Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1948, p. 8

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Wdnesday, July 14, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 12 YoikfTwre pifs ju* weaneii. â€" J. H. WalKci, Ctyion. FOR SALiE â€" (i pigs, wetks ulii. â€" 1). Cairn-s, phone 44Ji; Flesheili'n. FOR SALE â€" Yorkslitie sow, due (middle of August. â€" Wilfred Magee, phone 5ry3 Feversham. 7p2 FOR SALE â€" 4 st€e] barrels, new, alAJUt 110 gals, of stove oil. â€" Mrs. K. Hawkins, phone 40w. 6c2 FOR SALE â€" C«<lai, ready for the stove. â€" F. R. Oliver, Pnceville, phone 21w2 Fleshcrton. 6c2 FOK SALE â€" A few bags of jfOod potatoes. â€" Geo Armstrong, phjiie Mo. 6, Flcsherton. 7pl VANIfci) â€" Auun*^ luitabit to. mink «rd fox feed. â€" Ben Mclntosi Eu^-ni«, pbfrQ« Fever&h* i bri6 FOR .SALE â€" Quantity of hay in fields to let on shares. â€" Robt. <Jor!cy, Flesherton, phone 23w. FOR SALE â€" M.-H. Hay loader.â€" Isaac Snell, Ceylon, phone 44w2 Flesherton. Cc2 Local aud i^ersunal Mr. a"d Mrs. C. S. MacTavish were !iit liala for the week end. Mr. Walter Cargoe of Windsor was visiting in town the past week. Mr. Wm. Nixon of Stowlea, Sask., is visiting Mrs. R. Bentham and other distiict relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddert arc leaving Saturday for a week's visit Willi tile former's brother, Carl, at Cximipbellford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd enjoyed a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie, via Manitoulin Island, leaving Wednes- day and returning Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Morgan of Drayton .spent the past week with her sister, Mr*. Gordon Long, and also with other relatives. The Clarksons of Welland ami the Bell families of West Toronto and Erin si)ent a day's fishing at Flesh- trton and at Eugenia Saturday. llr. and Mrs. John Edwards of To- i-onlo are visiting Ihi.s week with the latter's sister, Mrs. C. .J. Bellamy, and Mr. Bellamy. PRICEVILLE Some around here have started haying and many fields are a light crop, (jue to the dry Spring. LM<is3 Nellie McLean of Toronto spent the week end in the village. .Miss Mary Muir and Mrs. Walker of Toronto a'e visiting at the home of Mr. .\llie Muir. Other visiters last week were; Grant Muir of Sault Ste. Maiie and lady friend, .Miss Jean Cumpvings; BoWiy Sutherland of Elora and frieml, Miss Lottie OaJti- i eron of England. Recent visitors at the homo of .Mr. Jim Sturrock were: Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wiitson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McArthur and sister, Mrs. Margaret Essex of Stet- ler, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sturroek and three children, Hopeville. iMV. and Mrs. Alex. Dohson, Mrs. Maiie Unbson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keye.s and Miss Dianne Burgess ol Toronto were recent visitors with .Mrs. A. McArthur and sons. Little Janet .Muir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Muir, is holidaying wiih her aunt, Mrs. J. Whittaker, at Uundalk. Mr. and -Mrs. Alex. McLean of To- ACHKSON REUNION HELD AT DUNDALK PARK FOR SALE â€" '4 h.p. electric motor, singlf- phase, 60 cycle. Can be seen at The Advance office. 6p2 WiANTED â€" 8 to 10 cords IC-inch dry mapk' hardwood. â€" Miss M. Smith, Feversham, phone ITrll. FOR SALE â€" 2 purebred dark red Shorthorn bulls, S months old, and 8 Yorkshide pigs, ready to go. â€" Russell White, phone 92w4. 6c2 FOR SALE â€" M.-H. No. 5 binder, 6-foot cut, in fair condition; G.-E. battery radio, 6 tubes. â€" Cecil Alexander, phone 41\v2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 5 head of yearling cattle: 1 black, 2 grey and 2 red at Lot 12 Con. 12, Osprezy.â€" Jas. T. McKenzie, Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Sow and 3 2 young pips; other pigs ready to wean. â€" AV. J. McFadder, phone 33J2 at Miarkdale. 6p2 FOR S.ALE â€" Insulated cotta^f, ca- bin, boats, g-arage.â€" Jack Tomlin- son. Trout Lodge,. Eugenia, phone 641-2 Feversham. Tp,-? FOR SALE â€" IMl Mode} A Ford coupe, good tires, good running order â€" Mrs. J. Crawford, phone 9r41 Feversham. Op2 FOR .SALE â€" .'1-buiner coal oil .stovo "Sunflame," almosts new $1". -â€" Mrs. Reg. Hut'ton, East Backline, A: tt»me,sia. • . 7<.i Mr. Glenn Pet<;h and Mrs. Alva Howden of Toronto w-ere guests of | ronto are visiting their parents. MV. and Mrs. W. E- Betts on the ' Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Dingwall ot week end. I .Airlie sipent a couple of day^ at the Messrs. G. A. MacTavish and H. 1 home of his brother, Ed. \\. Kernahan took first place at the Dundalk Scotch doubles bowling tour- nament at Dundalk Monday night. Tuesday night Mr. and .Mrs. .