Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday. June 9, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SAL1-: â€" 2 uags vi flax seed. â€" H. Riohai-dson, phone 33w3. LOST â€" Tire, rim and wheel for ll'ai Liic-vrolet, tire size I'J-o.oO. â€" Geo. Johnson, phone 87 Fleshtrton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Local ana rersonal ..VAiviTEL) â€" Auunaki* atiitable foi caink and fox teed. â€" Bert McIniosL Kug«ni», phoiM Pev«r8b»-i 5r&6 FOR iSALK â€" 3-buhnci Coleman gasoline stuve in geod condition. â€" Lom« Turvey, phone 26w. Ip2 HEJ.P \V.\NTKD â€" Girl or woman iot ten%rai house work. â€" Mrs. G. C-olg-an Mark(ia!e, phone 130J. FOR SALE â€" .Numixj- of young sows cominsr in .<oon. â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, phone 40J4. Zpl FOR SALE â€" Stroller go-cart, good as new. â€" Mrs. Dick Stewart, phone 4*.l Dundalk. ap2 PASTURE for 6 or 7 yearlings. â€" Mrs. Gilbert, Priceville, phone 99J3 Flesheiton. bZc2 FOR SALEâ€" SUCkiry coal or wx)od range. â€" Bob Phillips, jihone 30-w Flejiherton. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" Holatein heifer calf, 2 weeks old. â€" R. Spencer, Eu- t'enie, phone lU»«n5 Fleeherton. FOR SALE â€" Good kitchen i-ange, price $10. â€" Norman Lou«^s, Flesh- erton, phone 73Ja 2p2 NMICE â€" Trespassing, hunting and fishrng on Lot 24, Con. 7, Art- esnesi*, strictly prohibited. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. In the matter of the Estate of listher lUjwler of the Village oi Flohherlon, deceajstd, .Ml persons hiiviiij; claims against the estate of Esther Bowler, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, leeeascd, who died on or about the viard day of .May, l\)4S, at the Village of Fle- sherton, are required and hereby not- ified to send prepaid to the under- sisrned Solicitors for the Executor, on Or before the I8th day of. June, lii-lS, ftiU particulars verened by sta- tutory declaration. Immediately after the said IBth' day of June, i:i48, the Estate will bo (listriluited among lh« parties en- titled thereto, havinK r<.gard only to the claims of which the Solicitors shall then have haA notice. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of May, W4S. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Mavkdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. AUCTION SALE FARMS. FARM STOCK AND I>lPLBMENl"S PASTURB â€" 10 head of cattle wanted for pasture, abundance of pe«nanent grass, water and shade. â€"Trv4 Bai-ber, phone 11891. PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent for pasture for summer season, -^pply to L. R. Thistlebhwaite, 3fi Roose- velt Rd.. Tor»nto 6- 42t.f. FOR SALE â€" Siver Hull buckwheat 3 cents pej- lb. out of bin or $2.00 per bu. cleaned. â€" Luther Love, phone 71J4 Dundalk. Ip2 PASTURE TO RENT â€" Kno%TO as the Andrt-w Graham farm, Lot 23, Con. 11, Ai"temesia, to rent for pasture. â€"Jack WiLson, Kinberley. FOR SALE â€" Beatty hand washer with wringer, good condition, also Aladdin larrup. â€" Mrs. Emerson Par- ker, phone 6r3 Fevershani. 52p2 WANTEDâ€" Middle aged woman for light , housekeeping, good home, remunaration. Apply at the Ad- vance office. 2c2 CUSTOM WORK done with manure spreader, tractor and loader, quick loading and spreading |2.50 per hour. â€" Ralph Harbottle, Duncan. FOR SALE â€" Young Yorks.hire sow, bred, choice of .'! â€" A. Zajaczkowski Eugenia, Lot 36, Con. 8, Art- wnesia. 'ij)2 STR.AYKD â€" From our premises on or about May 2t»th, 12 yearling cattle. Anyone knowing where- abouts please contact Cliff .'Mien, phone Wwl Flesherton. Ic.'i FOR SALE â€" Xuniitjer of c-ows ami heifers, fre'sh and due to freshen; drop-head McCoiwick-Deerinjr hay loiider in -Al .shape. â€" Dick Carson, phone 22M;5 Flesherton. 2p2 FOR SALE â€" Bay mare J! years old with white strip on face, two white hind feet; :} Holstein cows, 4 years old, fre.sh. â€" John A. Eckliardt, R.R. 4, Priceville, phone 274J3 at Durham . B2p2 FOR SALE â€" 1 Heintaman and 1 Williams piano, both Mnall sizes aLw benches; and some other niftkes. â€" • Willaixl Blakey, Proton Station, phone l'J(>w2 Dundalk. 47p8 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ete- Phone 38 MARKDAI.E Mr. Dunlop will be In C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN 4 Sl'RGEO.N Gtaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 Flenherton MRS. MERLE HAW'TON LOT 25, CON. 11, OSPREY 3 miles North-East Feversham) will sell by public auctiom on SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1948 at 1 p.m., the folUvwing: HORSES â€" Clyde Mare, 8 years old; Driving Horse, 8 years old. CATTLE â€" 6 Head, 2 years 'old. PIGS â€" 12 Young Pigs. IMPLEMEiNTS - M.