Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1948, p. 1

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> ®J)je /ksl)^rU*n 'Mmncc. ^ VOL. 68; NO. 5 FLESHERTOX, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pablisherb., Look At Your Label And See If Credit Is Given 60 Years Ago When John Turner Reunion Held Wilkinson Left England At Owen Sound Park > The Advance mailing list was cor- 1 An irapoi'tant event in the life of reeled on Saturday and all payments Mr. John Wilkinson is »o talte place of subscriptions received up to that un Saturday of this week, it being 60 time have been credited on yotu: ' years ago tlial he landed in N'ew label. Look now and see if we havej York, July 3rd, 18S8. He had left given you credit. If not, let us know i Liverpool, England, cm tlie steamship at once, as we wish to have them; Egypt on June 21st, 1886. He w-ent I Patriotic Service Held At ! St. John's On Sunday The annual Turner I'^union was Canada's national l)irthday was held at Harrison Park, Owen Sound, observed at St. .rohn's United Church correct. We dpn't like making mis- takes any more than you do. On the other hand, if your paper is now due to be paid in advance, how about sending along your renewal and have your paper paid in advance. We are always glad to receive new subscrip- tions at any time. If you are leav. to Alabema, N.Y., aivd on January 1st, mSb, came to Artwntsia Town- ship and settled here in the spring of 1&81. Mr. Wilkinson rememhers the trip as though it were yesterday and related the events when he first aiTived at the Turner home, finding his life mate at that piece. Mr. and ing home, have us send you The.Ad- Mrs. Wilkinson raised a large fam- vance each week. ' You w-iU look for- ward to each issue annving. Cat Watches Berry Patch For Marauders The household cat at the home of Mr. and M'rs. A. E. Bellamy in town has been doing an extra good job of policing the strawberry patch in theii garden and keeping off all feathered fiarauders. She walks up and down the vows of berrv plants and when a bird comes close she soon makes it travel fast. One day one robin, more venturesome than the others, dropped into the patch, but when the cat went into action the bird flew to percii OB a nearby apple tree, which did not suit pussy any too well and siie decided that Robin was still too close and she went up the tree after her. When the bird flew kitty im- ily, most of them residing in Grey County at the puesent time. Mrs. Wilkinson passed away a few years ago. We tender our cojigratulations to Mr. Wilkinson, who i|(i now in his 80's, and enjoying good health. We wish him many more anniversaries. alo.'".g' with contintied good health. Departing Pastor Feted At Maxwell Gathering The residents of Maxwell and sur- rounding community gathered at tlie parsonage at MaxtweH wi Monday evening, June 21st, to spe^id a few- hours with Rev. 0. W. and Mrs. Holmes, who are leaving this Tues- day for their new cliarj;* at Kemble. Rev. and Mrs. Holmes have been ac- tive in the community during their five years there and will be greatly missed. At the appropriate time. medifttely took off into space. Ijut Mrs. Eltiier Meredith r«fld an ad- ahhough she was a good kitty her d'^^s expressing best wishes to them, VN-ings had not developed enough to »"'' ^he presentation of a beautiful enable her to pursue the bird i'n.the "''"^'f?^': electric flooi- \iMp \vas made nir and she came down rather sud- Uo R«v^. and Mrs. Holme.-, and a lura- denly. Xow Mr. and j'lrs. Bellamy I inous-dial Big Ben clock to Leonard. Saturday, June 26th, with a goo<i at tendance, The weather was ideal foj- a picnic and about one hundred par- took of a lovely dinner at oHe p.m., relatives comingf rom Meaford, Fe- versham, Heathcote, Eugenia, Flesh- erton, Hamilton, Beeton, Scarboro Jet. and Toronto. The oldest person present was Mr. John Wilkinson of Flesherton and the youngest his great -granddaughter, Shirley June Russell. During the afternoon Mr. James of Owan Sound took photos of the group. Officers elected for the ccming year are: Presdent: Oliver Turner; Vice-Pres.: Wilmer Turner; Sec.