Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1948, p. 4

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iWcdiu-silay. Jime 30. 1948 THE l^l^HERTSN ADVANCE F. H. W. Hiclilins DEP ARTMENT STORE Thinking of a New Suit? We can tix you up to your entire satisfaction, either in Ready-to-Wear or Made-to-Measure garments. Ready-to-Wear Suits, from $29.50 Tip Top Tailors' Ordered Suits $42.50 Odd Trousers, Shirt«, Pyjamas, Diltmore Hats, New Neckwear, Light Underwear, Smart Hosiery Hickox Belts, Smart Black and Brown Oxfords. New House Fufnishing Items Congoleura Ri>gs, Congoleum, Window Shades, Cretons, Homespuns, Monkscloth, Marquisettes, Lace Curtains, Celanese Curtaiss, Frilled Curtains. The Drapery selection is particularly good this season. B-H PAINT A complete stock; all new colors. If you think of painting yowr house, contact usearly. SUITABLE JUNE WEDDING PRESBNTS Lace Cloths Luncheon Cloths Wabasso Sheets Pillow Slips Flanrffielette Blankets Wool Thcows Bed Spreads Chenjlle Sfweads Tea Seta China Cups and Saucers Fncy Glassware Dinner Ware THE STORE WITH "RHE STOCK Peeled Pulp wood Spruce with not more than 50% Balsam, 4 ft. long 3 inch to 10 inch tops ATTRACTIVE PRICES â€" PROMPT PAYMENT ^xiote quantity you can supply up to the end of this year. We are also in the market tor lumber and cordwood H. J. SEMLER 137 Wellington Street West WAverley 2177 TORONTO I ♦♦♦♦•K-c~:«<^:~X"K~:-<><-M'*<K"X'<~>«>«M"X~:~x~:»*<~x-x~><^^ The Farmer's Favorite : Machinery in Stock 3 New 7-f«ot Rinders 12 New Moweru 4 New Scufflers New 2-furrow Tractor Plow 2 2-furrow Walking Plows Used 2-furrow Tractor Plow, (Special Price $60.00 Cream Separators, hand-power or electric Milking Machines Builders' Supplies Evetrough 3-in-l Shingles V-Lock Shingles Rolbrick Insulbrik, ^n rarioils colors Insulation Building Papers Hardware «uid Electrical Appliances Admiral Refrigerators and Radios. We invite your inspection. Ranges and Rangettes Klectric Irons Toasters Sunshine and Graham Hot Plates $5195 up to $1.1.95 High School Results (CtmckHlvd froai i-'ityt- 1) (R), Ul. (-K), Fr. (U), Ilottith, Soc. St. l«), ftluch. (U), Scienwe (K). llaiiKravt% liussall â€" K«g'., Lai, Fr. Hualth, yac. St.. (lu, Math., Sc. llavNob, tV iiviiiiiwi â€" ling. (K), Uit. (U), Ff. (K), Hfulth, Soc. St. (K), .Math. (R», Sc. Hill, liiiaabeth â€" Etig. (R), Lat. (U), Fr. (K), Healbh, Soc. St., Math., >5cii;iK;e, Mvisic. Hinckti, Maiy â€" Bug. (B), Lain F-reiich (U>, Muallh, Soc. St.' (10, .Math. (H), S*. (R), M«i»ic. llineks, SiiMloy â€" Kng. (R), Lat., FVcncii (U), Heaiih, Soc. St., Math., Se^'nco (Ki. Hodtfiiis, ioaa â€" Kng. (R), Latin (R), French (R), Hearth. Soc. St. (R), Ma«b. (Ri, Scieme (R). Hoitnes, Leona»(| â€" Bn^lVijti (R), Health, Soc. St., Sc., Art. Love, G4a<lysâ€" E^ff. (R), Lat (R), Fr. (R), Health, Social Studies (R), Mathestatics (R), Soien»e (R). MacTaJvish, Mtiry JLane â€" ^Epy. (R), .Latin (l?),'T''r. (R), Health, Soc. St., Math. IX, Music, McGe^, Glenora â€" iiig. (R), Lat. (R), Fr. (R^ Health, Soc. St., JIath. <R), Sc. (R), Music. McKech-iiie, Kennetti â€" Latin (R), Health, Soc. St., Art. M'cMu!K.-n, E1e«iHor â€" Eng. (R). Lat., Fr. (R>, Hsalth, Soc. St. (R), Mil*, {ill, Sc. (R), M\i«ic. .McMulle-n, Faye â€" Erttj. (IR), Lat. (R), Fr. (P), Health, Soc. St. Math., Sc. (R), Music. Millis*'Ui, .Jokn â€" Eng. (-K), Latin Fr. (R), Healtfc, Soc. St. (R), Math. (R), Science (R^ Morrison, Gordoa â€" Ea»g., Latin, French, Health, Social Studies (R), Mattonatics, Scien«e (R,), Art. Park, (fwendolynâ€" lEng. (R), Lat. (R^, Ff. (R), Hsalth. Snc. St., Math. (R), Sc. (B*, Music. Porte-ows, George â€" Fr., Health, Social Studies (H), fScience (R). Rutk'dige, Phyllisâ€" Enig. (R), Lat., French, Health, So«ial StJidies (R), Math. (R), Science (R). Spark«, Muwei â€" Eng. (R), Lartin fR), Fr. (B), Health, Soc. St. