» m f A. A >. * 1) A. 1 < ( V « * 4 -4 * t -A 4 ^7 * *â- T r T -r r â- > Wednesday, June 2, 1948 THE F'LESHERTOX ADVANCI' The later people turn in the leas th*./ turn out. FISHING EQUIPMENT Alcoek, Laight & Westwiod fish- ing tackle and other sporting goods. BEG. BODEN B.-A. Station Flesherton The wo#d isjuil of ^ lot of jeople who can lead the way â€" ^butwhere to? \«C^''**t^'^- Two happy skippers. soul mates wind up as Aren't husbands who rebel at the I price of woTiven's hats failing to j consider their entetrtainment value* WAR SURPLUS Large Stock of Clothing, Hardware and Farm Supplies at prices you can not afford to miss; bargains galore. & W. ENTERPRISES M. J. MUSSELMAN H. L. WINTER DUNDALK N0TICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Senrice WE PAY AS HIGH AS HO.M FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and C©WS Ae«4Wdin? t« size and condition â€" Small aniwisks reawred f re«. We do the Iwidiitg. HIGHBST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER ♦ t f ? ? Y V X i To The Electors of South Grey The current election campaign is drawing- to a close. The issues of the day have been present- ed with vigor by all parties througfh the medium of the Press and by Radio, and the decision i-ests in your hands. The franchise is a valued privil- ege upon which the foundation of our Democ- . racy is based. It should be exerted with the utmost care, and with regard only for the issues involved. May I suggest to you that thought be given to the "many advantages that are enjoyed in On- tario, as compared to similar areas throug'hout the world. We enjoy security of person, security of property, and the highest standard of living in existence. For these things we should be thank- ful, and give support to a Government which, in large measure, is responsible for them, and one that is aware of the great task, which is ever pre- sent of correcting the imperfections of the soc- iety in which we live. The Drew Government has discharged its great trust with efficiency and with scrupulous honesty, and on its record is deserving of your support. \Vithout doubt it will be returned to office, and as the Representative of this Riding. I wll be in a position to give South Grey the ut- most in service. For 22 years. Mr. Oliver has been the sitting member, and from every corner of the riding is voiced the same sentiment: that his record of service has been a disappointing one, and that the interests of South Grey have sutTer- ed. I leave the decision of June 7th in your hands, wth the utmosts confidence thjtt we are in com- plete agreement when 1 say "It's time for a change in South Grey." Yours faithfully. Howard A. McCauley, Progressist (.'onser\ ati\ e Candidate I IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE IN SOUTH GREY J.J,..^,5,^,J,.>,^.><«^<.^H^^.<..><">•^♦<•♦♦•^♦<»♦•^'^♦♦♦•>•>•^•^â- x•♦•t"^<••^^•^•••"•â- \ % \ % V ANUELtUK Vanaeifcur vV.i. held their May uictimg iiiLiisuay, -uay sau, ui cun- juutuun Willi tnt \V .A., wlien tile jii.vgfcr Sttwing .vidchine Co. oi L>wen Sound gave a splendid demonstiatiun. O'Vtf tuiiy yijcrsons were in attend- ance and enjoyed tlie afceriioon. snaps were taktn oi all present, oiti- eials of the W.l. and members oi 2U years or more, etc. A lengthy bus- ine.=s meeting irxluded a few itMna of comoiiuiiity interest. Tlie social welfare convener, Mrs. H. Graham, reportetd a series of community act- ivities of the W.I. and Farm Forum, which commenced when the ground- hog hunt teaaiis went into action. On June lych V'andeleur W.I. and F.F. are to be gaests of Vaadeleur cliurch with Rev. W. il. Lee in chai-ge. Oui WJ._ nxenibers attend at least ten different ciiurches, but on Sunday, June l3th, all WJ. members and pact members are invited to attend as a group the church sei-vice at 2:30 p.m. Plar.s ai-e Made »o hold a community day at the elo«e of the hunt. ReT. W. D. Rogers of the Oatario Terapei-amce Federation occupied the p«lpit iind s'ave a stro'Hg address on Dhe TKiuor problem and tile temper- ance eause. Recemt visitors with Mrs. Etiiel itutchir.son and Miss Myrtle Fawcett were: Mr. amd Mrs. Xo4-ris Knight, Terry and David, o^ Toronto, and Mrs. Knigtit of Vanicouver, B.C. Mrs. .McMullen if Thorabucy iy Tisiting wrfh Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Jais. Hart)ottie visit- ed with friends in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr-s Lundf Joh»s1:on, Mr. a^d Mi-s. Mel Buichanan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis attended the wedding the wed- djngn of th&ir iece. Katherine Reedy, in St. Marys a week ago. Recent patients in Markdale Hos- pital, are: Alex. Gilray, Jsyce Wyv- ille and Will Johnston. Wodehous.