Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1948, p. 8

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Wedncsdav, Autrtist 4. 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 12 Yorkshire pigs ]\hh' weanetl. â€" J. H. Walk«r, Ceyluiy "TOR SALE â€" YirkslirK ntfJ, due middle of August. â€" Wilfred Magce, phoue 5r33 Feversham. Tp2 FOR SALE â€" 1834 Ford coach, fair condititin, reasonaWp, will sell or exchange. Phone 56w Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Grty cow, milking. â€" Mrs. Angus Bowleg, phone 13t*J2 Fiesherton. I0c2 JTANTEi) â€" Anwukij suitable to: mirk and fox {eed. â€" Bert UcIntoM £u««ni», ph»D« Keversh* 1 5r2£ FOR SALE â€" M.-H. Hay loader.â€" Isaac Snell, Ceylcn, phon* 44w2 Fiesherton. 6c2 For sale â€" 'j h.p. electric motor, single phase, 60 cycle. Oan be seen at Thf Advance office. 6p2 wanted â€" 8 to 10 cords 16-inch dry njaple hardwood. â€" Miss M. Smith. Fevershair., phone 17rll. FOR SALE â€" Blue collapsible baby carriage in good condition. â€" Mrs. IMien-in Davidson, phone Fever- sham ;ii22. ]0c2 Hello Homeanakers! If there is one thing that will make a goui-met out of an otliemvise simple soul, it is the lusihm-ss, the juiciness and the colorful array of the summer's fi-uits and berries. The fact they are per- i.'^hiihle and delicately fragrant seems seems to make thom even more tempting. The conclusion is obviou.^. Evea to make thorn even more tempting, served in its most flavorsotue way is best. The fruit "compote" is ' highly lecognized in all the leading dining roo^ms for this season. SUMMER COMPOTE Bring % cup sugar an<l 2 cups of water to a boil, and cook 4 minutes Wash 8 plums and 8 cral>apples and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Add 1 <it. fresh blackberries and let stand in the hot fruit juice 5 minutes. Chill in electric refrigerator. Serve plain Or with half-frozen cream. FOR SALE â€" M.-H. No. 5 binder, 6-foot cut, in fair. condition; G.-E. battery radio, 6 tubes. â€" Cecil Alexander, phone 41w2 Fiesherton. FOR SALE â€" Sewing nmchine, elec- tric portable, excellent condition, complete set of attachments. Ap- ply by phoheing i>aw Fiesherton. FOR SALE â€" Insulated cottage, ca- bin, boats, garage. â€" Jack Tomlin- son. Trout Lodge, "".iigenia, phone 64r2 Feversham. 7p3 F^R SALE â€" Foiled Angus cow, due July 20, 4 years old^â€" John Short- reed, Pnce%nL'o, phone Flesher- t<n ;'2w4. 7(.l WANTED â€" Used galvanized tank, suitable for grain bin, preferably rectangular type, 3 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. or 10 ft.â€" G. B. Littlejohns, phone 624r22 Markdale. 7pi FAR.V FOR SALE â€" loO acre farm Lots 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles .•^outh of Fiesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 3« Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. STRAYED â€" C^me to my property about ,30th June, five yearlings. Owner prove property and pay ex- penses. â€" Joshua Doibson, ^ phone NFeversham 20rll. Cc3 WIANTEDâ€" For the Village of Elm- vale, man capable of handling all work in connection with transfor- 'mt-rs. Send applications to Miss A. Burton, Secty. Village of Ebn- vale, Ont. lOcl WANTED â€" Reliable m«n as dealer around Fiesherton. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profita/ble business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Bijf profits. Prod- â- uct*. furnished on credit. Write RaAvIeigh'H, Dept. ML-H-205-1g;j, Montreal, Que. ]()<. CARETAKER WANTED For the Beaver Fishing Club â€" commotiious farm house, barn and stabling, running water and electric light. Anyone interested apply to A. C. Snively 15 King St. West, Toronto or see Mr. Randal! at the property. STALLION FOR SERVICU Premium Black peroheron Stal- lion "Don'fl Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 for service at the stahle on Lot 160, 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS .STEVENS Phone ,?JW2 Fk»herton PEACH AND MELON COMPOTE I'ii cups diced peaches 1'2 cups diced melon l'"j cups granulated sugar 2' 4 cups water 2 tablespoons ginger syrup 2 tbsps. finely chopped ginger Prepare fruit. Make a syrup of suigar and water, when slightly thickened add the ginger and giner syrup. Bring to boil ami add peach- es and melon. Sinimi^r slowly until fruit is sl.ightly transparent. Re- move fruit to .sei-ving dish and cook the syrup till thickened. Pour over fruit. Chill well in electric refrig- er.itor and serve topped with