-Treas.: Mi-s. J. Wilkinson, Jr.; As.st. Sec: Mrs. Eniilv Xeil. Alexander - Knox Irene Clar- The marriage of Mrs. B. Knox of Derby Township and ened Wilfreti Alexamier, son of Mirs. Ida Alexander and *he late Robert .Alexander of Fles'herton, was solem- nized at 2 o'clock on Thm-sday. June 24, with Rev. S. E. Anni.s hearing the marriage vo^vs. The bride's gown was of dusty rose silk jersey in street-length. She wore a w-hite halo hat with touches of rose and shoulder veil, white shoes and gloves and a single strand of pesirls and pearl ear-rings. A shouJder cas- cade of American- Beauty roses, white lankspur and fern, with white satin 744 Ground Hogs Shot In Vandeieur Campaign last Sunday, June 27th, when the church wan fifle*! and everyone en- tered into the si)irit of the occasion. Menvbei-s of the local branch of the Canadian Leyion paraded, to stirring ba»fpipe music by Comrade Snowden MtLeod, aid occupied the front rows of the auditorium. Comrades Snow- cien McLeod and Russell .Aiidi'ews assisted Rev. Comrade A. G. Mac- pherson in the conduct of service. Rev. Comi-ade Macpherson spoke on "The New Patriotism. '* He traced the development of the spirit of Loyalty in individual, social and national liXe, and asserted that both the Christian Faith and the times are calling mankind to take the next step into world-^vide fraternity. "We must take it, or perish," he .said. "We have paid long enough the price of extreme nationalism. The democracies and all Chx";6tiar.s must le«ui the way under the ban- ner, and in the power of the Christ. Russia's presemt refusal to oo-oper- ate must not be allowed to discour- age or obstruct." St. John's junior c-hoic, under Mrs. J. E. Milne, li*<l tlie sesvice of song, and rendered an inspiring anthem "Dear Caratie." A fine duet w^as sunor by Roy Park and Douglas | Peebles. I ies, completed hei' costume. The are reaping the , fruits of. her watch- ^^^'- and ^^rs. Holmes, although com- 1 ^atin ties. bridal couple were attended by Mr. | ami Mrs. Alfred Down of .Chats- - worth. Mrs. Down was attired in a] rose cglpred suit with Wack access- i ories and her coi"sage was of roses, larkspur and fern with pink LOCAL BI.SLNESS .\LVN LOSES i MOTHER AT DL KH.\ii MONDAY ( H V'andeleui- Reporter) Vandeieur Conanunity Day which consisted of picnics, ball jjames, sup- per, play, t>tc., and which was a cul- mination of the groundhog hunt, wliich was sponsored by the Women's Institute; and Farm Forum, was held On Tuesday, June 22nd, and was one of the most successful events to be held iiv the community for some time. The afternoon program started with a schools children's picnic with races. the I games, etc., at the park, followed by a short program in the school during \vhich the teacher, Miss Wakefield, was presented with an address and a couple of beautiful mirrors. Two soft.bjUl games were played in the evening, with Vandeieur winning first prize, and Orange Valley sec- ond. A bountiful supper was served to a large crowd in the community hall. There was a'so a booth on the S^rounds and the commitoe in ehai'ge worked faithfully. -The night program was held in the diurch which was crammed to the doors, and consisted of a play "The Festered Lily," presented by Dun- Jalk talent , which was exceptionally good. Rev. W.M. Lee acted as chair- man and between acts Mrs. Russell .\cheson sary two solos, accompanied by Mrs. (Dr.) McAlister; Howard MceGe gavfj. a reading, and Howard Graham announced the judges decis- ion in the groundhog hunt. The teams wei-e captained by Billy John- stone and Vernon Fawcett, and a to- t.Til of 7-14 gi-oundhogs were siiot. Billy Johnston's side was declared - Eng., Fr., S<ic, St., Health, Music, Oc- .1 fulness and strawberries. enjoying the "I hear that your son left coUege because of poor eyesight." "Yeah, he mistook the dean of wo- m*n for a co-ed." i Future Events DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Keep July 1st open for the big celebration at Flesherton, siponsored by the Canadian Legion, Ball games, footraces, bicycle races and dancing, luscious ' pletely taken by surprise, replied feelingly and expressed their pleas- ure in their associatioHs with the people at Maxweff,. end expressed regret at leaving their friends there, "For They Are Jolly G»«d Fellows" and "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" were stmg, after which lunch was served by the W.A, mewikers. In Memoriam MOFFAT â€" In lovirg- memory of Margaret Moffat, who passed away 'June 30th, 1941, and WiHiam G. Sloffat, who passed away May Bth, 1(>45. â€" Lovingly remembered by Eteugh- ters, Gertrude and Mina. IS 'X >C \^ ^ A > Ml X. at J^ .^ Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY dATE RAI3IN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week CAKES â€" Maple Walnut; Date land Orange SPECIAL PIES â€" Lemon Chiifon These pies will not sour also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Squaers Date Turnovers Cocoanut Squares Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON A reception w-as held at the farm home of the bride in Derby Town- ship, for 40 relatives and friends. Receiving the guests were the bride's two daughters. Mrs. L. Solinger, in printed cerpe. Miss Lois Knox in blue crepe, and Mi*. Alexander, mother of the groom from Flesherton, in navy sheer. All wore corsages of roses and fern with white satin ties. The bride's table was covered with a lace cloth, centred with a pillared wedding cake in white, decorated with pink i^j'sebuds and silver leaves toppe<l with a miniature bridal couple under an arch of tiny white bells, white candles in crystal holders and roses in, low rose bowls. Sei-v- ing were the groom's nephew-s, Allan Alexander of Springhill, Ja.mes and Teddy Stoddart of Flesherton and Riiymonil..\lexander of Owen Sound, with Mrs, Cecil McKechnie, Mrs. Norman Stcddart of Flesherton. Mrs. Earl .â- \lexander of Collingwood and Mrs. Cecil Alexvander of Springhill cutting the ices and pouring tea. Guests Were present from Hagers- town, .Marykind, and Detroit. Mich.. Chatsworth, Springhill, Collingwood and Owen Sound. For the honejTiioon trip to south- ern points, the bride wore a grey crepe dress with touclies of British navy, grey coat, British navy hat with touches of grey, navy shoes, gloves and handibag and wore a cor- sage of red i-oses. The groom's gift to the bride was a Savings Bond of $1IJ0. They will reside on their farm in Derbv. i the winner with a score of 438 to Our sympathy is extended to Mr, 306, The affai*- wae part of a series Wilfred \d\am, proprietor of the | ^f community activities, sponsored nlnik ' ^""'^^' ^"'' »'""'^^'^- â- '" ^^® ^"'^^ "^^ ; bv the Social Welfare Convenor f i his mother. Mrs. David. Adlam. who i t),e \Vomen,s Institute. Mrs. H.l I passed away in Durham Monday. : Graham ! June 28th, The funeral is taking place this Wednesday with service in Triniw,- .Anglican Church at 2:30 p.m. Interment will be made in the Durham Cemetery. OCficials of the W.I. and Farm Forum wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success. A number of complimentary re- marks have come to the ears of youj. correspondent since the Community Day celebration, and we pass them on for the encouragement of work- ers. "Never had a betti-r supper in my life " "A more suititble play palnrs and blue delphiniums decor- j couldn't have been chosen," "I never Presbyterian 1 saw the chuix-h so full before,'' 'Then Purdon - Atkinson Pink and w^hite peonies, daisies. MOORE-DOBSON RE IN ION The annual Moore-Dobson reunion will be held at Sunset Point. CoU- insgwood, Saturday, July 3rd, com- mencing at â- 2:-30. .All i-elatives aie I ccvrdially inivited to attemi. CARDS OF THANKS ated St. Andi-ew's Church, Kitchenar, for the marriage of Alma Lorraine Atkinson, daugh- 1 Fer of the late Mr, and Mrs. C. E. ; .\tJcin30n, of Proton Station, and John -A, Purdon, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Purdon of Kitchener. Rev. Findlay Gordon Stewart heard the marriage vows and E. C. Johnstone of Kitchener was at the organ. \ Harry Boyle sang "The Voice that Breatheti Over Eden'' and during I the signing of tlie register he -sang | "I'll Walk Beside You." , Eldon .Atkinson gave his sister in j mai-riage and she was wearing a j . gown of white embossed nylon, bou- Flesherton ffant skirt, sheer yoke and fitted bo- dice with button trim, off-the- shoulder neckline encircled by • a bertha collar. She wore matching \ gauntlets and a floor length veil j caught by a halo of OMange blossoms. Her cascade bouquet was of j-ed roses and stophanotis. She was also wear- ing a gold wrist watch, the gift of the groom, and a gold necklace worn by her mother on her wed<iing day. Miss Beth Saunders of Toi-onto as maid of honour was in yellow-, made with a sweiatheart neckline, puffed sleeves, brocaded bastiue top falling into