Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1948, p. 5

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If 9 m f 1 f r « ^ 1 V ..-,--. Z i ri.i ---». ' *. 1 i. •» THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, Aug^ust 11, 194S PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee of Toronto are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allison of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and yn. VViibert Fisher and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto vis- ited with relatives here. The Wilkinson family held their reunion at Bognor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moore of Toron- to called on friends here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Laui'ie Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D- A. enjoyed a motor trip te New Lowell, Stayner and Creemore. Misses Jean and Elsie Plantt of Meaford and Miss Ruth- McKee of Toronto had a very enjoyable week holidaying with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt, and with Janet Loog-heed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn Jf Hamilton are visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar visit- ed with the Cooke and Young fam- ilies at Shelburne recently. Mr. and Mrs, Boib Meldrum of New Toronto spent this week with the former's parents. It is estimated that a cow moves its jaws 41,000 a day â€" and without saying a word that hurts anybody TRADE-IN FURNITURE VALUE Chesterfield suites, kitchen furni- ture, kitchen cabinets, beds, dressers, 4eska, bahy carriages, etc. McTavish Home Furnishers Durham, Ont. PIANOS All makes, some refinished, with benches. If interested phone 196w2 Duudalk. W. BLAKEY PROTON STATION VANDELEUR The August meeting of the W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. H. I. Graham on August 4, with 13 mem- bers and two visitors present. The president, Mrs. W. B. Johnston, pre- sided and also gave a paper on the topic "Thy will be done." The devo- tional exercises were led by Mrs. Ethel Hutcliinaon and the roll call was answered by a verse. Readings were given by Mrs. Andy Fawcett and Howard Graham, the former entitled "Look Forward" and the 'lattei "Teaching Children Religious Toler- ance." Ruth Graham sang a solo "Jesus Bids us Shine," accompanied by Mrs. Will Bowles. There was some discussion with regard to a sale of baking and other matters. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Davis, Mrs. L. Johnston and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Eccles of Dromore were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ormsby. Miss Ruth Graham spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Joy Gra- haiTO, near M&rkdale. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hopkins aad Donald and Miss Kathleen Wyvill of Toronto, Lome, Lloyd and Clarence Wyvill <xf Orillia were recent visitora with Messrs. John and Wes Wyvill. Mr. Wes Wyvill visited his brother, Thos., at Proton, who' is very ill. He also visited hLs daughter in Owen Sound. Mr. Elmer Wiley of Montreal anc Miss Emily Lawson of Wodehouse were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnston and family. Mrs. Katherine Davidson is visiting her sisters, Mrs. L. Johnston and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. EJverette Graham, Windsor, is holidaying with h'is aunt. Miss M K. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Russell J<Anston of Niagara visitied with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ratcliffe. â- M'r. Pentland of Hanover occupied the pupit in the church Sunday. CAMERAS BOUGHT ,\ND SOLD EXCHANGED OR REPAIRED REG. BODEN B-A Station FLESHERTON PRICEVILLE Shingling STEPHEN'S CORNERS :: NOW is the time to look after your roofs and *|> to apply asbestos siding. X I Call I Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. :| Local Agent : G. B. Walton. Flesherton | V ;: I- Clean Up- Paint Up We have to help you SCREEN & COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS HOUSE & BARN SPRAY D.D.T. 2, 4-D . LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TOOLS CrV and SHERWIN-WILLLAMS QU-\LITY PAINTS and ENAMELS for inside and outside use Paint Brushes RoUer-Koters Johns- Manville Roofing, Shingles and Insulation Cedar-Grain Asbestos Siding Insul-bric Roll-bric Lime Hardwall Plaster LOOKING FOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS? See our display of CHINA, DINNER SETS. PYRKXWARE, EASY WASHERS and V.^CUUM CLEANERS KITCHEN ENAMELWARE • Duncan*s Hardware Coal - Setnenl - Electrical Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Bob Meads, Toronto, spent the week end at his parental home and attended the wedding of his brothc'r Mr. Ken Nichol, Ottawa, is spend- ing a week with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean ano family of Toi-onto are spending a couple of weeks here, also Mrs. Ma- noie McLean, Mr. .