Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1948, p. 5

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4 * « « \ 4 '# 4 « 4 •4 4 > f -* * * V 4. THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE Wednesday, June 9, 1948 "^-â- ^ WAR SURPLUS Large Stock of Clothing, Hardware and Farm Supplies at prices you can not afford to miss; bargains galore. M. & W. ENTERPRISES J. MUSSELMAN H. L. WINTER DUNDALK A A young man at college sent his laundry home, and when his mother opened it she nearly wept â€" his hand- karohiefa were all tinged with Ifcp- Btick. *Oh, Mother, be sensible," her daughter commiserated; "you could- n't expect him to go forever with- out having' a girl.' "I fcn<yw," fretted the mother, "but leok, there's a different colour on every handkerchief." STEPHEN'S CORNERS * t * t 4 4 4 I • 4l t 4 * *â- â- >â-  > -r Industry Imvo/s of the righf hand of fortune' Another welcome traveller is Protection, and with Mutual Benefit coverage it is always with you. It helps hospital expenses and gives an income while you are laid up. Fill in the attached coupon and learn how you may be pro- tected for just a few cents a day. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and ACCIDEHT ASSOaATION 0«y or Town _... Ago Oceupotlen. LISTEN TO JIM HUNTER 8AM &630PM ppnp EXCEPT SUNDAYsUlIlD 34 KING ST. EAST TORONTO We ai-e sorry to report that Mr. Frank Hainmill ii a patient in Ool- lingweod Hospital, suffering a brok- en vertebrae in his back and also chest injuries, while working at Wasaga Beach We wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Jlr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart and family of Toronto spent the week end with' Mr. and Mrs. Ctareno* Witvters aod family. Visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous were: Mr. and Ift-s. Ranald Parsons and family of the 8th line and 11:. and Mrs. Lawson White, Flesherton. We extend our sympethy to Mr. Jack Bi-oderic'k in the deakh of his father, near Redickville. VICTORIA CORNERS (Intended fo Last Week) Mi-s. Archie McTaggart and son. Mack, of Brampton vis-ited the be- ginning of the week with the for- mer's brothers, Jas. and Walter Acheson, and sisters, Mrs. Wilfred Gallaug4ier and Mi-s. Jas. Batchelor. Mrs. Kingsley Gallaugher and little damglxter, Ami+^s returned to their home in Toronto on Thursday morning, following a week's visit in the Wilfred Gallaoxgher home. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever, Mark- dale, spent the week ead at the Mil- ton Bannon home, Mrs. Dever assist- ing the Inistitute and Mr. Dever at- tending the L.O.L, meeting in Pro- ton Saturday evenirag. The Bannons and Devers motored to Tliornbury and joined the Blossom Sunday throng. In the evening Mr. and Mirs. Blannoini entertained Mi', and Mrs. Craigie Leich and family of Hanover. Deooi-ation Day week end and Monday gniests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MboiTe were: Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Arnold, Bobby and Peggy Joan, and Mr. Thos. McGrath of Buffalo. Mrs. Edith Hall and Donna, Miss Peggy Linton of Owen Sound were Sunday visdtors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton. Doctor: "The l>est thing for you to do is give up dwnking and smoking, and gro to bed early every night." Patient: "Somehow, doctor, I don't deserve the best. What's second best?" r ^ I mm... \ j. FLESHERTON'S ^ iTIRE HEADQUARTERS; FOR AUTHORIZED GOODYEAR SALES & SERVICE P D. MacTavish & Sons ^ CEYLON -Mrs. Mat Hunter of Brampton visited last week with her father, Mr. John Kennedy. J. S. McDsrmid and son, Mel, vis- ited over the week end with ilr. and .Mrs. Don Porter, Thistletown. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshall, Hol- land Cenu.-i- visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jaynes. -Miss Isaibeile Irish and Norman Irish, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of S. Hemphill. Miss M. E. Aitken spent the holi- day week end at Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Marshall and two children of Markdale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns and Heather spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Elkins at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson of Fer- gTis and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gibson of Caledon were" week end visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Robt. Plester. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Copeland of Salem ami Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haw of Proton Station visited at the home of Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnett and Faye »f Dunhaam visited on Sunday with Mr. and Ifas. Ed. Genoe. Mrs. Rofet. Qampbeil, Eric and Dorothy, spent the week end at Hopeville. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson "and Leona of Portlaw were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Chisiett and the tetter's sister from Scotland, Sunday visitors with Mrs. Anna Ms- Millan and Fred Chisiett. Mrs. Downing is spending a couple of months with her friends. Mts Anna McMillan. ROCK MILLS Mr. Ed. White of Toronto spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley, and Joan MoMaster, spent the week end with their faan- ily at Gait. Master Wayne McMas- ter, who had spent the past week with his uncle at Gait, returned home with them. Mr. Ted Croft spent the week end at Gait. We are soriY to report that Mr. John Robertson has been bedfast for some tiim* and in a very weakened condition. Monday was a busy day, with everybotly getting; out to vote. Mrs. C. Newell spent the week end at her home here, i-eturning to Dur- ham on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weatherall of "Thisitleto^vn, Miss Lackie and Mr. Ferris of V'ictoria Corners visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W'on. Russell and Elva. Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Cameron and sons. Burton and Russell, of Sing- hampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell. The two boys cele- brated their birthdays on Monday. June 7th. Burton was 16 and Rus- sell 11. Here's wishing both many haippy returns of the day. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindley of Owen Sound vsited friends in the village on Sunday. We are sotTy to report Mr. Hugh Fenwick on the sick list, but hope for a speedy i-ecovery. Monday evening the W.A. gi»theved at the home of Mi's. E. Buckingham After th^ business period. Rev. Mr. Holmes made an addr^'Ss to Mrs. Alice Stephen, who has been a faith- ful member for a good many years, aad as a token of thanks of the Association, was presented with a dresser set. Mrs. Stephen is a mem- ber who is greatly missed in the W. A., as she was always ready to do her share of the duties. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Blakey of Vancouver, B.C., are visiting with MV. ami Mrs. Robt. Blal<ev. <â-  "^ EUGENIA (Intended for Last W(*ek) Miss DoroBhy Genoe of ToBonto spent the week end W4th her father Mr. David Genoe. Callers on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Will- iams on Sunday were Mr. Thos. Fen- wick of Proton, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- enue Big-gar also Mrs. Edith Hull and Donna of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Hespelei and Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge and family of Rock Mills. Misses Mary and Isabelle McKet and Mr. F.W. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the McKee home. The Y.P.U. held their weekly mee- ting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks, on Friday evening last and spent an enjoyable time. Miss B. Williams visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williaams. 8tli line 8TH LINE, OSPREY (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford, Joan and Billy spent last Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Jas. Thompson 12 line. iMir. and Mrs. Harold Osboi-n and Marie of Dundalk visited -sTith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick recently. Mrs. Alice WTiite, JinT,-».Ruth and Ruby of Collingwood spent tlie 24th with M.r and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty. Franklin and Beth of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poole and Bruce of Karr- awan Lodge. Wasaga Beach, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick and family. Mr. Harold Femvick will spend a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mfrs. Loyd Stephen. Mary Jimmie and Mr. and Mds. Jas. Ott- ewell attended the blossom show in Thornbury Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary, and Mr. Jack Stephens spent last Tuesday in Toronto. Miss Joan Crawford has returned to Preston and will take a position in a Preston bank for the summer months. Mr. Kendal Hawkins received the sad news on Sunday of the death of Mrs. Sam Mc-Nab at Chatsn-orth. The best way to make safety last is to use safety first. FISHING EQUIPMENT Alcock, Laight & Westwiod fish- ing tackle and other sporting goods. REG. BODEN B.>.\. Station Flesherton BY-LAW NO. 1, POUCE VILLAGE OF PRICBVILLE Prohibiting Stock (Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine) from Running at Large Without a Guardian in the Village of Priceville Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Police Trustees of the Village of Priceville, in the County of Grey, as follows: (1) Tliat whereits the running of stock, such as horse, cattle, sheep and swine, on the streets of the said Village of Priceville has been deem- ed a public nuisance: (2) Therefore it is hereby enacted that from the passing of this By- law, all animals shall be prohibited from running at large, and for every such case of violatioin or 'breach of the said By-law, it shall be e.Mpedient for the Police Trustees' Constable to take any such animal or animals and impound theju. after which the owners of the said animals will be legally prosecuted. (3) That this By-law shall come into effect fromand after the pass- ing thereof. Passed in Board assembled this Twenty-seventh day of May. A.D. 1908. PETER Mc ARTHUR. JOHN STOTHART. HERMAN B. McLBAN. Police Trustees of the Village of Priceville. COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone 170 MARKDALE ^,..y\f.-^^-fJi^:^'yy:^yf.';^^^^ i To the Electors I of South Grey I I My heart-felt thanks to all who contributed % in anv way to the mag-niticent support afforded I we at the polls on Monday. % I will work to merit this confidence. F. R. OLIVER f . ....**.• *i *i 1*1 1*1 iTi 1*1 1*1 1*11*1 1*1 A 1*1 1*1 i^i i*[ 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 [*| r*i r*i â- *! f*- â- *! *i [*r ♦i I*- *• â- *! â- *, -*fi*ii*i A 1*1 i*ii*in% •.•♦.•♦.••»**,**,**^***»**»**»**/*.**.**Jf*»**.*****.**»*V*.**.**»**.**.**»**.**»**.**.**.****%*%**» ••^â-º**#*^»*% ♦ ♦*%*%**»*%**S^.**?*.**^ The importance or election doesn't The latest return from the snake register with some folk â€" because i bite front shows that bouiS)on is get- neitlier did they. ting as many votes as iiaith. •:**:**:**:**x***:**:*+*:**:*<»>*:**>*:**:**>M**:**x**:**>*:**:**K**M**:**:**:**>*:**x**x^^^ Shingling NOW is the time to look after your roofs auid to apply asbestos siding. Call Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Lfd. Local Agent: G. B. Wehon, Flesherton Iâ€" i â€" ^ou^S*^ I GRAY COACH LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) j TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO [ d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: I i 8.40p.m. [ d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. g - Saturday only. Bus G>nnections «t Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Ronnut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY CHARTERED BUSES FOR PRIVATE PARTIES .VT LOW RATES TICKETS AND LNFORMATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont. QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $50.05 6L30 81.35 Your Trustees hold theii meeting | f on the Fourth Monday of each month. .-XU property owners are in- vited to attend. Roofing \\"e liave a uood >t 'ck of ASPHALT SHINGLES, 210 lbs. per square WINLOCK and ARROWLOCK, 125 ibs. 18 inch Rolls. 95 Ibs. 12 lb. Felt Paper RoUbric Siding Insulbric Siding If you arc going- to luse any of tiiese materials it will 'pay yon to (Mxler now. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON. Ontario

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