Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1950, p. 5

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• i « 1 » ♦ • THE FU^SHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 18, ^950 * s m « BUCKINGHAM Mr. Alvin Wagner is progresuing ftiTDrftbly at his home, following a recent appendectomy in Collinirwood hospitaL Tbe Janiiary meeting of the Com- i»un% Club was held at the home of Mra. A. Kawton, on Thursday, Jan. 12tlh, with a fair attendance. After derv<otional exercises, the re- port of tihe secretary was given, but due to the albsence of the treasurer, • report of the year's finances will be given at -^he Fchruary meeting, for which Mrs. M. Doughs has of- fered her homfe. Because of the small attendance at the Decemlber meeting, due to illness, the election of officeirB was deferre.l until this jiieeting and wag conductavl by the I'etiriner presiaenr,, Mrs. A'^ Haw- ton, resulting as follows: t resident, Mrs. Lloyd Htugh; Vice Pvosident, Mrs. Arnold Ralph; Secretary, Mrs. Melville Douglas; Treasurer, Mr.'i. A. Mullin; Buyers, Mrs. Mervin Mul- liii and Mi-s. Bert Hocldey. The remainder of tl»e afternoon was taicen up witih discussion of activi- ties for the coming month, aftei- which all enjoyed a delicious hincli. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mullin and Fllmer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Angius English and family in Hiam^ ilton on Thursday. < 1 Cream Is Staying Up In Price CREAM is one of the Farm Products that is staying up ih price, and is likely to be a good price for some time. Our advice to the farmer is produce as much cream as possible and deliver it to Flesherton Creamery, where every patron is a satisfied patron. We are still paying top market prices for FOWL and CHICKENS, ALIVE OR DRESSED Why not bring them in and them custom killed? Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON LADY BANK January 16th, rain and wind and more rain. Born T- On Sunday, Jan. 15, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sanderson, a dauglh>ter. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mtexwell and Wayne spent Sund«y with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eaglee at Gibraltar. "vMr. Royden Maxwell went to the Queen City last week to tiake a c'cui«e on diesel engines. We wish you success, Royden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shier and little son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Shier, near Portlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett in Kimlberiey. Mr. Georgi.- McConnell returned home with t'.em to spend a few holidays with his daughter, Mrs. Percy Semple. Ml", and Mrs. Beryl McConnell and family of Kimberley spent Sunday with MH:. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noble ol Bain-ie spent the weelt end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham. Betty Ann aocomipanied them home for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Noble. Mrs. Sherman Qfttewell and son, Mervin, spent Saturday with her brother, Mr. Ernest Bt'ownridge, who is ill in the Centre Grey Hospital at Markdale. Providence Ladies' Add held the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Jas. McKenzie on Wednesday of last week, w£lih a good attendance. The principal woi'k of the day was quilting for the Aid. The qudlt was sold by a draw and Mrs. Alex. Max- weM was the holder of tihe winning ticket. It was decided to donate (lO.OO to the Hospital for Sick Children, after wSiich lunch was served by the hostess and helpers. Some kiss beneath the mistletoe 'Some kiss beneath the rose. But the proper place to kiss a trirl Is riffht beneath her nose! GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. EUGENIA NORTH f, A very successful and enjoyable rokinole party was held under the auspices of the W.A. at the homo of H. Boettger Friday night. Tbe winner of the lady's prize was Mrs. F'rank Cairns and for the men, Ted Campbell. Mirs. Victor Hai<ding and son. John, of Acton and Miss Joan Hurd of Orton spent Sunday with Mra. Beati-ice Gordon and Earl and Miss Irene Walker. Mi-s. Gei-ald Magee is in Toronto and Bowmanville visiting her sisters and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Welton, Jackie and Mary Jane, of Berkeley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, ithe occasion being Jackie'j seventh birtihday. He enjoyed a nicely arranged party with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fawcett of Kimberley spent a day recently with Ml-, and Mrs. Duncan Williams. iMr. and Geo. Clark and Edward, and Bobby Wright, visited Sunday with the latter'a sister, Mrs. Harold Badg«row, Peversham. Mr. and Mtrs. Cliflfopd Ward of the valley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Comfidd. i. The knitting club met at the home ^ Mrs. Ted Caan|A)ell Wednesday night last for tiheir monthly social and business disouiBion. Tlie men folk enjoyed a few games of cards, after which a dainty hindh was served by Mrs. Campbell. jMr. and Mis. Garaet Magee