Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1948, p. 4

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IWedncsday, September 22, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^'N i 1 THE Flesherton Advance i^iblubed oD CoUin^wood St., Fleaherton, V/ednesd»r of «•«>> week. Circulation 1,100 Price 9:2.00 • year in Canada, paid in AdTkaee; |2.50 p.>r year in tha United States. J. THURPTDN. Edi' .- VICTORIA CORNERS CEYLON PRICEVILLE Mrs. C. Archiibald spent a week with friends in Toronto. j Dr. and Mrs. W. Henderson of The Federated Farm Women met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. B. Whittaker, when 22 ladies (Intendud for Last Week) Stedk thre^^hinp and combining kas been the chief modes of harv«8t- in^ in the neighborhood lately. .School commenced Tuesday with S<!« Marian Wilson of Owen Sound •8 the new teacher and with one new japil. "Ricky" O'Hanlan. Wilma Stevens and Bobby NichoHs, gradu- ates oif No. 4 puiblic school at the | •Joiie of the sumuner term, go by bus : to Flesherton High School. Glen Copeland, Swamp Cx>llege, is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mr«. Emia Stewart, and going to the same kigh school by bus. At 1 family gathering in the home «C Mr. Art Jackson, Sunday, Sept. Vth, their family presented them 'iwth a beautifully decorated cake in and receive reward. 17p3 konor of their 30th wedding annirer- Mry. All members of the family were present, including: Harold, Miss Buel, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gillies, ai «f Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jbckson of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Say Jackson of Dundalk, Bill and Jane at home. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wil- tltd Gallaugher confined to bed since Pridej- with a heart condition. Mr. Jack Tutton, Miss Florence Bstchelor, Les Batchelor and Jean Lvre attended the CNE on Tuedsay. Mr. Chas. Barrett, Toronto, was a caller Friday in the home of Walter aLeheson. On his return to Toronto he was accomiMtnled by his cousin, (Mrs. Acheson, who will visit for' a â- few days with relatives there. Mrs. Fred Linton was hostess on IThursday afternoon to 11 memben and one visitor of the Inlstioge W.A. Heading.s were presented by Mes- Annos Batchelor. Gallaugher and J>nncan; Scripture reading, Mrs. Wnton; Lesson thought, Mrs. Russell Patterson, and Missionary lesson by Mrs. Oscar Patterson, prepared by lbs. (rordon Acheson. Mrs. Russell Acheron rendered a solo. Miss Marie Cooke, Toronto, was v week end grupst in the home of her aiece, Mrs. George Moore. A numiber from here attended the â- nnlvprsary sprvices in Bethel United Chnroh Sunday and enjoyed hearing Ber. R. A. Sppncer, a former pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and little daoffhtpr of Alliston were Snnday ^flttors with Mrs. Wm. Lndlow and Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Stinson. Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. Fred Marshall. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett were: Mrs. Sally Wagner of Toronto, Walter Shouipe of Brantford and Mr. Norman Tack- aberry of Markdale. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Isaac Snell on Wed- nofday, Sept. 29th, at 2 p.m. Miss M. E. Aitken spent the week end at her parental home in Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel spent a fow days in Toronto last week. Mr and Mrs. Claude Chislett visited on Sunday with the forme's father, Mr Fred Chislett. FEVERSHAM Reapeot of the man whose atiit ia in creases increases. (Intended for Last Week) We are sorry to learn that Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto had the misfortune to break a bone in hia foot while at work. He ia at present staying with his brother. Angus. Mr. Roscoe Acton of Hanover is rfl'.oving at the B.-A. while Mr. A. K. Goessel i.s on holidays. Miss Nancy McWilliam underwent an appendix operation on Thursday morning in the Owen Sound Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery and thnt she will soon be Iback to duty on the hospital nursing staff. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock of Mon- ticello visited a day last week with Mrs. M. Plester. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel spent a few days last week at Barrie. Fred Irish of Toronto spent the week end at the P. Herophill home. Robt. Plester, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes land Sandra visited Sunday with Mrs. Jim Matthews, Rocklyn. Mrs. Roy Rutledge and Mrs. And. Ferguson of Lethbridge, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Marshall and family of IMarkdale, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshall of Holland Centre and Dal- ton Rutledge of Toronto were week end and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge. The people of Ceylon and commun- ity sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rowbotham and Shirley in their recemt heavy loss, when theii ban> was struck by lightning. Theii season's crop, with some livestock and implements were destroyed. Mrs. RowlKitham is well known here, she heinsr the former Ilene Stafford. Miss .A^gnes JTacph;U of Leaside is visiting Mrs. Mel. Hogarth. Mrs. Anna McMillan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cla«de Chislett at Klmira. Miss Barbara Mnr..!hal! spent the week end with her parents. Barbara is teaching at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray of Ingle- wood visited on Sunday with Mr. aid Mrs. E. C. Mitchell. Windsor and Mrs. Howard Elliott of ^ were present. Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs. Mervyn Mc- Faddert at the piano. Mrs. Wm. Beaton took the topic and spoke on the pioneers of the community. A geography match was also enjoyed. Mrs. Whittaker conducted a musical contest, the prize being won by Mrs. Stewart Boice. The hostess donated an article and was won by Mrs. Snell. A salad plate supper was served and an enjoyable time spent The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Irwin. Mrs. Whyte, Snr., is visiting with friends at Bramipton. Jean Harrison of Sprirvghill sipent rfi couple of days with her aunt, Mrs. Edgar Patterson. •Miss Gretta Nichol of London vis- ited last week with friends here. Mrs. Dave Nichol accompanied her howie for a week. Mrs. Lome McNally, Misses Annie and Julia Weir of Durham and Mr. Dean of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Jos. McKee. The latter spent the week end and took the service in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday. I Miss Ruth Whyte left last week to ' teach school at Sudbury. Priceville boys played a friendly game of ball with the O.D.R. lads oa Friday night and the score was 10-9 in favor of O-DJR. This Friday the return game will be in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and .lane spent Thursday in Toronto. The latter remained to attend Colleg«. Mr. and Mrs. Haldeniby and son, David, and Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Hincks and Marilyn of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage. Mrs. Sproat left last week for a trip to Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Cook of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mclntyre of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee and Mrs. Aldcom. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Sutherland of Elora and Miss Jean Cunningham of Orillia spent the week end at the home of Mr. Allie Muir. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. MacArthur and Eleanor and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol sp&nt a couple of days at the London Fair and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacCuaig visited on Sunday with friends at .Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mills of Clarksburg visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mills. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long and Ken spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .rim Roi)ertson at Ouelph. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Mrs. Robt. McGirr of Toronto called on their old neighbors on Saturday. Miss Isabel Torrie spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Laurie Sewell visited her uncle and aunt at London, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker of De- troit visited his father, Mr. Wm. Parker. The Presbyterian Church, Fever- shaim will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 3rd, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Mr. John Bell will preach at both services and the Dun- dalk male quartette will sing. Miss Gertrude Pedlar is visiting her father and sister, Mr. Ed. Pedlar and -Mrs. J. M. Stafford. Mrs. Henry Alexander is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Colquette, at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Croft of Flesherton visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Otterwell. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee. Rev. Dr. Louis Shein, Mrs. Shein and so^, Brian, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. £dgar and called on old friends in the community, who were pleased to see them again. Dr. Shein preached in the Presbyterian Church while here. Lots more people might ibe <»Teat singers, only they don't smoke cigarettes. The man who built a two-car gar- age a few years back certainly was foresighted. He keeps the car in one sid^ and lives in the other. NOTICE TC THE PUBLIC <eE[FUS£ DUMPING ON BOADfl iN ARTEMBSIA TOWNSHIP All persons are hereby notified to cease dumping tin eana, mbbiaih oi anything on the roadsides in Aflta> m^ia Township, under penalty of prosecution. â€"By Order of the Road Sopt MAXWELL You Receive Your 1943 and 1944 Why is it that thei things we never gtt woiry us more than the things ye lose? DELL Theat re DURHAM "South Grey'» Most Modem Theatre St. John's United Church Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister Thursday - Friday Saturday September 23, 24, 25 •♦'SALOME WHERE SHE DANCED" (Technicolor) with YVONNE DeCABLO and ROD CAMERON "TTIny Terrors of Timberland* "Smoked Hams" ! "Sing and Be Happy" Batarday Matinee at 2:30 p.m. Show* at 7 snd 9 I Monday Tuesday i Wednesday I September 27, 28, 29 ' "THREE DARING , DAUGHTERS" Slerrlrc PEANETTTB MACDONALD JOSB rrURBI JANB POWBLL "Rabbit Transit" "Go ye and teach all nations." Rally Day services, Sunday, Sept. 2fith, as follows: 11 a.m., Flesherton; 2 pjm., Inistioge; 3 p.m., Proton Sta- tion; 7:30 p.m., Eugenia. Parents and all other friends are invited to join with Sunday Schools in this important and- attractive ser- vice. Remember to change your clock back to Standard Time. Inistioge Young People's Union meets Friday evening, Sept. 84,' in the church. Annual meeting. Proton Station YJjU. meets on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 8 pm. For reiJort of newly-organized T. P.U. in Flesherton, see news Item In this issue. Biirgoyne. Mr. and Mi-. Bill Taylor ami fam- ily of Toronto were week end vistiors at the home, of Donnie \Thyte. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims visited Sunday with their daughter at Fergfus Mr. Joe Wright of Shelburne spent the week end with his mother. iMr. Angus McLachlan of Coboconk spent the week end w-ith his mother. iMessra. Ross and Jack McConkey of Toronto spent the week end at their parental home. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White, E.D., Pastor HARVEST HOME at 3 p.m. SUNDAY, 26TH SEPTEMBER. 194S Special Speaker: Rev. D. W. Terry, B.A., B.Th. Pres. Grande-Ligrne Mission Board ALL ARE WEIiOOME ' Money alone won't build a beauti- ful estate. One gentleman starts it; a second enjoys it; a third loses it. Then neiw rich buy it. CEDARSIDE BAPTIST'CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White, ED., Pastor ANNIVERSARY SEpVICES SUNDAY, B6TH SEPTEMBER," 1948 11 a.m. and 7;30 p.m. Special Speakw: Rev. D. W. Terry, 8.A.. B.Th: Pres. Grande-Ligne Mission Board ALL ARE WELCOME Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett visited the week end with their dangrhter, Reta (Mrs. Les. Mills) and husband at St. Catharines. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins and son, John, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham last week. Mr. Jesse Grummett spent a few days at Dundalk last week. .«^elling Out at Cost F U L L K R B R U S H.E.S Too Expensive to Travel, Quitting the Fuller Line S. L ST AlFFER The Fuller Man Is now selling all stock on hand at 01' below cost price. This is your grand opportunity to get something fur nothing, .\ll the.'^e hundreds of dollars* worth of stock will be dis- tributed among the good folk of this district. Remember, ever>'thing goes at 'cost; see that you get your share. Mops; iwet or dry brooms, hair brooms, hair brushes, clothes brush- es; tooth; nail; separator; scrub; stair; poavder complexion; manicure, dental plate brushes; window brush- es; wax polisher; moth cry.stals and everything else in th* Fuller line. Come to the Fuller Man's hom» in the north end of Fleshetron, or dijtip a card and I will reserve for you the article you wish. S. L. STAUFFER Phone 57 Flesherton REFUNDABLE (To be mailed by 31st March, 1949) TF your name or address has changed since 1943â€" fill out the special "Change of Address" Card available at all Post Offices and Income Tax Offices. Mail the "Change of Address" Card before October 31st, 1948. Mail this card even if you completed one last year. You should not fill out a "Change of Address" Card if both your name attc/ address are still the same as ia 1943. * ^f^ .^*/(4^^ Cool weather has dampened spirits of lake-side holidays. the Money in circulation at the start ot June amounted to an average of $180.94 per American. It's nice to read at>out, anyway. ANNOUNCEMENT J. A. WiDoughby and Sons, Realtors, Toronto, announce the appointment of MR. ED. BREADNER, EUGENIA as their representative for Eugenia a«d sur- rounding area. Consult him with your real estate problems â€" buying or selling og anything ip real estate. Mr. Breadner is well kii»wa in your community and represents the largest real estate agency in Canada. Contact him at Eugenia. :: •fW^*S^^ EMPLOYERS and EMPLOYEES! New contribution rates for . Unemployment Insurance Are effective October 4, 1948 The new contribution rates are: â€" Class Clasa of Employed Persons While earning less than 90 cents a day or while under 16 years of age ......... (*Paid on his behalf by the employer) Earnings in a week: $ 5.40 to $ 7.49 EUtrnings in a week: $ 7.50 to $ 9.59 Elarnings in a week: $ 9.60 to $11.99 EUirnings in a week: $12.00 to $14.99 Earnings in a week: $15.00 to $19.99 EUirnings in a week: $20.00 to $25.99..... Earnings in a week: $26.00 to $33.99.. WEEKLY RATE Enoployer Employee Cents 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 Earnings in a week: $34.00 or morej: .,..>.. 18 24 24 24 24 30 36 42 Cents »9 12 15 18 21 24 30 36 42 Value of Weekly Stamp Cents 18 30 39 42 45 48 60 72 84 |:Weekly and monthly rated employees earning $3,120.00 or more a year are not insureA On and after September 20, 1948, new denominations of UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE STAMPS will be on sale at POST OFFICES. Surplus stamps of old denominations may be exchanged at Post Offices any time prior to October 31, 1948. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4, 1948. INCREASED BENEFITS ARB PAYABLE TO CLAIMANTS WITH DEPENDENTS. THERE ARB OTHER CHANGES AFFECTING BOTH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYE^. For full p»rticul*rs. apply to tlu aottroMt otfe* e/ THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION R. J. TAtLON Commissioner I Q. BI880N Chief Commissioaer C. A. L. MURCQIION ComnuBticia^t It- r * .4 -» 'f ^ X,,^ f f J ^ A. X X J^ 4 V V ;^ Ik V 'A * H ^ J* ... *^ A. a. â- 41 --n^jf l\

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