a pi*pluni, full net and gold net skirt, matching headdress of net and gold necklace, the gift of the bride. She carried a nosegay of 1 mauve asters and gloria lOses. M<ss i .Muriel .Atkinson, sisted of the bride, and Miss Dorothy Biackiwell were bridesmaids. Both wore gowns fash- ioned with shirred front and sweet- I start neckline. Miss .Atkinson wjis 1 ir blue mesh nylon, while Miss j Bltikwell was in pink mesh nj'flon. They wore shoulder length veils, to match their gcyvns. the teacher. Miss Wakefield, in re- ferring to a gift of miri-ors from the section and pupils "I was never more surprised and delighted.'' "It was a womlerful pincic for the children." From the Dundalk Dramatic Club: "We never had better co-operation in making stage arrangements, etc.. nor played before a more appreciative audience."' Hawton - Cox I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their many kind en- quiries and ailso for the cai-ds and trea.ts while I was in the Markdale Hospital. â€" Neilbert McKenzie ! wauntlcts â€" ' peirl necklaces and earrings, the gifts from the bride, and they car- Mrs. E. Doupc wishes to express her appreciaticn to the friends who have i-eniembered her in various ways in her illness. They are greatly ap- preciated. CENTRAI. LOCATION Our convenient location is readily ' acceMible by the city'i leading auto- â- lobilc and street ear thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks ned nosegfitys of white asters and hriarclitfe roses. John Fisher of Kitchener was groomsman, .Isjmes Purdon. cousin of the groom from Hamilton, and V't-mon .Atkinson, cou- sin of the bride from FHe^herton, were ushers. For the reception at the Pine Inn, Bridgeport, the bride's stepmother. Mrs. Samuel Saundei-s of Chat^- worth, received the guests iiv a blue floral siMt go^vn. white accesorie.' and corsage of pinnocehio roses. She was assiS'ted by the groom's mother in beige silk, white accessories with a corsaigo "f goldilock rosses. Motoring to Toronto. Algonquin Park and other northern points, the bride wore a flowered silk jersey dress, white shortif c<»at and whitp ac!cess.«ories an<i a corsiige from her bridal bouquet. On their i-eturn. Mr. anil Mrs. Purdon will resi^ie in Kitch- ener. Guests were present fn'm Hamilton* Simcoe, Flesherton. Proton 9t*tion and Chatsworth. Maxwell Parsonage on Saturiiay ne 26th, at 6:o'0 pm., was the scene of the marriage of Jean Helen Cox, daughter of Mt. and Mi's. Leonard Cox, and Alfred Hawton, son of Mr. atid Mi-s. Alfred Hawton, all of Fev- ersham. Rev. 0. W. Holmes solem- nized the m^arriage. The bride was dressed in heavenily blue silk jersey, white profile hat, long white gloves and white shoes. She wore a strand of pearls and a corsiiije of white roses. Mrs. Leslie Hawton. sister-in-law of the grocm. was Inideismaid in white and blue flowered silk jersey, white accessor- ie,- and yellow r0.ses. Leslie Hawton was bestman for his brother. Forty guests attended the recep- tion at Morrison's Inn, Owen Sound, where the bride's mother was in rose ci.epe and back accessories, and Mrs. Hiiiwton was in flowered crepe with white accessories. Both wore cor- sitges of red I'oses. The bride's table was centred by a three-tier wedding cake, which was flunked \ry red roses and lupin in silver bowls and pink' oai'dles in silver holders. The side tables were decorated with a similar color effect. Serving the quests were Miss Noreen Brtstow and Mrs. Sadie Priestley. For the wedding trip to Toronto. Niagara, L»ndon and other points, the bride donned a grey wool gabar- dine suit, white crepe blouse and black accessories. They will reside On the groom's farm near Fevershain. (.ruests wei-e present fiom Toronto :in<i Cixllingwood. The gniom's gift to the bride was a silver pendant, to the bestman a gold collar and tie set. to the brides- maid a ,<et of silverware and to tjie waitresses, six glasses in colored de- â- <ign complete with carrying rack. Term Report Of Students In Flesherton High School Grade 12 results indicated are sub- ject to DepartJiiental certification, as are three Grade 11 subjects. Namtis are in alphabetical order. Subjects listed are those in which students have passed. The letter "R" follow- ing a subject indicates that stand- ing was granted on the year's work. The letter "P" indicates profeaiion- a!