Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1948, p. 5

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» «. -* t *â-  ♦ t f « 4 - ^F 1 . - ' »• > ^ ' â-º - â-º - Jr. « > « « THE FLESHERTON ADVAXCK Wednesday, August 4, 1948 MAXWELL We are pleased to report Mi-. Louis Kaiton, who has been a patient in Uarkdale Hospital foi- the past three week*; now home and is improving in health. Mrs. Alice Nicho'ls of Toronto Bpent the past vreek with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. >Ir. and Mrs. Roy Hokisworth of Toronto spent the week end with the Pries-tley family. Ml'. Jesse Grummett and Mrs. Gertrude Seeley attended the Honey- wood centennial celebration on the week end. Mr. Royden Dixon of Peberboro visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Me!. Sled. Mrs. Reg. Londry i3 a patient in Orangeville Hospital, where she un- derwent an operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elg-an Mullen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Merridith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerton of Col- Bngwood spent the week end wit Mr. and Mvi. Louis Kerton. Mr. Jas. Kerton and friend of To- Spnto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monaghan and son, David, of Listowel spent the â- week en,i with if.;, arm Mrs. Cecil Monaghan. HOLDFAST MEETING The members of Holdfast Club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. L. Hincks on Wednesday, -A.iig'. 11th at 2:-30 p.m. And then there was the little girl who sigTied her arithmetic paper. "Mlae West." because she knew she done 'em wrong. There was a man who boasted he ran things in his household. He did • â€" the vacuuim cleaner, w^ashiiyg mackine and lawn mower. "Nature in her inrfinite wisdom designed men with their ears open and their mouths shut.'' CAMERAS BOUGHT AJND SOLD EXCHANGED OR REP-\IRED REG. BODEN B-A Station FLESHERTON VANDELEUR The July meeting of the W.A. waa held at the home of Mrs. L. Johns- ton on July 14th, with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Lewis Teeter who haa moved to Flesherton, was presented with a casserole and stand and the members sang "Blest be the Tie That Binds," after Mrs. Teeter had e.x- pressed her appreciation. Mrs. F. Davis gave a coupie of readii^s, while Mrs. Doane and Mias Frances Buchanan gave a piano duet and Mrs. H. I. Graham gave an outline of the "Prepaid Physicians' Service Flan," approved by tlie O.M.A. A contest was conducted by Marie Johnstom, and a delicious luncheon was served at the close. Members of V'andeleur W.I. were guests of the Flesherton WJ. for their July meeting and an enjoyable aftenvoon was spent. Maxwell, Pro- ton Station and Priceville Institutes were also represented and the visit- ors presented the program. Mrs. H 1. Graham and Mrs. Wm. Bowles of the local W.I. contributed papers. Mr. -Angus Bowles, who is leaving soon to undergo treacraent in a hos pital, was presented witi; a dressing gown and pyjamas by the W.I. and F.F., cid bedroom slippers from the Woman's -A.ssociaiion. A family reunion was held recent- ly at the home of Lome Ormsby, in honor of the fonner's brother, Morris OiTnsby, wife and two chiidren, who were here from Ottawa. A host of relatives and friends were present from many points. Mrs. Harris of Ft William and Mrs. Robinson of Sauh Ste. Marie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harbottle for a faw days. The for- mer is Mr. Harbottle "s sister, whom he had not seen for 26 years. Mr. and Mrs. Len .AJdns and Mr. and Mrs, H. Parker and Mrs. Parker Snr., of Heathcote were recent visit- ors with Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson and Miss Myrtle Faiwcett. Mr. and Mrs. FVancis Genoe of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Will- iams were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fawcett. It's harder to make a boy go to bed during vacation time. You can't tell him he has to study Hts lessons. Shingling < > < > 1 > < > < > NOW is the time to look after your roofs and to apply asbestos siding. CaU ;| Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. Local xA.gent: G. B. Welton, Flesherton Clean Up- Paint Up We have to help you SCREEN & COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS HOUSE & BARN SPRAY D.D.T. 2, 4-D LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TOOLS C-V and SHERWIN-\VILLI.\MS QUALITY PAINTS and ENAMELS for inside and outside use Paint Brushes RoUer-Koters Johns-Manvilie Roofing, Shingles and Insulation Cedar-Grain Asbestos Siding Insul-bric Roll-bric Lime Hardwall Plaster LOOKING FOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS? See our displav of CHINA, DINNER SETS. PVREXWARE, EASY WASHERS and VACUL'M CLEANERS KITCHEN ENAMHLW.VRE Duncon's Hardware Electrical Appliances FLESHERTON, Ont Coal • Cement Phone 54 ROCK MILLS Most of the fail wheat has been cut duriiijf the past week and farm- ers are now cutting oats, which were damaged in places by the hail stonn we had a week ago. The ground is covered with grain that was stripped from the stalks, and on some farms it is expected that there will only be about two-thirds of a yield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait have been holidaying the past week with his parents, and other r» latives in the disti'ict. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott and ^ children of London spent the holiday with Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. Earl Russell, and Mr. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of To- ronto have been on holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N'ewell spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore, Durham. Congratulations to Mr. Glen Croft and Miss Dorothy Ottewell, who were married Saturday, July 31st. M ss Olive Ibbett of Owen Sound i.s spending her vacation with her friend. Miss Helen Betts. Mi'. Ei^viH^j GenoL- h.'-s â- .•etir-ned to his home in Toronto, alter spending three weeks hohdaying with his brothers, Hariy and .-Mbert Genoe. It is many years sinja the thiee brothers had been to^atlier and they had their pictures ta.cen last week before they parted. Mr. and Mi-s. Leo Patton and two childi'en returned to their home in London, after spending the past two weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robbins of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clitford Riddel! of Hopeviiie were recent vis- itors w-ith Mr. and Mrs. Creo. Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hopkins and children of Thistletown are holiday- in<j with h?r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Phillips. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Sensabaugh, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGeoch and Mr. and Mrs. Xewt. Leeder, London; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nurcombe. Mr. Dick Howard and son. Tominn-. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howani and dauffiiter, Marion, and Miss Doreen Miller, Toronto. VICTORIA CORNERS Wedding bells are chiming loudly! Little Miss Shirley Wetherall of Lietowel had some holidays with her uncle a'ld aunt. yVv. Ferris and Miss Lackey. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. £• Moore spent the July 17-21> week end with tlieir son. Geonre. and family and attend- ed the funeral of the former's bro- ther, Wm. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Killins, Smithville, were also vis- itors in the Moore home during these days and on Tuesday a.m. with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mooi-e left on a motor trip through Eastern Ontario. Mr. Herb Gallaugher of Mulmur visited a few days with Mr. and Mr Wilfred Gallaugher, attending the funeral of the late Wm. Moore. Holiday Bruest-s in the neighbor- hood during the past two weeks were: Doris Bannon. Toronto, yith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon; Lulu Cooke, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson, and Mlrs. Jas. Walker on a week's visit with her brother, "Sandy." had an enj<?J-aible vacation, had an enjyable vacation. Mr. and Mr.s Jack Gowanlock and sons, Edwin, A.llan and Ross, visited' one day last week with relatives at Orillia. Visitoi-s with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stevens have been: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gaanble. Bill and Cleo. of Sudibury Mrs. Grabb, Snr.; and Mr. and Mrs. Gi-abb. IiigersoU. The Inistioge W..\. held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Ernie Stewart on Thursday, July 15th, with a good attendance. Tuesday, July 20th, Proton Station W.I. was hostes to the Proton W.A., Inistioge W.A. and Warcham W.-A..] in the home of Mrs. Clayton Betts. Mrs. Ballantyne of Robin Hood Flour [ Mills was guest speaker, being much enjoyed by all. .\ number of the friends and rela- tives of Mr. Robt. Moore, London, enjoyed meeting him in the home of his niece. Mi's. Bert Hodgins, Sun- day, July ISth. Unfortunately, ol late years Mr. Moore has been afflic- ted with a paralj-tic condition, rend- ei'ing him unable to ti-avel about freely. It is ei|i?ht years since he last visited around here and this time was brought by his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Nicholls, of St. Thomas, on the occasion of the death of his brother, William. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. .A.rchie MacDonald and two daughters of Froude, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, Mrs. W. Gordon and other relatives. Miss Georgina Smith of Toronto spent a few holidays with her sister, Mrs. Evelena Graham. Mrs .Scott visited her mother in Owen Sound recently. Visiters during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams Sr. were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge and Shir- ley of Rock .Mills, Mrs. Phyllis Mc- Master and children, Joan and Wayne, and Miss Dorothy Bretheur of Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part- ridge of Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wniiams and daughter and Mrs. Mc- Intyre of Toronto, and Mr. Jos. Will- iams for a week's vacation. Miss Marge Martin of Torontc Normal Summer School wa^ home for the week end. Mr. W. A. Martin of Oafcville spent the week end and holiday at his home. His sisters, Winneta and Carmelle, who have spent a fort- night's vacation at their home here, returned to Toronto with him. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Douglas an 1 Janice, of Gait spent a week wi:h Mr. and M>-s. C. Smith. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent the week er.d with hj.- father Mr. Dave Ger.oe. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ma^ee at- tended the golden wedding annivir- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Clinton in Toronto on July 1.3th. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons of Dra.rton spent the week end and holiday \vith Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Their son. Delbert. was also home from Hamilton. Visitors during the week end at the Martin home were: Mr Wm. Bates of Midland. Miss Marge Park and Miss Vi. Roberts of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto and daughter. Mrs. Richter. ot Oakland. Calif., spent a couple ot days at the cottage the first of the week. I We e.xtend our sinecre sympahy i to Mrs. W. Campbell and reatives in ' the sudden and tragic passing ot | Mr. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Eldindge Boyce and family of Collingwood visited with the fonner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyce. Miss Jean Boyce is holi- daying in CoMiHgwood. jriss Smith of Toronto is spending awhile with her sister. Mrs. W. D. Campbell. Miss Jo«n Warriiow spent a few days with her grandmother. Mrs. J. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden, Mrs. Mof- fatt Campbell and Mrs Ross Lehman of Toronto visited a couple of days Jake with tiie latter's father, Mr Williams. Mr. Eurl Ma^ree of Islington was a week end visitor at his home. Mr. and M'rs. Geo. Johnson, Flesh- erton, and the latter's sister, Mrs. J. McCowell, Toronto, were visitors on Sumiay with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Miss Donna Little of Proton is holidaying with, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. .Jfr. Cecil Ma^ee was home from Islington over the week end. His wife and little son are spending this week in Toronto. Mr. Dennis Campbell and friend, Bud Brown, of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell. Bonnie Betts of Markdale is holi- daj-ing with her cousin. Jacqueline Campbell. Her (at proni): "AVait right here for me. Bill, while I go powder ray nose." Her (three dances later): "Been waiting long?" Hini: "Xo, but I've been looking all over for you to give you your c</mpact." Judge; "On what grrounds are yoa applying for divorce?" Mr. Brown: "Extravagance, yo'ir Honor." Jud|re: "EJxtravagance? How's rhat?" â€" Mr. Ba«w»Aâ€"iiS?m"kSpt "buying ice after I had installed an electric re- frigerator" COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone 170 MARKDALE Top Market For Poultry THROUGH THE CO-OP'S POULTRY PLANT Highest Prices for Live/ DressedjPoultry We will receive Live Poultry Each Week from M'Onday to Friday Dundalk Partners Co-operative Creamery Phone 66, reverse charge DUNDALK, Ont. PIANOS All makes, some refinished. with benches. If interested phone 196w2 Dundalk. W. BLAKEY PROTOX STATION Supplies in Stock BEATTY HAY CAR? HAY FORKS LONG SLFVCtS SHORT SLWGS PUMPS and PUilP ROD PIPE CYLINDERS ELECTRIC PUMP JACK DEEP WELL SYSTEM RE.NFRBW ELECTRIC and H.AXD CREAM 3EP.\JU.T0RS X number of small size reconditioned Cream Sewarators Washing Machines ani Stoves Machines RUBBER and STCEL-TIRE WAGONS GOOD SECOND-HAND WAGON 2 FROST & WOOD MOWERS SCUFFLERS HAY R.^ES WHEEL SETS Builders' Supplies Insolbric and Rol-Brick Siding 3-in-l 210-Ib. Sbingles W^inlock and .\rrowloak Shiagles Insulation Building Paper EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON, Ontario 4^^tx><la^ (.WILL GIVE YOU The new Del.uxe is designed to give you 34% more mileage th.nn the big mileage Goodyear it replaces. The body of the new LVLuxe is stronger because the cord in il is stronger . . . permits a heavier, longer-wearing tread . . . provides extra blowout protection. The improved shoulder blocks are huskier, c\X>ler-running, yet more flexible. This slows down wear . . . builds up mileage. The famous sure-fooled trt-ad is wider and flatter . . . puts more rubber on the road . . . !4U>ps up traction in any weuther. '> MORE MILEAGE D. MacTavish & Sons TR.VDE IN FURNITURE VALUE Chesterfield suites, kitchen furni- ture, kituiieit cabinets, beds, dressers, desks, baby can-iage». etc. McTav'ish Home Furnishers DiirkaM, Oat. FLESHERTON AUTHORIZED GOOD^^EAR DEALER

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