â- Mf. Hinoks entertained the Y.P.S., when a game of ball, and a wiener loas: Mr. and .Mrs. C. J. Ci-ossley of ' and orangeade was enjoyed. A camp Toronto spent the week end wivhjfire and sing-song were also enjoyed FOR SALE â€" li);io Chevrolet '/2-ton truck in good condition. â€" Jas. Johnston, phone 12R Flesherton after tj p.m. 7pl FOR SALEâ€" Polled Angus cow, due July 20, 4 years old"-John Short- reed, Priceville, phone Flesher- ton <*2w4. 7(.l FOR SALE â€" International 8-fork hay UKider; M.-H. dump rake, 10- foot. â€" 3hBs. Huddy, Priceville phone Flesherton 21w5. r>p2 FOR SALE â€" Frost & Wood binder, 7-ft. cut in real good condition, cheap; M.-H. binder, 7-ft. cut, neve, used. â€" R. E. Parslow, Priceville, phone 91)J1 Flepherton. 7pl WANTED â€" Used galvanize*! tank, suitable for gnain bin, preferably rectangular type, 3 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. or 10 ft.â€" Q. B. Littlejohns, phone 624r22 Markdale. 7pi Mrs. W. Boyd. John returned with them after spending a week visiting with his grandmiither. Mrs. W. J, Blackburn is assistln'/ to nurse Mrs. Alex. McKechnie at Carkson. Mrs. McKechnie suffered a stroke last spring and her condition is slowly improving. ISairy Thurston is leaving Satui- day for two weeks at the Department of Education Camp at Irondale, in Haliburton to take a course as a camp counsellor. .Mr. an-' Mrs. Ted Pallet t and M! Frank Brooks of Dixie and -Mr. Bob Phillips of Toronto were guests ai the home of G. A. .M'acTavish on the week end. The following {rirls are attending the Miraniichi Girls' Camp, near Poi-t Elgin: Ruth Fawcett, Patsy Hodder, -Marjory Richardson, Marie Stewart, Jean McGee, Margaret Maephersoii and Janet Betts. Visitors with Mr.s. Geo. Lawler for the week end and Sunday were: Mi .Nci Thomson and two sons, Kenneth and .Vrcliie, of Notta.wa, .Mr. Louie Weir of Gaspe. Que., .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole of Collingwood, MVs. Lloyd Hudson and babe, Feversham We a'"*-' pleased to know that Mr. F. H. W. Hickin*- has innproved to such can extent that he can now be at the store again. Sir. Hieklin<; sudered a severe injury in February last that has kept him to the hos- pital and his home since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Won. Stewart and Marjorie Anne of .M'ontreal are this week visitin^r the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. McDonald and son, Stew- ar, of Toronto were vistois last week at the Stewart hojne. Mr. Will Sewell, Meaford; Mr. and .Aiii's. Tihos. Sowell, Heathcote; Jos. Field, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Cutcheon and two children, Toronto; .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Archibald and LinJw, Dundalk; and .Miss Maggie Dow of the O.D.R., were recent vis- itors with .Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Sewell. by the I9 present. Mrs. Jessie M. Koeritz .spent a few days in Toronto and was acconiiiaiiied home by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Funiiss, and daughter, Lynda. Recent visitors at the home of H. Tucker were: .Ml', and Mrs. W'm. Brown aid J. A., Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacCuaig and son, Lloyd and Mi.-. Shirley .N'eil.son, all of Mulock, Miss- es Kathleen Baird and Mary La-w- ren ce of Durham. uMisses Ruth Wihyte and Is-abel Karst<'dt are in Toronto taking a siminier course. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. Jack Whyte weie: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whyte, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. .lack McKechnie, Cobourg; Dr. Wm. Whyte, Richmond, M5ch. Mrs. Whyte, Snr., is leaving this Wednesday for Richmond to spend a month with her son. I.M'i-. Malton, a temperance speaker from Toronto, gave r^ fine address <m Sunday in St. Columba Church. Mr. Leslie Legette of St. Cathar- ines spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Foxton. The Acheson reunion, held recently in the Dundalk Memorial Park, was \u real success, ISO names being reg- /'istered. The president for the year, James F. Acheson, was not able to be present due to the illness of his wife, and Edwin Taylor of Toronto presided. Edwin is one of the in- laws and we are very proud of him. The sports were exciting and the program in the evening was greatly enjoyed. Two of Russell Patterson's boys rendered a duet and were heart- ily encored and they very ably re- .sponded. Little Jimmy Acheson, son of Stanley Acheson, rendered a solo and also gave an encore. Little Catherine Foster, daughter of Kath- leen Hutchinson of -Mt. Albert, sang veiy sweetly "For God so Loved the World." Mrs. Gordon Acheson also sang a solo. A number was given by Joan Foster and John A. McMil- len, and a very interesting reading was given by ".