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R), Music. Stanffer, Carson â€" aig. (R), Lat. (R). Fr. (R), He«Ith, Soc. St. (R), Math. (R), Sc. (R), Art. Young, Ivan â€" Enjg-., Lat., Fr. (R), Health, Soc. St. (P), Sc., Ai-t. Geom., Choni., Lat., Frei>ch U.&P.T. AddenciH : Hinckii, Betty â€" Modern History. Geometry, Phy»i«a. Thwston, Bfuce â€" Fr., Algebra. VICTORIA CORNERS GRADE XI .Aberdein, Ernia â€" Eng. (R), Ahc. & Med. Hist., Health, Algebra, Phys. (P), Latin, French. .Allen, Murray â€" Eng. (R), Anc. & Med. Hist., Health, Algebra, Phys. Liitin (R), French (R). Betts, loan â€" Eng. (R), Anc. & Med. Hist., Health, Algebra (P), Physics, Ijntin (R), Frwich (H). Dobson, Lawrence â€" Eng., Anc. & M'ed. Hist., Health, Algebra, Physics, Latin (R), French (R). Falconer, Bob â€" Eng., Anc. & Med. Hist., Physics, Lat., Fr., HeaUh. Johmston, Don â€" ^Bng., Anc. & Med. Hist., Physics, Health. McM-ullere, Philipâ€" Eng. (R), Anc. & Med. History, Aigrabra, Physics, Latin, Health. Peebles, Kathleen â€" Eng. (H), Anc, & Med. Hist., Physios, iLatin (R), Frencih (R), AJgelbra, Health. Piakles, Bl«ne â€" Eng., Anc. & Med. History, | Algeibi-a, iPtiysios, Latin, French, Health. Ploster, Carman â€" Liatin (R) X. Soc. St. X, Health. Porteous, Irene â€" Eng. (R), Anc. & Med. History, Health, Algebra, Physics, Latin, French. Richardson, BilUe â€" Eng., Anc. & Med. History (P), Physics, Latin (P), French, HeaHth. Russell, Maurice â€" Eng., Anc. & Med. Hist., Algdbpa, Physics, Latin, French, Health. Smiith, Donald-^Eng., Anc. & Med. Hist., Physicis,,/ Latin (P), French (P), Health. Smith, Rutlh â€" Enig. (R), Anc. & Med. Hist., Algebi-a, Physics, Latin (R), French (R), Health. Tucker, Joiyceâ€" lEngr., Anc. & Med. Hist,, Algebra, Physics, Latdn, Fr., Health. Mr, and Mi«. Geo. Moore and Mr and .Mrs. Waller .Aciie<ion on Friday attended tlie wedding in St. Aiidrow'i Presbyterian C'hurch, Kitchener, oi .Alma Lorraine Atkinson, elde%- daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. OuN At- kmson of this conmiunity, aixl Mr. John Alexander Purdon. The recep-. tion was held at The Pines at Bri(tgepoi"t. FrienAs and neighboBs of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Trask, Proton Station, met in the hall F'l'ifday evening to spend a sooial tiBw; before ckspartuie to their now home in Owen Sound, having dia|)o.sed of their &to»e and dwelling to Messrs. LAoyd and Joe ! Little. At an opportune Hme during the evening, M'rs. Gilbert McCannell read an address of good wishes and ! Bill Batohelor presented them with a | purse of money. W^ regret losing the Trasks fi-om the community, as ! Bhey hava served the public for the I past thre§ yfars. With their remov- ' ai we new extend irtie hand of wel- come to the Litile bfoitters, their wives and families. Thi.s Monday and Tuesday our En- trance pupils, Witm'4 Stevens and Bob Nicholls are writing papers a*l FHesherton High School. Good luck | to you both. Thoug-h late in nven- 1 tioniil^ the fact, we offer congratu- lations to Gladys Love end Sheila Forbes who finished their 2nd and 1st year, respectively, high school tenns en their year's standing. The "Achesons" c^ this comrauni^' joined the Acheson cian in Dundali Community Park Satutxiay afternoon whf;n close to »iie 200 nuark was reached in the registraffon of per- sons present. Miss Marie Cooke, Torento attapd- ed the reunion and visited 1)he bal- ance o>f the week end with her sister, Mas. Walter Acheson. iCon.giititu4ations_ and best wishes are in store for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannop, who celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 25th. Also to Mr. and Mi-s. Stanley Acheson of Bethel celebrating their •30th we<lding anniversary on Sun- day, June 27fch, with a reception in their home Sunday evening, at which some from here were in attendance. ^ Cook Stoves Clare Jewel Good Cheer Empire Princ«,airPar Coleman Oil Spa«le -Heaterii and Appliances Screening vScreen Doors Combination Doors Window Screen* We have a gnwd «tlock on hand. We believe vnu will find it prnHtahle to raN on ux before buying. J. M.