*? school played Vande- leur school at Softball, with the vis- iting team winning the game. Vaiideleur W.I. held a hot lunch booth at the Hereford sale in Mark- dale on Tuesday, Miay 25, and report a very successful day. JSrlany from this district enjoyed a drive througfh the apple blossom dis- trict to Thombury on Sunday. Did you hear the Sunday morning weekly radio broadcast mention the Vandeleur groundhog hunt, which is sponsored by the Women's I»stitute and Farm Foi-um. STEPHi-N'S CORiNERS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horner and Don- nie of Collingwood visited Sunday with Mr. Roy Fenwick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mclnnis, Owen j ^ Sound, visited recently with Mr. anu Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Hespeier and ftlr. Ehvood Partiidge of Rock Mills were callers Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Misis Ethe'. Feiw-ick, RegjN., of Peterboro, visited recently with Mr Roy Fenwick and family. Mr. and Mis. Johnnie Blakey ofj Notcawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Loug-heed. Work has comiv.t-nced in the swamp where we have had our bad spring wash-outs, and today, Monday, the bulldozer is tearing out the willow trees. It is understood that two new bridges will be bu;lt and the road considei-ably widened. Tw» weeks of the sands and 50 on the rocks is what the average vaea- tion adds up to. (Intended f»r L<ast W6«k) Mrs. Geo. Priestley spent a few days in HamRton recently attending «he L.O.B.A. Cri-and Lodgj. as a dele- gate fe-oni 'SfaDie Leaf Lodge at I Maxi\eU. j Mr. Haxold Brownridge baa r«- : ceired his dis«fearg<e from Malton Hospital and is apeadinj awhile witii i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lamce' Brownridge. ! Mr. Clarence Wintea-s accompanied • Mr. Geo. Long oi MaxweH to Ghat- ; ham on Tuesday of last we«k and spent a few daj-s attending Orang'e Grand Lod^e, as delegiatcs from ttie j Maxwell Lodge. Mr. Reg'. Allison of Toronto spent \ the holiday week ead with his fatker. j Mr. Tela. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. D. .\. Winters of Thombury ware holiday \isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters and Mr. David Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hollingshead of Collingwood visited with the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pi-iestley. Mr. Wildon Lougheed and Mr. a.-.d Mrs. J. A. Louffheed of Brampton visited friends here on Sunday. Wliat a tame name spade is for a ipade \^'hen dad is ordered to get busy in the garden. COAL Please accept this as our *ay of thanking each and every one from Fleshertou and vicinity for their past business, whether it was a large or small order. Please be advised that we are in a much better poeition than ever to take care of your valued orders. Our terms are strictly C.O.D., but we can guarantee delivery of any order you or your friends may see fit to place wkh as. V««y intlv y»urs, Sam Wright & Son I I I % V I I •> I \ % % \ I x \ % % I t I X I ^•^•s (.Intended for Last Weeki War on the ground liogs of the district started in earnest on the morning of M«y 24th. when members of the two teiuns, together with olfi- ciuls of the W.I. and F:ir,ii Foium, gathered at the Community Hail and had their pictures taken by Mr. Lee of Owen Sound. Prev-ious to start- ing in the day"s hunt, Rev. W. M. Lee made a few suggestions and the Foi-um secretary, Howard Gvaham. read several announcements and war was otficialiy declared. A number of sharp enigagements have already tak- en, place and numerous casualties have beer. reported among the groundhog population, but according to reports from observers in the field, the undergi'ound forces of the enemy have dug in and are deeply entrenched and prepared to with- stand a seig-e. While here Mr. Lee took pictures of tile scliool ohildren, trustees. Farm Forum otficials and others, who planted some I'oOO trees this spring on the reforestation plot and windbreak along the Meaford Road, south of Vandeleur school. He also took a picture of the pioneers' mon- ument on the school grounds, which was erected -tl years ago. on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the section. Visitors with Miss Minnie K. Gra- aihm over the holida.v week end werp-' Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham, Ronnie and Bernie of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Graham of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith. Toronto. Mr. and >Prs. Howard Graham and Ruth, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Graham and Mrs. Russell Freeman. attended the funeral of Mrs. Xorman Stewart of Redickville on Sunday. May 2Srd. Mrs. Stewart is a sister of Mrs. Howard Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mrs George Buchanar: and Mr. Will Johnston calleii at the Stewart liome at Red- ickville Saturday aftevnoon. and the PRICEVILLE (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol Ken N'ichol of Ottawa spent week end witili friends here. Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto holidayed with friends here. Miss Reta ^^'hyte of Toronto holi- dayed with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Miss I. Karstedt of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Harold Karstedt- Mr. Iniiis McLean and Mrs. J. Mo- Farlane and sons of Toronto holi- dayed at the honw of C. A. McLeaa. Mr. and Mrs. Kosnic and babe of Toronto were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McConkey Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Walter .A.ldcorn and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldcoi-n and babe, all of Toronto, were guests at the homes of J. McKee and Mrs. Aldcom. Miss Jane Karstedt of Toronto is homa from L^niversity. Mr. Willis Savers is also home from Toronto University. Miss Flora McFarlane. Toronto was a week end visitor with her brother. Neil. BY-L.\W NO. 1. POLICE VILL.\GE OF PRICEVILLE Prohibiting Stock (Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine) from Running at Large Without a Guardian in the Village of Priceville ROCK MILLS Mrs. Henry Martin and two child- ren arrived here Saturday from Northern Ontario and were met by hea- husband at .-VllistoM. They will occupy an apartment in the board- ing House. We extend a welcome to Mrs. Martin and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Clark of To- ronto spent the past week witli his p.^ronts. Mr. and M'l-s. Dick Clark. Havii'd has been laid up with an infectwl hand. Mr. and M'-s. Fred Partridgre of : Gait spent the week on<l with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- wood Partridge. Mr. l>. Field has not been enjoying •.-ciod health lately ami was foi-ced to take ,1 rest from his work at the mill here. Mr. Frank Belts is tak- Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Police Trustees of the Village of Priceville. in the County of Grey, as follows: (1) That whereas the running of stock, such 'as horse, cattle, sheep and swine, on the streets of the said Vil^dge of Priceville has been deem- ed a public nuisance; (2) Therefore it is hereby enacted that from the passing of this By- law, all animals shall be prohibited from running at large, ami for every such case of violatioin or breach of i the said By-law, it shall be expedient : for the Police Trustees' Constable to j take aii.v such animal or animals i and impound them, after which the! owners of the said animals will be I legally prosecuted. I (:n That this By-law shall come j into etfect fromaivd after thv pass- \ ing thereof. Passed in Board assembled this Twenty-seventh day of May. .A.D. 1!1<V. PKTER Me ARTHUR, johx stoth.vrt, hb:rman b. mcLE.a.n. Pii'iioe Trustees of the Villag:e of Prierville. Int!ati<J€i doesn't help anyb.x!y-« not even the person who is a flat tire. KING'S BIRTHDAY MONDAY, JUNE 7th HOLIDAY WEEK END SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and W all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip Phone !"• .MAIHvDALK GO: any time from 12 noon, Friday, June 4. until 2 pjn., Mon., June 7. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, June 8. Times shown are Standard MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE AdaitB or ChHdrea J#c Fijil particTilaae from v^ age«t QAMaAioAiQ^oudJ^ 7--lX^A~^ *!-.im^ Shingling NOW is the feime to look after your roofs and to apply asbestos siding. Call Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. Local Agent: G. B. Welton, F4esherton ^^c^^^ r LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) TO OWEN SOUND 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and i - Daily except Sat. To TORONTO 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: Holiday only g - Saturday only. Biu Connections at Brampton for London •nd at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included QUEBEC $59.65 WINNIPEG - $50.05 1 HALIFAX - 29.60 REGINA 61.30 ST. JOHN - 46.70 CALGARY - 81.35 CHARTERED BUSES FOR PRIVATE PARTIES AT LOW RATES 1 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont, in^- his ]il>Ce at present, that Barney will soon s-roatlv it>''r>roved. We hope he feeling Your Trustees hold theii nieetinjj on the Fourth Monday of each month. .\11 property owners are in- vited to attend. PAINTING PAPER HANGING Interior and exterior painting. and paper haneinfr. Let me eive you an estimate. J. V. CARSON Phon^ 2r'2 Flesherton Priceville Roofing W'c have a good stock of ASPHALT SHINGLES, 210 lbs. per square WINLOCK and ARROWLOCK. 125 ibs. 18 inch Rolls, 95 lbs. Rollbric Siding 12 lb. Felt Paper Insulbric Siding It you are going ro use any nf these materials it will pa\ you to order now. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON, Ontario