â- Vunt Rachel," Mrs Jos. McMillen, and "Aunt Kate' Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson recited two pooms A sing-song near the last, with one of Stanley Achesoii's daughters at the piano, was to me very wonder- ful. Lu;5t, but not least, were the moving pictures given by Lloyd AcTi- eson, some taken in dear old Ireland and some taken at former reunions. ,So there came to a close ant- happy reunion. A number who were so ill in the winter were able to at- tend the gathering. â€" Contributed. means your ftwwily will be able to enjoy fresh, delicious fruits and veg- etables out of season â€" without sti-ain on the family budiget. You will find that freezing fruit is far simpler ihan canning and is even easier than freeziing vegetables. By organizing the work before starting, a quantity of fruit can be prepared, packaged and stored in the freezer within a couple of hcnirs. CEDARSIUE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White, F.D. .Services in Cedarside Church at 11 a.m.; Church School at ,2 noon. ROCK MILLS worship at .> p.m. Chucrh School at 2 p.m. We welcome you to all these services. •" BOWL Certain varieties of the following fruits are excellent -when frozen' â€" blueberries, cherries, gooselierries huckleberri<^-, rasp/brries, strawber- ries, rhuibarb, peaches and fi"uit juices. (W'e will mention apple pie fillig later â€" made with fall varie- ties). It is wise to select pai-ticular varieties since some types are not adapted to freezing. Notice that we do not suggest freezing very seedy fruit â€" black berries and black raspberries. VARIETIES OF FRUIT RECOM- .MENDED FOR FREEZING Raspberries â€" Cuthbert Viking. Sour Cherries â€" Eiarly Richmond, Montmorency. Currants â€" Black and Red. Strawberries â€" Van Rouge. Gooseberies â€" Poorman, Chief. Grapes â€" Concord, Niagara, Cayiiga Lind'ly and Hungarian. Peaches â€" Elberta, Vedete, Valiant and Veifreze. Plums â€" Claude, Grande Duke, Fair- Pond, Pacific, Washington and Italian Prune. STEPS IN FREEZING FRUIT Little equipment is needed. All your require are t-wo large mixing bowls, two trays, a funnel, clean towels, .measuring cup and spoons, electric iron and cardboard shield. 1. Purchase cartons -with a cello- phane lining or heavy waxed coating. 2. Harvest full matiiied and firm fi-uit of the variety reocmmended for freezing. Sort the fruit t<, remove any blemished or overripe pieces. 3. Prepare to package fi-uit Ln-mied- iately after it has ibeen sorted. 4. Wash fruit quickly in cold watei with as little handling as possible. Drain on trays lined with papei towelling or cloth. Pit or peei Jsuch fruits as cherries and peach- es. Cut or crush fruit, if desired 5. (a) Altsmating layers of fruit and sifted su.gar right into the container known as the Dry Sugai naethod. You should kmv/ how much fruit the container hold, then estimate amount of sugar required lor ea-^*! contitiner. For example, in the case of strawber- ries, using 4 pounds (12 cups) ot prepaied fruit to 1 pound (2 cups) of sugar, a container holding 2 cups of fruit would require one- third-ucp of sugar. (b) A thin syrup is often poured over fruit to within Va inch ol top of cartons. To make syrup: add l':; cups warm water to 1 cup sugar, stir to dissolve, and chill. This is sufi'lcient for 2 pint cartons. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice jto the above for peaches and pears to prevent discoloration. Make sure pieces of fruit are coverefl with symp. (c) Fruit for pie filling may be packed without sugar or syrup but /we prefer the sugar metho<l. 6. Before sealing the package tiy tc exclude as much air as possible If the liner can be heat sealed use a warm iron to press the ends quickly. Label with black crayon 7. Keep packaged fruit in the elect- ric refrigerator until all cartons are ready then take to locker in an insulated box. FOR SALE â€" 2 cows, fresh. Drummond, Flesherton. - S. 7pl FOR SALE â€" 2 Collie pups, reason- ablbe. â€" ^Bruce Peebles, phone 44w4 Flesherton. -jpi STRAYED â€" Came to my property alx)ut ,30th June, five yearlings. Owner prove property an<! pay ex- penses. â€" Joshua Dubsrn, phone Feveriiham 20rll. cpij HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from r, to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON QiBduate of Toronto University Office: Kenneriv Block Phone 77 Flesherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY .MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of .Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavit* Office, Toronto Street, Fl«eherton FOR SALE â€" !)-acre field of mixed hay; li>41 Chevrolet coupe, in good condition every w^ay.â€" R. Spencer, Eugenia, phone ll<.)w5 Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE â€" H)0 acre farm Lots 10C-1G7, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 mi!»-s south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite ;J8 Roo>eÂ¥elt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. STALLION FOR SERVICE Premium Black Percheron Stal- lion "Don's Emblem," enrolment No. 2-101 for service at the stable on Lot IfiO. 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS STEVENS Phone 32J2 Flesherton CEMENT H.\G OR CARIvOAD CEMENT BLOCKSâ€" ANY SIZE Plain or Rock Face<l McDonald Cement Products Box 208 DURHAM (Intended for Last Week) Tuesday night members of the choir met at the homo of their lead- er, Mrs. Percy Sims, for a surprise party on the occasion of her birth- day. The evening was spent in music and singing. Miss Margaret Brown read a nicely-worded address to Mrs. Sims, and .Miss Beth Tucker present- ed her with a lovely gold neck pend- ant in appreciation of her time and talent so freely given. Mrs. Sims voiced her thanks for the gift. Mr. Wm. Sayers left last week for a trij) to the West. Mr. and Mi-s. A. Simpson of To- ronto si>ent over a week with their son and wife at the Manse. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims and Betty Pedan visited their daughter at Fergus on Wednesday. A "bee" was held last week at St. Andrew's Presibytoriaii Church, which had a general clean-up. Jimimie and Dorothy Ann Carson are visitinig their aunt, Mrs. Gerald Magee, Eugenia. -Dickie Pedlar of Toronto is apend- ii>g the holidays with hJs uncle, Mr. Dick Carson. Mr. Joe McVicar and sister, Anna, of Toronto were holiday visitors at the.ir parental home. .CMirs. Belle McLean is visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stickney at Stratford. Mrs A. B. McArthur of Toronto is visiting at the home of her -son, Dan. Mrs. Jim Sturrock, Mrs. A. L. Hincks, Betty and Shiney, attemled the Sinclair-Love wedding at Swin- ton Park church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carson of Bowimanville visited over the holiday with the Carson families. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W'atson, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sackelt and nepTiew erf Toronto were visitors with Mrs. Shoitreed, Anna a'u! John. Mrs. Kerr of King is spending a lew days with Mrs. O'Dell. Hello Hoinemakers! To live in the vieii^ity of a commercial freezing! locker or to awn a home freezer is a I great convenience. Moroovei-, it ' PLANING .\ND CHOPPING ( LOSED WEEK OF AUG. 1-7 The Flcsherton Planing and Chop- ping Mill will be closed from August st to 7th for annual holidays. NOTICE KAY'S BEAUTY PARLOR will be dosed ThursKlay, Friday and Satur- day, .luly 2U, ;)() and 3I and will re- open .Monday, .\ugust 2nd, in the Henry Block, the store fomierly oc cupietl by the late W. Sloan. Make your appointment early by phoning 4<3<w to avoid disappointment -KATHLEEN HAWKINS CARETAKER WANTED For the Beaver Fishing Club â€" commodious farm house, barn and stabling, running water and electric light. Anyone interested apply to A. C. Snively 15 King St. West, Toronto or see Mr. Randall at the property. F. H. W. Hicklins D EPARTMENT STORE Mad2-to-Mcasurc SUITS With 2 Pairs of Trousers This is what you have b^en looking for! The \V. R. Johnston Co. iuk\ Tip Top Tailors Ltd., have just advised that' their made-to-meas- ure Suits can now be supplied with Two Pairs of Trousers. There is a S'^od selection of suiting .samples to choose from, and of course, fit and satisfaction are guaranteed with every order. Kroy Unshrinkable KNITTING WOOL A new full-range uf popular colors has just arrived. There is every possibility of Knitting Yarns advancing in price .shortly, and ladies will be well advLsed to make their selections in good time. Price now 37c per ounce ball THERE'S ROMANCE IN OLD QUEBEC ...YOULL ENJOY GOING BY BUS Card of Thanks 1 wi-'^h to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors who, with their many treats, cheerful cards and lettcis, helped pass the time and brighten the days during my ilTne.ss. Special thanks to the Ladies' Aid and the Women's Institute for their boxes of treats. â€" Angus Morrison. ROUND TRIP TAX INCLUDED Quebec; $29.60 Montreal $20.80 Sherbrooke $26.00 (Subject To Change) Tickets and Information at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION A *

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