^ST AFFORD Dealer w Modern Farm Machinery y PkoiM 4r22 FEVERSHAM | ♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦♦♦♦*>•>♦♦•><•<•<•♦<• •><.->.:..>.;..;••;••:••:••:••:••:•.:.•;• â- ><":.<..:..^.t..;..:..;..:..:..:,* G/RADB XII Acheson. Evelynâ€" ,Eng., Mod. Hist. Geom., Chermi, Latin, IVench, H.& P.T., Guidance. Benson, Bryceâ€" <Eng., Mod. Hist., Geom., Chem., Latin, French, H.&P. T., Guidance. Bumstead, Marjorie â€" Eng., Mod. Hist., Geoim.., Chem., Iditan, Frencih, H.&P.T. CaarvpbeW, Ei-ic-nEiniff., Mod. Hist., Oeomi., Choni., Latin, Fi^nch, H.&P. T., Guidance. Johnstwn, Debres â€" Eng,, Mod. Hist., Geom.. Chem. (aegrotat), Lat- in, French, 'H.&iP.T. iMIcGee, David â€" Eng., Mod. Hist., Geom., Cham., Latin, French, H.&P. T., Guidance. McKechnic, Laurie â€" H. & P.T., Guidance. Milne, Jack â€" Eng.. Mod. Hist.. Gcoim., Oham., Latin, French, H.&P. T., Guidance. Nichol, Haroldâ€" .Eng., Mod. Hist., Crtwim., Chtinv, Latin, French, H.&P. T., Guidance. Phillips, Irene â€" En*r., Mod. Hist., Geom., Chivn., I,atin, French, H.&P. T, Guidance. Proctor. Edennor â€" Eng., Mod. Hist., Gw>m., Choni., Latin, French, H.&P.T., Guidnnce. .S|>nrkfl, Eleanore â€" Ei*r., Mod. Hist., Geoim., Chem., Ijitin, French, H.&P.T. ThurHt<in. Rarry--Eng., Mod. His., Geom., ChtMii., Tiatin, French, H.AP. T., Guidance. Tiirnw, JiWH Bng., Mod. Hist., (Intended for Last Week) Tinkle I Tinkle! Wedding beUs! Mrs. Albert Stiiiigon enjoyed the coniipany of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon, BiUie and Bobby of Acton . during the w-cek- eiul. The ladies of Itiistioge had a house-cleaning "bee' at the church On Tlwirsday afternoon. Mrs. Walter AUen, Toronte, was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson, and niece, Mi-s. Geo. Moore. Her daughter, Verna, visited with her friend, Florence Batchelor. We are sor«-y to report Mrs. A. K. WaUcer requiring medical aid, d*ie to a heart and nerve condition. What you don't know huits you most when you "ti-y to tell it. • Modern, lew cost plant • For Individualf or Family Groups • Special benefits to suit your particular needs • Additional benefitt for surgical opera*| tions and doctors' calls Mtabilily btnafil pelicict, payabl* for a UHtim*, alt* avollobl*, far M partltutarg, M( la •n4 mat cav^n, Nt abff(*> fiaiia .â€" . â€" , ^ I I *"••• nim^jlkmi 1 ..^|nm» .tn^i.. mn..ti^tt • Ctiy « T»wa ,.„,„ I I Ag« Oecvpatlen I MUTUAL BENEFIT HEAUH and ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION U KING ST. EAST TORONTO NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRM'PLED HORSES and COWS Atcordias to size and condition â€" SmaH animals removed frea. We do the loading. HIGHEST HRIC£S PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER Platiing and Chopping Mill Division IN6UL BRIC, Jasper Blend PLYWOOD INSULATION BATTS LUMBER SHiNGLES XXXXX, No. 2's and No. 3'« GLASS HARD WALL PLASTER WHEAT OATS and BARLEY MIXED FEEDS CkiSw':' O. & A. Co-operative Pkoae 8 Flesherton, OnL -w I t ? I ! I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I t I i I CREAM Now that we are at the peak of production for this year, why not deUver your cream to us and receive that extra cent. Your_£asii_5»i'l. bc... ready for you a very short time after receiving your cream. Poultry X ? Y y i We are in the market for your fov^^l and are paying top market prices for good fowL Either deliver them to us or call and our truck will pick them up. iThe Creamery is open every Wednesday and Saturday Night during the summer months. Fleslierton Creamery Angus Avit, Manager I Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario i nmn i iM iii m iii M iiiii mmnnnj i mjnm i TOPS IN THE WASHER FIELD I THOR FIRST IN 1906 FOREMOST IN 1948 OVER 4,000,000 IN USE TO-DAY Ask th« Udy who owns a, THOR SEE YOUR Authorized Thor Dealer Erskine Hardware { I r; J ^ ; X I f Phone 43 MARKDALE 'i-

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