-H. Binder, 6 ft. cut, good as new; M.-H. Mower, good as nerfj; iSDiec Seed Drill, with gi'ass seed attachment: Hoe Drill, with grass seed b»x; Tolton 12-bull Drag Hanows; Stiff -tooth Cultivator Spring-tooth CtiHivator; Hay Rack; Sloop SJe!gh« and Rack'; Drop-head Hay Loader; PoUto Plow; No. 21 Daady Fleury Walking Plow; New RuWber-tire Buggy; Ladder, 25-ft.; Sugar Kettle; Round Watej- Tank 2ai5; 2 Sagp Pans, Sap Buckets and Spiles; 25 Good Fence Posts; Land I*ulverizer; Pump .Jack, new; Mc- Cormick Mower; Chatham Fanning M^ill; Swede Saw; Heavy Team Harness; Axes; Beam Scale; Forks; Chains; about 5 bu. Oats; Quantity of Buckwheat; Quantity of Barley; Sideboaid; Table; ChaTi-s; Dresser; Gas Lantern. TERM'S OF CH-'^TTELS â€" Cash. FARflVI FOR SALE There will be offered for sale, sub- ; ject to resei-ve bid. Lot 26, Con. 11, Township of Osprey, consisting of lOO acres, more or less; about 65 acres workalble land, 35 acres bush; Barn 40x60 on .stone foundation, good well. Also Lot 25. Con. 11, Township of Osiprey, consisting of lOo acres, more or less; about 70 acres workable laad, balance bush; good barn 40x60 on stone founda- tion, also brick house, fi rooms, (roo<l well and windmill, drive shed and hen house. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer C. N. Long, Clerk. .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonald of -Acton were in town on .Monday. Mrs. Hobt. .Alexander is visiting in Owen Sound this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlur, Guelph, silent tile week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. .VI r. Ernie Gamble and three child- ren of Damascus visited with .Mr. and .VI rs. Ross Stevens on Sunday. MisB Isabel Lt-hman of Markhani was the gue.st of -Miss Jean .Mc- Cia^ken over the Iwliday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry of Dur- ha.in visited with Mr and Mrs. Laurie Genoe over the week end. .Messrs. Reg. and Ceorge Boyd at- tended the first shewing of the new Ford cars in Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Bertha Porter of Montreal is visiting this week with Mrs. Geo. LaAvler. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee and son of Toronto are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. John Milligan left the first ol the week to spend tTie sumiiner on the farm of his uncle, near AUiston. Mr. and Mi-s. Thos Genoe spent Sunday with' the former's biother, W H. Genoe, at Meaford. Misses Lucy McDonald and Elsie CaBwell of Toronte were week end guests of MU- and Mrs. FVank Taylor. Mr. Ray Richards is m Toronto t present taking a course in the School of Embalming. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd and daugh- ter. Heather, of Toronto were week end guests w'th the former's mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. 3Ir. and Mrs. Reg Button and Rosanne of Guelph ai* spending three weeks at their home on the east backline. Mrs. Walter Poole of CoUingwood and Mrs. Neil Thomson oi Nottawa spent the week end with their mother Mi*s. Geo. Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and Brooike of Bvantford and Mr. and Mrs. Les. Matheson and Allison of Owen Sound wei'e recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles. Flight Sergt. Thos. Hunter, Mrs. Hunter (Betty Mun-ay), Anne and Michael, of Camp Boi-den visited on the v^eek end with Mr. and Mi-s. A- E. Bellamy. Misses Alice Heai-d, of Wingham High School, .Anne Akins of Rouge Hill and Lois Sparks of Grand Val- ley spent the week end and holiday at their parental homes. Mrs. Myrtle Shaw of Lions Head spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. VV. H. Thur.ston, who is not in ffood health at the present time. Mrs. H. V. Gaudin of Townto was also a visitor On Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meads and babe acc(>nii>anied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glover, of Toronto .spent the week end with -Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Meads, O.D.R. Billie Meads i-eturned with his jiarents, aflier being with his grandparents for two months. ADDITIONAL LOCALS .Mr. Athol .McKillop of Coldwater was home on the week end. .Mrs. S. VV. Sloan is spending a few weeks with her