-y standing. Individual reports have been mailed to all students. GRADE IX Adams, Jas, â€" En«., Sc., Health, Music, Occupations. Atkinson Edythe â€" Soc St., Sc., Health, Music, Occupations. Atkinson, Goldie â€" Eng. (P), Fr., Soc. St., Math., Sc, Health, An, Occupations. Avis, Joan â€" Eng, (R), Fr. 4II), Sc. St, (R>, Math, (R), Sc. (E), Health, Music, Occupations. Betts, Robert â€" Eng., Fr. (E), Soc. St. (R), Math. (R), S«. (R), Health, Music. Occupations. Bowles, LoL-na â€" Eng., Fr., Soc. St., Math., Sc., Health, Music, Oc- cupations. Boyce, Jean - .Math, (P). Sc; cupations, Buckton, Doreen â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (R), Soc. St. (R). Math. (R), Sc. (R), Health, Music, Occupations. Cairns, Shirley â€" Eng., Pr. (R.), Soc. St.. Math., Sc. (R), Hwilth, Music, Occupations. Cook, Elaineâ€" Eng. (R), Fr. ^E) Soc. St (R), Math. (R), Sc. CE), Health, M*usic, Occupations. Croft, Isabell â€" Eng., Fr. (R), Soc. St. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (E), Health, Music, Occupations. Dobson. Redge â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (P), Soc. St., M.ith., Sc. (R), Health Music, Occupations. Fawcett. Eldon â€" Eng., Fr., Soc St. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R), Health, Music, Occupations. Fawcett. Jane â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (R), Soc. St. (R), Ma-tSi., Sc. (R), Health, Music. Occupations. Forbes, Sheila â€" Eng. (R), Pr. (R), Soc. St. (R), Math., Sc. (R),. Health, Music, Occupations. Hamilton, Garnet â€" Health, ^ttisic, Occupations. Heimkay, Gordon â€" Eng. fB). Soc. St., Sc. (,R), Health, Music. Hill, Leon â€" Eng., Fr., Soc. St., Math., Sc. (R), Health, Art, Occu pations. Lawler, Marilyn â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (R), Soc. St. (R(, Math. (R), Sc. (Rl. Health. Music, Occupations. Lepard. Dclbert â€" Sc. (R), H^jalth Music, Occupations. Lepard. Doris â€" Fr.. Sc., Health, Music, Occupations. Loucks. Milford â€" Eng. (R). Fr. (P). Soc. St. (R», Math., Sc. (R), Health, M'usic, Occupations. Loucks, Ross â€" Eng., Soc. St., Math., Sc. (R), Health, Music, Oc- cupations. Meads, June â€" Eng. (R), Fr. (R) Soc. St. (R», Math, (ft), Sc. (R), Health. Music, Occupations. Phillips. Ruth â€" Eng., Fr. Soc. St. (R). Math. (R), Sc. Health, Miisic, Occu]>atioiiB. Pickles, Marion â€" Eng., Fr., (R), (E), Soc. St., Math., Sc. (R), Health, Music, Occupations. Porteous. Clayton â€" Eng, (R), bV. (R). Soc. St. (R». Matii, (R). Sc. (R), Health, Ait, Occupations. Proctor. George â€" Eng. (P), Soc. St.. Math. (P). Math. (P), Sc. (R), Health, Music. Occupations, Russell, Mae â€" Eng., Fr. Soc. St. (R), .Math. (R), Sc. Health. Music, Octaipations. Stewart. Patsy â€" Fr., Sc., Health, Alusic. Occupations, Stoddart, James Sc.. Health. M^usic. Trask. Donna â€" St. (R). Math. (R), Music, Occupations. WeatJherall, Bettyâ€" Eng., Fr. (S), Soc. St. (Rt. Math. (R), Sc. (R), Health, .Art, O»":upations. Weatherall. Evelvn â€" Eng., Pr. (R), Soc. St. (Rl" Math.. Sc. (R), Health, Music, Occupations. White. Marie â€" Eng. (R), Soc. St. (RK Math. (R), Health, Music, Occupations, (R), (R), Math. (R), Occupations. Bng„ Fr.. Soc. Sc. (Ri. He^th, Fr. Sc. (E). (R), B om CARSONâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home. Flesherton. on Sunday. June 27th. \MS. id Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson. Priceville, a daughter. S.AYFRS â€" At Ixn-d P^lTerin Hos- pital, Orapeeville. on Wednesday. June 2:?r(i. l<tJ8. to Mr. ami Mrs. H. M. Sayers (Grace Lunan) of Ihindalk a 9f>n, Leveme Moiton. I (R», Sc, .Akins, Fr. (R>. Sc. (R), Bett.s, Science (R> St. Latin Math. LiU. (R), (R). Math. SociaJ St., Eng. (R), GRADE X .Acheson. Emily â€" -Eng. (Rl. (R). Fr. (R). Health, Soc. St., (R). .Music. Joan â€" Eng. Health, Soc, Music. Alton â€" Health, (R). .Art. Campbell. Dorothy â€" Latin (R), French (R), Health. Soc. Studies. Math., Sc, (R). Music, Davison, Phylilis â€" .Eng., Lat., Pr,, (R), Health, Soc. St, (P», Science (R). Music. Fawcett. Elizalbeth â€" Eng. (R), Latin, French (R), Health, Social Studies. Math. (R^ Science, MKisic. Genoe, Y^-onne â€" Eng. iR). Latin (R). Fr. (R). Health. Soc. St. (R), Math. (R). Science (R). Music. Goe^el, Margot AntJe â€" English (Cc»c hided on Page 4) '^/HOtk..-

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