whipp- ed cream. If desired, sprinkle with chopped nuts. BAKED PEACHES 6 large peaches 6 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter 'i.' cup hot water Peel peaches, cut in kalf and re- move pits. Place '-> taWcspoon of sugar and dot of butter in each half. Phice in shallow baking dish. Add the water. Bake in elestric oven a 37.5 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with cream. KEFRIGEHATOK CAKE 1 can (1% cups) sweetened con- densed milk Vj cup lemon juice 1 egg yolk; few grains of salt. I'ii cups ra.spberries oi- halved strawberries 1 egfr white '/3 pound graham crackers Combine condensed milk, lemon juice and salt. Add the egg yolk and mix well. Add the fruit and fold in the stifly beaten egg white. Line p round or .hldng jKin or mold with grahiwii crackers and cover with fruit. Ad<I another layer of graham crackers then the renvaininii; mixture Cover with cracker crunlw. Chill several houre or over-night in the electnc refrigerator. l'nm.jl;l and serve iced all over with whippec cream and garnished with whole beriies. Sei-ves six. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from G to 8:30. p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & Sl!KGKON Qiaduatc of Toronto Univeriity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Fleiherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriaire Licenses CONVEYANCER WilJa Mortgages, etc. Deeds A^eements A comimisgioner for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Fiesherton NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONiS having any claims or demands aguiinst the Estate of LACHLAN .MicKENZIiE, late of the Village of Fevcrsham in the County of Grey, Gentleiman, deceased, who died on or aibout the 16th day of Mai-ch, A.D. um, are required to forward their claims duly proved to the undersigncKl Solicitor for the Estate, on Of befoie the 4th day of Seiplwmher, A.D. U)48. AND further take notice Ih after such mentioned date, the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the nssests of the estate aniong.st t' parties enlitled thereto, having re- gard only to such clftinis ns they will then have notice of. Hilled at C'dlliiigwood, thi.H 24th day .If July, A.D. i!».is. -.MALCOLM Mel, RAN', Es<i. Collingwood, Ont. Solicitor for the Rxt*<'utors of the Estate of the jiaiti deceased. CEMENT ltA(; OR CARLOAD CBMBNT BliOCKS-^NY S^IZE Plain or Rock Faced McDonald Cement Products Boi 208 DURHAM Local and Personal Hobby Teeter is visiting with his brother, Oarnet, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Croft of To- ronto spent the week end in town. ' Mr. Gordon Stuart of Burks Palls was in town the first of the week. Mr. Emerson Thomson, who has been prosecting in northern Quebec, visited recently with his family. Miss Mary Jane MacTavish visite<l with Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacTavish ut Streetsiville. i.Vllls. Edith Philips of Toronto is si)ending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Best. Miss Evelyn MacTavish has eturn- ed home after having had her tonsils i-emovcd in a Toronto ho.spital. Ml-, and Mrs. Angus Turney and daugher of Toronto holidayed with the former's parents. Mr. Mark Wilson is spending a week visiting his grandson, Evison Wil':o/i at London. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Masmin and son, Leslie, of Palmerston spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett and son of Aidershot spciii, !he week end and holdiy Mr. an 1 Mrs. L. Pedlar. Miss Kate Macmillan, ll'iss Emma Oliver and Mrs. C- J- Bellamy enjoy ed a ti-ip recently to the Manitoulin. Mr. an' Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie spent the week end with he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. MacTavish. lMV. Jas. Lachlan of London spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. W. J. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and John of Torono are vacationing with Mrs. W- Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patton of To- ronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. .Jos. Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar of To- ronto are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kellar. !Mr. W. H. Genoe of Toronto spent the holiday w'ith relatives in town and at Eugenia. Miss Marjorie Park of Toronto is holiday inf with Mr. and Mrs Russell Pivn. Mrs. Ti( n Bellamy .,nd liahy, Lyn'l:i i-eturn â- (! U) Owen So'.uvl. af:"- \isit- ing the past week with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon and two daughters of Toronto are holidaying with her parente, Mr. a»d Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson spent part of the holiday with Dr. and Mrs. Trelford at Balmy Beach Lodige, Owen So«nd. Dr. \V. K. Boyd. .Mrs. Hoyd and Heath"'-, of Toronto ;:pei\t 'he pa.-t -.veek with the fo -m.M-'; mifliei- .Mi-:-. Wm. ;'oy 1. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oltewell o.f Montreal are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C-iiirns and other relatives in this district for a month. -Mr. and Mrs. Herb Akins and daughter, Claudia, of Lansing spent the week end with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Messrs. Earle Thurston Campbell ford and Jim Thurston and Miss Verna Young of Toronto are holi- daying his week with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston- Miss Lucy MacDonald of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Taylor, jirevious to leaving for Scot land on August 13th, where she will teaah during the coming year. Visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson were: Dr. and Mrs. W. G. TreMord of Toronto, Morton (Bud) Breen of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Islington. Mrs. R. Bentham accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill of Toronto to Hwlihurton last week and spent ths week end in Toronto. Miss Joanne Wood of Hamilton is visiting her igrandmotlher this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Leeder an<l Mr. and Mrs. Roy MoGeoch of London, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn of Hamilton and Mrs. W. J. BlncWburn of Clarkson were visitors with Mr. ami Mrs. T. J. Fisher the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton and two children, Harold and Donna Jean, left Monday morning on a motor trip to Saskatoon, Sask. They also exljiecl to e.xtend the trip to Viincouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Ted .MticTiviyh iiml Hailbaia holidayed for a week at Montreal. They were accotmpanie<I liy Mrs MacTavish's father, Mr. C. W. Henry, who spent a week with them. Mrs. (!oo. Hutchinson observed her Hist birthday on Tuesday, Aug. Mrs. Hutchinson is enjoying ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mi-s. Lou McRae of Windsor is visiting her brother, M^r. Jack Stew- are, and .Mrs. Steiwart. Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Hill and • family of Hamilton spent the holiday with Mr. and MVs. Reg. Boden. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Irwin of Wind- sor spent a week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawler, and also visited other district relatives. Mrs. Russell .-Andrews and two sons are visiting in Tsronto this week. Mr. Andrews was with them at Alton on the week en4. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart and '.hree sons, John, Bob and Bill, of Brampton were week end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Ranald MacMillan and Roy Park are leaving this Wednesday to at- tend a boys' camp at Miraanichi, near Port Elgin. Rev. A. G. Macpherson is also attending' as a leader. Mrs. Will Brown of Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. Lamont of Toronto, Mr. Chas. Petty, Mr. and Mrs. John Petty of Durham and Mr. Elmer Moore of Frances, Sask., -were -w^tHz end sraeits of Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Gsrdon McKinnon of Toronto holidayed at their cottage in town. Gordon was recently elect- ed president of the Charles Fleetford Sise Chapter of the Bell Telephone Pioneers. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe were; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Donaldson and Mr. and Mrs. Reeve.s, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Kelley, Mr. and Mvs. Alex. AVil- son and Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, all of Paris. Mrs. Geo. Lawler attended christ- ening of her three grandsons, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler, at St. Paul's .\nglican Church, Dun-ham, on Sunday, July l£th. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard attended and acted as Godfather and Godmother. Three of .