daughter, .Mrs. K. Kini'inerly, ' in Toronto. M'r. and Mrs. Chas. Uoddaii ol HiHiiillon spent the week end and holiday w'th the lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and othtu- relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rawe, and Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Smith, Lois and Jim- mie, of Buffalo, N.Y., spent a couple of days last week en<l with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. .Adams. VANDELEUR -At the May meeting of the W.I., the social welfare convener, Mrs. H. Graha-m, reported a series of com- munity activities â€" the gi-oundhog hunt now in pi-ogress, and a church parade. The former culminates in a big community day on Tuesday, June 22nd with sporis, supper, play, etc., and the latter is on June I3th. Mem- bers of Vandeleur W.I. attend at least ten different churches, but on "Sunday, June 13, they have been in- vited to attend Vandeleur church in a body. Fonrner members of the W. I. and the Fainn Forum are also ia- vited. "Come to Chureh" is the com- munity slogan on June 13th. Oongratulations to Miss Frances Buchanan, who received her B.A. de- gree at Westei-n University, London. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buchanan, attended the graduation exei-cises on Wednesday of last weeJv. Mr. and Mi-s. Lewis Teeter have moved to their new home ei-ton. Mrs. Lundy Johnston is spending a few days in Markdale ospital. (Mir. Fred Matheson has commence'* buiding a house on the Holley prop- ei-tf on the l2th line, which he pur- chased last year. STALLION FOB SERVICE Top Market For Poultry THROUGH THE CO-OP'S POULTRY PLANT Highest Prices for Live, Dressed Poultry We will receiTe Live Ponltry Each Week from Monday to Friday Dundalk Farmers Co-operative Creamery Phone 66, reverse charge DUNDALK, Ont. mM * • If « â- ' 4 t * * t in Flesh- I For Sale 1942 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach ; 1940 Chevrolet Platform Dump Truck 1948 Dodge 2- Ton Standard Chassis and cab 1948 Dodge 2-Ton Heavy Duty Chassis & Cab Rice Motor Sales COLLINGWOOD, Ont. «~:":«*<~:~M~XK«<~:~x~:~H«<~XK~KKKK~:~><~><^~:~X'<~XK~:-HK^^ Premium Black Pei-ohei-on Stal- lion "Don's Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 fo)- sei-vice at the stable on Lot 100, 2 N.E., Arte-mesia. ROSS STEVENS Phone 32J2 Flesherton NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals renMved free. We do the loadiner. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dimdalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER 4 ' WELDING ELECTRIC ARC and OXY-ACETYLENE Specializing in all kinds of metals Cuivcrnnu-nt apjjrovcd ri])t'rator Come in an'l jiive u.s a try; we can .satisfy you. L McCRACKEN & SON FLESHERTON CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licensen CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Ag^rer^ments A oommisaioncr for taking affidavits Office, ToronJo Street, Flesherton Planing and Chopping Mill Division INSUL BRIC, Jasper Blend PLYWOOD INSULATION BATTS LUMBER SHINGLES XXXXX, No. Z's and No. 3's GLASS HARDWALL PLASTER WHEAT OATS and BARLEY MIXED FEEDS O. & A. Co-operative Phone 8 Flesherton, Ont. 50 YEARS OF \ pep! POWER i PICK PEnrOPMMIMCB ! i A PRODUCT OP OCNfRAL MOTOU k â€" 4. â€" » < •* * :• ... in the soth anniversary Dynamic Series Oldsmobile OIilHiiiobile . . . here is the ear Hith the youthful personxlity • • • buill by the ronliiH'iirs oldest car maiiuraolurer . . . and it jh the only ear that ran truly be called l)>naiui<-. When applied fo Olds- inoltile for '18, "Dynamic" is more than just another word. It's an aetion word, especi- ally suited to the spirited personality of these aetion-stvled, actioii-enginiei -.1 ears. In its half century of automotive progre«», Oldsmobile e\erv year has Imilt ears designed for the utmost in relialiility and all-romul salisfuetiou. Oldsmoliile for '48 is the latent and greatest in a long line of cars unexcelled in appearance, comfort or driving ease. In sparkling new colors, attractive, roomy interiors, pleasing ap|Miiutnients , . . the Dynamic I<»I8 Dldsuioliilc has a record of fifty years of Miracle Miles to prove its jiep, [lower, pick-up and |M-rforniance. i\<> m.i.tt'-r wiiat Kature or <pialify you seek â€" Oldsmobile has it â€" including the famous (fM Hydra -Matic Drive as tiptiunal equipment at extra cost. â- i -#? FIRST WITH HVWW^>UT.C OpJiono/ ot txfro Co«# 1^

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