were in Toronto Sunday visiting with Mr. Dean Clinton, who is seriously ill in the General Hospital. CEYLON Ceylon and community euchra club ni-et at the school Thiu-sday night when seven babies were in play. Hig^ scoi'e for the ladies went to Mrs. K. Hawkins and to Harry Sol- omon for the men. Consolation prizes wej-e won by Mis. Geo. SncU and Robt. Smith. The next euchre will be held in the school Jan. 19th. Come and have a good time. Miss Agnes Macphail of Leaside and Miss EHleen Aitkan of Orange- ville were week end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Md. Hogarth. tMtr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end here and visited his brother, Angus, at Markdale. Miss Ena Adams of Oiwen Sound spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Ceylon Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Dave Adams on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, at 2 p.m. Week end guests wit^ Mxs. E. Shaw were: Gordon Shaw of Mark- dale, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shaw and little son, Jimimie. Mrs. Shaw and Jimmie remained for a longer visit. PRICEVILLE SWINTON PARK STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our sympathy to Mi's. Jas. Varley and Mr. Herb Brill in the death of their father, who passed away recently in Kincardine hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frmak Hammill at Singhampton Master Brian Ham.mill acoompanied them home for a few days. Quite a numiber In our community have been laid up with colds and (In We hope all are soon well again. -4 .« 4 It 1K Pre-Inventory Sale Continuing to January 31 BRIEFLY, OUR STOCK IS SOMEWHAT HEAVIER AT THIS SEASON THAN USUAL AND WE ' WANT IT REDUCED BY THE END OF OUR BUSINESS YEAR, JANUARY 31 We Are Offering â€" 20% Discount on Overcoats and Parkas. All new season's Lines Stanfiield's Unshrinkable Underwear BED LABEL Shirts and Drawers, mail order price $3.50 Sale Price $3.15 BLUiE LABEL Shirts and Drawers, mail order price ?3.75 Sale Price $3.35 Ten Percent Discount on all other Underwear Men's Suits and Odd Trousers All Reduced in Price. Men's. Fine Shirts Plain colors, white and colored stripes, siaes I't-lTVi Regular $3'.95 Sale Price $3.49 Plain colors, white and colored stripes, sizes 14 - 17V4 Regular ?4.95 and $5.50 Sale Price $4.49 Men's Plaid Shirts Bright Plaid patterns, heavy weight, sizes up to 18% Regular $3.76 Sale Pnce $3.19 ' Dress Goods Special A Reduction of 10% on all Dress Goods in stock â€" includes plaids, alpines, gaibardines, printed crepes, rayons, plain crepes. All this Season's Goods. Prints and Broadcloths All our Regular 46c and 50c lines, yard wide, fast colors Sale Price 39c First Quality Nylon Hose Regular $1..40 lines, all new season's shades, sizes 9-11 Sale Price $1.19 Regailar $1.65 lines ' Sale Price $1.49 Women's Cotton House Dresses Good patterns, fast colors, all .sizes, Regular $1.39 and $1.75 Sale Price $1.10 Wabasso Pillow Slips Plain Hem and Hem-stitched, 42 inches wide. Regular $1.65 Sale Price $1.39 Printed Table Cloths New Bright Patterns, fast colors, size 52x52. Regular Regular $2.95,, $3.75 and $3.95 Sale Price $2.39 Floor Coverings Congoleums, Rexoleums, Congoleuni Rugs, Rexoleum Rugs. All Reduced Ten Percent Women's Shoes Broken lines, including Oxfords, Ties and Pumps; medium and high heels; black and brown; good range of sizes. At a fraction of orignal price. CLEARING SALE PRICE $1.00 PAIR Semi- Porcelain Dinner Sets and China Tea Sets All at Ten PeVcent Discount. Rev. HdDonald preached in S win- ton Park church and will be here foar a couple of following Sundays. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. George Black Sr. is not so well at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bverette Mai"tin and son of Cooksville, also the former's brother, John, visited orer the week end at the home of Bert Mlartin. A Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett retura->- ed home from Toi'onto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conbett and child- ren of Thornhury spent the week end with theim. ^Quite a few of the friends and neighbors visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McNailty (newly-weds) i'l the early hours of Saturday evening In the form of a charivari. â- Mr. and Mns. Ward Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Buckingham of Thamesville spent the week at the Hadden Hutchinson and James Hai"dy homes. Farm Forum is held this week at the home of Ivan Wright for Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fitzswnmons. Last week's meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EJdwin Fowler. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Brady Irwin was hostess to the Federated Fai'm Wonsen Wud- nesday afternoon, with a good at- tendance, and Mrs. I. B. Whittakf presiding. The roll call was answer- ed by naming the mo«t uiscfiil Christmas gift received. A;fter th^; business period, Mrs. Wm. Beato.i gave a reading "The Old and New Year." Mrs. Bradey Imwin aJsj gaive a reading "The Minid Keop.s the Body Well," while Mire. A. 1,. Hinoks gave the topic on the Hew Year and also read a Qoem "Uo Ca*«ftil What You Say." Mi-s. Wm. Hincks conducted a quizz and tlie prises were won by Mrs. I. B. Whit- taker and Mrs. A, L. Hineks. Thu hostess donated an article on whi<.': tickets were sold and Mts. A. L. Hincks was the winner. A deM«»>t ful lunch was seirred by the boste8>t and her assistants. The Felbiniary meeting will be held at the home o: Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Ma-, and Mrs. Bradey Inwin spent r'-ricay in Cuoiph. Mrs. Robt. Melntyre and twin daughters returned home "Thursday from the Durham Hosfpital. Mr-. IVIcDonald of Toronto preach- ed Sunday for a call in St. AndreAv'H church and delivered a fine messugi'. He will allso occupy the pulpit nt-xt Sunday. Choir practice will be held Su;- urday nights in St. Andrews' chua-ch for the winter months, in place ol each Friday. Mrs. Mary McLean of Tornnio spent the week end with her moth-.--, Mi-8. AJdcom. Mi's. Minnie McArthur spent :•. few days visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Calder, l.i' ry and Lynda, of Holstein visited on Sunday at the home of A. L. Hinilcs. A euchre party was held Friday night in the W.I. hall with Mrs. J. Whytc and Mrs. T. Harrison as the hostesses, when nine tables wciv in p.'ay. Mais. D. K McKinnon .von the prize for hijh-^st .score fa' Uie ladles and D. L. ITcArihur {.).â-  iUp men. Lunch was soi-vcil, af*.ei" > which Grant 'Sayer-i and Robt. i'l?s- tcr provided music for dancing;. 'Mtrs. John Nichol is visiting is-ith her two sons, Kenneth and Muiray, at Ottawa. Mr. Geo. Koeritz has returiioii, after visiting friends jn Toronto. Mr. Willis Sayers of Toronto spent the week end at his parent:;! home. The B.YJP.U. of Rock Mills held their meeting ta the lionie of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helmkay on Friday evening, with 12 niMnboi-s present. The seripturG lesson was read By Don Smith and the topic, based mi the temptations of Jesus during his life on this earth, was taken by Doreen Fisher. Readings were given liy Gordon Hehiikay and .Audrey Smith. A Bible gmme was enjoyed and the meeting closed with the singing of a hymn, after which lunch was seiwed. The icy condition of the road thi-ough the siwamp, .iust west of Rocik .Mills, wiis making dansero'.is driving and several aus hiul tr()ul)lo on what is known as Pedlra's hill. Two of the cars were considerably damaged when they went into the ditch. A gas truck was in difficulty in the same p^aee on Friday and a wrecker from Flesherton canio to his aid. Traffic was held up for some time. Sanding is being done at pre- sent to prevent any more accidents.. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, accom- panied by Mrs. Frank Betts spent Fi-iday in Owen Sound. Mr. R. C. Armsitrong of Paisley was in this district last week on business and called on friomis. YOU'LL FIND SUr.ST.XXVPTAL REDUCTIONS ON MANY LINES THROL'C.HOl'T TMF. STORK WHICH ARE NOT MENTIONED HERE F. H. W. HICKLING GENERAL MERCHANT FLESHERTON, ONT. Bored; "Why do you call Mark a small-talk expert?' Boreded: "If there's nothing to .say he'll say it." KIMBERLEY Miss Eleanor Ellis of Collinuwooii is spending some holidays with luu parents, Mb. and Mrs. E. Ellis. Mrs. .Ajidy Andrews of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. C. Grahiun. Gerald Kirkptarick and Dair.hi Forguson of Islington speiil thu week end at their respective honus. Miss Marion Hills of Ajax w;; ^ a week end guest of Miss Gwen li'i:;^. Miss Doi-olhy .\tkinson of Cliuo.i has been holidaying at her hunir. Miss Joan Ellis of Collin'^woo'l spent Sunday at the home o. ,.- r>arents. Miss Theliua Cornlield has :'ik' to C'ollingwood to accept a tiosiiDn. An organization nieeline- ol i .!• United Church Sunday Sclioo; w.is held Tuesday evening at the h)me of the Superintendent, .Mr. H. P. Baker. Teachers and officers were c'l^pointed and a Sundav S iK.oi ciioir was iuranged for. Mr. Thos. FHvacett, recently of Sipping, suffered a severe paiaijtie stroke at his home at Rcdwiii,- last week. \The s.vmipabhy of the community R-oes out to the Risk family in tli,.- loss of thoir mother, Mr-. .Ii>lin Risk. Tile funeral was held .S:' day from the home of her son, Cordon. to Markdale Cemetery. Send in Your Renewal. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE INCOME TAX RETURNS BY DIEING When you die the Succesion Duty Branch requires copies of. your Income Tax Returns for the past five years. Tax with Interest and Penalties (if any) must be paid before your Estate is released for distribution. Have Your INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared While You Are Living BRUCE E. REILL .ACCOUNTING AUDITJNC in attendance at I. B. Lucas Law Office Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Friday Wed. and Saturdi\ MARKDALE DUNDALK PHONE 2 2^ Years' Experience PHONE 180 Bookkeeping .Systems Installed .Xi

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