Vie home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Richards, Fle- sherton, on Sunday, May 23rd. 104.?, Mrs. C. W. Bowler, formerly Esther Boyd, in ker.SOth year. The funeral took i^aec or Tue&day, May 26th, with sarvioe at the home of her daughter, at 2:30 o'clock pjm., with interment being- made in the Mark- dale Cemetery. Hectric lighted handbags may be okay, but we still think the contents should be kept in the dark. LADIES: READ THIS Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. Harmless â€" leaves the skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Moitiey promptly refunded if hair grows back after third applica- lioti with nu (piestions asked. Com- plete treatment §2 postpaid. (C.O.D.'s â€" Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 335) Box 22 Station U, Montreal, Que. SEWING MACHINE SERVICS All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 64 Fleshetron When all static is eliminated from radios, crooners will l>e deprived of : their alibi. ( anadian iiaper money can be I folded 5,001) times without ci'acking : Or breaking. But, whats the use? The good wife would still find it. WAR SURPLUS Large Stock of Clothing, Hardware and Farm Supplies at prices you can not afford to miss; bargains galore. M. & W. ENTERPRISES MISSKL.MAN H. L. WINTER DUNDALK m. Phone 170 MARKDALE HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS . . . 'THE PROVINCIAL ELEGION JUNE 7" Friday, May 28, 8.30 to 9 p.m., Station CBL Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Pubtlihi-d b/ th-* i'tttg:o%t!vn foniarvotivi Maffy of Ontarin In South Grey's Interests! Vote Oil iver F. R. OLIVER ONTARIO NEEDS HIS ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE ELECT A FARMER PREMIER ISSUED BY . SOUTH GREY IJP.l-.RAL AvSSOCLXTlON t I 4r 4 * t t 4 •« Ilk TORONTO LINE NORTH Misses Ehrelyn, Iva and tHelen Brovra of Toronto spent the hiliday week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brown. Mrs. A. Lemon f Markdiale was a visitor the past week with her friend, Mrs. M. McFadden. Visitors with Mrs. T. Lever dur- ing the week end were: Misses Win- netta amd Carmel Martin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sockett, Montreal, and Miss Gertrude Lever, Markdale. 'Mrs. Orr an<f daug-hter of Torons* visited with her mother, Mrs. Wol- stencroft and sister, Mrs. W. Lever. * m ^ * 41 m 2 r' t

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