Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1948, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 22, 1948 isi^^^i^^^^i^^i&v^is^ssi^i^smsmi^^ Greetings . . May the Christmas Day of 1948 be merrier than any Christmas Day you have ever had before, and the hap- piest holiday season. I wish to express my appreciation for your patronage and extend to you best wishes for the coming- year. Howard Milligan Barber FLESHERTON All the World Stops -^'â- ^. ^-â-  AT Christmas Time And as we stop in the midst of the season of good cheer, our liearts grow tender as we are carried back in thought to the reaHty of Christmas Day. and what it mens. In sincerity, we greet you and wish yoira.delig'htful hoHday season. b. W. Phillips & Son Harness, Shoe Repairing Flesherton THE STARâ€" OUR BEACON OF FAITH >*â-  *^~^ The Star of ISethfehein which guided the riirec \\ isc Mcii t'l the manger where child-Jesus lav,--StiU casts its gentle -' - ' .1,. .£v ' beams on this tif^ubled Earth. Let us lift up our eyes unto this beacon â€" this symbol of Heavenly guidance. Let us enrich the lives' of our fellow-men this Christmas, with a new under.standing ot "Tiie' brotherhood Lif Man. ^ Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON / We Wish You Merry Christmas Again we tiiul ourselves in the midsi. ot The Christmas Season, even in time of trouble it is a Season oi "Good Tidings" of "Great Joy," it is an earnest hope of the "Peace cm Earth and Good-Will to Man" which we pray will come to uur country and the world in the future. We express our sentiments in gifts to loved ones and to the needy, reminiscent ' of the Wise Men's gift of 'Gold. Frank- incense and Mvrrh." Flesherton Creamery Phone 66 FLESHERTON BUCKINGHAM ilr. and Mrs. Harry Udell spent a few days last week with the latter's ii.^ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Banks, ac Brauiford. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Tupling and son, Hartley, attended the marriage of their son, Alan, in Toronto on December 11th. Mr. Frank Wiley of Nottawa sipent a recent week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brownridge. Mr. Gilford MuUin of Sarnia spent tii« Week end at his home. Members of their family, and the neighbors in the comjinunity, honor- ed Mr. and Mr. Robert McAlister of the 10th line upon the occasion ot their 30th wedding anniversary, at a party in Rob Roy hall, when they were presented with a cabinet of silvei-ware. The recent groom and bride, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tupling, were seren- aded by the chainvari ganjc Thurs- day evening at Alan's home, and on Friday evening were presented with a purse of money at a party in their honor at Robinson's hall. PORTLAW A successful concert was held at Portlaw school on Dec. luth. the pro- ceeds of the evening being about $27. Mr. Alvin McKenzie was chair- man for the evening. Little Patricia Pi'oud ma<le the speech of "Wel- come." Recitations, drills and songs were enjoyed, with the Pedlar orch- estra giving some numbers. Santa ClavLS was present and distributed gifts from the tree. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Holroyd ol Mai-crorie, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Piantt. Mrs. Hol.'oyd wai formerly Alice Holnian of the Fourth Line. We are pleased to report Mr. C. D. Meldrum able to be out again ha%'ing suffered sevei'e nose ble -Is a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Menzies ot Warehaim spent an evening WTth their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Fisher a^d D. A. Mr. and^-Mrs. Robt. HiU of Coi:- ing^vood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plant* recently. Mrs. Fr*ser and 'baby of Owen Sound visited with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. F. Shier. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blackburn ana children were in Collingwood Friday visiting the Stewart and Clark families. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie PedTar were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and family near ilarkdale. VANDELEUR A Merry Christinas to Ye Editor and faanily and all readers of The .A.dvanre. The Farm Forum has lield some interesting meetingb rerently. On Monday evening. Dec. 20th, there ' was a' larg'ely :Ut-ended meeting in the CommunitvliaU. with an intet- eating progi'am. There was a Christ- mas tree and .an exrhange of gift? amongst the menvbers. Progress:vt ciokir.ole and card- wore played and some nice prizes given. Last week the Foru-m were guests of Orange Valley for an interesting meeting. The "week before the meeting was I'.eld at the home of H. 1. Graham. The sympathy of the community is e-xtencied to the Wober families :n the death i-( Mr. Frank Weber of Kimberley. The monthly meeting,_of the W.I. was held in the Community Hall on Thursday aftrenoon, Dec. lOth. Rev. W. M. Lee was guest s.peaker and Mrs. Dane McGee explained the motto. An exchange of Christmas siifts was a pleasant item on the program. Luncli was served. ROCK MILLS Your correspondent wishes The Advance and statf and its many readers a very Merry Christmas. Mr. R. C. Armstrong of Paisley and Mrs. M. Whitmore of Durham were visitors over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mv- and Mrs. Willis Coburn and family of Traverston were recent visitors ivith her parents. Mi-, ami Mrs. Dick Clark. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Dick Clark is feeling bettei again. She spent a couple of days last week in Markdale Hospital hav- ing x-rays. Manv friends here arc sorry to know that Mr. .lim Dargavel ij con- fined to his bed with a heart condi- tion, but hone he will soon be able to be up and about again, enjoyiiii, better health. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Croft spent th« ,vfk end with h-r mother. Mrs. Klsie Shaw, at Ceylon. Misses Edith and Miabel Betts at- tended the Christmas oiit^rtainnient of the Ciospel WoiTu-rs' Church at Markdale on Friday night and as si.-!ted with the program. l'>y resolutinn ol the Council of the \illage of h'leslierton I hereby declare a Civic Holiday on Boxing Day MONDAY, DEC. 27, 1948 when the retail stores will remain closed. K. C. r.etts. Reeve .*â- Â«Â» CEYLON -Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel spent a few days last week in 'loronto. Mr. Carman Blester returned home Sunday night after .-^pending the past two months at Regan. Miss Maud Hemphill and Mrs. Em" erson Wright of Feversham spent a few days in the village last week. The Ceylon Ladies' .A.id will meet at the home of Mrs. A. E. Goessel o" Thursday. Dec. ;iO, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCormack and s'iu of Swinton Park Mr. and Mis. Edgar Betts and Norma of Flesherton and Mr. and Mi's. .\oi-val Betts (,f Eugenia were Sunday guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Law on Whitehead. Mr. and .Airs. .^lex. Marshall of Holland Centre visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr.s Robt. Rutledge. " -Mr. Luther Duckett, M'rs. Eklgar Doupe, Joan and Murrav, and Walter Shoupe visited with .Mr. and M'5. R. Haney and Mr. and .\i,--. W. Duckett at Eugenia. SWINTON PARK Mis. Hugh McMillen an<i Mrs. Chas. Aldcorn and babe have gone to Toronto for the Christmas season. Best Christmas wishes to Ye Edi- tor and readers. Fowl picking has heeij the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tell spent Fri- day in Owen Sound. ' Our school concert was held Friday evening, with a good attendance. Santa Claus arrived and delivered parcels from the ti-ee. Gordon McNalty had his tonsils removed -in the Orangeville Hiispita! recently. We are i;lad to hear that Mrs. Geo Black, Snr., is improving after an attack of pneumonia. We are sorry to learn of the death in Toronto of Mrs. Chas. Smith (the loi-mer Tena McLean). A number from our vicinity at- tended the funeral of the late C. V. Statia in Dundalk on Thursday. VICTORIA CORNERS White Gift sei-vice was observed in Ini-tioire United Church Sunday afternoon, with Rev. A. G. Macplier- son officiating, and a junior choii leading in song. Many gifts were Lid on the altar and would be for- warded to the Victor Mission in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .\rheson ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry to Berkeley on Sunday to vi^it their cousins. Mr. and .Mrs. Dave Bradley. Congratulations and best wishes are in order to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walker, who celebrated their liOth \i;edding anniversary on Tuesday. Dec. 14th. We learned the shocking news on Tuesday evening of the death of C. V. Statia, druggist at Dundalk. His removal from the business life will be greatly missed by old and young alike. He was a very kind and pa- â-  tient friend to all. EUGENIA .â- V. Jierry Chritsmas to Ve Editor, 1 Siait, and" Readers of The .Advence ! Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and Mr.; and Mrs. Oliver Tiuner and sons ] visited recently w-.zh Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith at Hamilton. Mrs. -R. Haney visited her daugh- ter. Mrs. Doupe. at Flesherton. Mr. and .Mrs. C. Martin. .Marge, also -Mr. L. Partricige of -Maxwell, visited Sunday with Mrs. T. Levei and Harold at Hesherton. Mrs Lever is contined to bed, having had the misfortune to accidentally fall on the floor, injurinir her left lee. Little Miss Ruth W'alker, daugh- ter of Mr. and .Airs. \Vill Walker. l\ad the misfortune to fall from a bic.vcle 01! the icy roads and sutfer.^d a broken leg between the hip and knee. She is at present in the Owen Sound Hospital. Mr, Wes Lawler of Bala spent a few davs at the Walker home assist- ing -Mr. Walker while -Mrs. Walker was in Owen Sdund at the bedrid.' of her daughter. .\1'. and Mrs. Ed. Bread'! ji- sp-ot a fe.v days in 'li •.onio la- 1 '-.^^ik. .Miss Blanche Walker was home from Toronto Nonnal School during the week end. Mrs. Bert Magee was severely in- jured recently when their car. driv en by her son, Jim. left the road, when' something went wrong with the steering gear. Mrs. Magee_^ suf- fi-ied concussion, biuises and cut- when the car hit a tree. Mrs. Mage was taken to the Markdale Hospital wliere the extent of her injurie was found out. LADY BANK Sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell in their ber eavoment by the death of their in- fant son on Sunday morning, Miss Norma Maxwell and little niece of Toronto are spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hoi â-  -yd of .Alacrorie, Sask., were guests recently of Mr. and Mi'»- Wni. Poole The Providence S. S., and in com- paiiv with Kimberlev Baptist mem- bers and Mr. K. Cairns, hcM an^eii- lertainment in le churc'i here Sat- urday eve, ';i''-. afte.' whii !•. Mie ladies provided lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Fei'cv Sen.iple and Royden visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Iini Se.inple. Markdale. NOTICE OF MILK DELIVERY There will be no delivery on Christmas Day or Sunday fol- lowing, nor New Y'ears Day or Sunday followin,g. Wiish&ng you tlie Comipliments of the season. KEN ALEXANDER Shofourne. Dundalk and F!esher;>n Pa';';- A Yultide MW YUUR CHRISTMAS BE MERRY -AND YOUR N'EW YE.AK H.\PPY. TOO May the g-Iovv of your Christmas candles reflect all of the joys and the unfilled desire.s of the past year . . . and may that radiance forecast the coming year as the best and brightest of them all. Boyd Bros. Ford Dealers FLESHERTON ^ i CHRISTMAS GREETINGS \\ e hope that the very atmosphere about you will be charged with the good old cheer of Christmas and that you and yours will have a full measure of the best the season affords. E. J. FISHER FLESHERTON 5c TO Si. 00 STORE CHRISTMAS TREE As you and _\ our luved ones gather 'ruund your gaily decorated tree on Christmas morn, aa'c want yeu to know that 'uir thoughts are with you. It is our way of shoAving -you our appreciation for yt)ur generou- patrunage during the past. C. J. KENNEDY Superior Store FLESHERTON Christmas Greetings «;v t? Every tiay we feel appreoiati\e of the faviirs I't â- â€¢.:!â-  patrons and friends and of all courtesies shown us. but it is espec- ially at the Christmas Season we like to pause and think back over the pleasures derived from our business dealings. So we wish you the best of health, a pros- perous and greater 'happiness than has been yours before. 0. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON, ONT. S^IC^f***'

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