\llie McLean and daughter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Richardson, Mrs. Jack McNeill ana Gilviay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc'innon, To- ronto, are on holidays for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. John L. McKinnor and faanily of Saskatoon, Sask., are holidaying with Mi-s. Annie McKin- non and other friends. They came by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod and Marion and Ruth Huston of London apent the week end here. The two girls remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pedan and family of Fergus were visitors with her parents at the station. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLean, Lon- don, were week end visitors at the hoone of D. L. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Bahby Sltherland, Mrs. Sutherland and Priscilla, To- ronto, ^ent the week end here. Misses Anna MacVicar and sister, Alexis, and .'X.ngus MacVicar, Toron- to, spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells, Mr. and Mra. Eldon Runcinian and family of Toronto were week end visitors with Mtrs. Runciiman. Mr. Russell McKechnie and Mi. McDonald of Port Arthur were visit- ors last week at the home of Archie McKechnie. Mr. .Angus iVIcLachlan of Coboconk and Mrs. Minnie Beaton are holiday- injg at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Kosnic and babe, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Campbell. Toronto, were week en<i visitors at the home of Mr. R. H. MoConkey. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Angus McArthur over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sullivan, Mrs. Clare Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Tiordo:! Miller. Mr. and Mrs. JLm Thompson, Mr. Lloyd McArthur, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. SheHraerrit and faanily of Buffalo. Mr. Innis McLean of Toronto spent the week end in the village. Miss Florence McPhail, Toronto, was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. E. McKinnon. Mr. H. McLean and sister. Qwen. Toronto, spent the week ei^d at their parental home. Mr. and Mi-s. M. McMillan and -Vlrs. Belle MIcLean left on Tuesday morning for a three week vacation at Ft. Worth, Texas. Mrs. Jessie Koeritz attended the funeral of Mr. Gilson in Toronti; last we»k. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stickney and Dianne returned to Stratford, after spending a week with Mrs. McLach- lan and ather friends. Paul Davis of Aurora is visiting his grandmother. Mrs. F. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Don McLean and Mac- ilyn. Miss .\lma .McLean and Neil all of Tororito, were visitors with their mother here. • iriss Isabel Karsted.t of Toronli- spent the week end with her parents' Mr. anii Mrs. H. E. Karstedt. Recent visitors at the hcune of D Campbell were:' Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hi!' and Sandy of Fergus. Chanse of Prices Flesherton Barber Shops have been forced to advaiK'e their prices for the following services: Men's Hair Cut 50c Shaves 35c Child's Hair Cut 36c H. MILLIGAN R. ANDREWS CLARKSBURG Camp Meeting Aug. 13-22 INCLISIVK C. I. ARMSTRONG Houghton.i iN.Y. EVANGF-LliST Missionary Progrzun DR. B. H. PEARSON, Director of the Oriental Missionai'y Society and recently from South Anxerica. Services: Satui-day night. Sunday afternoon and Monday night .August 15, 1.5. 16 Song Evangelist PROF. KENNETH WELLS Chicago, 111. Mrs. We!U. Prof, of Speech at the Chica.if!) Evangelistic Institute, will accompany har husband anii bring ••crtni readings. Rev. H. .A. Whiting, Pres. (Intended for Lust Week) Mi-s. Fred Salmon and Ken of To- ronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Constable, Mr. Bruce Constable and Miss Jean Con- staple of Maple visited on Sunday with Mr. Roy Fenwick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meredith, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous, visited recently with Rev. and Mr* Holmes at KemJale. Mr. and iirs. Emerson Wright, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison and Mrs. B'.vb Meldrum, attendmi the funeral on Monday of last week of the late Mr. R. J. Smali at Shelburne. Miss Ethel Fenwick, Reg.N., has returne<l to her duties as instruct©! of nurses at Peterboro. We are sorry to raport that Mrs. Redge Londry is in Orangeville Hos- pital, where she underwent an oper- ation last week. We wish a speedy recovery Visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteows were: Mr. and Mrs. Cec Magee and George of Eugenia, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martyn aid children of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs Claire Holter and sons ot Toronto and Herb LeGard Jnr., of Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and Lisle Lewis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sephens at Sh(?lbume. Miss Haael Fenwiok of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deane and Etoug of Brampton and Mr. Reg Al- lison of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Tels. Allison and faimily. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saigeon and Joyce of Hanover spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Misa Reta Saigeon and WajTie, who have spent the past week visiting at the Porteous home, returned home with them; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wriaht vis- ited a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Statford, Berkeley Mr. and Mk-s. Ray Wilson of Ak- ron, Ohio, visited for the past week with Mrs. Neubauer and Mrs. Sproat while Mrs. John Morrison of Kansas City, Miss., and Mrs. Karyl Warren and little son, Freddy, are visitors at Che home. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and Ruth, also Mrs. Fred Siproat and Mrs. Neubauer, attended the wedd- i ing of their niece, Miss Dorothy West, at Belleville on SatJrday, Aug. 7th. Mr. Hunter HarT»w of Learning ton visited in this vicinity last week. One of the hardest things to over- I come u* being b'tvn. poor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REFUSE DUMPING ON ROADS IN .A.RTEM.ESIA TOWNSHIP .A.!l persons are hereby notiiied to cease dumping tin cans, rubbish anything on the roadsicies in .A.rte- mesia Township, under penalty of prosecution. â€" By Order of the Road Supt. j A coimpr^mise is when a man agrees to buy hia wife what aitfl wants if she'll just shut up about it c:oAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Som Wright & Son Phone 170 MARKDALE FEVERSHAM There is No Substitute for GOOD COAL BUY NOW FOR COMFORT NEXT WINTER Coal cars will be short again thi.s season. Oo not be caug-ht short this year. Order and take delivery of your coal when available. D. MacTavish & Sons Phone No. 9 FLESHERTON We are pleased to report that Mr C. N. Long has returned home. Mrs. Laurie Sewell visited hei sister, Mrs. Gerald Hill, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Joiin Parker of To- '• ronto visitad the former's father, Mr. Wm. Parker. Mr. Emerson Parker spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. .\lbert Stewart, C. B. Peri- goe »f Malton and I. H. Perigoe ot Toronto visited their niece, Mrs Howaril McKee. and family. Mr. Bruce Plumnier spent tht week end with his wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heitman and Lee visited Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jion Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee. Jim and Bill. an<i .\iiiss Betty Graham spent Sunday at the home of HaroU Cameron at .^Iton. Mrs. Heni->' .A.lexander it; visiting her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Armstrong at Thornbury. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Burke of Owen Sound are visiting with Mrs. Geo. Burke. Mrs. Lloyd Hudson and son visited her parentes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter j";^ Poole, Colling^\'ood. Supplies in Stock BEATTY HAY CARS HAY FORKS LONG SLINGS SHORT SLINGS PUMPS and PUMP ROD PIPE CYLINDERS ELECTRIC PUMP JACK DEEP WELL SYSTEM RENFREW ELECTRIC and HAND CREAM SEP.ARATORS -A number of small size reconditioned Cream Separators Washing Machines and Stoves Machines RUBBER and STEEL-TIRE W.VG0N3 GOOD SECOND-HAND WAGON 2 FROST & WOOD MOWERS SCUFFLEBS HAY R.4.KES WHEEL SETS Builders' Supplies Insulbric and Rol-Brick Siding 5-in-I 210-lb. Shingles Winlock and Vrrowlock Shingles Insulation Building Paper EDGAR BEITS Phone 46J FLESHERTON, O«tario ROCK MILLS I Mr. Edgar LeGard left last week for his home at Glenside, Sask., after sipending a month with rela- tivse and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley si>ent the week end with memibers of their family at Gait. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore of Durham spent the week end at the home of Chas. Newell. Miss Olive Ibbebtt. who spent her holidays with her friend. Miss Helen Betts, ha.s returned to her home 'n Owen Sound. Mr. Fi-ank Betts Ls the first tii finish hai-vestsing in this vicinity, having finished on Saturday. Some of the fanners inton<l to stook thresh. Mrs. Ned Cvoft had the misfor- i tune to fall down the stops going ! into the cellar one day last week j and received a fracture of her right arm. She h.-id the fracture reduced in Miukdale hospital. CEYLON .Mr. antl Mrs. Ken Stewart and children visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Bert Wy.itt at Walkerton. Mr. ;Hid Mrs Robert Watson of To- i-onlo spent the week end with Mrs.! George Cjunvphell. who returnod to Toi-onto with them. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Hemphill, Leonard and Lois, spent the week end with friends in Toronto and Niagara. Miss Ruth Hemphill retumed with them, after apeiuling the past week in I Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plester vi.site«l with Kitchener friends on Sunday. j Visitors witk Mr. and Mr,s. Lawson Whitehead la<it week w»rp: Mr. aim Mi-s. Fred Stafford, Ownn Sovjnd and Young Men Join the ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE - GROUND CREW 17 - 30 years of age, Junior Matriculation or one year less AIR CREW 18 - 24 years ot age, Senior Matriculation Commanding- Officer RC.\F Station. Toronto 1107 .\venue Road Toronto Please forward, without obligation, all en- listment inl'ormation regarding AirgrevvjGround- crew to: Mr. Addres *

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