^rt's nephews, Stanley, Floyd and Gerald Law-ler, also attended. Week end and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fl-ank Teeter were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright and faanily of Port Whitby, .Mr. and •Mrs. Garnet Teeter and family of T/oronto, Mr. Stan Teeter and Miss Ruth Chard of Kimberley, .Mrs. M. Cousins and twin daughters of Red Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pedlar of Guelph. The .MacDiinald family enjoyed a reunion on Monday at the home ot Fl-ank Taylor in town. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam' MacDonald and two daughters,, To-j roMto; Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald! Eugenia; Mr. and .Mrs. Neil Mac- Donald, Kimberley; Miss ' ucy Mac- Donald, Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. Arch- ie MacDonald and two daughters, Froude, Sask., and Mrs. Jas. Jamie- son of Fiesherton. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed Iree. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER In Memoriam MAG'EE â€" In loving memory ol our dear daughter and sister, Hazel Magee, who passed away August 7th, 1942. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. â€" Ever remembered by Father, Mother, Brothers and Sister. A couple just married used a license three years old. It took her a long time to make up her mind , for sure. InM emoriani PARKER â€" In lovi»g memory of a d«ar wif& and mother, Elizabeth Parker, who passed away July aist, 1847. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nig-hts are past, .And in our aching hearts we know- She has found sweet rest at last. â€" Lovingly remembered by Hus- band and Family. NOTICE lU SHIPPIRS Those wishing to ship pigs next week must let me know by Tuesday night, .Aug. lOA, as I will not be shipping .August 12th. W. J. McMASTER Phone 4J Fiesherton Cold temperature prompted a Pen- nsylvania store to advertise a stra-w hat with eaimiiuffs. At least you couldn't hear what folk say about tlie weather. L.ADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face arms, legs, \\'ith Flash Hair Remover. Harmless â€" leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair gro-ws back after third appli- cation with no ques.tions asked. Com- plete treatment |2 postpaid. (CO. D.'s â€" Postage extra) . KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 333) Box 22, Station B. Montreal, Que. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REFUSE DUMPING ON R«.ADS IN ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP -AH persons are hereby nctified to cease duniping tin cans, rubbish i anything on the roadsi3e«s in .Arte- mesia Township, under penalty of prosecution. â€"By Order of the Road Supt. Card of'thanks I wish to thank my many friends for visits, gifts, treats, flowers, oiirds and kind enquiries during my recent stay in Markdale Hospital and since my return home. â€" Delores Johnston. Card of Thanks I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking friends and neighbors for the prayers, caixls, letters, flowers, treats, gifts and kind enquiries while I was a patient in the Markdale Ho.spital and con- valescing at home, and also to Dr. J. E. Mi'ne for his kindness. â€" (Mh-s. Lewis Pedlar F. H. W. Hickling DEPARTMENT STORE Made-to-Mcasurc SUITS With 2 Pairs of Trousers This is what you have b^n looking for! The W. R. Johnston Co. and Tip Top Tailors Ltd., have just advised that their made-to-meas- ure Suits can now be supplied with Two Pairs of Trousers, 'inhere is a good selection of suiting sami)les to choose from, and of course, fit and satisfaction are jiuaranteed with every order. Kroy Unshrinkable KNITTING WOOL A new full-range of popular colors has just arrived. There is every possibility of Knitting Yarns advancing in price shortly, and ladies will be well advised to make their selections in good time. Price now 37c per ounce ball THERE'S FUN TCAD/^I FOR EVERYONE ON vEUIfUFj :!id. e.veellent health and is able to recite at various events and is real active. We hope that she will be able to en* joy many more anniversaries. Or. and Mrs. Bra ton of Toront6, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutton and song of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchinson of Cnrletoh Place and Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston of Hark- away were recent and holiday visit- ors with Mlia. Geo. Hutchinson, Mil- ton and Tcna. PARRY SOUND llS-S.-i PENETANG $ 8.85 WASAGA BEACH $ 5.75 MEAFORD $ a.Wo (Subject To Chunge) â- Â« Tickets arnl Information at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION

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